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Fantasy Welcome to Vanguard! Home of Pirates

Eunad just loosened the sails. "NOW we're ready." He said.

But he saw in the distance ..... ships of the Navy.He ran to Fenton.

"Bad news, the city is sealed off," said Eunad, "What shall we do?"
From the side of the town, lets call Fishport, Grand navy ships began gliding and surrounding the port. They were creating a blockade. The backup Eater requested has arrived. They had their guns pointed towards the waters, so if the fleeting ghost dared advanced they would fire.

Meanwhile in the tavern Dante was having no problems at all. He flipped at table over to avoid rifle bullets from sailors. However they were sending swordsman to rush him as well.

"Grr.... this isnt very nice." He leaned his back against the table. Suddenly he pushed his feet off from the ground, carrying the table on his back. He backpedaled and drove through the rushin sailors. Finally the crashed the table through the doorway, where he landed on his back outside.

"Click." A pistol barrel rested on his forehead.

"Ive got you now boy!" Eater said angrily.

Dante sighed. "What a drag..." With his hands up
Despite the commotion of the navy's surprise raid their private duel continued on Machiavelli was focused solely on this woman who'd been daring enough to accept his challenge. Clearly this was no ordinary woman. With a mighty swing of his blade the likes to which would have knocked the strongest of men off of his feet though he was certain it would take more than that to gain the upper-hand against this woman.

He maintained his speed, in-fact it seemed to increase as the battle pressed on....

"So what is your name woman?"

His voice was calm despite the current circumstances he was put under.
Fenton sighed. "Let's protect where we are then!" He ran to the side of the ship. "I'll fight off the land, and you guys man the guns! Make sure the ship is safe! When you think of a plan, fire one of the flares!" He tossed some flare bullets. He jumped over the ships side and landed on the ground, drawing his sword. "NAVY SCUM!" He yelled. "I AM FENTON GIRAND, SON OF ELDON, ONE OF THE SEVEN KINGS OF THE SEA! " he pointed his sword at the now shocked navy. "I shall be your end!"
Eater was distracted by Fenton Girands boasting, and spent too much time trying to look at his face. Dante snatched the pistol and did a swift jui jutsu movement with his strong, horse like legs. He ended up on top of Eater with the pistol at HIS forehead. "Get up White Stache." Dante grunted as he picked up the burly vice admiral, keeping the pistol to his head. The soldiers surrounded the two in circle. "EATER!" A couple soldiers yelled out to their superior in fear.

"If you dont wanna see your daddys brains all over this here dirt, I suggest yall clear a path for me." With that dante skidded out of the circle backwards towards the ships. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the blockade. "Goddamnit!" As he skidded towards the edge of the docks, he winked at Fenton. "Much obliged Cap'n Fent." He then knocked out the moustached admiral with his own pistol and jumped in the water....
"Good on your side too." He waved. "And it's true, ya know!" He looked at the other navy men. "Wanna fight?" He asked them.
Dolores scrunched up near the bar as she heard hundreds of feet stomping and yelling. The singing had stopped as this was no time for a lovely sing along. She darted between the feet, though she ran into a couple legs because it was hard to pinpoint where everything was when everyone was just so rowdy. When she ran into her third leg, she climbed up the person, jumping off their face and onto another, leaping through the air leaving surprised screams gasps and blood. When she felt the humid air of outside, she could hear the man her captain had challenged, and turned back into a human.

"Vaal!" She called, "The navy's everywhere" Y'know, in case you haven't noticed, she joked to herself, when suddenly she was knocked to the ground, "Peeznuts and applejacks..." she muttered to herself, as she pushed herself back off the ground, only to be immediately grabbed by another navy guard. She could hear him start to yell, probably to scold her for getting in his way and bein a dirty pirate, but Dolli actually didn't wan to listen to any of that. Faster than you could say, "Did she disappear?!?!?!" Dolli poofed back down into her natural state, and lunged at his face, scratching and biting till he fell to the ground.
Takemikazuchi said:
Despite the commotion of the navy's surprise raid their private duel continued on Machiavelli was focused solely on this woman who'd been daring enough to accept his challenge. Clearly this was no ordinary woman. With a mighty swing of his blade the likes to which would have knocked the strongest of men off of his feet though he was certain it would take more than that to gain the upper-hand against this woman.
He maintained his speed, in-fact it seemed to increase as the battle pressed on....

"So what is your name woman?"

His voice was calm despite the current circumstances he was put under.
The captain kept on going on with this fight she found very exciting. Every swing he made she parried in return, matching his strength. Now was the time where she had made her decision on whether to ask him to be in her crew or not. This man was definitely worthy of being in the Levian Hearts pirates. When he had asked her what her name was she stuck one side of her scythe into a barrel of liquor and threw it down covering the ground in front of them. Putting her hand out, flames started to appear from her fingertips and burst towards the liquor making fire in front of him. Through the flames she smirked at him and spoke loudly.

"I am Vaal Chevalle, Captain of the Levian Hearts pirates."
His eye gleamed in the glow of the flames he loved a woman with style. Hearing her name seemed to be like that of a choir singing out to the church just like that his prayers had been answered, but first he had to seal the deal with a real display of might. With a simple swing of his sword, backed by his own inhuman strength a powerful gust of wind came forth robbing the flames of their oxygen. Now that the barrier of flames had been extinguished he stood before her with a wide-eyed grin revealing his pearl-white teeth a trait uncommon for most pirates....

I'am called Machiavelli The One-Eyed Demon of the sea, Looks like I'll be coming with you gorgeous"

A female captain, he'd hit the jackpot not only would he be able to return to the sea but now he'd found a captain worth serving under, well at-least for the time being. He was a flirt at heart he could not help it, if she wished to employ him she would have to deal with this womanizing drunkard though there was a bit more to him....

"Well that is if you'd have a cripple aboard you ship...Captain"

He spoke coyly he was putting on a facade, It could be heard in his voice. He'd not been raised to respect any real chain of command after all his last captain was his own father though he never received any special treatment he didn't need it he had always held his own weight now would be no different

In total about about 5 Grand Navy ships made up the blockade for Fishport. They were massive and it seemed to be the end of any hope of escape... However two of the ships near the middle suddenly began shifting towards the port towards the left, away from the pirate ships . It was like... it was like they were being pulled towards the Fishport stone port walls

And they were being pulled.

Underwater, on the sea floor, Dante Mancini turned into his earth form. He sunk to the anchors and began pulling them to force an escape route."GRRRRBRRR" He struggled underwater, bubbles coming from his mouth. Its not that he could breathe underwater... its just he was a rock. By now he was hoping the pirates had gotten on their boats already. Hopefully hed make it in time to jump one of their boats, and pledge allegiance to whichever crew, he really didnt care.

The grand shapes slowly made their way to the port walls on the left side... a full on collision...
Benjamin paid little attention to the navy's presence in the tavern until he was tackled off his stool and taken to the ground. "What the hell mate?" the simian asked as the officer tried to restrain him. "Are you trying to arrest me? Under what grounds?"

The officer tried to speak, but his mouth was quickly filled with the pirate's fist. "Well, I guess assaulting an officer is a crime. Maybe I should give you a list or can you remember all this?"

Once again the officer attempted to speak but was interrupted, this time being thrown off his captive. "You are under arrest!" the officer said weakly. He drew his smallsword and muttered a few words before catching a fist to his jaw.

"You are making me miss an interesting duel. As for that list, I guess you could start with thievery." Ben threw a punch into the officer's stomach. "Then I would probably say assaulting an officer of the navy." He said as he threw another. "And then there is piracy."

"Reinforcements!" the officer called, coughing up a little blood. "I need reinforcements!" Quickly a few more officers were present with their swords drawn and ready to fight.

"Oh boy, more of you. You might as well add killing an officer to that list- Is someone writing this down?" the simian asked coolly before drawing his own weapon. "Now, who is first?" he asked as he slashed at the nearest officer, knocking him backwards. He proceeded to have a little bit of fun with the officers, laughing at their poor efforts and then quickly dispatching each one. When there was only one remaining, Ben did the stereotypical action hero move and pressed his blade to the officer's neck and told him to run. The officer took the offer and ran, leaving Benjamin laughing in the tavern. He then turned to watch the fight, which had seemed to conclude. This disappointed the simian a great amount.
Seeing that he had extinguished the flamed in an instant with a single blade only impressed her more. She was getting ready to formally ask him to be part of the crew, but it seemed as though he already knew where she was going with this.

"I am calling Machiavelli The One-Eyed Demon of the sea, Looks like I'll be coming with you gorgeous. Well that is if you'd have a cripple aboard your ship... Captain."

"Well we already have a couple of cripples on our ship. Such as a woman with no eyes so I don't see a problem with that," She chuckled and suddenly stopped. "Speaking of which where is Dolli?" She looked around for her first mate seeing that the fight with the navy was closing in on the grounds her and Machiavelli were on then. Vaal did not put away her weapon, in fact she did quite the opposite and readied herself in a fighting stance. "Alright Machiavelli, time for our first task as crew-mates... wipe the floor with these scrubs." With that each end of her scythes lit up in flames.
Eunad, who keep the soldiers from the ship away with his sword, his gun or his grenades (but more from himself).

He just threw a grenade at a larger group to which exploded already equal.

As one of the soldiers came to the ship Eunad pulled his sword and as the soldier struck him, parried Eunad, stepped out and impaled him on.

The Marines were not a big problem, but he also knew that they could no longer withstand long at longer attack.

He called for Sandra: "Do you have a plan?"
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rooke said:
Benjamin paid little attention to the navy's presence in the tavern until he was tackled off his stool and taken to the ground. "What the hell mate?" the simian asked as the officer tried to restrain him. "Are you trying to arrest me? Under what grounds?"
The officer tried to speak, but his mouth was quickly filled with the pirate's fist. "Well, I guess assaulting an officer is a crime. Maybe I should give you a list or can you remember all this?"

Once again the officer attempted to speak but was interrupted, this time being thrown off his captive. "You are under arrest!" the officer said weakly. He drew his smallsword and muttered a few words before catching a fist to his jaw.

"You are making me miss an interesting duel. As for that list, I guess you could start with thievery." Ben threw a punch into the officer's stomach. "Then I would probably say assaulting an officer of the navy." He said as he threw another. "And then there is piracy."

"Reinforcements!" the officer called, coughing up a little blood. "I need reinforcements!" Quickly a few more officers were present with their swords drawn and ready to fight.

"Oh boy, more of you. You might as well add killing an officer to that list- Is someone writing this down?" the simian asked coolly before drawing his own weapon. "Now, who is first?" he asked as he slashed at the nearest officer, knocking him backwards. He proceeded to have a little bit of fun with the officers, laughing at their poor efforts and then quickly dispatching each one. When there was only one remaining, Ben did the stereotypical action hero move and pressed his blade to the officer's neck and told him to run. The officer took the offer and ran, leaving Benjamin laughing in the tavern. He then turned to watch the fight, which had seemed to conclude. This disappointed the simian a great amount.
As the pirate looked out the window, a marine ship captain flew through it, landing hard on the bars floor. The marine looked beaten and bruised, and desperate to get away from something that had caused his injuries. "Monster..." The captain cried. "That kids a monster!!!!!" He got up and ran/stumbled to open the door.

As he got to open the door, he panicked, looking out the window, a fatal mistake. A sword pieced through the door, and into the poor mans skull. The sword retracted slowly after it's kill.

The door opend, and Fenton came through, with his blood-stained sword. He looked at Benjamin and waved. "Hi!" He smiled. "Looking for a fight?"
Ben grinned when the captain appeared. "Well, I wasn't but I am now Captain." the simian pirate replied. "These naval guards seem to have wanted my arrest. What do you say now boys?" he asked the three dead marines that lied by his feet.

Another officer challenged Ben, drawing his pistol and aiming for his chest. "You fool's might as well give up." Ben said as the trigger was pulled and Ben flipped out of the way. He pulled out his own pistol and returned the shot, this one aimed for the head. The trigger was pulled, sending the bullet flying, striking the marine in his jaw and collapsing from pain. "So Captain, any bright ideas besides kill'em all?"
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Fenton was on a battle Gauntlet himself, stabbing guard after guard. "Not quite sure..." He said, ducking a marines slice, as he drew out his hidden dagger, slicing the marine in the kneecap, causing him to stumble to one knee, then killing him with a dagger Up though the jaw. "They've got the sea COVERD, though I think someone is working on a solution to that..." He saw the ships being pulled under.

2 Grand navy vessels crashed on the ports, somehow exploding , perhaps the gun powder room being lit up by accident. Fishport was in utter chaos to the point where many vilagers had already made their way out of town, or hid in basements.The wreckage was flying everywhere, some of it hitting some navy men and marines. A figure began climbing up the port wall, by eater, the vice admiral who was now waking up.

"Uh what is HAPPENING?!" Eater looked at the chaos about. "WHAT ARE YOU DO-oh." A wet muscled figure scaled the port wall and returned.

Once more Eater was knocked out by Dante. He patted the guys belly and picked up the guitar case and axe he left behind with him as he cleared a path. He slung the great axe, and guitar gun over his large well muscled back, feeling confident that he didnt need them right now along with his Earth powers. He walked along the dead bodies and picked up about 4 revolvers, about 24 bullets. He holstered them along the right side of his belt buckle to keep close. He armed himself with a dead marines sabre in his left hand and began heading towards a ship. Shooting , and occasionally cutting down along the way. His face and body never changing, and never worrying.

He stood in front of the 3 ships lined up. He had to make a decision on which ship hed ask to be on.
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BrownBear1 said:
2 Grand navy vessels crashed on the ports, somehow exploding , perhaps the gun powder room being lit up by accident. Fishport was in utter chaos to the point where many vilagers had already made their way out of town, or hid in basements.The wreckage was flying everywhere, some of it hitting some navy men and marines. A figure began climbing up the port wall, by eater, the vice admiral who was now waking up.

"Uh what is HAPPENING?!" Eater looked at the chaos about. "WHAT ARE YOU DO-oh." A wet muscled figure scaled the port wall and returned.

Once more Eater was knocked out by Dante. He patted the guys belly and picked up the guitar case and axe he left behind with him as he cleared a path. He slung the great axe, and guitar gun over his large well muscled back, feeling confident that he didnt need them right now along with his Earth powers. He walked along the dead bodies and picked up about 4 revolvers, about 24 bullets. He holstered them along the right side of his belt buckle to keep close. He armed himself with a dead marines sabre in his left hand and began heading towards a ship. Shooting , and occasionally cutting down along the way. His face and body never changing, and never worrying.

He stood in front of the 3 ships lined up. He had to make a decision on which ship hed ask to be on.
"Good job!!" He yell to the pirate, if he could hear him. "I-" he dodged a bullet, inches away from his face. "That was close!" He smiled.
"That could be useful." Ben said once he looked out towards the docks. "Who's doing?" he asked as he dodged a wild slice. These guys could use more training if you ask me, the simian thought. "Do you know where the rest of the crew is?" He dodged another stab and made an upward slash at his opponent, knocking the naval sword away.

"So do you want to die, or run?" the pirate asked with a devilish grin.

Brooklyn had finished her little trip to the merchant's row, finding nothing of real interest. She had passed by the tavern fight, but did not enter the fray as she saw none of her own crew present. The pirate made her way to the docks, seeing that the navy had blockaded the port. "Well isn't that just grand. The navy trying to block us in." she said with a smirk.
"Huh?- WHIIZZZ- OH!..." Dante turned to the voice, narrowly dodging the same bullet himself.He laid on the floor breathing hard. His life just flashed before his eyes. "MAN" He began laughing. "EVERYTIME YOU SAY SOMETHING, I STAY ALIVE!" He bellowed laughing as another volley of bullets hit the ground about him. "These guys!" Dante from his back unloaded his two pistols in the fray, leaving behind the sabre. 4 more to go. He got up and began walking towards Fenton. He was gonna stick around for a bit and help the guy out. He unloaded two more pistols and on his way to him. "GET SOOOOME"

Finally he put his back to fenton and covered him. Anyone trying to shoot, or he didnt see, dante shot. He slyly pulled pistols from coats, and used his legs to knock out attackers, relying on the captain for sword support. He knew the guy was worth a lot and could be relied upon. While fighting he spotted brooklyn. He liked what he saw, and winked.
BrownBear1 said:
"Huh?- WHIIZZZ- OH!..." Dante turned to the voice, narrowly dodging the same bullet himself.He laid on the floor breathing hard. His life just flashed before his eyes. "MAN" He began laughing. "EVERYTIME YOU SAY SOMETHING, I STAY ALIVE!" He bellowed laughing as another volley of bullets hit the ground about him. "These guys!" Dante from his back unloaded his two pistols in the fray, leaving behind the sabre. 4 more to go. He got up and began walking towards Fenton. He was gonna stick around for a bit and help the guy out. He unloaded two more pistols and on his way to him. "GET SOOOOME"
Finally he put his back to fenton and covered him. Anyone trying to shoot, or he didnt see, dante shot. He slyly pulled pistols from coats, and used his legs to knock out attackers, relying on the captain for sword support. He knew the guy was worth a lot and could be relied upon. While fighting he spotted brooklyn. He liked what he saw, and winked.
"You're welcome!" He chuckled. He looked outside, and saw the Navy Ships retreating. "Keep it up! We will send them running in no time!" He looked at the armory, where the navy was stealing weapons. "Anyone need more weapons!?" He yelled. "Cause I got a plan!!!
(God i wish you were more detailed.)

The navy ships were not obviously done. Although a path was cleared, there guns were still ready. Dante hoped the guy had a good plan because if not, they may have to get in a cannon ball fight... which reminded dante. Fishport was a major trade port in Vanguard... there had to be...

He looked around and saw a mountain not too far from the town. A fort. With cannons pointed. Towards the ocean. Dante smirked. After finishing off a couple soldiers he made a path for himself, unleashing volleys of pistol bullets, creating a smoke cloud to hide in. He finally jumped on a soldiers head and kneed a nearby captain on horseback on to the ground. Hearing the loud thud dante settled himself and kicked the horse to a sprint. He made his way towards the fort. There shouldnt have been to many men since they were all basically in town.
Fraxinus said:
Eunad, who keep the soldiers from the ship away with his sword, his gun or his grenades (but more from himself).
He just threw a grenade at a larger group to which exploded already equal.

As one of the soldiers came to the ship Eunad pulled his sword and as the soldier struck him, parried Eunad, stepped out and impaled him on.

The Marines were not a big problem, but he also knew that they could no longer withstand long at longer attack.

He called for Sandra: "Do you have a plan?"
"Of course not, Eunad! That's the Captain's job!" Sandra shot three more navymen, one in the leg, the others on the shoulder and the chest. Then she made a decision.

"I'm getting on the ground. I can't do any good from up here. I don't care what the Capt. said," Sandra held up a hand to Eunad's protest. "If you want to stay, stay. But I'm going where I'm useful." Sandra vaulted over the side of the ship, rolling when she hit the ground. She holstered one of her revolvers, drawing her cutlass, slicing the midsection of a soldier as she ran past him.

Damn it, Fenton! Why the hell did you leave us like that? And expect us to come up with a plan?! Damn it!

Four soldiers were coming toward her, one with a pistol, the others with cutlasses.

"Come on! I fu*king dare you!" she yelled, still angry at the Capt. The man with the pistol aimed at her head, but she ducked and shot him in the knee, taking him down but not killing him. But she didn't duck fast enough, and the ball nicked her shoulder. "Damn Navy bastards!" Two came at her at once--Sandra dodged one and ran the other through, blood spattering on her face and clothes. She turned to the one with a long tear in his jacket, who was just attacking. She blocked the blow and shot him in the stomach, then in the head as an afterthought, trying to be mercyfull.

Not that any of them deserve my mercy, after what they did.

She stabbed the man she had shot in the knee, and headed for another group of soldiers close to the tavern.
Dante saw the 20 foot high wooden doors of the fort and smiled. As the horse sprinted he stood on top off the horse and wait.... 1. 2. 3.

He turned himself into a large boulder and rocketed himself through the doors. He quickly shaped back to human form breathing a bit hard. Apparently that form too a toll on him at some point. He had his pistols wielded and looked around the fort, pointing his pistols at point-blank and upwards towards the cannons... no one.

"200 million gold. Former captain of the Demon Doves.... Dante Mancini." A female voice broke out.

Dante didnt care for talk and simply shot at her.... but it didnt work. A tall 5'11 brunette with pale skin stood there. She was just a rank or two below Eater judging by her uniform. Her body hardened and turned into to metal spikes, blocking the bullets.

"Well you didnt let me finish... fhow rude." She pouted sarcastically

"Captain Estrella... otherwise known as the hedgehog." Dante sighed. "Great." Yeah dante has pretty much run into all the famous military guys and bounty hunters. He knew them by name. With this one... her knew more than her name...

"You never wrote me back." She said with a tinge of annoyment.

"I cant WRITE you.... youre in the NAVY!" Dante said face palming.

"No matter... i knew this day would come... time to die Danny!" She suddenly threw spiraling metal spikes at him from her fingertips which scraped dantes shoulder. He quickly took cover by retreating back out the entrance and sticking to the side of the wall... he put his pistols in the holster.... no use for them right now. He had to wait a moment to regain his energy... to be honest he didnt know if he could switch back to Earth form any time soon. He peaked out and sshe was standing there yawning...

He kneeled down... closed his eyes and thought....
BrownBear1 said:
Dante saw the 20 foot high wooden doors of the fort and smiled. As the horse sprinted he stood on top off the horse and wait.... 1. 2. 3.
He turned himself into a large boulder and rocketed himself through the doors. He quickly shaped back to human form breathing a bit hard. Apparently that form too a toll on him at some point. He had his pistols wielded and looked around the fort, pointing his pistols at point-blank and upwards towards the cannons... no one.

"200 million gold. Former captain of the Demon Doves.... Dante Mancini." A female voice broke out.

Dante didnt care for talk and simply shot at her.... but it didnt work. A tall 5'11 brunette with pale skin stood there. She was just a rank or two below Eater judging by her uniform. Her body hardened and turned into to metal spikes, blocking the bullets.

"Well you didnt let me finish... fhow rude." She pouted sarcastically

"Captain Estrella... otherwise known as the hedgehog." Dante sighed. "Great." Yeah dante has pretty much run into all the famous military guys and bounty hunters. He knew them by name. With this one... her knew more than her name...

"You never wrote me back." She said with a tinge of annoyment.

"I cant WRITE you.... youre in the NAVY!" Dante said face palming.

"No matter... i knew this day would come... time to die Danny!" She suddenly threw spiraling metal spikes at him from her fingertips which scraped dantes shoulder. He quickly took cover by retreating back out the entrance and sticking to the side of the wall... he put his pistols in the holster.... no use for them right now. He had to wait a moment to regain his energy... to be honest he didnt know if he could switch back to Earth form any time soon. He peaked out and sshe was standing there yawning...

He kneeled down... closed his eyes and thought....
"Hey!" He shot a officer in the face, while turning to the woman. "You let him go!" He ran up to her, firing a couple of rounds if that did not help get her attention. "If you want someone, take me!" He looked at the officer. "I am a Prince of the sea!" He smiled, showing a tattoo on his shoulder, with theTattoo of the Fleeting Ghost. "I'm worth more than he will ever be!!" He pointed he sword at her.

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