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Fantasy Welcome to Vanguard! Home of Pirates

(Where are you, if you don't mind my asking?)

"Yeah, I can hear that!" I laughed, and headed belowdecks.

We'd bought eggs when we were at port, so I cooked us all two, plus bacon, sausage, and buttered bread. I stacked the plates on top of each other and carried them upstairs.

"Here, Eunad. I'm going to go wake the Captain and give him his." I handed him his plate and walked to the Captain's door, kicked it lightly with my bare foot.

"Hey, Captain! Breakfast! I'm coming in okay." I turned the knob and the door opened on it's oiled hinges. He was still asleep, so I set our plates down on the table.

"Hey, wakey wakey," I whispered, shaking his shoulder.
"Morning," I jerked my thumb over my shoulder at the food, "I brought breakfast. You want some?"

(Oh, I think I'm going to log off for 45 minutes or so, but I should be back after that, okay♥)

"Of course." He smiled. He tried to get up, but felt pangs at trying agan, but the were softer than before.
"Do you feel any better?" I asked, handing him his plate and kicking my feet up on a chair while I started eating.

(Oh, and if it takes me a few minutes to post after you do, I'm streaming anime in between posts, alright♥)
"Good!" I swollowed the last of my eggs and set my plate down.

"So, is there anywhere you want to stop on the way to Relaxon?" I pulled my feet up onto my chair, knees up by my face.
"Oh shit! Why didn't I think of that before! Hey, Eunad!" I hung on the doorframe, "Change course toward the closest hospital, okay? Do you want me to help?"
[QUOTE="Kaoru Asuna] "Oh shit! Why didn't I think of that before! Hey, Eunad!" I hung on the doorframe, "Change course toward the closest hospital, okay? Do you want me to help?"

Eunad took a map and looked at it.

"The next would be Iron Haven but because it is also the headquarters of the Marine Vangaurdian we should stay away from it." He cried and inspected this map "The other would be Dracon burgh, the capital of Draconia. How about that?"

(I'm Swiss. You can see that too on my Avatar)
(I thought so♥)

"Yeah, that sounds good," I answered Eunad. I sat back down at the table and waited for the Captain to finish his breakfast.

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