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Fantasy Welcome to Vanguard! Home of Pirates

Eunad stood still and listened. He heard no one, and also saw no one.

"If this hole would not be I would just say I was paranoid, but because it's there ...." he said to himself

He looked again around the room if there could not be someone somewhere.

"Maybe he ran out again also, I mean if someone would make such a noise," he said, giggling, but has gotten serious again.

Maybe someone has seen on the deck or at the docks something thought Eunad and went upstairs.
Octavian looked out the hole again and slowly unlocked the closet. He tip-toed up stairs to make sure there was no noise. He saw the same boy and hid behind a barrel. 'How will I get out now....'
Eunad looked around if anyone might have seen something.

He ran to the edge of the ship that was directed to the docks. "Has anyone here seen anyone?" he shouted to the people on the docks.
Octavian opened the barrel a bit, for it was already opened, bit and saw a small bag. He toke the bag and stuffed it in his shirt. He jumped onto the barrel to he was sitting on it. "Oi, you should stop asking people and look around more. Plenty space means plenty hiding spots." He jumped of the barrel and walked closer to the boy. He toke out the bag and threw in one hand. "What's in this, eh?"
She chuckled a bit at Dolli's excitement. "Well that isn't all we're stocking up on. We're getting all the essential to well eat and drink when we leave and of course weaponry," she winked at that. "Once we have all that, we're going to bombard some of the bars here. I'm going to keep on eye out for new talent while doing so." Vaal looked over to her ship raising an eyebrow, "I wonder, is anyone else coming along or is everyone else that eager to get back out to sea?"
Melody comb straight out of the ship and looked around. When she saw captain Chevalle Melody walked hastily towards them. "Good day captain Chevalle!" she said brightly, "how are you?" Melody added yet hastily "both" added when she noticed Dolli.
"Never, Captain." Sandra grinned. "Have at thee!--" She came at him, a jab aimed at his shoulder, but it went a little high.
Eunad turned quickly and pointed his gun at the intruder.

"I do not know, but where did you take the insolence to sneak up on our ship and then to pretend like nothing happened?!" cried Eunad.

"But whatever. Hands where I can see them!" cried Eunad.
"Good afternoon Melody I'm doing fairly well today seeing as though we've finally docked. It seems that no one else is coming so let's go." She turned around and made her way more into town. "Now Melody I already briefed Dolli, but we're going to be buying things and also looking out to recruit new members, IF they are worthy you see," She said as she looked over her shoulder at Melody to see if she was listening and usual she was.
Octavian tossed the bag and held his hands up with a smirk. "If ya think your gonna kill me now, your dead wrong kid" Octavian dashed towards him and looked as him he was going to tackle him but instead he ran beside him. Only taking a unused rope to swing off. As it he fell off the rope his body could've went splat on the ground. But instead Octavian's wings grew out, a dark black color, and full of scales. To get to his ship he flew over a couple others, including the Levian Hearts. As Octavian landed he saw Damien. "Ello! Nice day we're havin', seems like I got off on the wrong hand trying to make friends. Oh well!" He sat on a barrel next to Damien and looked over the town. "I think it was called The Fleeting Ghost. That's what it said on the ship. Oi! And I saw a couple of gals to! One looked really exotic, wait what if it and all girl ship! Oh, all the woman!" He chuckled a bit and over at Damien.
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[QUOTE="Kaoru Asuna] "Never, Captain." Sandra grinned. "Have at thee!--" She came at him, a jab aimed at his shoulder, but it went a little high.

He dodged by shifting to the left, and thrust his sword at Sandra, smiling. "Too high!" He taunted.
Eunad was still for a moment shocked until he regained himself.

"W-what just happened?" he said as he looked in the direction in which this man was flown away. "A Draonian?" he said to himself, "I wonder what he is for looking away from his homeland." He noticed how stupid that question was. "Of course what everyone looks for when he comes to Vangaurd .... also Draconia is not so far away."

He put his gun away and saw the astonished people who looked in the direction in which the Draconian had flown away. He wondered if he did not maybe overreacted a bit. No , he would have reacted the same way if someone appears out of nowhere on his ship, and smashes the stairs thought Eunad. But that this stranger thought Eunad would simply shoot him amused him.
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Leon_Lacrymosa updated Welcome to Vanguard! Home of Pirates with a new update entry:

Absence, New people Needed, and a Not so happy owner.

Sorry for this in suspecting Update but due to absence and a important role. The best mate for the Levian Hearts was kicked out, including all his other characters. Leaving four spots open in Maeve's crew. As for I, in my crew only Sakura was taken out due to absence and lack of creativity. Leaving three spots open in my crew. With Bill gone in the Fleeting Ghost one spot is open.
Feel free to join! There's plenty spots open now! But reminder this is a literate roleplay. No one liners. At...
Read the rest of this update entry...
gogojojo331 said:
He dodged by shifting to the left, and thrust his sword at Sandra, smiling. "Too high!" He taunted.
She knocked the thrust upward, and threw a hack at the left side of his mid-section.

"Not as high as yours!"
Eunad went under the deck to Fenton to report what had happened.

He stopped and saw that they still dueled.

Eunad was surprised that they had not noticed the noise from above, but he thought they just focused.

He sat down on the nearest chair and watched.

He remembered that he still had to repair the stair. Whatever he thought no one will ever fall into it until then.
[QUOTE="Kaoru Asuna]
She knocked the thrust upward, and threw a hack at the left side of his mid-section.
"Not as high as yours!"

Fraxinus said:
Eunad went under the deck to Fenton to report what had happened.
He stopped and saw that they still dueled.

Eunad was surprised that they had not noticed the noise from above, but he thought they just focused.

He sat down on the nearest chair and watched.

He remembered that he still had to repair the stair. Whatever he thought no one will ever fall into it until then.
Fenton smacked the sword down with the force of his dropping blade, and went into a flurry of slashes, smiling never fading. "I'll remember that!" He sensed Eunad behind him. "Whats wrong buddy?" He said. "Was a crow underneath the ship or something? I heard flapping..."
"Helloooo Melody," she greeted her fellow crew member. She could hear her voice but, Dolli didn't have very good eyesight, she doesn't even have eyes in her natural form, the eyes were mostly for show. She twirled around her captain and crew mate, as they started walking into town. "Do you hear that?" She said, placing a hand to an ear, "I hear wings, look, this sound so big and nice! Of course not as nice as yours Captain."

Vanguard's smell was always so pleasant, and held many memories. She wondered how many people she would meet, all the food she would eat, and how many times she would hear, "I wanna wring that pesky little animal's NECK!!!!!"
Sandra parried the Captain's attacks, throwing out thrusts to combat them, and listening for Eunad's answer.
"You're not even trying?" He asked Sandra. "My dad always told me..." His thrusts turned into powerful slashes in all directions. " That 'Every battle, no matter what....' " He came with so much force that it would knock the sword away. "'Is a battle for your Dreams!!'"
The sword flew out of her hand, skidding across the deck, and the Captain held the sword to her throat.

"Then I guess you'll always reach your's, Captain." Sandra smiled, curtsying like the lady she was not, and sat down next to Eunad on a crate, kicking her feet up on another.
Within the deepest darkest ally off Vanguard lay a bar which housed some of the most notorious criminals to ever walk this world. This bar had served as Machiavelli, the one eyed demon's place of residence for the past few weeks. Word spread of the arrival of the ships so the city was bustling with activity and strange faces. Being more of a recluse since his bout with his late fathers' crew he kept to the back of the shady establishment his cup filled with ale and his thoughts on the next time he'd be able to return to the sea. He'd been stranded on dry land for some time for work was sparse and as word had spread of his encounter with that treacherous crew many had thought it best to steer clear of the one-eyed "Time-bomb"

Argggggh.... I've grown bored of all of this, my blades thirst for blood who'd be willing to answer their cries ?"

He shouted out to those in the bar, it would appear the ale had gotten the best of him, yet a murderous look filled his left eye, the look of a cold blooded killer who was burning with the desire to kill. He'd often be over come by this fit of rage when being on land for to long. The anxiety he felt had built up for too long and he hadn't slain a man in a few weeks now.

Abruptly he slammed his mug to the surface of the table forcing what remained to spew from the cup hitting anyone around him. He rose to his feet and began shouting once again....

"Are all of you too chicken-sh*t to stand up to my challenge? WILL NO ONE FACE MACHIAVELLI!?"
"Your Dreams are my dreams!" He smiled. "We Will become Kings of Sea and Land, and live our dreams, mark my words!" He stretched his body, and looked out onto the sea. He felt a feeling of violence in the air.... blood-lust...

[QUOTE="Kaoru Asuna]
The sword flew out of her hand, skidding across the deck, and the Captain held the sword to her throat.
"Then I guess you'll always reach your's, Captain." Sandra smiled, curtsying like the lady she was not, and sat down next to Eunad on a crate, kicking her feet up on another.

Benjamin was having a drink at the tavern when he heard some fool spouting nonsense. The simian flicked his tail and took another sip as he tried to ignore the yelling madman. When the man continued to talk, Benjamin's efforts to tune him out failed and he turned to face the loud customer. "Would'ya cut out the cry for blood. Shut up and enjoy your damn ale like the rest of us." Benjamin replied before downing his drink. Then he looked at the one-eyed demon and slightly regretted his decision to speak. But now it is too late, Ben thought. 
Brooklyn emerged from the crew's quarters of the Hollow Whispers lower decks for a stroll around town. Ignoring anyone that was still present on the boat, the pirate made her way off the docks and towards the merchant's row. She roamed from booth to booth, looking for anything that would peak her interest. Most had the typical beads and basic crafts, but a few had more interesting wares. "Isn't there any smiths in this town?" she asked rhetorically as there were plenty around, but most sold basic wares and few weapons. None fit for me, Brooklyn mentally added.
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The moment the simian's words flew from its mouth Machiavelli's single eye darted in the direction to which they had come from. A gruesome smile then riddled his face revealing his teeth as if the lord himself had answered the young demons' prayers. Without hesitation his right arm darted towards the handle of one of his six swords, now that he'd established grip with the hilt of the blade he proceeded to draw. All of this took Machiavelli no more then a second.

The blade had now been drawn and was pointed in the direction of the creature who'd been so bold as to speak up. The blade itself gleamed eerily in the dim lit tavern, it was as if it desired a fight as much as its master....

"Well monkey it seems you've been chosen as my first victim of the night..."

Pleasure riddled his voice, the anticipation of his first kill in weeks had sent his adrenaline skyrocketing. The grip on his blade seemed to tighten as he waited for his opponent to draw his weapon. Though it mattered no what weapon he chose be it blade or projectile The one-eyed demon was prepared for it...

"Come on then draw your weapon so that I may fill my cup with your blood"

His voice had now changed, it was backed by something sinister. There was definitely something monstrous about the young sword for hire and tonight this chimp would find out
"I said sit down and enjoy your ale." Benjamin said boldly. "You want to go fight, join a brawling club." He still had the mug in his hand and refused to reach for his blade. You're not here for a fight. You are here for a cheap drink. Just let him yell. Even if he did call you a monkey, the simian thought to himself with a frustrated look on his face. "I don't want to waste your time, Cyclops."

(Sorry, I didn't get a notification)
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