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Fantasy Welcome to The Greatest Show UnEarthed!


Dark Mind; Light Heart

Welcome to the Lower Birth!


The Greatest Show UnEarthed!
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Nameless sat in her cage, it was dark and dusty. Staring at the cage next to her, she watched the other ring animals sit with either pride or gloom. However, she felt none, nothing could explain her feelings. Waiting for something to happen, she averted her stare to passing by staff. One being her tamer for this weeks show. As her caged opened, she caught a glimps of the gates to carnival open slighty. Knowing it was most likely the strong wind, she started to follow her tamer.
Alice giggled as he danced around the circus grounds lightly. It was such a good night for a show and Maybe afterwards he could make a new puppet. The thought filled him with sadistic glee. Laughing he headed for his trailer. He needed to get ready for the show. Behind him trailed Dani gazing at the floor with dead eyes.
Last night had to of been the fewest people the Dark Carnival had ever seen within its whole time of been in this small town, and those that did come didn't go into any of the tents, or really much of any of the places within.

Within one of the tents in the far back; the Ring Master himself sat on a chair, looking at a mirror. To most, even the staff members, he appeared to be in his human form, but to him, he saw the true beast under the skin... and he loved it all. He gave a slight grin, self-loving and egoist. But that grin slowly faded; the fact was that this place was no longer getting people to come in as they no longer wanted to come here or want them in their town, but people were too scared to try and chase them away or do anything like that. Jackal had done his best to now make a presence that wards off anyone wanting to case harm to the place and the staff within before they even get inside.

"Perhaps I am to pack this place away; maybe even look for another town to keep my subjects happy." Jackal said to himself as he turned away from the mirror. Just then, a skeletal bird flapped its boney wings and flew over to Jackal's shoulder, seeming to whisper something into his ear. Once again, the grin came back to his face, bigger than before. "Perhaps I will keep this place here... for one more day."

Meanwhile, as the lights started to come on and illuminate the entire place, someone drove up to the front gates of the carnival in a mo-ped. The teen kicked down the side stand on the ped and got off it, standing now in front of the carnival. It had seemed to of been a male teen, and one that most town folks known him as Trevor Norvbecc. The teen truly did not have any sign of wanting to be here on his face, but to be called a coward because he didn't want to be here...

Trevor walked up to the front gates, seeing that it was already slightly open, so he slipped right on in. He walked a few feet forward, looking all around himself, yet he saw nothing more but tents and other structures that were to be found at any carnival. He even saw an empty ticket booth. "Perhaps this place isn't open right now..." He said to himself as he turned and started walking away.

"Hey kid! Ya leavin' already? Ya just got here, silly!" A male's voice spoke out loudly. This made Trevor spin around quickly as he looked to see where the source of that voice came from. He then saw someone in the ticket booth this time. A little unnerved, he made his way back over to the booth, keeping his eyes on the happy faced man. "Um... sorry, I didn't see you." Trevor apologized.

"That's okay! So you're here for the show, right? Excellent! They'll be real happy to entertain yet 'nother soul." The man in the booth said. Now Trevor felt unquestionably worried, but he didn't let that show on his face. Instead, he asked, "How much to get in?"

"No cost!" The man said joyfully, then continued. "Everything here is for free for our guest, but you will need this to get into the main event!" The man then handed out what seemed like a normal ticket. Trevor inspected the ticket at first before taking it.

"Enjoy the night!" The man said before a second set of gates opened. Trevor stepped beyond the gates, and was now officially in the carnival. It seemed a bit more lively on the inside.
Gwen rubbed her arm, a habit she did when she was nervous. She took a deep breath and headed into the area. She quickly tightend her ponytail, and reajusted her blue hoodie, and placed her hands in the pockets of it. Once her hands met her familiar rock she carried everywhere she relaxed. She would prove Jessica wrong. She wasn't a wimp, and Jessica would be the wimp for not coming. Gwen looked around more closely and started to smile at her stupidity. She noticed two other boys one looked like her, lost. The other gave him a ticket. She jogged over to them.

"Um, hey, can I get one?" Gwen offered a ten, but when the guy wouldn't take it, she just took the ticket, wondering what was fully going on.

She tapped the shoulder of the other guy, hoping to have a buddy in all of this.
Ariadne Tesar smiled, and walked alongside her brother towards the location of the carnival. Her brother had decided to accompany her to the gates, probably just to be sure she didn't back out last minute. He stopped, a ways away from the gate and motioned for her to continue. She gave him a glare, them walked up to the gate, them looked at the person in the ticket booth. 'Now how do I...' She thought, but was unable to finish the thought, on account of the man handing a ticket to her. With a final glare towards her brother, she turned as the man said something about enjoying the night and entered the carnival.

"Fancy place huh." She spoke, to herself mostly. Now what? That was something she didn't know, and she stood there, eyeing the carnival lights and all. It was set up to be a place for many to come and have fun, but yet the place seemed almost empty. A whole day and night in this place couldn't be that hard, she reasoned with herself, and made her way to any people she saw, which happened to be a girl who was probably slightly younger than herself, and a boy. She said nothing, and simply stood nearby, to see what they would do. It wasn't like she had a clue what to do next anyway.
Trevor looked at the ticket again after taking in the sights of the carnival. Only one ticket, and everything was for free? What was the catch? This seemed really too good to be true... That was when he was tapped on the shoulder and brought out of his thoughts. Who in the world would directly bring contact to him? He wanted to snap the finger off that person's hand. Once he looked back, he saw that it was young girl. She had to of been in highschool still. He calmed down first before speaking. "How can I help you?" He asked the girl, still a slight bite in his tone.
As her tamer prepared his outfit for the show, Nameless sat outside the Dress/Make-up tent. The spirit, who's name was Satoshi, decided to let Nameless roam free for a while. As she went human, she took caution of her surroundings. Watching the lights of the tents turn on and rides begin to move, she walked around the grounds. Satoshi following behind quietly, funny thing is, only Nameless could see him. "Nameless!" called a man from behind. Recognizing the voice, Nameless looked at Satoshi. "Come on, we will change back when we get there." he said. Nodding Nameless began running in the direction of the Dress/Make-up tent.
"Hi, my names Gwen. And... You being alone, I decided to grace you with my presence!" Gwen said in a cheeky tone. She of course was the one not wanting to be alone, but it would probably be better not to say that. She then stuck out her hand as if it wouldn't be possible for him to say no to her 'offer'.

"What's your name by the way? Wouldn't want to just call you dude, Ya know?" Gwen laughed. This might not actually be so bad.
Trevor kept an eye on Gwen as she held out her hand and introduced herself. Something about her... was she going to get on his nerves, or would she be useful? If rumors about this place was true, and people have died here, it would be an idea to have someone to sacrifice just to keep himself alive...

Where did that thought even come from?! That even made him slightly shiver. Could he really be that cruel? He knew he was easily annoyed, but that was just down right evil. He blinked a few times before finally talking her hand and gently shaking it. "My name is Trevor." He said to her. He was still slightly worried of himself and that thought process he just had. It took no time after saying his name that he looked over to the right and saw someone else nearby, another older girl. "I suppose it will be a good thing I'm not going to be alone here." He said out loud. He did wonder if they are here just to be here, or for another reason.

Meanwhile, Jackal had left his tent and began roaming the carnival to see how everyone was doing. He had noticed one of the more special attractions walking around as well before being called back to her tamers tent. Jackal smiled and quietly followed behind the girl. Before the flap closed, he walked in and completely surprised the tamer. "Hello there, Nami." Jackal said, calling Nameless by her personal pet name he had for her. 'Nameless' just seemed a little tasteless to him, especially for what she possessed, or more so, what possessed her.
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Nameless turned around when she had heard the name 'Nami'. It was a personal nickname for the ring master, Jackal. "Hello." she said quietly, the nickname made her feel special, but she didn't let it get to her. "Hello Jackal! How are you?" asked her tamer as he greeted the man. At the carnival, everyone was treated fairly to avoid fights and such, this being why Nameless only responds to 'Nami' when no one to a few people are around. Satoshi decided it was time to get Nameless back to her tiger form before the show began. "Teenagers.." mumbled Satoshi as he took control again and Nameless went back to her tiger form, the quiet cat that never displayed emotion.
XANXeto said:
Last night had to of been the fewest people the Dark Carnival had ever seen within its whole time of been in this small town, and those that did come didn't go into any of the tents, or really much of any of the places within.
Within one of the tents in the far back; the Ring Master himself sat on a chair, looking at a mirror. To most, even the staff members, he appeared to be in his human form, but to him, he saw the true beast under the skin... and he loved it all. He gave a slight grin, self-loving and egoist. But that grin slowly faded; the fact was that this place was no longer getting people to come in as they no longer wanted to come here or want them in their town, but people were too scared to try and chase them away or do anything like that. Jackal had done his best to now make a presence that wards off anyone wanting to case harm to the place and the staff within before they even get inside.

"Perhaps I am to pack this place away; maybe even look for another town to keep my subjects happy." Jackal said to himself as he turned away from the mirror. Just then, a skeletal bird flapped its boney wings and flew over to Jackal's shoulder, seeming to whisper something into his ear. Once again, the grin came back to his face, bigger than before. "Perhaps I will keep this place here... for one more day."

Meanwhile, as the lights started to come on and illuminate the entire place, someone drove up to the front gates of the carnival in a mo-ped. The teen kicked down the side stand on the ped and got off it, standing now in front of the carnival. It had seemed to of been a male teen, and one that most town folks known him as Trevor Norvbecc. The teen truly did not have any sign of wanting to be here on his face, but to be called a coward because he didn't want to be here...

Trevor walked up to the front gates, seeing that it was already slightly open, so he slipped right on in. He walked a few feet forward, looking all around himself, yet he saw nothing more but tents and other structures that were to be found at any carnival. He even saw an empty ticket booth. "Perhaps this place isn't open right now..." He said to himself as he turned and started walking away.

"Hey kid! Ya leavin' already? Ya just got here, silly!" A male's voice spoke out loudly. This made Trevor spin around quickly as he looked to see where the source of that voice came from. He then saw someone in the ticket booth this time. A little unnerved, he made his way back over to the booth, keeping his eyes on the happy faced man. "Um... sorry, I didn't see you." Trevor apologized.

"That's okay! So you're here for the show, right? Excellent! They'll be real happy to entertain yet 'nother soul." The man in the booth said. Now Trevor felt unquestionably worried, but he didn't let that show on his face. Instead, he asked, "How much to get in?"

"No cost!" The man said joyfully, then continued. "Everything here is for free for our guest, but you will need this to get into the main event!" The man then handed out what seemed like a normal ticket. Trevor inspected the ticket at first before taking it.

"Enjoy the night!" The man said before a second set of gates opened. Trevor stepped beyond the gates, and was now officially in the carnival. It seemed a bit more lively on the inside.
The twins stared at the teenager, hunched at the back of their cage.

"What d'you think'll happen to him?" asked Right.

"You know I don't know," replied Left, fiddling with his key. "Here's hoping Alice won't find him, he's been looking for another doll."

"Oh, he's noticed us! He looks surprised."

"Sister, we're an undead teenager with two heads. He's got a right to be surprised."
"Trevor. I like it." Gwen looked around. More people seemed to be arriving.

"Question, did you come here on your own free will, or did she make you come." Gwen gestured to the woman who staring at the two of them. Gwen figured he had come on his own free will, but Gwen was hoping to spark a conversation, and that way this place would feel less...creepy. She couldn't help but shiver at the look of the place, it sent chills up her spine and made her want to run away and never come back. Gwen blinked fast a few times, making herself come out of her trance. She didn't know if Trevor had responded so she figured he probably did.

"Sorry, what was that?"
Dahlia meandered around from tent to tent, overseeing the progress of the carnies. It would be another perfect show tonight, she was confident. Right down to the main event. She licked her lips, remembering the delicious chaos they had caused at the last town before disappearing without a trace. Her amber eyes glimmered as she noticed that guests were already beginning to arrive. "Welcome to the carnival!" she smiled brightly at the guests as they began to trickle in. Mostly school-children seeking some sort of thrill, a deviation from their everyday lives. They truly had no idea how extraordinary of a night they were in for...

"Hmmm..... I wonder what Jackal is up to." she thought.
As Nameless or 'Nami' sat with her tamer waiting for this performance to start. She watched the lights, it's been a hobby for her to watch the carnival lights. Her tamer petted her as they waited. Never learning her tamer's name, she never knows how to identify anyone. Staring at the floor, she wondered if she would he able to express her feelings, that's when her tamer spoke. "Alright Nameless, just listen to key words like 'sit' and 'walk' okay?" he said. Shaking her head 'OK' she followed her tamer out into the ring.
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Jackal watched as the two went into the ring once Nami changed into her tiger form; Satoshi. He gave a soft smile, then turned for the exit; it was time to greet the newcomers. He wondered if anyone else had done so; besides the ticket man. He made his way out and towards the front.

Trevor listened to Gwen as she spoke and asked basically why he was here. When she mentioned about another 'she', Trevor was slightly confused, but then remembered the other girl in the distance. He was about to answer, till she asked him what he said. "I haven't spoken yet." He at first said in a low tone, then continued. "And I'm here because of some stupid dare from someone at my college; someone who better be prepared to kiss their ass goodbye when I get back. As for that girl; I don't know who she is, and I care even less to find out." He stated out his mind.

Just then, his attention was caught by yet another female who had came up to them from the carnival grounds to seemingly greet then. She was dressed up rather fancy; she must of been one of the higher staff members. "Thank you." He said in a quiet tone, not wanting to be rude, but not really wanting to talk either. He then saw another man approach the group. Something about this man, though...

Jackal walked up beside Dahlia, gently placing a hand on her shoulder as he looked at the three humans. It wasn't a massive group, but fun was still up be had. "Welcome to the Dark Carnival. I am your host and Ring Master; Jack." Jackal introduced himself to them. It was only proper for him as the 'owner' of the place. "We do hope you all enjoy your stay here. Everything you see, from the foods, to the entertainment, it is all for free. Though, you should have gotten your tickets before you came in. Please present them." Jackal announced to them.

Trevor felt a wicked cold chill run right down his spine just from the look of this Jack person... and his eyes... Were those red eyes fake? If course they eye, it was just for show, right? ...Right? Nonetheless, he reached into his pocket and fished out the ticket to give it to Jack.
"Dare huh?" Gwen said under her breath. She looked back at the girl again, wondering what she wanted. Gwen then slightly jumped when Jack seemed to appear out of nowhere. Gwen pulled the ticket out of her back pocket when asked and presented it with a flourish. Grinning, Gwen then presented herself.

"I am your customer, and uh another random thing. My name is Gwen."

She then turned to the woman who had welcomed them.

"Thank you!" Gwen matched the enthusiasm as the woman. Gwen marveled at the woman's eyes. They were like a bright Amber, Gwens favorite color.

"So, uh, where do we go first?"

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