Welcome to the Asylum

It's currently on two timelines. One time line is 5 days head of the other. All of these cells and prisoners were freed 5 days ago. I am currently waiting for the behind timeline to catch up. So once it does I will do a recap. You can choose if your character stays free or is recaptured. When the timeline catches up, it will be said that most were recaptured, but not all. Which one you are is your choice :P
The past five days had been stressful. Between Raven's capture and Charlotte apparently losing her head and setting the prisoners lose, Julia had a lot on her plate. She did her best to avoid the interrogations of Raven, and was constantly hunting down patients and returning them to the asylum. Most had been found, but there were still many roaming free with their out of control abilities. And Craig had summoned her for a meeting.

She sat anxiously in the leather chair, twisting her sweaty hand together, blue hues locked onto the dull, gray carpet. "Charlotte must be sedated," Craig said finally in his cold voice, gaze hard and merciless. Julia quickly jumped to the tracker's defense, the words pouring out of her mouth faster then she could stop them. "No!" she cried, standing and clenching her hands into fists at her side, "She made a mistake, which any normal human being could make! I can talk to her and solve the situation-"

"She is not a normal human being, Julia!" Craig snapped, causing Julia to flinch and sink back into her seat, "Even before now, she had been causing problems, threatening Imperium. She must be sedated." Julia felt sick, her face pale at the thought. Sedation was a quick, painless process, but a frightful one. It increased the sixth sense to a point where it was overwhelming, and it got out of control, causing the victim to go crazy. Although Charlotte did make a rather insane decision to release the prisoners, she did not deserve this. No one did.

"We need a new interrogater," Craig said coolly, pacing in front of her with slow, steady steps. "To obtain information out of that rebel leader. He believes killing them will simply stop the questioning." Julia paled, her eyes wide with fright. She had been avoiding him at all costs, avoiding the situation and focuisng her energies else where. And Craig was dragging her back in. "I would like for you to do it, Julia." It was no request. It was an order, one Julia would have to follow. She swallowed hard, then nodded.

((yay, wifi and computers at the hotel :D darktanion will still be able to control my chara and accept/help people though when I am unable. Thanks everyone for going with the flow! ^.^))
Raven's mind swede, his hot, feverish form laying against cold concrete ground. No one had come in for a while, only a few people to take out the dead body of that reckless women. Since then thing's fell silent, the quiet silence of nothing. The only thing their to break the cold, heart-wrenching silence was Raven heavy gasps for air. Raven had lived a long time, he knew a lot of things, including when certain organs were failing.. And his were. His sight had gone black ages ago from all the chemicals, although he didn't mind much, it only heightened his other senses.

He grunted, slowly pulling his limp body to sit-up against the rusted and wet wall. His hand's lay limp and shackled between his legs. He looked up slowly, almost as though to look at the ceiling, but really he saw nothing. Most of the pain that vibrated threw his body had stopped, being covered by the constant numbing of his torso. He wondered how long it had been, since he got here. The first day he was here, some kind of break out seemed to go down, and tensions were high with the staff. Although things seemed to have died down since.

He gave out a weak smile as he let his head fall, hanging loosely on his shoulders. He couldn't help but think of Julia. He knew it was better not to tell her the truth.. Not that it would matter anyway. She would never believe him. That was another time, another life. He still had a bone to pick with his subordinates who had taken his memory, and he would not be kind about it either, but in a way he was glad. Perhaps it was better she never knew. He loved her enough to let her go, to let her live. And his daughter.. His sweet daughter.. She looked just like her mother. He was so happy for that.
(The person my characters were talking to left so I don't really know what to do with them. Oh and could I get a quick recap of what's been going on? I lost track.)
Well, you might be in luck, because their is a time skip, you can recap what happened to your character, and 'suddenly' have him in a new place talking to a new character :)

It depends on what your character is. If he is a rebel, I can create a NPC for him to be with, if not you can have him appear before another character :)

Recap- pretty much, the leader of the rebels was caught and is currently being held at imperium. They are torturing him for information and have been for a week now.

One week prior; the day the rebel leader was taken, one of the imperium trackers went awol, releasing some prisoners. So they are talking about taking her down.))
In the past five days, Charlotte had been with the man named Clyde. She soon came to understand his ability. When he was sleeping, she released her hold on him. When he was awake she held him. It was really quite simple. Being that it was merely a sense for her, she could hold people as easily as breathing. Hell, she could probably even hold multiple. There had been an instance where she held more than one person. It made her mind tired, just like a long run would make a body tired. That was okay with Charlotte though, she never stopped challenging herself.

As soon as she had left the compound, she had cut her "tracking device" out of her neck. Most people at imperium had them implanted when they joined, it was pretty standard. Especially for the free thinkers like Charlie. While Charlotte had made a very rash decision, she had decided it was for the better. They were using her, just like her father had. She wasn't a person. She wasn't allowed to think. It was fetch and kill, over and over again. Granted, this time it wasn't a normal death. It was an agonizingly long and painful spiral to insanity, all in a single cell room. People just like her were trapped, simply for being better than the rest of humanity. In fact... It was probably humanity who kept them behind bars. It was probably humanity who was using her.

Sure, Charlotte was human. That doesn't mean she felt like she was on the same level though. Charlotte felt almighty and powerful, as she should. She was the next step in evolution, and there was no way in damned hell that she would let the old humanity stomp her down. No, she would rise above , and if that meant crushing imperium, so be it.

She wouldn't join the rebels though... No, they were not effective. Charlotte decided in that moment that with the help of this man Clyde, and any other advanced humans, she would take down Imperium. She would crush them, then use them as her puppets just like they used her.

With a crooked smile on her face, Charlotte turned to Clyde, "So tell me, Clyde, just how much do you hate imperium?"
After days of being with Charlotte, Clyde was beginning to feel......he wasn't sure how to describe it......


He would wake every morning to her hold on him. At first if panicked him, not being able to move. But he soon realized that she want holding him with malice. She kept him under control because she recognized that he was dangerous.

They were staying in a broken down building, that had been abandoned years ago. Clyde didn't know where the building was. He didn't know anything about the outside world. He'd been a prisoner of the imperium for so long....

He liked Charlotte. Not because she had a lovable personality or anything, but because he couldn't hurt her. He had no power over her, and that was nice. He liked following orders, for now. He liked not having to think. If he didn't think, his emotions couldn't take over. All she had to do was point him in the right direction, and The Others would do the rest.

The day Charlotte asked her question, Clyde had not yet felt the pull of any of The Others, but at the mention of the Imperium, he was instantly flooded with rage.

"Charlotte," he warned. She instantly took control of him, and he found he was able to relax under her control. He took a deep breath, and said softly.

"That's an excellent question ma'am. Is there a word I can use that is stronger than hate?"
(out of curiosity, is there anything remotely significant that can happen with my character? I just don't know what to do right now .3. ))
(Hmmm... I guess they could have made there way to where the rebels are. Thanks :) )

Max and Remy found themselves standing outside a large building. It was now a little past eight and both girls were wondering if coming here was a good idea. After a week of searching they got in touch with a person who told them that he could help them out. They were suppose to be meeting here at eight fifteen.

"Are you sure this is the right location?" Max asked looking at the piece of paper in her sister's hands, an address scribbled on it.

"Positive," Remy answered.

Max Frowned, The building looked old, and abandoned, and there wasn't another building around for a mile in each direction. The older twin pulled out her Galaxy Note 2 and typed in 9 and 1. "If anything happens we run got it?" Max said her other finger resting above the other 1.

"Got it," Remy said.
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(Minusultra, they at the rebel door or imperium? And I'll look at your character sheet later and see if I can find something 'dramatic' for you))
The sound of light thud's echoed in the deserted building. A few bird's fluttered away at the sudden sound, throwing leaves from a near by bush. The knock went unanswered, with no sound of movement or life within the building. After the echoing sound of the doors thud stopped, the sound of twigs snapping suddenly creaked behind the twins. A heavy boot crunched down on the dead branches, eyes narrowing at the strangers. Two men stood behind them, two jet black, non-glossy, fully automatic SMG's sat resting in their grips. Both of the men wore masks, each painted uniquely, hiding their faces.

Everything about the two men matched, they both had army green cargo pants with tight black T's. Both of their waists were weighed down by ammo and back up weapons. Their short spikey hair peeked over their masks laying on the smooth glossy surface. The dark brown hair made the purple and green paint on the masks stand out against their skin. The only thing that made them stand apart was their eye color, one with bright green eyes, and the other with a deep brown. One of the men cleared his throat, tilting his head in curiosity at the girls.

The two men glanced at each other, then back at the sudden intruders. One of the men nodded to the other, taking a step towards them. "This is private property, you must leave.. " His grip tightened around the guns trigger as he spoke, his eyes narrowing as he looked up and down at the girls. The rebel's have been on high alert ever since Reventree had been captured. Plans to take him back had already been set in motion, which at the same time made things tense with the rebels. The men stood silently, their emotions high as they waited for the girls to respond. "Now.. " one of the men added, whipping his gun to the side in a hint-ful manor.
Both girls instantly spun around at the clearing of a throat.

"Dammit," Max whispered. She had dropped her cell in the surprise of seeing armed men with their guns pointed their way. Not for the first time, Max wished that she had never left home. Max glanced at her sister, fear clear on her face. Remy was already looking around trying to find away out of this. Max turned back to the men when they spoke. "W-we were looking for someone," the Scottish girl said. She was trying, but failing, to keep her voice from shaking. Waves of electricity flicked through the air, a clear sigh that Max was scared.

"Yeah," Remy chimed in. She reached for Max's hand but instantly drew back when a shock ran through her hand. Remy gave her sister a look telling her to calm down. "We, um, were looking for some help but maybe this is the wrong place..." Remy wanted to grab her sister and just run away, but she was too scared that if she made a sudden movement that they would shoot. So instead she waited.
The electricity whipped in the breeze, connecting in places then spinning off again. The men's eyes widened in surprise, their gazes meeting with each other, brows raising in question. The two men slowly lowered their weapons, silence falling between them. "Oh enough! You are scaring them!" a man suddenly pushed between the two masked men, his body phasing in to existence like a magic trick. The man was a bit younger, couldn't be more then a day over 25. He marched up the girls, giving them a warming smile.

One of the masked men quickly interrupted, his voice hissing in anger. "What if they are with Imperium!"

"They aren't.. " The warming man brushed back his long blond hair, revealing beautiful caramel hues. "They do not know anything, not even really about us.." He tilted his head as he looked at them. "Ryan!" One protested, holding his gun at the ready. Ryan was a mind reader, and it was easy to tell these girls were not here in any dangerous way. "It's okay, sorry they scared you. My name is Ryan. Their is no reason to be afraid, we wont hurt you.. "

Ryan raised his hand to Max's cheek, letting it brush against her pale skin. A sudden jolt hit his fingertips, causing him to quickly retract his hand. His right eye squinted in pain, as he whipped his hand in the air, almost as though he thought fanning it might reduce the pain. One of the masked men tsk'ed, dropping his gun so it fell, dangling on his shoulder by a strap. He slowly walked forward and his hand found his mask. HE slowly pulled it off, his wrist flicking it to the floor.

The mask hit with a thud, revealing a man about the same age as Ryan. He let out a heavy sigh as he walked forward, kneeling next to Ryan so that he was more at their height. "No need to be scared, we are like you.. see..." He raised his hand, letting it hover in the air in front of them. The electricity seemed to flicker more intensely in the air, wrapping around the mans hand. It twirled slowly, short ends stopping, while new strands of electricity seemed to spark up. The masked man had the power of attraction and reflection of energy's. He is able to take in any type of energy that comes at him and reflect it back.

In a lot of ways, its not a very useful power in battle if your opponent does not have a energy passed ability. However electricity was defiantly a source of power. He thought maybe if he showed her they were similar she might calm down. The other man, although not to keen on approaching the girls had a very powerful ability as well. The power of illusions, masking reality with a dream like layer. A very formidable power, but also very useful when you want to hide something. Like an entire rebel base.
As if in sync, both girls took a step back as the man, Ryan, approached them. He was nicer than the two before but the twins still kept their guard up. When Ryan reached out and touched Max Remy wanted to push his hand away. But he had already pulled back when he got shocked, Remy smiled, that's what he gets. The other man showed off his own power and the electricity radiating from Max's body slowed to a stop.

"Yow have powers too," Max whispered in awe. She was so relieved that they had finally found people like them. She was beginning to loose hop. Max smiled and spoke louder. "We heard rumors about this place, a place to help people with powers, so we left home to find it," She explained not realizing that the location in which they were standing belonged to the rebels and not to Imperium, the place they had read about on the internet.

"We were hoping that you could help my sister learn to control her powers. We heard that you have helped others in the past." Remy chimed in. "You see, my sister has never been able to control her powers very well, and as they become stronger, her struggle to control them grows. We're," Remy turned to look at Max. "We're scared of what might happen if this continues.

Max didn't turn to meet her sister's gaze. She didn't want to see the worry in her eyes. She was the older twin and felt that she she should have had her powers under control before Remy did. She wouldn't admit it out loud, but Max felt embarrassed, and a bit jealous of her twin. "So, can you help me?" Max asked.
"Ahh.." Ryan and Fon looked at each other, then back at the twins. "I do not think you quite understand what we are.. however, our leader would not be happy if we turned you away... We will help you learn to control your powers.." Ryan smiled again slowly taking a step back as Fon dropped his hand. Fon stood up slowly turning to Ryan. "Follow us.. " He said turning back and walking away from the front door. The third man who had kept his gun raised lowered it, letting Ryan and Fon pass before he turned to follow.

He looked back, waiting for the girls to pass him. The third man was not very social, nor did he care to be very friendly. Ryan and Fon walked only a few feet past the third man before their bodies suddenly vanished, like a drap had suddenly fell over them and they disappeared. The third man smiled under his mask, looking back at the girls for a reaction. This door was only a front, their real home was just past him, cloaked in a very constant illusion.

Behind the illusion stood a large old Victorian house, windows spanning completely across its surface. The doors reached higher then the doors in a normal house, with both of them open they were big enough to drive a car in. It was obvious this house was built by a wealthy family long ago. Two more masked guard stood at the door way, guns held by their sides, pointing at the ready. Ryan gave them a smile, walking silently past them and opening the old Victorian door. He turned, waiting for the girls to pass threw the barrier, his brow raising at Fon and he walked into the house without a word.

It was obvious he disagreed with letting them in. It was Reventree who trained all of them to control their powers anyway. It was useless for them to be here without him. But Ryan was a lot like Reventree in that sense. He could not just turn someone away. This house was suppose to be a base, yet it was more like a shelter, with random powered people taking refugee from Imperium. This pace, in a lot of ways, was a sanctuary, a safe haven.
(I'm sorry but I think I'll have to drop this rp. My character wasn't able to do much before, since he was a patient, and now that the story has progressed this far it's difficult to jump in. I also will be busy over the next couple of days, so I'll have to wait even longer before really pushing my character in, sorry.)
He was a mess. Julia watched him with one hand over her mouth, horror in her eyes at his impoverished condition. They hadn't ever cured the wounds from the battle five days ago, and there were even more. He was bloody and bruised, his eyes staring blankly at the wall. "Why isn't he being taken care of? What about food, water, medicine? We won't get any information from him like this!" she hissed, turning to face Craig. He gave her a cold glare, crossing his arms over her chest and looking at her with disapproval. "He's a rebel, Julia. Not our valued guest." Julia stared at him in disbelief, wanting to shake him and scream at his stupidity. Why did he insist on doing this, on torturing people? It was sickening.

"I never said-" Julia was cut off with a scream, a scream from her own lips. Pain pressed down on her head, sending her to her knees. A whimper rang from her throat as she held her temples, squeezing her eyes shut. "Do not test me, Julia," Craig said icily, kneeling down and grabbing her chin, forcing her to look at him. His ability frightened Julia more then anything. It did not kill, but caused pain so immense, it was unbearable. A pain that pressed down on the victims head, ringing through their temples. "Now, we will be doing things my way, understood? You do as I say, or you will suffer the consequences." Julia gritted her teeth, panting heavily, trying to push away the pain. It simply increased. "And if I don't?" She managed to choke out, giving him a death glare.

He simply smiled, a frightening, humorless smile, raising his hand and snapping his fingers once. A door opened, and two large, bulky men appeared, holding a small girl between them. "M-mommy?" Julia paled, the pain finally diminishing from her head. She scrambled to her feet, blue hues wide and terrified. "Raisa!" she cried, taking a step forward. They held a needle to her daughter's neck, a vial with contents that would make her sixth sense go out of control, consuming her. "Let her go, dammit!" Julia screamed, panic and fear filling her. "Then do as I say." His voice tickled her neck, and Julia shuddered, flinching away. "You really thought you could hide her forever? Sooner or later, we would of found out the secret you were keeping, what you were hiding."

Craig paced patiently in front of Julia, a vicious gleam in his dark eyes, black hair sleeked back with oil. "Now, go in there and do your job." Shakily, Julia stood, her eyes glued onto Raisa, fear vibrating through her body. "It'll be okay, baby girl. Everything will be alright." Her eyes, however, portrayed a different story, told her something else. Everything was not okay, and Raisa had to protect herself. Raisa had to use her power and get out of here. If only Julia could touch her, to tell her what to do. But they wouldn't let her near her, blocking her path every time she tried. Hopefully her eyes were enough. Hopefully Raisa would get the message.

There was more to her power then Julia would ever tell. Only he had knew her true ability, and had sworn not to say a word to Imperium. That way she felt like she had more freedom. Being able to communicate with just a small touch would be useful to those above her. Those who craved power like Craig. Controlling emotions was a form of communication, but she couldn't exactly control emotions, but could do enough to make people believe she did. Making someone happy was simply a process of sending happy thoughts, and calming down someone who was frightened is sending soothing thoughts. Angering or scaring someone, however, required action and not communication. But now, with a touch, she could, in a way, speak to someone, to give them instructions without saying a word. And that's exactly what she planned to do.

She twisted the knob to the room that Raventree was in, pushing the door open and stepping inside. He sat in a corner, leaning against a wall, glassy gaze locked onto the ceiling. They had poured chemicals into his eyes, which had blinded him. Temporarily or permanently, she did not know. She hesitantly walked towards him, heels clicking softly against the tile. Gingerly, she kneeled next to him, raising her hand and briefly grazing her fingers across his shoulder, eyes locked onto his pale face. He would die before he said anything. She knew that much, and knew she had to get him out of here. The question was how.

Its me, Julia. I'm not going to hurt you. I want to get you out of here, but I don't know how. And... And they have Raisa... They're threatening my daughter and I just don't know what to do. I'm scared. I'm scared to hell and back right now. We need to get you out of here, and I need to look like I'm interrogating you, otherwise they'll hurt Raisa. I don't know what to do.

That little touch was all she needed to tell him everything he currently needed to know. She had no idea if he would even help her or not, considering she was the one who got him in this mess in the first place. Why would he bother? Who cares about the woman who turned him in, who gave him to authorities. Why didn't he send people to kill her? She was just trouble, a problem that needed to be fixed. That's what she always had been. Her father definitely believed so. Julia winced at the memories, pushing them back, putting them back behind a wall that secured her childhood. Instead she focused on Raven, lips pursed in a thin line, worry in her eyes. Hopefully he would listen. Hopefully he would help her save Raisa.
When the two men vanished into thin air, Max and Remy stopped walking. Max gazed at the place where the two had walked into nothing with mix of confusion and surprise on her face. The expression was mirrored on Remy's face.

"Um, what just happened?" Max asked. Maybe trusting these people weren't such a good idea. What if one of these guys had the power to create a loophole? What if when they walked through that empty space they were teleported to a new location? One in which they could never return? Okay, maybe Max's imagination was a bit too extreme.

"Oh, come see!"

Max was brought back to reality by her sister's voice. Remy was standing just in front of the empty space, her head was outstretched, it disappeared into thin air. Max frowned, she hadn't noticed her sister leave her side.

"What is it?" Max asked.

"It's a whole house!" the excitement dripped from each word Remy spoke. Remy turned to face Max. "This is really cool, come see." she said waving her over.

Max walked over to Remy, making sure to keep her distance from the the remaining man with the gun. She got the feeling that he didn't like them very much.

"It's like some sort of veil, or force field." Remy said before walking through the illusion in front of Ryan. Max came seconds later.

"Wow," Max whispered taking in the old fashion house. "This is beautiful."

"How--" Remy started, she glanced behind her before continuing. "How is there a house here?"
Raven's eyes narrowed, his neck tilting down to the floor as the door opened. His head seemed to tilt slightly to the sound of the door not clicking shut. This was interesting, were they bringing something in? He listened carefully, his gaze staring off into the distance. A sudden touch from a unknown hand caused him to flinch slight, his gaze suddenly moving to the unknown person. Everything hit him simultaneously, everything she wanted him to hear, like he had just suddenly remembered. He bowed his head slightly, his teeth grinding beneath his lips. Though he would not say it out loud, how dare those bastards threaten her. How dare they involve his daughter.

Her plead for help made his heart wrench, his angry boil over the edge. Although he was angry enough to rip someones throat out, he kept a cool, level tone. He let out a slightly sinister laugh as he leaned in toward Julia. "PD sweety.. You think I will tell you what you want? Your a peice of imperium scum, you don't deserve to live another day.. but maybe I will tell you... just this once.. Oh, maybe for a kiss? Seem's like a fair deal, doesn't it?" He suddenly thrusted forward, his lips locking with hers. He made sure his hands grabbed her shirt, holding her in place. He could not let her move, if she pulled away at the wrong time, she would die.

His eyelids became strained as her body went numb, the feeling of electricty soaring threw her lips. HE stayed like this for a moment, giving her time to absorb what he said. "PD..." PD was a game they used to play in imperium. High ups never participated so they knew little about it. It was quiet simple, it meant playdead. One person 'loses' control of their power and kills someone, and you have twenty four hours to figure out which person is the killer. It was a lot like Clue, but more fun.

He could only hope she understood as he released her body, letting her fall limp to the floor. His eyes moved, looking towards the still opened door. He knew one of two things would happen. Either A. Raisa would go berserk and her power would spin out of control, which would probably kill the two men guarding her. This plan is the one he wanted that most, despite the fact he was well aware her first attack would go for him. He could only hope he could move fast enough. The second possibility was that Craig that the 'dead' body away. In which case Julia would be able to find her own way out. Somehow threw his blindness, his eyes found Raisa, his cold, blood-lust smile taunting her. "Hmmm, she smelt good.. Can I have another ?" He laughed moving his gaze away
Darktanion said:
Raven's eyes narrowed, his neck tilting down to the floor as the door opened. His head seemed to tilt slightly to the sound of the door not clicking shut. This was interesting, were they bringing something in? He listened carefully, his gaze staring off into the distance. A sudden touch from a unknown hand caused him to flinch slight, his gaze suddenly moving to the unknown person. Everything hit him simultaneously, everything she wanted him to hear, like he had just suddenly remembered. He bowed his head slightly, his teeth grinding beneath his lips. Though he would not say it out loud, how dare those bastards threaten her. How dare they involve his daughter.
Her plead for help made his heart wrench, his angry boil over the edge. Although he was angry enough to rip someones throat out, he kept a cool, level tone. He let out a slightly sinister laugh as he leaned in toward Julia. "PD sweety.. You think I will tell you what you want? Your a peice of imperium scum, you don't deserve to live another day.. but maybe I will tell you... just this once.. Oh, maybe for a kiss? Seem's like a fair deal, doesn't it?" He suddenly thrusted forward, his lips locking with hers. He made sure his hands grabbed her shirt, holding her in place. He could not let her move, if she pulled away at the wrong time, she would die.

His eyelids became strained as her body went numb, the feeling of electricty soaring threw her lips. HE stayed like this for a moment, giving her time to absorb what he said. "PD..." PD was a game they used to play in imperium. High ups never participated so they knew little about it. It was quiet simple, it meant playdead. One person 'loses' control of their power and kills someone, and you have twenty four hours to figure out which person is the killer. It was a lot like Clue, but more fun.

He could only hope she understood as he released her body, letting her fall limp to the floor. His eyes moved, looking towards the still opened door. He knew one of two things would happen. Either A. Raisa would go berserk and her power would spin out of control, which would probably kill the two men guarding her. This plan is the one he wanted that most, despite the fact he was well aware her first attack would go for him. He could only hope he could move fast enough. The second possibility was that Craig that the 'dead' body away. In which case Julia would be able to find her own way out. Somehow threw his blindness, his eyes found Raisa, his cold, blood-lust smile taunting her. "Hmmm, she smelt good.. Can I have another ?" He laughed moving his gaze away
((All reply with rebels after work))
PD? Julia froze. Not from fear, but more from surprise. No one knew about that game except them. At least, no one else in this room. Could it really be... No, that was impossible. But... Julia somehow knew it was true. She smiled as he thrust her forward to kiss her, her hand grazing his shoulder. Sam? My god I've missed you more then anything... As he released her, she fell limp to the floor, knowing exactly what to do.

Raisa's scream echoed off the walls as her mother fell to the ground, blue hues bulging out of her head as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Mommy! Mommy!!" She shrieked, thrashing in the guards arms. The vial of liquid they held burst, glass shattering everywhere as the liquid floated through the air, slashing right and left, cutting across their throats. They fell limply to the ground, eyes glassy and jaws ajar as Raisa darted forward, the water from her cheeks rising in the air and molding together. It formed a powerful orb, one that shot forward, smashing the glass blocking Raventree and them into sharp shards. She flung her arm outward, sending the water towards Raventree, smashing it against his shoulder.

Then came the pain. A shriek passed her lips as she fell to the ground, curling up into a tight ball. "Now, now child, control yourself." Craig stepped forward calmly, his eyes locked onto Raventree and the "dead" Julia. He knew this was all a game. He could see the slight twitch in Julia's hand, the tightening of her jaw as her daughter's whimpers rang through the room. "Stop this childish game, Julia." He increased the pressure in Raisa's head, causing her to shriek even louder. Julia jumped to her feet and lunged forward, reaching out to grab the bastard and strangle him. But she was stopped as he transferred the pain from Raisa to her, sending her to her knees.

Julia fell to her knees, gritting her teeth at the pain, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Mommy?" Raisa whimpered, running over to her side. Julia ran her fingers over her daughter's small hand as she fought back the pain, giving her explicit instructions to follow. Take Raven and get out of here. Find Charlotte, okay? Find her and tell her she was right and I'm sorry. Avoid Imperium at all costs. Do not reply to this, just act. Blindly, Raisa nodded, only slightly so Craig didn't see. Then she jumped to action, scrambling over to Raventree and grabbing his arm, pulling him along behind her. Sobs passed her lips as she staggered forward, dragging him with all her strength. Craig released his hold on Julia, returning his attention to her, ready to stop her.

Raisa braced herself, but there was no need. Julia had already acted. She jumped forward once Craig released his hold on her, leaping on his back and restraining him, thrashing back and forth like a bull. For a moment, Raisa froze, petrified, not wanting to leave her mother behind. But Julia urged her to go, still holding back Craig, though she wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. With a whimper, Raisa dragged Raventree the rest of the way, shutting the door behind them. She could her a thud and yelling, the sound of threats. But she kept moving, pulling Raventree behind her, the tears on her face whipping up in the air, flicking around madly.
Raven gave Craig a snug smile, laughing slightly under his breath. Just as he hoped Raisa flew out of control, her powers snapping and thrashing about. Raven let out a painful yelp as shards of crystal water tore into his flesh, he fell over on his side, his gloved hands cradling into his chest and he squeezed his eyes shut. He managed to keep himself in check, his eyes moving to Julia. He let out a painful grunt, his eyes widening as Raisa let out a painful scream. His gaze flashed over to Julia, his voice shaken as he muttered under his breath. "No.. " But it was to late, Julia flinched her palm, proving to Craig she was still alive. "Shit.. " He muttered, letting out a painful, unhealthy sounding cough as Julia shot up to her feet.

The rest seemed to black out for a moment, his eyes in a daze. His mind was exhausted, his body at the edge of death. His mind suddenly flinched back as someone pulled on his gloved hands, his shoulder hitting a door frame. He let out a painful breath, pulling back on Raisa stopping her. Raven did not have the strength to fight Craig, nor the power to contain him. He had to think fast, he quickly closed his eyes picturing each door he had passed in the hallway. Each door had a label on it, telling the resident and their powers. He quickly spun around and kneeled next to Raisa, holding both her arms. "Raisa, stay here.. " He stood up and whirled around, his eyes shifting to the upper corner of the wall. He could remember a camera their.

He raised his hand to the camera, using his hands to make gestures towards it. His lips mouth the words, quiet like whispers as he acted it out. "Open door number 8"

Meanwhile.. Back at the rebel front, a skinny man sat at a computer, his hands flickering against keys as he opened and closed window's repeatedly. His eyes flickered all over the page, his fingers at a constant flow. The man was quite skinny, almost to the point of being unhealthy. His glasses hung loosely on his nose, his dirty blond hair almost brown with dirt. This guy was one of the older of the rebels, looking at about 48 years of age. Ryan walked in slowly, giving the girls a smile as they made their way in. "Welcome to Ravenwood Manor.. " He said turning to let them see the inside of the mansion.

The quiet, unsocial man walked past them, quietly disappearing into the crowd of people who stood with in the halls. The entrance was huge, almost like they had run into a ball room, sleek dusty marble flooring and long Victorian drapes over every window. Just right of the entrance was a large spinning stair case, taking you up to the second and third level of the house. "Ryan! Get over here!" A voice called out in the distance, the man on the computer waving him over frantically. He looked back at the girls, giving them a passing smile. "You are welcome to look around.. " Ryan had a very soft and sweet voice, like that of a religious figure.

Ryan walked up with a quick pace to the man on the computer, hovering over his shoulder to look up at the screen. "What is it Justin?" He asked looking at a small window on the screen. Ryan's eyes widened, his body leaning in closer, as though he thought his eyes were mistaken. Raven stood in the hallway of the Imperium faculty, his hands waving a command. "Door 8? ...Justin.. " Ryan looked over at Justin, giving him a desperate look. "Ya I know, I got it.. " He responded, his fingers typing away on the keyboard. The sound of a hard metal latch sounded in the corridor, the red light on the door suddenly shifting green.

Craig spun around, his hands clawing at Julia's arms. He let out a sound of frustration, his cool, usually composed expression turning to anger. He quickly thrusted backwards, slamming Julia hard into the two way mirror. The glass suddenly shattered, the intense force throwing Julia to the floor with the many shards of glass. Craig took a step forward, cracking his neck and he looked back at her. "I will deal with you in a minute... " He turned his gaze, a action he would regret immediately. The sudden force of a fist impacted his jaw line, the sound of cracking bones muffled by his body crashing threw the two-way mirror. His body flew into the interrogation room, skidding across the floor and slamming hard into the adjacent wall.

A very large man stood before her, his entire body flourished in muscles. He looked like he was on steroidsthe way his body was build, his pecks almost to big to walk threw the door way. His fist stayed in the air for a moment as his eyes moved down to Julia. He had pretty ocean blue eyes like hers, his hair platinum blond. He glanced back behind him his voice deep and masculine as he spoke. "Leader?.. " Raven stood leaning against the door jam, his body sluggish and weak, barely able to hold itself up. "Thank you George. Quick, bring her.. " He spoke quietly, his voice coming out in painful breaths.

George nodded, leaning down and grabbing Julia's arm. He pulled her up to her feet, quickly pulling her out of the room and into the corridor. Raven slid out of the way of the door, raising his hands, his fingers shaking as he signaled to close and lock the door. The door swung shut, the green light shifting red. The sound of clanking metal echoed in the hallway as the door locked. George released Julia, turning to offer help to Raven. "No.. " He pushed away Georges offer, pulling himself from the wall, blood wiping against the once white wall. "I'm okay.. We need to hurry.. " He lifted his shackles, his eyes moving up to George.

George nodded, grabbing ahold of the shackles and pulling. He took no effort in prying the shackles form his wrists, the metal cracking and snapping in his hands. Raven gave George a thankful nod, pulling his cut and bruised hands away and letting them rest together between his legs. He gave George a smile, then weakly walked forward. "We need to go, we don't have much time.. " Raven did his best to keep his eyes away from Julia. Not that it mattered. He could not see how she looked at him anyway.
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Max shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot when Ryan left. She could feel everyone's eyes on her and felt like she was the new girl in school who no one wanted to eat lunch with. The lights began to flicker.

"We should look around," Remy said suddenly.

"Where?" Max asked.

"The house," Remy rolled her eyes. "Duh. I feel like I'm on display just standing here. And I know that you do too, so let's go."

Remy walked out of the huge hall and into a hallway followed closely by Max.

"Where are we even going?" Max asked.

"How should I know?" Remy answered as she began to open the doors she passed and peek inside.

"What are you looking for?"

"The bathroom, I really have to pee."

Max sighed and began helping her sister in her search. "This place is really nice, who do you think owns it?"

"My guess, Ryan. I think he's the leader of this place."

"What is this place anyway? Oh, I found it."

"Thank god," Remy said passing her sister into the bathroom. Max followed her in and locked the door behind her. She turned on the water on and faced the other way as Remy started to pee.

"Did you see all those people in the hall?" Remy asked excited. "Do you think all of them have powers?" Remy flushed and made her way over to the sink. "This is just like X-Men."

"Let's just hope that we don't get attacked by the Brotherhood." Max said sarcastically.

Remy dried her hands on a towel. "Let's keep looking around," she said stepping back into the hallway. "Maybe we can find cerebro."
The Devil had just thrown Lucis back up into the world for a year and is being forced to stay in this asylum "God Damn you demons always getting me in trouble" Lucis knocks on the door hard and loud being the asshole that he is. He waited impatiently for someone to open the door "Damn open the door* he banged harder.

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