Welcome to the Asylum

Sighing, Julia massaged her temples, Charlotte's words ringing in her ears. She made an excellent point, about bringing in non-lethal powers before lethal ones, but there was only so much she could do. Although she was a leader, there were still others above her, others that only the leaders knew about. They controlled the overall system of Imperium, they controlled what files she saw, and what assignments she sent out. And they had specifically told her not to send anyone for Raven yet. But, since Charlotte tended to act before thinking, she had chased after both a rebel and a facultas they were not supposed to go after.

Julia would have a lot to explain. "God dammit," she muttered, turning to Raven. She picked up Raisa from the backseat of Charlotte's car, waving him to follow as she made her way to the hospital, holding her daughter tightly in her arms. "How did you know?" she snapped at him quietly, yet sharply, her blue hues flickering back to him as the hospital doors opened. What she was asking was how did he know about Raisa's power, her ability to control water. That was another reason she had ordered Charlotte to let him go. To make sure Raisa's sixth sense remained a secret.
Felix was just standing right outside the hotel. The window to his room was open and a orange glow was emitting from it. "Sure is taking along time." Suddenly, an explosion occurred as glass rained down with the water. Felix laughed at the sight. "Oh! You have to enjoy back-draft!" He turned his back to the building and crossed the road. "Don't worry Felix, I was just setting example that we deserve better than that rat-hole excuse of a room. Now then, why was it you dragged yourself to this quiet haven of no-bodies?" Felix looked into a closed electronic store and looked himself in the reflection of himself on the screen of a television set. "Ah yes, Apple Pie. I wonder if the place is still open." He walked through the crowd that was gathering in-front of the hotel as they saw a huge flame burning from the hole that was once a window. He started humming Singing in the Rain as he made his way to the restaurant. They were closed but a simple elbow to the window and a twist of the handle allowed him to enter. With luck they had apple pies that were still warm from the day still in those small metal cases where they'd cook. He opened it up and pulled one out that had a slice cut out of it.

Sitting at one of the booths, he picked up the knife and fork and dug into the pie, as people ran past to see the blaze that was the hotel. "I don't know why you keep arguing with me. By tomorrow you'll have your body back and you'd hardy remember what went on. And by the way, the name's Nex, not Felix. I might look like you but I have better taste." The real Felix was sitting in the chair just opposite in astral form. "How it works is, when you black out from your little gift there, I take over. Like a kind of failsafe. So you don't end up blacking out and forgetting how to breath or something stupid like that." Nex dug into his pie some more. "So face it kid, you're stuck with me."
Raven followed quietly, his feet dragging against the ground. It wasn't until they got to the hospital that she spoke to him, demanding an answer for her daughters power. He did not answer at first, he merely stayed silent, his mind reeling. It wasn't until about 10 minutes later that he spoke. Raisa laid on a hospital bed, the doctor checking her vitals. He seemed confused at the sight, his mind unable to come up with a explanation for her sudden collapse. Raven stood in the corner of the room, keeping his gaze glued to the floor, only every once in a while glancing up at the doctor. After he had finished his examination he asked Julia to step outside and talk to his nurse, whom he had exchanged words with earlier.

Raven shifted his weight as the doctor asked Julia to step out for a moment. His gaze shifted to the doctor as his back turned, his hand comforting on her lower back. A nurse sat at the desk across the hall, writing down brief notes. She like all the nurses had a simple pink nurses coat, her hair tied back into a bun. Some of the hairs spiked out of his bun as she moved, switching from each side of the counter looking busy. Her head peered up as the doctor pointed to her, a smile on her face as she gestured her over.
Julia scowled at Raven's silence, crossing her arms over her chest and watching Raisa worriedly. The doctor seemed confused by her sudden collapse, scratching his head with his brows crunched together. When he asked her to step outside to speak to the nurse, her heart sank to her stomach. Numbly, she stepped out of the room, her gaze glued to the floor. She could only stare at the nurse who stood outside, her face blank, chest hollow as she pointed to the doctor, not saying a word. The nurse scampered off, going into the room as Julia leaned heavily against the wall, sinking to the floor.

Her face fell in her hands, blonde locks falling forward and hiding her eyes. She felt the tears begin to build, blurring her vision, streaming down her cheeks. She couldn't lose Raisa. Not now, please oh lord, not now. Julia bit down hard on her tongue to hold back tears, squeezing her eyes shut. Her daughter was everything to her, especially after the death of her husband five years ago. Raisa was the last memory besides photos Julia had of him. She looked so much like him with her dark hair and blue eyes. The last bit of him Julia had left.
Ravens eyes shifted to Julia as she silently felt the room. Her skin was pale from worry, causing him to raise a brow as she turned her back to him. The moment Julia left the room, the doctors eyes shot over to Raven, his eyes narrowing as he smirked. "Leader.. Unusual to see you.." His voice was more like a whisper as he spoke, his gaze moving down to the girl. Raven smiled, pulling himself off the wall. "We'll..?"

Raven too glanced down at the girl, his gaze only every once in a while shifting to the door. "....this obviously wasn't natural.. While her vitals are fine, her body seems to have shut down..."

"Shut down?"

"To put it more simply, she's in a coma.. "

Raven perked his lips in a thoughtful manor, his hand moving up to scratch his head. "Actually Leader.. I've seen this before. I happen to believe this was the doing of one of our newer recruits.. Damian I believe.."

Raven was silent again for a long while, his gaze down at the pale girl. He sighed, lifting his hand to his mouth. Jet black leather gloves pinned between his teeth as he pulled the glove from his hand. He carefully grabbed the glove from his mouth, the pulled the other off with his hand. He stood less then a foot from girl, his hand raising bare in the air, hovering in front of the doctor. His expression became confused, carefully glancing down at Ravens hands that to him.. spelt death. The doctor was no idiot, he knew what Raven intended to do, but the question was ... Why..

"Leader.. I don't underst-"

"You don't need to.. If one of my men did this.. Then I will set it right.. I will not allow the innocent to be used like this... Your hand James..." His tone was cold, cut throat. His beautiful grey eyes shimmering like the moon. James gulped, hesitantly raising his hand and touching it to Ravens palm. Raven grasped his hand tightly, immediately letting his soft, slender hands graze the young girls cheek. James eyes widened, his skin paling the longer he touched Raven. His eyes tightened as the doctor tried to keep his grip. What felt like a touch of hours was less then a second. Raven pulled away from them both, backing up suddenly and being caught by the wall.

Life had suddenly returned to the girls flesh, her breathing more solid. The doctor held his head, his mind spinning for a moment. Ravens back hit the wall with a soft thud, slipping down the wall and falling to the floor. His skin was even paler then the doctors. Raven quickly slipped his gloves back on, his head resting against the wall and his body weighed down on him.

"Leader.. Are you oka-" his words cut off as the nurse walked him, his body suddenly coming to attention as he turned to her. "Ahh, Carol, let her know she can come in now... We gave her daughter a .. Booster shot.. She will be fine.." The doctor stumbled on his words, eyes shifting to Raven. James knew better then to approach him now. Filtering strings like that was exhausting. And even though James knew he was drained from giving some of his string to this girl, he knew Raven suffered ten times more.

The nurse made her way out, walking slowly and cheerfully up to Julia. "Mam, the doctor has given your daughter a booster shot, which should help her. You may go back in. Once she wakes we can release her.." The nurse gave her a sweet smile, slowly turning around and walking back to her post.
Blinking, Julia looked up to the much too chipper nurse, her breath ragged, eyes heavy from exhaustion and worry. When she announced that Raisa would be okay, Julia nearly wept in relief. She stumbled to her feet, opening the door to the room and slipping inside. Immediately, her gaze went to Raisa. There was now color in her once pale cheeks, and her breathing was steady instead of irregular. A sigh of relief passed Julia's lips as she sat down next to her daughter's bed, caressing her cheek softly.

"When she wakes, we may leave?" Julia asked, looking up to the doctor. Oddly, he looked weary and tired, though not as bad as Raven. Julia frowned at this, standing and walking over to his side, resting a hand on his shoulder. Smiling gently, she changed that weariness into energy. In a way, it was an emotion, and something Julia could help him with. In exchange for him helping her daughter. "Thank you," she said softly, letting her hand drop to her side. 
((i would just like to let all participating in this roleplay that on Thursday i will be leaving for two weeks and may be unable to reply. I gave Darktanion permission to control my characters while I'm gone.))
James turned to her, his lips stretching in to a smile, his body felt lighter, happier. Like he had just received awesome news and it lifted his day. "Of course ma'm. Once she wake you may take her home. Check-up's wont be necessary for her either. Have a nice day.." He turned, giving her yet another smile and walking out of the door. The room became silent for a moment, only breaking by the sound of a soft thud from the door closing behind James. Raven glanced up as they spoke, a smile coming from him as she thank'd the doctor. He pulled his hoodie over his head again, shifting his legs beneath him. It was slightly unconformable to be sitting in this cold puddle of water his clothes had made, but it was still useful.

He could easily play off his pale and weak demeanor on to the cold water, which had made his body cold. His shimmering eyes kept to the floor, his posture slouched as his same, sad, lonely, and afraid aura returned. Raven was amazing at acting, so much that even his own followers question if maybe he was pi-polar at times. Raven sighed, pushing his hands and back to the wall, slowly lifting his form against the soft wallpaper to stand. He kept his hands deep in the pockets of his hoodie, glancing everyone in a while to look down at the girl, then shifting back to the floor. Despite being the rebel leader, he was actually very just and kind. He does not believe that innocents should be involved in their war, especially not children.
Slowly, Raisa's eyes began to flutter open, her blue hues confused and slightly scared. "M-mommy?" she stuttered, her voice a slight whimper in the silence of the room. Hastily, Julia lunged over to her daughter's side, smiling gently at her. "Hey Rai," she whispered softly, holding onto her hand. She sent her emotions of courage and happiness to eliminate the ones of fear, her eyes gentle and kind.

"W-who's he?" Raisa asked, pointing to Raven. Julia turned to face him for a moment, her lips pursed in a thin line as she considered carefully her answer. "Someone we're helping," she said at last after a long moment, returning her gaze to Raisa. "Be nice to him, alright?" Raisa nodded obediently, watching him with curious eyes. "Alright, let's get going. The doctor said we could leave once you were awake." Gingerly, Julia scooped Raisa up in her arms, gesturing for Raven to follow as they made their way back to the car.
Raven flinched at the sound of Raisa pointing him out, his gaze now super-glued to the floor. He glance up only as Julia said she was helping him, his head tilting in curiosity, yet still confused. He pulled himself from the wall, slowly walking forward to follow. Like always he kept a good distance between him and her, being ever weary of those passing by him. James stood in the corner, looking over a document with one of the nurses. Raven could feel his eyes on the back of his neck as he passed by, his suspicious glare wanting to stop and question his leader further.

Raven followed quietly, stopping a few feet away as Julia opened her car door, carefully sliding the girl in. He looked at the car nervously, glancing back behind him with uncertainty, almost as though he thought about running. He shook the feeling, carefully stepping forward, his body still keeping his distance from Julia and her daughter. He slide into the car, his eyes glancing around to make sure he was not within touching distance. Honestly, it felt nice to rest, his legs were like numb noodles as he walked, but still, he found it worth it to help this child.
Charlotte eventually arrived back at the imperium. It was dark out, and the downpour of rain was relentless. Charlotte stormed into the Imperium, flinging doors open as she went. She wasn't happy. In fact, she was quite angry. She had always been fairly loyal and obedient, but it was moments like this that she lost her temper. She was here to save people. Not to take orders. Why... She could even do it on her own. The only issue was: Imperium. The large, hulking, and slightly corrupt beast that loomed over her head.

Charlie was storming down the hallway, and passing cells as she went. She could her aggression, bubbling up inside of her. She passed by a cell, one belonging to some shapeshifter. His furniture was strewn across the room- a mess. Diego her aggression and anger, Charlie couldn't help but bang her fist on the door.

"Hey Moron. Leave the furniture alone. Last thing we need is to be cleaning your room. So stop with the childish temper tantrums and clean it up. Now. Before I get...irritated", she sneered, an unpleasant glint took place in her eye.
Clyde had been waiting for hours. There were no clocks in his room, but The Others didn't let him ignore time as it passed. He was beginning to lose himself.

Still, no leaders arrived. He was alone, like always. The leaders had better things to do than worry about him. He was broken. He was worthless. He was a prisoner here.

But more importantly, he was getting very, very angry.

And suddenly, The Others quieted. Clyde calmed. The world became hazy and distant. It was almost as if he was lapsing into sleep. He tried to hold on. He wanted to scream or struggle, but it was too late. He'd already lost control. One of The Others had him. The most dangerous one of all.

- - -

Marcus stood up from the floor, his hulking arms pushing his girth up with ease. He clenched his fists and spit on the cold cement floor. He could feel a rage building inside him, burning intensely, but he had yet to find something to do with its fury.

Then came the knock on the door.

It was a woman. She said something about the furniture, but of course Marcus wasn't listening. He just turned towards the cell door, his eyes crazed, his pulse racing. He dove towards it and slammed his shoulder against its frame with every fiber of his being.

"Let me out of here!" He shouted, his voice deep and shaking with anger. "Let me out you worthless tramp!!"
Valien flinched as he felt his entire world shake around him. There was muffled yelling from outside his cell, and he pulled his head in as he curled into a fetal position against the wall. Why? Why was everyone so angry? Why did he have to be kept here, without anyone to care? He started to weep as the shouting outside continued, and his obsidian arms began to melt into a foggy material
Julia watched Raven out of the corner of her eye as she started the car, Raisa quiet in the back seat. "How was school?" Julia finally asked after a long moment, shifting her gaze to the rear view mirror to look at her daughter. Raisa was staring out the window, her hand tracing the droplets racing down the glass. "Boring," she said at last, her blue hues never once leaving the window.

Frowning, Julia returned her attention back to the road, her lips pursed in a thin line. Raisa always found school dull, and didn't have many friends, despite the social butterfly she truly was. Julia did her best to have her make friends, but Raisa always scowled and shook her head, not enjoying the company of others her age.
Raven stayed silent for the entire car ride, his head laying against the cold wet glass. His skin remain pale, his breathing laberated. Just the touch of his hot skin fogged up the entire window, Julia's car could barely keep the front window from fogging against his body heat. He kept his eye on the front window, blurred out as he watched the water droplets fall, then be wipped away by the windshield wiper. The way his gaze hit the windshield made him look like he was in a trance, either that or half asleep.

His attention snapped too at the sound of the brakes squealing. The car came to a gentle stop in front of a small house. Because night time had set in, it was rather hard too see. The only thing he managed to make out was a nice grassy yard and small garden in front. Raven waited for Julia and Raisa to get out first, carefully watching them as he slipped out of his seat. He stood weakly, his eyes tracing Julia and the small girl. He followed shyly, glancing around at everything.

Julia slowly opened the door and walked in with her daughter. She shook off her clothes as she walked setting the car keys down on a near by counter. Raven walked up to the door frame, stopping idle outside as he looked at the step by the door. He looked down at the line that to him represented inside and outside, his beautiful yet weak moon light like hues shifting up to Julia, like a child waiting for permission to enter. As he waited he pulled his right hand front his pocket, letting it rest against the door frame, his body and cheek resting against his hand and the heavy frame.
"Raisa, go ahead and go up to your room and get some rest. I'll call you down when dinner is ready," Julia said with a smile, reaching out and ruffling Rai's hair. She nodded and skipped up the stairs, vanishing behind a bedroom door. For a moment, Julia just stared after her, sighing and reaching up one hand to massage her temple. "Come on," she said to Raven at last, waving him forward as she started up the steps.

She walked past Raisa's room and her own bedroom to the guest room at the very end of the hall. It was small, with a queen sized bed with beige sheets and a nightstand. In the corner was a dresser with five drawers, if they needed to be used. The closet was piled with boxes, boxes full of pictures. Julia carefully walked over to one that had fallen over and lifted it up. A small picture floated out and landed on the carpet next to her feet. After placing the box back, she bent over and picked it up, a small smile crossing her face as she looked at it.

It was back when she was just a teenager, a simple agent in Imperium. Back when she had first met him. It was the two of them, both grinning broadly, a ferris wheel lighting up behind them. It was one of their first dates, when they went to the carnival. She could remember everything almost perfectly. Blue cotton candy, since pink was much too common, a small coin purse as a prize since he hadn't been the best at the games. Roller coaster rides, bumper cars, and just holding his hand... Julia shook her head and gingerly put the picture on top of the box, then turning to face Raven.

"Bathroom is right next door if you want a shower. Towels are in the closet. I'll let you know when dinner's ready." She stood there awkwardly, waiting for his response, eyes glued to the window on the opposite wall. It gave a pleasant view of the backyard. "Anything you don't like?" she asked after a long pause, glancing over to him out of the corner of her eye, "Food wise?"
Raven followed her up the stairs, his eyes glancing up ever so often to see his surroundings. He stopped in the door way, looking at Julia curiously as she looked down a a picture. His head tilted slight and he walked forward, eyes narrowing at the picture. The picture was of a man smiling, covered in water from a hose. Raven flinched slightly, holding his head as he looked at it over her shoulder. He seemed to have these sudden headaches alot around her, so many things, seemed so familiar.

He pushed back the feeling, his soft voice speaking, dangerously close to her ear. "Why are you helping me? Despite knowing who I am.. What I can do.. Aren't you scared.." His breath tickled the hairs on her neck, his hands hand slipped around her waist as he spoke. Nothing protected her from death except thin cloth that laced around her body. He didn't know why, but somehow, for some reason.. He dropped his act around her, like it would be okay. He grinned his teeth, pulling away from her suddenly and slowly putting distance between them. "Sorry.." He muttered glancing at the floor.
Her eyes widened as his voice tickled the hairs on her neck, stiffening as his hands slipped around her waist. She felt frozen, incapable of movement. His touch, as strange as it sounded, was so familiar. Comforting, even. His words may of been almost threatening, but, oddly, she felt safe. Secure. Yet, once his hands fell back to his side, she was once more tense. Hastily, she spun to face him, startled by how close he was, blue hues watching him cautiously, yet wide with... well, she didn't know. What was she feeling?

"I-I'll let you know when dinner's ready," she said at last, stumbling over her words as she backed away. Quickly, she darted past him, her shoulder brushing against his as she fled from the room, shutting the door behind her. She leaned against the wall right next to his door, her whole body trembling, although not from fear. More from shock. Shock at his touch, and the familiarity of it. Shaking her head, she slowly proceeded down the stairs to the kitchen, head spinning from her crazed thoughts.

"Focus, Julia," she muttered, resting a hand on her forehead. Her thoughts couldn't get carried away like this. She was one of the leaders of Imperium, in charge of following strict, explicit instructions given to her and carrying out missions. Worrying about some boy was not for her to stress about. Yet, why did he feel so familiar when he touched her? Julia was positive she had never met him before, never laid eyes on him besides when reading over his file. So why did that small touch keep on bothering her?
Raven grinded his teeth and she shot past him, the slamming of the door causing him to cuss under his breath. "Shit.." He allowed himself to collapse down in front of he door, cradled in the corner. His fingers massaged his temple as his head began to spin. His head buzzed, he felt so tired, as he usually did after using his power in such a way. He sat for a moment, slowly fading in and out, his head hitting against the dresser next to him.

His wet clothes soaked the floor as he slept, his hands resting lazily in his lap. He always slept in corners, yet in a strangers house was more surprising. He was never that trusting, yet lately things felt different. He just felt to tired, so drained. Hours passed as he slept, his deep dreams unfazed by the loud noises of kitchen items banging.
"Mother of god!" Julia cursed, yanking her hand back from the hot stove and shaking it around wildly. She had been lost in thought and completely forgot that the stove was on and fully exposed. Ergo, of course she rested her hand on it and ended up scorching it pretty bad. "God dammit..." she hissed, holding her now red hand to her chest. In the sink was a bowl of pasta, which looked rather gooey and sticky. Julia grimaced at this and turned to the sauce, which looked decent. It was a normal red color instead of something crazy. Leaning over, she sniffed it, nodding in satisfaction. Hopefully it wasn't too terrible.

"Dinner's done!" she called over her shoulder, opening a cabinet above the sink to grab plates. Attempting to grab them with one hand, one slipped out of her grasp, crashing loudly to the floor. A loud, long string of cursing followed as Julia pranced backwards, her brows crunched together. "Mommy?" She looked up as Raisa spoke, her small form in the doorway. "Stay out of the kitchen, sweetie," Julia said quickly, giving her a smile, "Dinner will be at the table in a minute."

Raisa nodded, and went to the table as instructed. Julia hastily picked up the shards of glass, cutting her hand in the process and cursing under her breath. She had always been terrible in the kitchen, but stubbornly continued trying, and failing, at everything she did in there. She could barely do dishes with harming herself on accident in some way shape or form. Once done, she peered into the dining room, satisfied to see Raisa sitting in a chair, her legs swinging back and forth. Yet Raven hadn't come down yet.

Julia turned to run up the stairs to fetch him, but stopped as Raisa spoke. "Mommy what does f*ck mean?" She froze at this, wanting to smack her forehead for cursing like that in front of her five year old daughter. She decided to act like she didn't hear her and sprinted up the stairs, muttering under her breath. She stopped at Raven's door and pushed it open, peering around the room, finding him asleep in the corner, still in his drenched clothes. Quietly, she walked towards him, kneeling down in front of him and raising her hand to shake his shoulder gently.
Raven twitched in his sleep, his breathing elevated. He could feel it, the warmth, the touch of another on his skin. His body jolted to life, suddenly lunging forward and crashing down to the floor. His breathing was heavy, his body weighing down onto of Julia's as his head lAy close to hers, resting against the floor. He muttered, his body still half asleep as he spoke. "Please forgive me.. My sweet.. Juli-" his words suddenly cut off as he dozed back to sleep for a moment. His skin was scarcely close to hers, his breath hot against her skin.

His silenced for a moment, before blinking. He felt warmth beneath him, his eye were still glazed over, his mind still half alseep. He sat up slowly, looking down at her bloodied and burned hands. His spoke softly, grabbing her wrist and pulling her close, he gave her a weak smile, raising his hand to his lips and slowly letting his tongue drag across her flesh. Her flesh stung, the feeling not painful, but not exactly pleasnt either. It was like a lustful surge that pulsed threw her hand, like electricity constantly flowing. He carefully pulled her wrist away smiling and falling back ontop of her muttering once again in his sleep. "Just ten more minutes..." He's hands wrapped
Hands in a cradling like position, almost like a child cuddling with his dog. Though he was half asleep, his body knew to loop their strings, careful when he let go as to not kill her. Like he had done it before..
Julia let out a yelp as she was thrown backwards and pinned to the ground, Raven's body on top of hers. She froze, breath coming out rapidly as her heart pounded madly in her chest, her skin tingling everywhere he touched her. His words tingled against her ear lobe, so familiar, so comforting... Just as it had been with him those years so long ago. A touch that felt like electricity surging over her skin, tingling through her veins. And it frightened her.

Hastily, Julia shoved Raven off of her and scrambled back, feeling much too exposed. His words rang in her ears, how he had spoke to her. My sweet Julia. That's what he was about to say, wasn't it? Yet he barely knew her! He met her today. So why was he suddenly all over her like that?! And why was it affecting her so much? Why did she want to go back into his arms, pinned to the ground as his tongue traced her hand... Oh, god, no, no, no. She had to get out of the damn room. Now.

She stood rather quickly, her face burning red as she darted towards the door, her head ducked and gaze glued to the ground. Oh god, this was humiliating. Getting pinned to the ground by a boy. A teenage boy. She was a thirty-one year old woman with a child. This was not right in anyway shape or form. But why did she feel differently? "Dinner's ready whenever you are," she said briskly, pausing at the door, her hand frozen on the knob.
His sleepy motion suddenly came to an end with the sudden thud to his head. She threw him into the wall, knocking him back into reality. He rubbed his head muttering painful tones. "Ouch.." He glanced up at the door slammed behind her, his eyes widening in sudden realization. He looked down at his hands, the leathery black reflecting against the light. "Shit.. What did I do.." He muttered, rubbing the back of his head.

He tsked, pulling his knee beneath him as he stared at the door. She was lucky she pulled away at that time. If she had pulled away a second sooner or later, it would of killed her. He tried to push himself off the ground, suddenly falling with a thud. His knees shook beneath his weight, collapsing immediately. He grunted, laying face down on the floor. His body was weak from using his power to much, and now he did it again in his sleep.. Shit.. He decided to lay their and rest. It would only make it worse to go down now, wouldn't it!?

Night time fell and the sun rose. Still nothing from Julia. It was obvious she was a avoiding him. He waited till early dawn before leaving the room, silently creeping threw the house. He made his way to the empty kitchen, glancing around. He looked down at a plate full of food, laying on the counter. He decided to nipple on it, which he instantly regretted, quickly spitting it out.

He wipped his mouth with disgust, muttering. "Discusting..." He silently went threw the kitchen, taking out pots and pans. It was an hour later that the sun rose, the house filling with the smell of fresh eggs and bacon. Raven finished making breakfast for Julia and her daughter, leaving plates filled with beautiful food. Then retreated upstairs back into the room. On the table next to the plates was a note, sloppy child like writing. "Sorry.."
The smell of bacon wafted up Julia's nose, causing her mouth to water. Mm, he had always been so good at cooking... Especially bacon. Oh lord, could that man cook... Julia jerked upright, the covers falling to her waist as she looked around, confused by the delicious smell. She never made breakfast. Raisa always made her own bowl of cereal, and before that she got baby food or bananas. But bacon and eggs? It had literally been years. Since he had been killed.

Slowly, Julia stood, running a hand through her tangled hair as she shuffled out her bedroom door, hearing Raisa's pleased giggles. A small smile crossed her lips as she started down the hall, pausing for only a moment to glance towards Raven's closed door. She hesitated, taking a step towards it, chewing anxiously on her lip. She raised a fist to knock, but then stopped, his knuckles only a few mere centimeters from the door. Sighing, she let her arm fall limp at her side, turning to go down the stairs.

"Mmm, Mommy, this food is yummy!" Raisa cried, chewing happily on a piece of bacon. In a matter a seconds, her plate was clean, not a crumb left behind. Julia could only watch silently, staring at her plate in disbelief. Everything was exactly how she liked it. The eggs just slightly over easy, to where the yolk wasn't liquid. A dash of salt, pepper, and rosemary. Her bacon crispy and a little bit burnt. And a side of syrup to dip it in. Hesitantly, she took a bite of egg, and then dropped her fork. It clattered to the floor as Raisa chatted cheerily, not noticing her mother's state of shock.

Everything tasted exactly how he had made it. Maybe she was hallucinating. Maybe this was all one big messed up dream and she would wake up crying, missing him more then ever. "Mommy, what happened to your hand?" Julia blinked blankly as Raisa spoke, looking down to her hand and frowning. It was blistered with multiple, small, white bubbles. And, going across her palm was a scar, red and puckered. "Oh, it's nothing, sweetie," Julia said with a smile, although she felt hollow, "The bus should be here soon. Are you ready to go?"

Raisa nodded eagerly, chatting once more in a chipper voice while gathering her things in a bag. Julia nodded and smiled appropriately, shaking her head at some things and laughing at others. And, once Raisa was out the door and the bus took off, everything was eerily silent. Julia felt numb, full of disbelief as she blindly gathered the dishes, stacking them neatly in a pile by the sink. That was when she saw the note.

Her whole body stiffened, blue hues locked onto the five sloppy letters, a sick feeling churning in her stomach. He used to do this after they fought and he had work early the next day. Wake up early, make breakfast, and leave a note apologizing behind. Julia couldn't breathe as the piece of paper fell from her hand, landing gently on the floor. She staggered back, a hand on her chest as her vision blurred, tears filling her eyes as she hit the wall, sinking to the ground.

Sobs racked her body, though she wasn't sure if it was just sad memories or happiness. Happiness that she could experience this again, the taste of bacon, the laughter, the tingling of his touch... She shook her head violently, reaching up and holding her temples, taking deep breaths to control the tears. They still flowed, though not as freely, turning her eyes red as she furiously wiped them away, not wanting to be seen like this. She felt weak, she felt stupid, she felt foolish. A full grown woman, crying like a baby. Not exactly how to start out her morning.
Raven sat in the window sill of his room, his leg hanging out, lazily swinging in the air. He slowly watched the sun rise, his grey hues darkening against the sun. He eyes widened, shifting to the bus that took off. He raised a brow, looking back at the door that lead out of his room. He could hear it soft sobs from down stairs. He itched his head, slipping down from the window sill and walking towards the door. He silently opened the door, creeping down the hallway, his eyes narrowing as the sound of sobs became louder.

He glanced down the stairs, slowly moving down and glancing around the corner. Julia sat on the floor, her hands holding her face, trying desperately to hold back her tears. He frowned, looking down at the floor in shame. He slowly made his way down, walking slowly to the kitchen. He stood a few fee away, his hand rubbing his bicep. "You didn't like it.." His voice was quiet, almost like a whisper. He kept his gaze to his left, looking at the table which had once held the food he made. "Sorry.. I just thought..-" he grunted, cutting himself off and turning. "I'll leave.." He said quietly, giving her a sweet smile, twisting and walking away toward the door.

This was not a act, nor a ruse. He felt bad, he didn't mean to hurt or scare her. Though many thought him to be cruel, he was actually quite caring. He had no idea why he acted the way he did, for some reason he suddenly felt lost. He walked away silently, his hand stretching out to grip the handle. Perhaps it was time to get back to his main objective.

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