Welcome to the Asylum

Elise shivered faintly at the touch of the rug, but she seemed to quiet noticeably relax at Victors voice, providing her with a focal point for her sensation, she focused every part of her mind to listen towards him, and in doing so, seemingly recalled, at least spare parts of what had occurred.

As he paused however, she could feel her focus slipping away once more, shivering faintly, she managed to press forth a few, uneasy words "I-it is.. t-talk.. please.." her light, yet notably distressed voice called out quietly.
Jinx nodded, eyeing her suspiciously as he walked down the hall. His eyes flickered back at her, narrowing until she disappeared behind the wall. It took a good few minutes for Jinx to make his way up to the fifth floor. Smoke filled the hallway, the thick, grey haze chocking off most of the air. Jinx squinted, as he slowly walked forward. Jinx paused, his eyes watering as he saw a form in the hallway. He took a few steps forward, his eyes widening. It was Sam, sitting idly against the wall. His feet lay gently in front of him, his eyes zoned as he looked at a small vial he clenched carefully in his grip.

"Rev?" Jinx took a step forward, his eyes flickering down to the vial. Sam's lips suddenly moved, the unexpected sound causing Jinx to jump slightly. "You know.. Before I meet you.. I was different. Things.. were different.. " Sam spoke in a soft voice, his eyes still glued to the vial. "My power was maxed, so much harder to control... Thing's dying with the simple innocent thought of death.. Never intentional, yet they died... It was exhausting... Keeping it in check.. " Kai took another step forward, bending down next to Sam, his eye's flickering up to him. "Rev, what are you saying.. " He asked, looking again at the empty vial.

"I was often found to be mono, emotionless..it was the only way.. to stop from accidentally hurting someone... So.. I created a serum, that suppressed powers.. Help control and lessen the ability of them.. And I succeeded.. But then, my brother changed.. He took the serum, twisting its purpose, changing to to enhance them... to their fullest potential.. " He paused for a moment, letting the vial suddenly drop to the floor. Its small container shattering against the floor. "I had almost forgotten, how much the constant effort held me down.. " Sam slowly looked up to Jinx, the sight causing Jinx's eyes to widen in surprise.

Sam's eyes had very distinct rings around his irises. His right iris had a chalk white ring, his left, a orange hot magma like ring. Sam gave Jinx a weak smile, his eyes shifting back down to the floor. Jinx looked at him shocked for a moment, his hand raising to touch him. "Rev, what have you done? " He asked, his fingers going to graze his cheek. Sam quickly retreated from his touched, the walls suddenly disintegrating from the corners. Like someone had poored acid on the walls, the thick chemical quickly eating up all of its mass. "Don;t touch me.. " He said, quickly standing. His eyes shifted to the walls, his eyes closing as the sudden destruction to the walls stopped.
Quickly, Julia made her way down the wall, careful to keep quiet and to listen to her surroundings. When she reached the door to her office, she paused, tilting her head and pressing her ear against the wall. The voices were muffled, inaudible, but recognizable. Craig. Her eyes narrowed, hands clenching into fists. She already knew without touching the knob that the door was locked. Clenching her jaw, she reached in her hair for a bobby pin, quickly biting off the ends and spitting them to the ground. Every time she forgot her keys, she would do this, and it worked quite well. Julia fiddled with the lock for a few moments before it clicked, signaling that she had been successful. Slowly, she twisted the knob and stepped inside.

Victor thought quickly, trying to find something that would take a while to talk about. Something that would keep her attention on him. Then he figured out exactly what to do. "Once upon a time, their was a prince..." A fairy tale. One his mother used to tell him all the time. It was a story about a prince, a brave one who fought many battles, who remained loyal to those he cared for, no matter how difficult the times. His kingdom and the kingdom across the forest were at war, fighting each other constantly for power... This prince was apart of this war until he fell in love with enemy, the princess of the opposing kingdom. Willful and strong, beautiful, yet dignified. Though the two were enemies, they quickly became the best lovers.

Victor didn't know why he chose this tale out of all the ones he knew. Maybe because it brought back happy memories, memories from when he was just a child, waking up from a frightful nightmare to hear his mothers soothing voice. Although she had only been alive for five years of his life, she was the happiest memory he had, the best thought, the one who brought back a smile and tears. Even now, he felt a tear roll down his cheek as he told Elsie the tale of the prince and his forbidden lover.
Elise remain seemingly very silent, and still, during Victors storytelling, her expression neither distressed, nor all that pleased. Her left hand reached out to grasp the bed-sheets once again as she listened attentively. Looking like she was trying to remember every single word Victor spoke.

Soon, she opened her eyes, although very faintly, again, staring towards Victor before giving of a, very faint, and somewhat pained, smile. Then, closing her eyes again, she suddenly moved her left hand, rapidly, over to her right side, grasping the damaged shoulder in her small grasp with a small gulp. She then pressed it quickly back into position, in a sequence that looked a lot like a massive twitching to those watching.

After finished, she arced her back upwards somewhat with a pained groan, before closing her eyes once more, resting upon the bed with a seemingly, more relieved expression.
Small tapping of shoes broke the silence in the long hallway. Jinx walked a few feet behind Sam, his eyes glued to his back. Even Jinx had never seen him like this, and it was amazing to see what the fullest potential of his powers were. Jinx flinched, his head shipping in front of him as two guards run out from another hallway. The guard's quickly aimed their guns at Sam and Jinx, not waiting even a second before firing. They both unloaded their clips, causing Jinx to flinch, covering his head and neck with his arms. Sam however only raised a brow as bullets flew from the chambers, their entire automatic assault rifles unloading.

Jinx shook slightly, his eyes opening slowly at the sound of empty chambers. Yet, he felt no pain. Nothing had torn threw his body, not blood had seeped to the floor. Jinx whipped his head up, his eyes wide as he feared the worse for Sam, yet Sam was fine. He stood in the Sam, emotionless position, his brow raised. Jinx only got to see the spot end of it. Ashes of bullets spume about the floor, and the two guns, gripped tightly in their hand's suddenly turned to ash. Sam spoke softly, his voice quite, caring, yet deadly. "Leave, or I will kill you.. "

The guard's shuttered, taking not even a minute to think it over. They quickly retreated down the hallway, tripping over their own boots as they went. A drop of sweat dripped from Sam's brow, his face twitching a bit from difficulty. He made it look easy, but really it was not. To control this new power took great strength and endurance. "Which room was she looking at?" He asked, turning to face the stunned Jinx. Jinx looked up at him, quickly pulling himself back together. "Ahh, I'm not sure, just one a little down this hallway.. " Jinx pointed in front of them, his eyes flickering over the many doors.

Sam's eyes narrowed, his cool tone, continuing as he walked forward. He paused, his eyes shifting to a familiar door. The flourishing magma like ring in his iris seemed to swirl slightly as the door slowly disintegrated. The top of the door slowly broke down, quickly spreading down to the bottom, leaving a pile of ash were the door once hung. Jinx's eyes widened, not just because of the extent of his power, but behind the door stood Craig, his hand's gripping Raisa's shoulder, as Julia lay in pain on the floor. Sam's eyes flickered over to Craig, his expression emotionless. "Let them go brother.. " His voice was firm as he took a step in the room, Jinx hot on his tail.

Jinx clenched his teeth, his orange swirling aura suddenly wrapping around Craig's neck. "Did you hear him?" Jinx repeated, his fists digging into his palms. Sam turned his gaze slightly, holding his hand out to the side, in a stopping motion. Jinx look at him with wide eyes, his surprise causing the aura to dissipate. "Rev! We have to kill him!" He snapped, eyes becoming furious that Sam would stop him. Sam shook his head, eyes moving back to Craig. Jinx was to young to understand, even if Jinx managed to kill him, Craig would most defiantly take Raisa and Julia with him to his grave. He could not allow that.
The pain was immense. Julia gritted her teeth as she fell to the ground, her hands clenching into fists as she fought against it. Craig simply smirked, holding Raisa by her shoulders, restraining her from acting. Not that he needed. Julia glared at him, trying to think past the pain, past her swirling emotions.... emotions? Her eyes widened in realization, a small smile passing her lips. Pain was an emotion, and a powerful one. As the door burned down, Julia focused her gaze on Craig, using all of her concentration on this attempt, on this hope of this working.

Suddenly, the pain vanished and she gasped, though still keeping her eyes on Craig. By this point, he had dropped to the ground, his own face scrunched together in pain, eyes wide in surprise. Julia jumped to her feet, grabbing Raisa and dragging her back, untying her bound hands, her gaze still on Craig. It would only work for as long as she looked at him, and even then, it wouldn't last long. He would quickly realize it was his own power being turned against him, and he would stop using them. In that short period of time, Julia planned on getting Raisa, Sam, and Jinx out of this damn prison.
Sam clenched his teeth, looking down sympathetically at his brother. It pained him to see that, his brother shuttered in pain. But what choice did they really have? He grunted, quickly grabbing Julia's arm and yanking her and Rasia back out of the room. Jinx quickly followed, his eyes moving back to watch the door way. "Jinx, take them that way, if we split up it will be harder.. I will create a distraction.. " Sam's voice, like before was mono tone, like a general to his troops.

His iris glowed as he turned, his eyes moving to another hallway. "Move.. " He ushed them the other way, slowly walking down the opposite hall. Jinx groaned looking over to Julia. Their was no point in arguing with Sam. And Jinx knew trying, might push his powers out of control. He spun around to look at Julia, his eyes filled with grief. "Let's go.. " He said, grabbing Julia and pulling her and her daughter down the opposite hall. 
Julia stood, almost stunned looking. Jinx did not have time for her to decide to take his hand, time was ticking. He quickly grabbed her hand, whipping her around and pulling her down the hallway. Her daughter, Raisa trailed shakily behind her, her small hand clinging to her mothers. Jinx moved quickly, making it to the elevator. The spun Julia around, pushing both her and her child into the small shaft. He quickly stepped in, slamming his hand against the floor button.

Sam walked slowly down the hallway, his finger tips grazing across the wallpaper. His finger touching the paper, was like causing ripples in a lake. The further his finger dragged, the more the wall seemed to deteriorate. The wall quickly fell apart, like it never existed. Acid quickly eating threw its surface. There was no doubt this would get Craigs attention. It was only a matter of time before he figured it out, and escaped the lapsing pain.
We dropping this char? 
Jinx grinned his teeth, his stern hues glancing back towards Julia. His form was strained, her muscles tense. How could she be so naive? He grinned his teeth, his grip around her wrist tightening. He couldn't hold back, this intense emotion that set over him. He suddenly stopped, quickly spinning Julia around. Her back hit the wall with a thud, a sudden warmness coming over her.

Soft, yet rough lip's meet with hers, her eyes'd clenched shut at he kissed her. Her hand's were pinned against the wall, his form pressing against her. It had to seem like minutes to her, her form formidably hovering over him. Finally the gasping kiss ended, his eye's flickering up to look at her. "Why him? He left you.. Why do you?" HE spoke softly, his head resting into her neck softly.
Stunned, Julia stood there wide eyed as Jinx pressed his lips against hers, unsure on how to react. Yet, she didn't have to do anything, for Raisa reacted first. "Ewww!!! Mommy and Jinx are kissy kissy!" she shrieked, causing Julia to wince. Hastily, she put her hands on Jinx's shoulders, shoving him away roughly. Her face was cold, expressionless, though, in reality, she was still in a state of shock. This could not happen again. "Let's go," she said coolly, not answering any of his questions. It did not matter.
Gulping lightly, Elise once more opened her eyes, seemingly having fallen unconscious for a while, she peered upwards in silence for a long time, her shoulder still hurt, even though not as much, though she had no real memory of why.

Rapidly shifting her eyes around once more, she tried to determine if there was anyone familiar still in the place she was, being careful not to move her shoulder, however.

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