Welcome to the Asylum

Raven gave Victor a faint smile, relaxing slightly after his joke. His hand clenched his bloodied torso, his small laughed causing pain. For a moment, the pain seemed odd, quickly building more and more. Raven quickly collapsed to the floor with victor, hands wrapping tightly around his torso. "B- Brother.." He could barely make out the words, his body shaking in pain. They had promised, never to use their powers to harm each other, never to cross that line.

The soft sound of glass thunking against the marble floor, caused Raven to flinch. No, the vial.. The vial had dropped from his pocket, slowly rolling towards victor. It hit softly against victors shoe, pouncing back a inch. The sound of cracking echoed in the long hallway, ravens eyes once again a glow. The cracks spread like a earth quake, crawling from the wall, to the ceiling, then back to the floor. Ravens body seized up, convulsing as he let in a painful gasp. He could not control it, the pain sent his powers astray, running rampid in the room. His chest raised in the air and he huffed, trying to hold it back, to stop himself. The floor fell out in pieces only A few feet from Craig.

"Craig!" Raven breathed, the hot cracks quickly gaining temperature. The hallway quickly began to wither with heat, the heat soaring past one hundred degrees. It only took second for all off them to become covered in sweat, the magma draining the water from their bodies. Even ravens blood which had slowly begin to pool on the floor boiled in the heat. His exposed boiling blood only added to the pain, his nails digging into the marvel user his sweating form.
Calmly, Craig walked over to Raven and picked him up by the collar, avoiding the holes of magma as he dragged him across the floor. He released Victor from the pain, and he jerked up, gasping for air. Sweat dripped down his neck as he rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling. Something brushed against his foot, and Victor looked over to see a vial. Slowly, he sat up and reached for it, staring at the words taped onto the glass. "Serum X..." he read out loud, tilting his head in confusion.

"Take it and run." Stunned, Victor looked up to see the ghost of Sam. He stood above him, his transparent form shimmering in the heat. "How are you dead, but still alive?" Victor whispered, shaking his head in confusion, "How did your power change? Is that even possible?..."

"His real name is Raven," Sam's ghost said bluntly, "Every time he dies, he switches bodies with another. And, if that person has a power, he takes that ability too. His real power has never been electricity. He can take someone's life with just a touch, and give it to another." There was a long moment of silence as Victor tried to process the words. "Now go, before Craig returns and decides to take you as well."

Victor nodded, scrambling to his feet and darting towards the unconscious Elsie, putting her on his back. He didn't care what anyone said, he wasn't leaving her behind. He brought her into this mess, he would get her out. Victor then ran as fast as he could, sprinting down the stairs, the weight and the cardio causing him to breathe heavily. At last, he was back on the craziness of the first floor, the people scrambling around wildly. Quietly, Victor slipped past them all, reaching for the keypad that opened the metal doors.
Sam's collar pressed hard against his throat, causing his gasping to thicken.The pain intensified as Craig released Victor, letting his full power return to Sam. The heat was nauseating, the pain only forcing his power more out of control. "Brother.. " He whispered, his voice cracking against the heat. The magma quickly thickened on the ceiling, a small hot ember falling down. It touched lightly onto Craigs grip, melting intensely at his skin. Sam's head fell to the floor suddenly as Craig was forced to release his grasp, causing his head to hit with a thud.

Sam let out a moan, rolling over onto his stomach, coughing loudly as he caught his breath. His eyes blurred from the heat and pain as he looked up at Craig, his head shaking. Sam's eyes widened at the ceiling above Craig, hot pits of magma, and ceiling suddenly caving down. "No.." He mutter, quickly picking himself up and slamming shoulder first into Craig. His force them them both back several feet, the debre pinning Sam's leg, leaving Craig to slide a few more feet. "Ughh.. " Most people must have thought him insane for doing that, for protecting this man. But he had too.

He could never let his brother die. He made a promise long ago, that he would always protect him. The wall's had finally began to hold flames, smoke filling the hallway. Sam tried to move, pain shooting from his pinned legs. He coughed hard, glancing up slightly, only to have his head hit down hard on the floor. They didn't have a sprinkler system, he remembered that. They had meet someone who manipulated water, who used it to attack them, so they never installed one. He found it kind of ironic.

Smoke rose out of the building side, the sound of sirens echoing loud in the street. A hand suddenly came from the shadow's grabbing Victor by his sleeve and quickly pulling him into a near by alley. The stranger pinned him against the wall, a gun pointed to his neck. "Who are you.. " He said quietly, his finger tightening around the trigger. Shadow's masked the man's face, his grip tight as he look at the vial Victor held "What is th-"

"Stop.. " A familar voice echoed against his, a familiar form merging from the shadows.

It was Jane, her eyes narrowed as she looked at Victor. "You.. You were with the leader.. Shit.. he.. " She paused, her eyes widening as he had watched him being dragged away. "Why didn't you stop him? Are you nutz" She screamed, causing the shadowy man to release him and hold her back instead as she lunged forward. "All for that damn Julia. All for that damn serum! I hate her! She should just die!" "Enough Jane.." The man said turning to face Victor. "Please come with us? Your Julia's friend right?" He said turning to Victor, his eyes shifting to the girl on his back.
Victor grunted as he was slammed against a wall, trying to prevent Elsie getting any more hurt then she already was. "Be careful, will you?" he snarled, narrowing his eyes at the man, "She's hurt." His gaze flickered the girl as she spoke, a scowl passing his lips at the words. "I did what I could to help him, okay? But that Craig guy... his power..." Victor shuddered, his grip tightening on Elsie. "And Julia loves him too, you know," he snapped at the girl, anger flashing in his eyes at her cruel words, "Don't you dare say otherwise. You didn't see her when he died... or, whatever happened. She was miserable."

He looked over to the man once more as he spoke, his face softening slightly. "Yes, I'm a friend of Julia's. She's like family to me. Where is she? What's going on?" The questions poured out rapidly. After all, Victor was still young, in a way, a nineteen year old boy who wanted to find the one person that took care of him pretty much his whole life. He didn't want to lose her now, and if anyone tried to take her away, he would have their head on a platter.

Coolly, Craig once again grabbed his brother by the collar, yanking him out of the way as a piece of debris crashed to the floor where he had been standing just moments before. "You really should be more careful," he snapped, lifting him up and shoving him in front of him. He let the pain drop from him, knowing he wouldn't try to escape any time soon, at least not in the situation he was in. Moving quickly, he pushed him into a metal room, one especially made for people with powers like his.

Every time they lost control of their power, or used their power, a mixture of water and cold air would fill the room, killing the heat and their power almost immediately. It was something himself and Sam designed themselves. It was efficient against every heat element they tested, including magma. "You never change, do you?" Craig said with a sigh, holding out his hand, "The vial. I know you have it to save that foolish girl. Give it." Craig couldn't see what Sam saw in that Julia. To him, she was much too passionate and involved with her emotions. She never thought rationally.
Sam clenched his teeth as his brother yanked him forward, the sound of crashing debre causing him to flinch slightly. He stumbled forward, the pain subsiding as he caught himself. He glanced back at his brother, the flames and hot magma quickly cooling. He stopped for a moment, eyes widening in front of a cell. Of course he brought him to this cell. He took a hesitate step back, only to be shoved inside. He stumbled, catching himself once more.

Sam spun around, teeth clenched and eyes narrowed as Craig lingered in the doorway. "No.. " His voice was stern, serious. He wouldn't give it to him even if he had it, never. "Your the one who has changed brother.. You must stop this. This isn't what we wanted! This isn't who you are.. " He took a step toward Craig, hands clenched at his sides. Craig had only gotten lost, Sam knew that. He could never give up on his brother, he had to help him, to save him.

The man raised a brow, quickly snatching the vial from Victor's hands and examining it. "Very well.. Jane, call George. Time to go.. " "No! We cant just leave him here!" " Enough Jane, what do you think we should do, only leader was ever able to break in... Think properly.. " Jane's mouth shut fast, her fist clenched in anger at her sides. "Fine.." She breathed, her eyes clenched shut. A hand suddenly grabbed her shoulder, a tear dripping from her cheek.

Her body suddenly lifted into the air, shifting into soft blue lights. The man watched, glancing back at Victor.

"Try not to move.. It's harder if you do... " He gave him a smile, as George suddenly shifted in front of him. He clenched his shoulder tightly, his body becoming light. Within a second, his surrounding had changed, his body spot center in a mansion.

In front of his stood Jinx, arms crossed and James, who quickly jumped forward grabbing the vial from the unknown man. "This is it?" James spoke quickly, spinning around and taking off down the hallway. Jinx took a step forward, eyes narrowing at the man and this new 'victor'. "Who are you? And where is Rev.. " The man averted his gazed, looking shamefully at the ground.
Everything happened so fast, Victor could barely keep up. One minute, he was standing outside Imperium, the next he was smack dab in the middle of a mansion. Stunned, he looked around, wide eyed and amazed. Elsie was still on his back, and still unconscious. He glanced over to her worriedly, then to the man in front of him, demanding to know who he was and where "Rev" was. Victor assumed "Rev" must be Sam.... er, Raven. Guilt filled him at the thought of not being able to save him, and he averted his gaze to the ground, staring intently at his feet.

"I'm Victor... I-I tried to help him... but... Craig.... I'm sorry..." he whispered rather pitifully, still holding tightly onto Elsie. At last, he looked up to the man in front of him, determined to at least help her. "Can you please help her?" he asked in a soft voice, gently removing Elsie from his back and holding her carefully in front of him. "Her shoulder... It may be broken..." He looked at him with pleading eyes, not knowing if he would even help or not. Why would he? Victor was responsible for losing their leader in the chaos of Imperium.

Craig scowled, crossing his arms over his chest and pacing patiently in front of Sam. "So, Ravenwood, is it? Where you keep all your rebels?" A slight smirk crossed his lips as he reached for his phone in his pocket, dialing a number. There was a long moment of silence, then a voice on the other end, inaudible to Sam's ears. Craig's smirk widened. "Secure the perimeter." With those words, he snapped his phone shut, turning to smile at Sam. It was a cool, cruel smile, a smile of a very much changed man. "You're right, brother. I have changed. But I've changed for the better."

Julia's eyes widened in shock as the serum was injected, though not because of the needle. She was now back to being sane, her powers under control, though they had expanded. She could now see auras, and effect others emotions without touching them, and could also communicate through minds. Currently, she had just been in Raven's mind, reading his feelings, and seeing what he saw. And she heard what Craig said. "Ravenwood is under attack..." she breathed, her eyes wide.

In a flash, she jumped to her feet, darting out the cell door in a blur. She had to find Raisa, wherever she was, and make sure she was safe. This was her fault. Raven went back to get the serum for her, because she had lost her mind. If she had fought harder, he would not of had to do that. He would not be once again trapped in Imperium. She squeezed her eyes shut, and ran faster, screaming Raisa's name.

Raisa stood by the fountain, shifting the water between the palms of her hands. It brought great joy to her, and a smile crossed her lips. But just as fast, that smile faded. Two men appeared, holding guns tightly in their hands. "That's the girl," one of them stated coolly, taking a step forward. Raisa's eyes widened as she stepped back, the water falling from her hands and splashing onto the ground. "Get her. Craig wants her." The other man lunged forward, his hands reaching out for her. Raisa screamed.
Sam's eyes widened as his brother spoke, his body tensing. "Secure the perimeter." "No!" Sam screamed, lunged towards his brother. But of course he knew the consequence of this. He hit the ground by his brother's feet groveling in pain. He let out a yelp, his eyes illuminating once more. The instance of pain only forced his power more out of control, but this time, frigid cold took over, the room letting water and cold wind release from the ceiling. Sam quickly became soaked in ice cold water, his cold breath frigid.

He shook from the cold, his body curled slightly in a ball. "Brother.. Please no.. " He whimpered, groveling at his brothers feet. "You cant do this.. " The more he spoke, the more he shivered, his body getting colder and colder from the wind and water. His skin slowly paled, the pain slowly turning to numbness. He couldn't move, he could barely speak. His brother had changed so much, became so tainted, and he hated it. He wanted to save him, to protect him.

What would he do, when the time came to choose. To save the women he loved, and his precious daughter, or his brother, who he had spent eternity with protecting, loving and fighting for. If it came down to that, could he ever choose? He promised, to always protect his brother, yet what option is their when his brother is the one trying to kill his wife and daughter. The things he values so much. "Please brother.. " His hand touched Craig's shoe, slipping off it slightly.

Jinx nodded, turning his gaze from Victor. "Take care of her.. " He spoke softly, ushering a man to come and take her from his grasp. "It's fine. I will get him.. It's time too-" "They are here!" Jane cut him off, screaming as she clenched her head. She could hear it, the soldier's thoughts, their actions. Jinx cursed under his breath spinning around. "Force them out! Lock the place down.. Dammit.. How did they-" His word's cut off as he looked behind him, brow raising at Victor.

"You! You brought them here! " He hissed, his thick aura wrapping around his neck. It slowly tightened, pulling him off the ground. Much like Sam's, his eyes reflected a orange ring, hi teeth clenched. Jinx was furious, they had protected this place for so long, how else would they have found it. His teeth clattered in his jaw, his fists clenched at his sides. The air became thick as a hand touched Jinx, thick finger's gripping him. "Jinx, he hasn't been here long enough to be the traitor. This is not the time.. We need to get everyone out.. "

George spoke softly, his grip loosening as Jinx let Victor drop suddenly to the floor. "Jinx, we need to get everyone out, then we will get Rev back-" "That bastard! How dare he! What if he kills Leader-" James came running back into the room, anger too flickering in his eyes. His head whipped around for Julia as he spoke, his word's too getting cut off. "No, Craig will not hurt him. He would never hurt him.. " Jinx was much more calm this time, eyes flickering over to James.

"What do you mean? Of course he-" Jinx once again cut off James, eyes moving to the main entrance. "I will explain later, for now, George, get everyone out. " George nodded, his body quickly fading into twirling lights. It would take at least 5 minutes for him to get everyone out, for now, they had to keep the solider's at bay. "Level 5's! Your up, keep them out! This is our home! Let's show them what happens when you don't knock!" Jinx screamed, his eyes moving to other rebels in the room.

The rebels quickly darted to the entrances, smiles on their faces. This is what they wanted, a good fight. To finally put Imperium in their place. And all of them ha to power's to do so. Now that their hideout had been discovered, no matter what, they needed to move. But who's to say they can't get rid of a few pests in the first place. The door's bursted open, soldier's quickly matching threw. Wind suddenly came form the home, throwing the soldiers back. They had to buy time.
She couldn't find Raisa anywhere. She searched the entire mansion, from the very edge of the borders, to every inch of the interior. At last, she gave up at the fountain outside, collapsing to her knees and resting her face in her hands. Her daughter. The bastards had kidnapped her daughter. What they wanted her for, she had no idea. All she knew is that they had her, and she had to get her back. Slowly, she rose on shaking knees, tears staining her cheeks.

Jinx... Her words echoed softly in Jinx's mind, not painfully, but merely just a gentle voice. Raisa's missing. I looked everywhere, and I can't find her. Julia took a step forward, then slowly began making her way back inside, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. They took her daughter. They dared to lay their hands on her. Those damn bastards would pay. She would make sure of it. "Raisa..." she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut. She already lost Raven. She couldn't lose Raisa too.

Victor gagged once Jinx released him, collapsing to his knees on the floor. "I-I didn't..." he whispered, but he was already gone, off to find the soldiers of Imperium. He hadn't brought them here... why would he? Both Julia and her daughter were here, Elsie was here. Victor didn't want to put them in danger. Unless... was he tracked? Could Imperium really of followed him here? It was very much possible, and if that was the case, Jinx should of killed him.

Groaning, Victor scrambled to his feet, massaging his throat and wincing. "Shit..." he muttered, chasing after them. This was his fault. If he had helped Raven, if he had succeeded on getting him out of there.... "Hey, you!" Victor spun around at the sharp, female voice, his eyes widening. A woman and two men stood behind him, each well armed and aiming right at him. Hesitant, Victor took a slow step back, just to have them all lunge towards him, Then, suddenly, they froze, eyes widening in fright. Just as fast as they came, they ran with their tails between their legs.

"You're okay..." a familiar voice echoed from behind him. "Julia?" Victor whispered, turning around and grinning broadly as he saw her. She gave him a smile, a small, weak one, sadness in her eyes. "What's wrong?"he asked, watching her with concern. The next words caused him to go silent, his face hard and solemn. "Raisa's missing."

"It was quite easy to find, actually," Craig said with a smirk, watching Sam wither in pain on the ground. "That Victor boy made an excellent tracking device." He raised a GPS, which showed a blinking dot where Victor's location was. "Easy." The door opened, and a man came in, his gaze locked onto Craig. "Sir, we successfully captured the girl."


"What would you like for us to do with her sir?"

Craig considered for a moment, a smile passing his lips. "Bring her here, but restrain her. It's about time she met her father."
Sam shuttered in pain, his body shaking. He wasn't sure if it was the cold frigid ice on his skin, or the constant unwavering pain that caused his body to vibrate uncontrollably. His eyes widened as he spoke, his body tensing. "No!" He screamed, his body suddenly thrusting up. He rammed Craig into the wall, the sudden slam against the iced wall causing hot magma to suddenly seep from the room's walls. The magma quickly hardened however, rocks and piles of dried magma icing over as the rooms cold became more intense.

The floor's and wall's sheeted with ice, causing Sam to fall on top of Craig, his body pinning him to the floor. He, for a moment, seemed to forget about the pain that vibrated threw his body. His hands gripped tight on on Craig's shirt. He sat on top of Craigs torso, his body hunched over as his shaking voice echoed. "Do not hurt my family Craig.. Leave my child out of this... " His face was paled, his bloodied arm drenched in frozen blood, his skin turning purple from frostbite. The ring in his eyes burned with a fiery passion, his teeth clenched.

How could Craig do this? Use his family like this. After everything, had he really fallen so far? That man, who not so long ago, would never use his power's against him, or hurt those he cared for. Yet now, he didn't hesitate. Despite this, knowing all of this, he still could not hurt him. He could not hurt his own brother, never. His hands shook, his eyes clenching shut. The truth was, his grip had no real threat, after all, he could never willingly hurt his brother.

Jinx eyes widened as the voice appeared in his head, his eye whipping around. Raisa was gone? It can't be. Craig would not touch his family right? He would not use his own daughter against Sam.. Would he? He cursed under his breath, spinning around to see Victor and Julia. He quickly ran over, skidding to a stop in front of them. "We need to go. I never thought Craig would use his brother's daughter against him.." "Brother's daughter.. ?" George suddenly appeared besides them, his brow raised at Jinx.

Jinx let out a sigh, pulling his hand up to scratch his head. "It was never suppose to come out like this, but it seem's I have no choice. I must make this quick.. Craig and Sam are brothers. Sam and Craig have been alive for hundreds of years. Not even I am sure how long... Sam has always helped his brother, helping him switch bodies to keep his youth... " He paused for a moment, letting out a frustrated cry.

"Imperium was created by both of them.. In an attempt to help those who had powers, but something went wrong. Craig demanded to have a body with power, he choose his current body. The moment Sam gave it to him, something changed. He became dark, power hungry. The Craig you know now, is not the same person. Things went bad fast. Sam was forced to create the rebels, to protect us... Craig had never tried to hurt Sam till now, nor anyone he cared about. This.. Something is wrong.. Craig has to be getting desperate."

"I'm am going to get Sam.. George.. Take them with the other's all be back soon.. " He quickly spun around, walling quickly to the main entrance. He had to hurry. He knew Sam would never hurt Craig, which only risked him more. Jinx knew Sam might hate him, but he had no problem with bashing him in. A guy like that does not deserve to live. The door's quickly slammed open in front of him, his hands clenched at his sides as he quickly marched out. George turned to Julia and Victor, offering his hands, his eyes wide, still taking in the information Jinx had just given them.
"Brother?" Julia was stunned by Jinx's words, staring at him blankly, "Him and Craig are brothers? But... they're so different...." Craig was a cruel, cold hearted bastard. Sam was the man she loved more then anything, except for Raisa. Her daughter... who they had trapped in their grasp, ready to use her against him. Julia squeezed her eyes shut, hands clenching into fists at her side as Jinx continued, stating that he would go after Sam, and they would go to the safe house. When Julia opened her eyes, George stood in front of them, holding out his hands with wide eyes. Julia stared at them for a long moment before shaking her head.

"No, I'm going with Jinx. That's my husband and my daughter, and I want to get them back," she quickly turned to Victor, gripping his shoulders and giving him a smile, "You go with George and help any way you can. Send ghosts out for watch, and have them warn you if someone is coming. Use your power. I know you hate it, but it can help people." She gave him a final hug, and he hugged her back. It was affectionate, but like a sister to a brother, and nothing more. "Good luck, Julia," he muttered. Giving him one last smile, Julia spun on her heel and chased after Jinx.

"Then give me what I want," Craig said coolly, pushing Sam off of him and standing up, dusting himself off coolly, "A new body. Youth. Power." He smirked, seemingly unaffected by the cold of the room. "There is no need for your daughter to be harmed. Just give me what I want, and all will be well."
Sam hit the floor with a thud, coughing slightly. "Brother! You know I cant! I suppressed that power long go.. I can't help you! Don't force me to do something I can't do anymore!" Sam quickly got to his feet, his hand's clenched at his sides. It was true, he did not have that power anymore. He took a serum to suppress it, so that his power's would be less dangerous. The power to help other's switch bodied also became suppressed from this. He could not help him.

Although this was really a bluff, Sam could undo it, but at what cost. He would have to take the same serum as Julia, and any other time, the idea would not scare him. However, this time he had a new power, that even at the smallest of its ability he had problems controlling. To ambilfy that, would be dangerous, perhaps even suicidal.

George watched her run off, his eyes narrowing. It was not a good idea, her going. Jinx whipped around, his eyes narrowing as Julia came running toward's him. "What are you doing Julia. You cannot come with me. You will be put in to much danger. You do not have a active power remember? ... You should stay with George. It is safer." He quickly jumped into a car, starting the engine and popping it into gear.
"What is it with people thinking only those with active powers can fight?" Julia muttered, quick to sprint around the car and slip into the passenger side. She was going with him, whether he liked it or not. "No arguing with me," she said before he could utter a word, watching him out of the corner of her eye, "For one thing, I don't need an active power to know how to fight. Secondly, my power has improved since that serum was injected. I can do more with it, and it will be useful on getting inside. Lastly, that's my husband and my daughter in there. There is no way in hell I'm staying behind to watch someone else save them without me."

"Then unsuppress it!" Craig snapped, spinning to face him with a cold glare. "Or your daughter will be the one to suffer the consequences. Are we clear?" He gave no chance for Sam to answer. He simply turned sharply on his heel and left, making sure the door was sealed tightly shut behind him.
"No!" He quickly lunged after Craig, only to hit shoulder first into the steel door. He whimpered, letting out a yelp of pain as he slammed his shot arm into it. "Craig! Let me out! Brother! BROTHER!" He screamed, pounding hard on the door. But their was no reply. The frigid room nipped at him, his body slowly sliding down against the door. "How do you expect me to do that brother.. " He barried his head in his palms, pulling his knees close to his chest. "It's not that simple!" He whispered, his cold breath appearing like fog in the air.

Jinx raised a brow at her, grunting as the car suddenly veered forward. "I do not have time to argue with you. Understand this, you coming will only put him in further harms way. You are more of a danger to him than Craig himself. If you get caught... I will not come back.. " He looked over at her, cold eyes glistening. He hated to say it, but he knew if she came, she would only be used against Sam. It would only make it more difficult. She had to understand, he would not protect her.

His car skidded around the corner, coming to a sudden stop in front of Imperium. Guards stood armed at the entrance, guns held tight on their shoulders. His eyes narrowed, gazing at the guards threw the tinted windows. "Of course.. " He muttered. The guards looked over at the guard, taking a step towards it. Their guns moved to aim at the car, on of the yelling. "Get out, with your hands up..." The guard acted more like a cop, but he knew he couldn't be. But still, something was weird about them.

Sam sat for a good twenty minutes before popping up. He could not let Craig hurt Rasia. Never. His hands grazed the door, his eyes shifting as he looked at it. He made his cage, he'll be damned if he couldn't escape it. His hands touched the hinges, his eyes narrowing as he let his power once more take over. Hot red and orange colors seeped threw the hinges, quickly freezing over as the room froze again. He grunted, quickly kneeling down to the other. The magma again froze.

Sam took a few steps back, suddenly running forward and ramming the door. He yelp again at the pain, the hinges cracking slightly. He quickly looked over to the hinges, his body slumped on the door for support. Metal going from hot to cold effected the metal, making it easier to crack. With enough force, he should be able to shatter the hinges. He again touched each hing, letting it ice over once more, then ramming again.

He shoulder quickly became numb, pain vibrating in his wound. His fingertips were purple from the cold, threatening gang-green. He again rammed, and again, until finally the door swung open, suddenly hitting the curious guard who had walked towards it. Sam hit the floor, letting out another yelp. His body shivered, his eyes unfocused and he tried to push himself from the floor. "Raisa... " He whispered, stumbling to his feet.
Elise eyes fluttered somewhat, the first thing she noticed in her awakened state was that her shoulder hurt, a lot. Suppressing a light groan, she peered around, trying to locate herself, but there was still so much chaos around that it threatened to overwhelm even her dulled senses. So instead she closed her eyes, trying to shut away the pain burning in her shoulder.

Once she had regain some sort of control over herself, she tried, with eyes still closed, to remember what had happened. She remembered a knife, a face of someone, someone she trusted. What had his name been? I know it was.. something with V....Valence.. no, what kind of a name is that? Victor? Maybe... She could not however, for all she tried, remember how her shoulder had started hurting, or why she was wherever she was, for she dared still not look.

((Finally back again! And good handling of my character.))
"Understood," Julia said briskly, agreeing with his decision, "If something does happen to me, promise me you won't let Sam try to save me or any of that. That's not what I want." Her gaze flickered up as the "cops" appeared, ordering them to step out of the car and put their hands up. Before Jinx could move, Julia rested a hand on his shoulder, telling him to stay back and let her handle this. The serum advanced her powers, and she planned on using them.

Their emotions were clear, blatant. But Julia could change them just by looking. There was no longer any need for touch, or physical contact. Just a look and a sweet smile. For a moment, the guard seemed confused, his eyes blank and staring ahead. Then, blinking, he shook his head and lowered his gun, turning to the other guards. "Let them through! They're with us!" Those behind him hesitated, slowly lowering their own weapons before nodding, stepping aside to clear a path.

Victor sat by Elsie's bedside, as he had been doing for the past hour he had been here, leaning against the wall and staring at the ceiling. Of course, the place was much too crowded, and he knew Elsie would never open her eyes somewhere like this. Scowling, he turned to face the others, crossing his arms over his chest. Weren't there other rooms in this safe house? "Hey, can we please clear out the damn room!" Victor snapped, glaring at the people who gave him odd looks, "There are other rooms, aren't there?" 
((welcome back! ^.^ you need info on whats going on, or are ya good?))
Elise twitched somewhat at Victors voice, seemingly moving faintly as to face him, yet the pain in her shoulder forced her to remain still, trying to fend of tears which the pain had brought with it, she merely remained silent. Instead, she moved the hand which wasn't attached to a broken shoulder, towards the source of Victors voice, seemingly the only thing she could use to escape not having something to concentrate on.

Soon however, the amount of people present seemed to lessen, and she dared open her eyes faintly, taking in her surroundings. Her shoulder was still pulsing painfully though, causing her expression to tense up yet again, as she forced her eyes shut again, the less information was coming to her, the better.

((I've read up on everything I've missed, so I should be good.))
Sam groaned, slowly lifting to his feet. "Dammit.." He muttered, quickly pushing forward. He knew Craig would not keep her in the usual place, just in case. So where would he keep her. He quickly dashed from room to room, glancing in. He whipped around a corner, coming to a sudden halt in front of 5 guards. They all looked up to him, quickly aiming their guns at him. Sam paused, looking down at the barrels. He had to go this way.. "Who the hell are you? Stop their, put your hands up.. Or we will shoot... " Sam's hand cupped his injured arm, blood seeping between his fingers. The guard looked carefully at his injury, eyes flickering up to lock with Sam's green hues. "Get down now.. " He barked, grip tightening on the trigger.

Jinx raised a brow, look over at Julia as she swede the 'cops'. "Don't ever do that to me.. " He said, looking deep in to Julia's eyes. He jerked her hand off, quickly getting out of the car. He was serious when he told her never to use her power on him. He hoped she would heed his warning. He marched past the 'cops' eyes glancing over at them as their eyes traced each other. He took no time in charging towards the door, ready to break it down. Except when he tried, he simply fell back, narrowing his eyes in frustration. "We need to hurry.. Were would they keep them?" He glanced back at Julia, impatiently waiting for her reply.

The men in the room raised their brows, looking over to Victor. "You want more room? Get your own damn place kid... " The man hissed, quickly turning heel and continuing his discussion with the other man. They had no manors, which really was no surprise. They did not like Victor, because they too thought he was a traitor. Even now, arguments continued about kicking him out. Leaving him and the girl.
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"Don't try to hurt anyone I care about, and I won't have to," Julia said quickly in response to Jinx's order about not using her power on him. What she did not understand was why he seemed to hate her so much. Was it because of how she had acted when the serum had been injected? Or was there something more that she didn't know? The thought brought a frown to her lips as she slipped out of the car, stepping forward to face the large metal door that led to inside of Imperium. "You're thinking too far ahead," she commented to Jinx, narrowing her eyes at the door, "We first have to figure out how to get inside. This door is made to where it can only be opened from the inside. No powers can get past either. Not even yours, or mine."

Frowning, she ran her fingers over the cool metal, looking up to find the cameras, "All the windows are the same way, so I wouldn't try those either." Not that there were any windows to really use. On the entire building, there were only eight or nine, and all were quite high up. Bullet proof and power proof. "Imperium has very high security, so getting in won't be easy. Once we're inside, it'll be a lot easier, trust me." She sighed, stepping back and tapping her chin, examining the overall building. How were they supposed to get in if they were both official enemies of Imperium? "Julia?" Blinking, Julia looked up as a young woman approached her, a large grin passing her face.

It was Hanna, an agent of Imperium. Maybe not everyone knew she was an enemy of Imperium. Julia gave her a smile, her eyes flickering over to Jinx. Play along, she whispered in his mind, her gaze flickering back over to the agent in front of her. "Hey Hanna," she greeted lightly, giving her a wave. Hanna stepped towards her, placing a hand on her hip and arching a brow. "Where have you been? You practically vanished off the face of the earth, woman!" Julia gave a light laugh, though her whole body was on alert, eyes watching all of their surroundings without once leaving Hanna. "They needed an extra tracker, since one of ours escaped. Someone who had the experience," Julia shrugged, the lie passing smoothly from her lips, "So I volunteered."

Hanna nodded, her gaze flickering over to Jinx, eyes narrowing. "Who's this?" Julia thought quickly, no hesitation with her answer, "A facultas I was assigned to track. His name is Charles. Charles, meet Hanna. She's an agent of Imperium, and a tracker in training." Julia turned to face Jinx, silently praying that he would play along, that he would introduce himself as this character she made up in a few seconds. She would rather not draw attention to themselves. If they could get in quietly, it would avoid a chase, and a fight that they didn't need.

Victor's eyes flashed at the man's words, his gaze flickering over to him angrily. He didn't care what they thought of him, but Elsie had nothing to do with this. In a flash, Victor had him pinned against a wall, his arm pressing against his throat. "Look here," he snarled, glaring at the man in disgust, "I could give less of a rats ass what you think of me. But she has nothing to do with this, understood? She just found out about Imperium today, and pretty much got attacked the whole time she was there. So don't say shit about her. Are we perfectly clear?" As his emotions got out of control, so did his powers. The ghosts in the room ganged up against the man, whispering in his ear, harsh words he could hear. The secrets he kept from the world, ringing tauntingly in his ears.
Shivering lightly, Elise seemed to try to make herself smaller at the sound of Victors rage. There was to much going on in the room right now, and she could not possibly ignore the painful pulsing in her shoulder. Pressing her face together, she trembled somewhat as her left hand, the one not connected to the broken shoulder, curled together as to grasp the sheets of the bed.
Jinx let out a sigh at Julia looked to him, her hint-ful glances causing him to let down his tense posture. "Ya.." That is all he could say, his eyes shifted over to the door. He wasn't the most patient of all people, though now seemed to be more impatience then usual. He was nervous about Craig, how he had finally taken, what seemed to him, like desperate steps. Jinx ears twitched at the sound of a suddenly explosion, his hand quickly going to cover his ears as the wall only 5 floors up suddenly blured into flames.

Small pieces of wall came crashing down, barely missing the three of them. Jinx's head quickly whipped up, his eyes widening at the site of thick magma seeping down the side of the burning whole. He knew that power anywhere.. Reventree. Hard coughing echoed in the hallway as thick smoke filled hits rooms. Sam lay on the floor, coughing hard. He found it difficult to control his power, his ability suddenly lashing out. The men who had once stood before him, had vanished, leaving only hot embers and fires in their place.

Sam coughed, slowly pushing himself up off the floor. He leaned against the wall, his crouched stature limping heavily as he made his way down towards the fire. If Craig didn't realize he had escaped, now he did. The alarm on the building took no time in going off, getting out a sharp shrieking noise as Sam made his way down the hall. He had to be close right? He slowly looked in each door, his ragid coughs stopping him every stop along the way.

"What did you say?" His eyes clenched shut as sudden whispers came to his ears, causing him to shutter, falling helplessly to his knees. His hands gripped at his ears, a soft cry coming from him as the painful whispering continued. "That is enough.. " James walked in, his brow raising at Victor. "Remember, you are our guest. You need to respect that. Powers not not to be used or flaunted on petty arguments.. " He walked over to Victor looking down at the girl. "Understand.. " He added, glancing back at Victor.
The explosion made Julia wince, her hands covering her ears. Magma seeped down the walls, the heat burning the afternoon air. "Found him..." she muttered to Jinx, if it wasn't already obvious. Hanna's eyes widened at the sight, one hand going to the gun at her waist, the other shielding her body from the explosion. "Holy shit! What the hell is that!?" Julia shrugged, though she knew exactly what, specifically, who it was. Hanna hastily brushed past the two, sprinting towards the door. It opened immediately for her, and Julia waved Jinx forward, slipping inside after her before it could close.

"Can you knock her out?" Julia whispered to Jinx, frustrated that she couldn't do it herself, "From a distance, so it doesn't look suspicious." They didn't need her with them as they were finding Raven. But separating her from them would be impossible, unless they went somewhere else. Unfortunately, they were all going to the same place. And that's where Raven was."Hey, stop right there!" Confused, Hanna turned around, her eyes narrowing at the five men who had appeared, circling around Julia and Jinx. "What the hell!" she yelled, taking a step forward. "They're traitors! Julia joined the rebels!"

"There goes trying to stay quiet..." Julia muttered her eyes narrowing at the guards. Hanna believed them and immediately sided with the men, closing her eyes. Julia nearly cursed. Her ability was a mental force field, which she could expand and protect others with. Julia's powers were useless. But her combat skills weren't. "Stairs are at the end of the hall to the left," she whispered to Jinx, her gaze flickering over the circle of enemies to find an opening. "You go. I'll hold them off. And trust me. I can handle myself without an active power just fine."

Craig scowled as the alarms went off, his gaze shifting up to the blaring red sirens on the walls. Of course Sam had figured out a way to escape. Moving quickly, Craig made his way down the hall, his face calm and stony, eyes locked on the one place his brother would never look. Julia's office. He silently slipped through the door, locking it behind him. In there sat Raisa, her eyes wide with fear, hands tied together tightly behind her back. Craig had made sure there was no source of water in the room for her to access, and smirked at her desperate expression. "My little niece..."

Victor squeezed his eyes shut, taking deep breaths to control his temper. He hadn't meant to lose control of his powers like that, to hurt people with them. Slowly, he released the man, the ghosts moving away from him, Victor taking a step back. Without saying a word, he walked back over to Elsie and sat down next to her. More then anything, he missed his mom. Why did she have to leave when he would need her the most? Why couldn't she stay, and speak soothing words to him when he lost his temper like that?
As Victor once more returned to her bedside, Elise forced her eyes open, despite the distracting pain of her shoulder. Turning her head somewhat to the side, she stared with a gaze filled both with pain and, seemingly, panic. "W...what... happened?" she cooed quietly, before giving of a faint shiver, the additional information from her sight proving to much, as her eyes shut close once more.

Why can't I make it stop! I'm supposed to be stronger than this.. I'm supposed to be better! Her expression soon turned somewhat grim, remaining nearly perfectly still upon the sheaths, she was afraid to move, daring not challenge her mind to overwhelm her once more.
Jinx rolled his eye's at Julia's seemingly obvious gesture. He had to bite his tongue to stop from coming back with a rude remark. He followed quickly behind Julia, only to come to a sudden stop as they became surrounded. Once again he found her saying something stupid. Telling him to leave. Really? He rolled his eyes again at her comment, his right eye twitching slightly. The guard's eyes widened, their head whipping forward, like someone had hit them in the back of the head with a baseball bat. Soft orange aura's illuminated behind their necks, quickly dissipating. "Your right.. You handled that quite well.. " His voice had a hint of sarcasm as he turned on his heels, quickly heading away.

The smoke slowly thickened in the hallway, a soft voice coughing, as a purple hand grazed the wall. Sam stopped, his eyes flickering to a oh so familiar hole in the floor. This was were he has with Victor and Craig.. That meant.. His eyes flickered over to the door, his eyes widening at a slightly melted handle. Sam pulled his brows back, clenching his teeth in frustration. He had no choice did he? He moved slowly, a hand touching down on the soft handle. He door slowly opened, his eyes flickering to the 'restricted' sign. He wondered, if she would hate it..

He walked in slowly, eyes tracing the floor which was laced with a mixture of broken glass and liquid. Shelving lay broken across the floor, covering the soft colors of tile. He sighed, quickly pulling the shelves up. He didn't break them all did he? He scrambled threw the broken vials, looking quickly for the 'X' serum once more. This is the consequence, of not being more careful. He had no choice, without it, he would never find his daughter in time..

Jame's raised his brow, a soft hand touching Elise forehead. She had a fever, her skin burning against his. "Shit.. " He muttered, eyes flickering over to the crippled men. "Ryan?" No response. James sighed, quickly getting up. He returned a moment later with a cold rag, handing it to Victor. "You will need to keep her temperature down. We do not have anything to help her here, and until our leader is back, we wont be coming... " He gave Victor a stern look eyes flickering down to the rag.
Elise twitched rather noticeably at James touch, her expression tensing as she tried to resist the flood of information rushing into her mind, the strokes of skin on his hand, the traces of his unique fingerprints, all these things flooded her mind, shifting her focus from denying the pain, as she burst into a small sob, a couple of tears falling from her pressed close eyes.

What is going on? Why am I here? What happened? she let out a brief cry as the man lifted his hand once more, the different breezes of wind colliding with her forehead. What have I done to deserve this?
Julia shot Jinx a glare, quickly brushing past him and darting towards the stairs. What she hated more then anything was being see as incapable. Most people saw her that way for one of two reasons; one, she was a woman. Women are automatically classified as weak and helpless, two things she definitely was not. Two, she didn't have an active power. That's what she especially hated. Not having an active power does not mean she can't fight. People without any special powers or abilities can fight, as can she.

"You didn't really give me a chance to handle that situation," Julia commented coolly, frankly annoyed by his actions. By this point, they had reached the third floor, where the offices were located. Julia wasn't even breaking a sweat, her breathing perfectly normal as if this was a walk in a park. She came to a stop, her eyes flickering down the hall, examining their surroundings. At the very end of the hall, where her office used to be, there were two auras. There were two people in her office.

Her eyes narrowed, and she thanked god for her advanced powers. Auras could be seen through walls, though just as colors and not in the shape as a person. "Continue to the fifth floor," Julia said to Jinx, eyes locked onto her office, "I'm gonna check down this hall for anything useful. And I can handle myself." She put a rather large emphasis on the last part, leaving no room for arguments. He would continue to find Raven, and she would find out who the hell was in her office and why they were in there.

Victor glanced down to Elsie as she spoke, worry flashing in his eyes at her pale appearance. From what he could tell, her senses were going crazy, enabling her to feel everything around her. Frowning, Victor reached for the rag, hesitating for a long moment. Would this help ease her senses, or would it simply increase everything around her. He couldn't let her fever get any worse, but by her cry, she was much too overloaded.

An idea hit him, and he gently rested the rag on her forehead, kneeling by her side and talking soothingly. "Focus on my voice, okay? Only my voice, nothing else." He grasped at straws, trying to figure out what to talk about. A second later, he had it, and he just began to talk, his voice soothing and soft. "When at Imperium, we were attacked. By a man. He threw a knife at you, and you threw it back. One moment, we were standing there, the next we had fallen through a hole in the ground. Some debris hit your shoulder, breaking it and knocking you out."

"From there, I tried to get you out of there. When outside, I was... er... approached by some other people. People not from Imperium, but those imposing the system. Rebels. They brought us here and have been tending to your shoulder...." He paused, looking down sheepishly at his not so relaxing story, "This isn't really comforting, is it?"

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