Welcome to the Asylum

He winced heavily at the smack of her hand, stepping back and grabbing his torso. It hurt so much. Each breath, each word, but he had to say it.. No matter how much it hurt. He had to tell her. "No.. You would have hated me.. Just as you do now.. " His eyes became cold, he suddenly pushed away the pain, lunging towards her. His body slammed hers against the metal bars behind her, each hand grabbing the cold metal. His body hovered over hers like a force, his breath tickling her neck as he spoke. "What do you want me to say. That its a lie? That i'm not Reventree, that I have just been mistaken? Or that I am everything you see me as.. A liar, a murder. A person who every time you outstretched your hand to touch, wanted nothing more then to lean into it and kill you. Drain every sparkle of life that lives in your body! But instead.. was forced to flinched away.. "

His hands tightened around the bars, his feverish form careful to keep his flesh just far enough from hers. "What do you want me to be Julia.. ? What do you want me to say.. You had to raise one child.. you act like it was the hardest thing you have ever endured. poor you. I am sorry I could not be there Julia, but it will not change.. Who I am.... will not change.. And what I can do.. " He stopped for a moment, letting his eyes look over her skin. "... will not change.. .. Tell me Julia, what do you think now... Do you.. hate me now... " His words trailed off. His lungs locking up once more. He could not speak, his entire body shook, not from anger, and maybe it was the pain.. but to him.. it was sadness.

How could she say that? How could she. He did everything he could to protect her, to love her. He would go home and collapse several times a weak, his body drained from being forced to touch Julia so much. It was hard.. to control and filter his power. And even in his sleep he had to be weary, constantly able to wake and control his power so that if she touched him, she would not die. She always saw it as him being distant, but it was never like that. He was so scared he would hurt her. He was always so exhausted, so drained, his body often shaken as it was pushed to its limits.

He could never tell her the truth, not about him then, or now. She did not need to know that his memory was stolen, or that he was forced away. She didn't need to know what she really meant to him, how he stayed to be captured, so that she would not be hurt for letting him go. Reventree was always more capable then he seemed, yet for her.. if it meant she would be safer.. then he would become weak. Only for her.. And Raisa.. oh Raisa. His breath was hot, though his eyes moved like he could see, they couldn't. His head spun, the only thing keeping him up was the cold bars he grasped so desperately too. If he pushed Julia away. Would she be saved??
Guilt filled Julia as she winced at his words, averting her gaze to the ground. She had been foolish and childish. She had been upset, scared, and angry, and the unlucky person she happened to take it out on was Raven. And now, those emotions faded away into a deep sea of regret. All those nasty, cruel things she had said to him... Had she really been that mean, that cold? Even she was shocked by her sudden outburst, the false accusations she fired at him, one after another. "I- I can never hate you..." She whispered in a voice that was barely audible in the never ending silence.

Then she heard the door upstairs open and the footsteps of guards. She knew what was coming. Frantically, she turned towards Raven, guilt clear in her eyes. There wasn't enough time for apologies, to explain herself. This would be good bye, a good bye he wouldn't know until after everything was done. She spoke rapidly, but gently, trying to tell him so many things with not a lot of words. "Just know that I love you more then anything. You and Raisa both. I would of never turned you in, I promise you that... And I don't hate you. Even if I tried." The footsteps were growing closer, and now she could hear their voices. "Everything I said... I'm sorry. You're her father. You have every right to-"

The cell was flung open and hands grabbed Julia's shoulders, pulling her back. Hastily, she raised her hand and grazed Raven's cheek, telling him with her thoughts that she was sorry, to make sure Raisa is taken care of, and that she would miss him. She would miss him more then anything. As the guards dragged her away, she glanced behind her shoulder one last time, gave Raven one last glance. Then she turned to face her fate.
His eyes widened as she spoke, his breath rough. "Why.. You.. your suppose to hate me.. Julia.. " The graze of her finger caused him to strain his body. He clenched his teeth timing their separation. If he fought them now, he might kill Julia.. His timing was perfect, she did not die, but his body felt like it had. He had pushed it so much, so hard. He watched Julia be escorted out, their eyes locking. "no.." He muttered, his body swaying once more. The moment she went out of sight, his body collapsed, his legs giving in beneath him.

His body stopped on a soft, yet hard cushion. Hands held his arms carefully, being very weary of his skin. Though Reventree's body was numb, he could tell someone had caught him, breaking his fall. He looked up, his hand moving to touch the chest of a man. Although he could not see him, he knew exactly who it was. Muscles three times as big as his, tall, gentle yet masculine. "G-George.. " He muttered, letting his head suddenly thud against Georges chest. "Yes Leader.. I am here. Come on.. We need to get you ou-" Georges voice was nice, yet stern, being suddenly interrupted by Reventree. "No!.. Julia.. we have to get.. " His lungs choked up again, his chest gasping for air.

"Leader, if we stay any longer you'll... "

"P-Please.. Geor-.. " He trailed off again, his hands clenching onto Georges jacket. It hurt so much to talk, the pain vibrating.

"Okay sir.. But let me.. Do not move.. " He said quietly, pulling Reventree securely into his chest. He shifted him into his right hand, leaving his left free to move.

Reventree panted in his arms, blacking out once more. George looked down at Reventree, giving him a worried look. And just as quickly as he appeared, his body vanished in a blue sparkling mist. The mist seemed to raise to the sky, swirling around and then slowly dissipating. The last thing you could see as he vanished was a angry scowl on his face, his hands securely wrapped around his leader.
Roughly, the guards pushed Julia up the stairs, leading her into the blinding, luminescent lights. She held her head eyes, jaw tight and teeth clenched, knowing what was about to come, knowing exactly where they were taking her. Soon, she would no longer be herself, no longer be that kind, loving woman she used to be. Would she even remember that through the insanity, through the four white walls surrounding her? Maybe, but maybe not.

A door opened, and Julia stumbled through with a hard shove, quickly catching her footing and looking around. Craig stood off to the side, arms crossed over his chest, face carrying his usual hard and cold expression. Next to him stood a woman in a white lab coat, brown hair pulled up into a tight bun and a vial of a cloudy liquid in her hand. The sedate. Julia set her lips in a firm line, blue hues locked onto the vial, her hands trembling slightly.

"Bring her to the table," Craig snapped at the guards, his dark, emotionless eyes locking with hers. Julia showed no fear, and simply straightened her shoulders as the guards grabbed her arms and lead her forward. She was strapped down to the table, tight enough to where movement was nearly impossible. "Unfortunate," Craig said tauntingly, looking down to her, "You were so devoted. But then you fell in love. Love really is a weakness, isn't it, darling?" Julia didn't have time to say anything in response, for it was then that the needle was injected in her skin.

Almost immediately, she could feel her sixth sense consuming her, rushing over her like a wave. All of the emotions in the room slammed into her at once, and even the thoughts. Nasty, horrible thoughts. Panic began to consume her, and she thrashed against the straps, squeezing her eyes shut. What a wh*re. Traitorous b*tch. F*cking the enemy. You deserve this, girl. Julia screamed as the words flooded her mind, yanking against the straps unsuccessfully. Help me! she screamed in her mind, the words unintentionally stretching out to other minds. Help me, help me, help me.... It was a continuous chant, those two words, ringing through every mind in the building. Next to her, Craig laughed.

Victor leaned against the pole, his dark hair shading his eyes from the blinding sun. Underneath a pair of sunglasses, he watched a girl. Her name; Elsie Deliri. Age; 17, two years younger then he was. Power; zero reaction time, something he had read through over and over again but still couldn't seem to fully understand. She was a facultas, and his assignment, given to him by Julia. For about the past month, he had been keeping a distant eye on her, careful not to reveal himself, which wasn't too hard. He had always been invisible. But, sooner or later, he had to make his move and bring her back to Imperium.

Currently, he waited at a park across from her school, bored out of his mind waiting for the damn day to end. How many hours did she spend in that bloody place? It seemed incredibly dull and boring, and Victor figured he would never want to go to a wretched place like that. He never had to. Ever since he was five and found talking to the dead body of his mother, he had been with Imperium. They taught him everything he needed to know, from controlling his powers, to all forms of combat, and even the basic reading, writing, and math. Through it all, the ghost of his mother remained by his side. Even now, she remained by his side, never speaking, never saying a sound.

He looked over to her now, her transparent form sitting on a bench, ghostly eyes watching a little boy giggle as he chased around a large dog, glee on his face. Quietly, Victor walked over and sat next to her, resting his chin on his hands, watching the same boy with a small smile on his face. He had never really been a child, not that he had the chance to. He had been brought to Imperium, and that was the day where he was no longer young and youthful. Julia, who he saw as an older sister, one that he adored, was twelve at the time, and the two had quickly become friends. Although Victor was solemn and quiet, she showed him the good things in the world, and was the only one that could make him smile.

Even when Sam came along and she fell in love, she still included him, playing board games with him, or playing hide and seek, a game that he loved. And whenever a ghost frightened him, she was there, soothing him with a soft, gentle smile, a sisterly affection that kept him close to her for years. And when her and Sam fought, he was there for her, doing his best to make her laugh and smile, making silly faces, and sometimes just giving her a hug that she desperately needed. After Sam died, however, she became distant, always lost in her own thoughts. He worried for her, but for the past five years, few words had passed between them. Even when she gave him the assignment, there was not the same affection.

"You should keep watching the school." Victor jerked his head in surprise at the sound of his mother's voice, looking over to her with wide eyes. She was watching him carefully, looking almost human if it weren't for the light line of light around her. "You spoke..." Victor choked out in disbelief. She laughed lightly, a soft, tingling laugh that Victor missed terribly. "I did indeed. It's time for me to move on, my dear boy. Protect this Elsie girl, okay?" Victor opened his mouth to speak, to say something, but already his mom was starting to shimmer and vanish. "Mom... no, wait!" he raised his hand to grab her, but it simply swept through empty air, her ghostly form gone.

A few people gave him curious stares as he sat there, frozen at her sudden disappearance. His hand fell into his lap, mind swirling with emotion. She was gone. For the past nineteen years, she had been there, dead and alive. Now... Victor was on his own. He gritted his teeth, jaw tight as he tore his eyes away from the empty seat next to him, going back to watching the school.

((Iacentis figured i'd help bring in your chara :) finally back in town, so I'll be working on making sure all the new people bring in their characters okay))
Her screams were loud, echoing down the hallway. Craig looked unphased, just smiling at her hurting form. It wasn't until something grabbed him, thrusting him backwards that that hateful grin on his face left. George threw him hard, with a sudden thrust back. Causing him to hit against the wall. The guard and women snapped to attention at the sudden thud, moving quickly to grab George. The guard lunged forward, his hands outstretched to grab him. But just as he was close to grabbing him, he fell threw, George and Ravens body becoming transport for only a moment. The beautiful blue and white lights lifted up, then set back down as they solidified once more. If it wasnt such a serious situation, one might have stopped to laugh as the guard ended up tackling Craig instead, their body's clashing against the wall once more. Raven entire weight was limp, his heavy pants consuming him. His eyes clenched shut as he spoke weakly, his hand grabbing at the jacket on George's chest. "George.."

"I know.." He responded. He walked forward slightly, wincing as the emotions became more intense, more painful.

He grinded his teeth, looking down at Raven who's skin was paler then the dead. George knew he could not hesitate, he had to move now, if not.. George feared the worst. Despite his cracking head he lunged forward, grabbing onto Julia's arm. With in a moment they were gone, their bodies disappearing in a twinkle of lights. George tried to stop it, his head from cracking, his emotions from running rampide in his mind. But it was no use. With a very painful thud they all three hit the asfault, it's black rocky texture suddenly cracking outwards. He had missed. His jump as to far, this was not were he intended to teleport, he knew this wasn't the place, yet he couldn't stop it. He suddenly hunched down in a ball, gripping at his head in pain. His eyes were clenched shut, he opened his eyes barely looking down at his leader, his eyes widening in shock.

Blood pooled beneath him, his body laying motionless of the road beside him. "S-...sto..." His words came out in jumbles. He could not concentrate .. He could not move. Even the humans around them fell to their knees at the sound, clenching their ears in pain. "Stop! You'll kill him!" George screamed, his body shaking. It was do weird, so see such a strong man flinch in pain. To grovel like he was. Raven let out a violent cough, blood dripping from his mouth, his heart slowly losing its will to thump. Thump.. Thump... Thu...

(Sorry phone :0 ))
Elise let out a light sigh as she pushed the door to the school entrance open, having remained in the last class for a short while after it ended as to not have to endure another hundred reactions to stares form her schoolmates, as if their constant uneasy movements wasn't annoying enough. The good thing, however, was that she was seemingly less important than getting out of school.

Striding silently across the schoolyard, her eyes fluttered about rapidly, as they always did, not that she bothered much with what she saw anymore, most of it would be forgotten as soon as she noticed it. It was the only way she'd learned to deal with her state, without massive headaches, forgetting. Sighing, she continued towards the exit of the school grounds at a bit faster rate, she felt a bit uneasy, somehow.

Suddenly she stopped, looking over her shoulder, she realized she'd forgotten her backpack Damn it! Of all the things, why'd I have to forget that! she sighed lightly again, spinning in place, she scurried towards the school entrance yet again, her seemingly rather well-cared for hair swaying lightly in as a brief gust took grasp of it.

Catching a glimpse out of the corner of her eye, she turned her gaze towards the silhouette of a man in the distance, studying his clothing and sunglasses for a mere, almost non-existent moment, before she turned her gaze back forwards, she did not take much note of the man, and he soon slipped from her memory as she reached the door of the school.

((CharChar45, thank you for that, it is much appreciated. And i'm assuming your character is not actually "invisible", else, retcon the last paragraph))
Julia felt strong hands grasp her arms, sending her into a frenzy of panic. She thrashed and struggle, her fear and other emotions forcing themselves into his mind, pressing and clashing against his own. She could feel herself being moved, almost as if floating through the air, her body touching nothing, yet everything. Every emotion, every thought, every traumatic memory grew and expanded into her head, passing through her rapidly. A death of a best friend. Tears of a harsh break up. A funeral of a little girl's grandmother.

Along with all of this came colors. So many colors. Purple, pink, yellow, brown, and red. Black, green, blue, orange, and white. Mixing together, outlining people as they walked, talked and laughed. Or cried. Somehow, she could automatically tell what some of these colors meant. Purple was a sign of wisdom, intuition, and one that was highly spiritual. Pink was love, sincerity, and friendship. Yellow, optimism, happiness, friendliness, indecisiveness, and naivety. Brown, greed, and self-involvement. Red was energy, strength, anger, and passion. Black was lacking energy, illness, imminent death. Even more swirled over her eyes, almost blinding with their burning color.

As the man spoke, Julia blinked blankly, looking up to see George, Raven on the ground beneath him. She never remembered him coming, never remembered him showing up. All she felt was fear, a fear that consumed her and made her powers even more erratic, even more unpredictable. "Raven?" she whispered, almost confused by George's words. What did he mean he would die if she didn't stop? What was she doing wrong? Control your power, a logical voice whispered in her head, sounding quite wise and confident. Julia decided to listen, decided to give it a shot. It seemed like a smart choice. For a moment, all of her crazed powers stop, giving George a chance to get Raven out, to help him escape.

Victor looked up as the girl exited the school, seeming almost like she was fleeing. He would want to flee too if he was forced to go to a place like that every day. Victor stood, his dark eyes scanning the street quickly, then made his way towards her, his steps fast and swift, yet oddly silent. What was he supposed to do when he grabbed hold of her? Tell her to come with him? Yeah, like that would go well. Maybe he could demonstrate his powers to show that he spoke some version of the truth. But then she might think he was crazy... What in the bloody hell was he supposed to do?
George looked at her, his eyes wide and his nails clawed into his mind. She seemed confused, her attention turning to Reventree for just a moment. She seemed sane for a moment, the feelings rampid in his mind slowly softening. He saw his moment, his mind was clear. He could jump, softly pull them to Ravenwood. He suddenly lunged forward, grabbing Julia's arm once more, his other hand gripping Reventree's shirt. Their bodies slowly dissipated once more, swirls of lights raising to the sky, slowly thinning the more it rose..

Their bodies felt like in the jump, like clouds, soft.. fluffy. The soft feelings were so consuming, but like most things, it only lasted a moment. They suddenly dropped to the floor, the heavy feeling of gravity weighing down on them. Eyes of several dozen men suddenly looked over at them, eyes wide. "JAMES!" George yelled, his voice echoing threw the halls of the mansion. A familiar face pushed threw the shocked eyes, his eyes widening even more at the sight.

James quickly pushed threw, running forward and dropping in front of Reventree. He wore thin doctors gloves, its pale yellow tint latex like. He placed his fingers on Reventree's neck his eye's widening. Their was no pulse, his heart stopped, his breathing gone. "No.. No no.. " He muttered, whipping around to yell for help. "Ryan, Jane. Quick! Help me!" James spoke quickly as the two pushed threw the ground, running to his side. They all picked him up, quickly taking him about ten feet away to a medical bed.

"Jinx!" James looked around, his eyes suddenly catching on Jinx who came slowly down the spiral stares. "James? Rev?" Jinx stuttered, suddenly thumping down the stairs. He came skidding to a stop, his hand grabbing at Reventree's chest. "Rev! Shit wake up! Rev" He became desperate looking at the cold limp body. Another boy walked slowly behind Jinx, glancing over with wide eyes. His hair was black, its tint in the light almost blue. His eyes were sparkling green, glistening against the hard marble floors.

He older then the current Reventree, about 27 would be the proper guess. His beauty was unmatched, even the look of fear on his face as he looked down at Reventree was beautiful on his face.

"Jinx, you need to restart his heart..."

"I can't, If I try again.. "

"If you do not hes dead anyway! Jinx"

Jinx grinded his teeth closing his eyes, letting his mind picture Reventree's beatless heart. HE let his mystic like aura slowly fill this heart, trying to get it to thump, force it to move! It took a moment, a tear running down Jinx's face as he pushed himself, pushed his powers to help him. His eyes suddenly flickered open, eyes wide as a gasp suddenly came from Reventree, his lungs barely being able to move.

Jamed quickly shoved Jinx over, not letting him stand in the way. "Jane, Ryan, Jinx, Kira! Hold him down! DO not let him move!"

James ripped his jacket and shirt from his torso, quickly pulling the bandages. He quickly whirled around, grabbing a scalpel on the counter behind him. Jane's eyes widened at him, her words suddenly bursting out of her. "No! Are you insane!"

"Shut up Jane! His entire system is infected, I have to inflate his lungs."

"You cant! You realize what your doing? You cant even sedate him! He will feel everything!.. Don't you realiz-"

"Being here with a completely infected system, tortured for a week... He must endure it.. He will die Jane.. " He let a long silence come over them, tears running down her cheek as she grabbed his arm, painfully nodding her head.

"Now hold him!" He snapped, watching the other's to, each grab a limb.

The scalpel suddenly touched his flesh, cutting slowly into his chest. Reventree's body shook, the feeling of a suddenly metal cutting open his chest sending the most severe pain he had ever felt, soaring threw his body. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Reventree let out a painful scream, thrashing violently on the table. His followers found it difficult to hold him down, having to use their body weights to hold him in place.

The scalpel went deeper, cutting deeper and deeper. The deeper he went, the worse his screams became. Even George stood in shock, his hands shaking. No one had even seen Reventree like this, never. He was so strong, so incredible. Even she shook in fear as to what kind of pain could cause a man like that to scream out in so much pain.
Allen walked along the darker streets of the city, his hands in his pockets. He made certain that his hood would shadow his face enough that the scar would not show. He took notice of all the little voices calling to him...his friends as he called them. They always spoke to him, being everywhere and all. He used this to his advantage, having them constantly give him information. With this, he made his rounds, eyeing everyone around him as their secrets slowly came to him.

However, there was one thing many of his allies had mentioned that interested him. Mainly because everyone knew so little. All that he knew was that it involved Imperium and the rebels. That automatically spelt drama, but drama could be very interesting...
Stopping, Elise shifted her position, she'd caught movement in the corner of her eye, and was now seeing the man moving towards her. Suddenly, she was terrified, maybe he was one of the reporters, wishing to take up hours of her time with questions, placing her in such a distracting place, forced to listen to his breathing, forced to watch to strands of his hair move about as he uneasily twitched from time to time, like everybody did.

Gulping, she turned back towards the school and started running, she did not want to be bothered at all, and at least she thought she could lose him in the school, but what if he is to fast? What if he'll catch up? she thought as she realized panic was coming over her, forcing herself to calm down somewhat, whilst still running at a slowly accelerating pace No, he won't, he's a journalist, they don't get much exercise, at least not in running, maybe walking... but.. he doesn't look like a journalist, perhaps he's something worse?

Turning her head, she attempted to gauge the distance between herself and the man. As she did so, her foot came across a larger rock, causing her to momentarily loose balance, tumbling forward, Elise's body reacted immediately, resulting in her somersaulting across the gravel road, with several painful scratches as a reward. She let out a short yelp as she remained on the ground, the pain had stopped her usual control over her intake of information, which was now flooding her brain painfully.
"Shit..." Victor muttered as the girl broke into a run, seeing him behind her. He chased after her, wincing as she fell and darting by her side. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he said rapidly, kneeling down and pushing his sunglasses on top of his head. He examined her carefully with his gentle dark eyes, giving her a small smile, "I'm not here to hurt you. And I'm not a journalist either." He offered his hand to her in assistance, willing to help her up. "Are you okay?"

His scream rang in her ears, causing her to flinch. She could feel his pain, the excruciating pain of a blade being dragged across flesh. Tears filled her eyes as she fell to the ground, arms wrapping around her torso as she rocked back and forth. Stop it! You're hurting him! The words rang like a scream in everyone's mind, sending their emotions in turmoil.

((sorry its short and terrible >.< I'm blank over here))
Elise gaze rapidly shifted towards Victor as he came into view, her expression still seeming to express panic, along with what seemed to be intense pain, unlikely caused by her somersault. her hands trembled a bit as she tried to push herself back, speaking in a panic and eerie voice "Who are you!? what do you want!?". The words were uttered very quickly, and her eyes seemed to flutter uncontrollably around, reacting to every single movement, sound, or anything else that she could perceive, clearly, she wasn't in her best state.

Soon however, Elise let out a faint wince, closing her eyes for several second, she seemingly tried to calm herself. Moving her fingers to massage the area around her temples whilst her breathing slowly halted its speed down towards a more reasonable level. Afterwards, she set a more concentrated gaze upon the man before her, but remained silent.

((Length is not a problem, it was enough to respond to))
Reventree gasped in pain, his scream's echoing in the halls. The four of them struggled to keep him down. holding him with all their strength. Suddenly, the pressure began again, Julia's powers spun into their minds, causing Jane and George to fall to the floor. Jinx managed to stay put, his teeth clenched tight. Her voice was loud, pulling down their minds and bodies. Most of them resisted, trying to keep their powers under control. But nothing helped. The pressure was unbreakable. James dropped the sharp knife, glancign over at Julia in pain.

"Damnit! Dustin! Take her into the cell! " James words were choppy, unable to come out very clear. A man who seemed completely uneffected by her nodded, walking over to her and yanking her up suddenly by her arm. As he touched her, her power only seemed to get worse. The man next to Jinx winced, suddenly colpasing down on to Reventree, his hands grazing his skin.

The man's body suddenly felt sick, darkness falling over his eyes and soul. The man suddenly jumped back, the screaming came to a sudden stop. Reventree laid their motionless, his body limp on the table. James quickyl stood up and Julia was dragged down the hall, her power quickly spreading to the entire mansion. "No! " James moaned, checking Reventree's pulse. Their was nothing, no beat, no life. His body cold.

The man who suddenly pulled away hit hard against the wall, his hands shaking as he slwoly raised them, looking down at his pale, clampy hands. "No.. " The man muttered, his eyes full of fear. Jinx turned slightly, his eyes widening as he looked to him. Her raised his hands, slowly undoing the helmet on his head. It black cover slowly lifted, revealing a beautiful, almost girly like man. Becautiful Black hair and blue eyes shining in the darkness.

He looked over at him, his eyes almost sad. Jinx's voice was more like a whisper, slowly he spoke. "Rev?" His eyes widened as the man looked up, his shaking green eyes red from resting the pain that still weighed in his head. "Jinx.. I.. I'm sorry... I didn't.. " His hands shook as he spoke. He was Reverntree. The weight on his mind was to much, and he was not in control of his power when the man had touched him.

He looked back down at his hands. He had killed the host and took his body! He had killed one of his own.. His back slide down the wall, has hands covering his face and he barried his head in his arms. He never wanted this. He would have stayed in that body, endured the pain... but.. he failed.
RAVEN! His name rang even louder in their minds, a silent scream passing Julia's lips. What did they mean no pulse? Why was James cursing? And why was the light around his body gone, faded away to nothing? Her emotions were going wild, and she thrashed against the mans grasp, her blue hues wide and wild. LET GO OF ME DAMMIT! Every word was like a shriek of a banshee, stabbing at their heads painfully, sending them to their knees.

Finally, she kicked up her heel to the man's groin, knocking him back and flailing out of his grip. Julia sprinted forward, looking around frantically, her gaze landing onto him, crazed and desperate. All the emotions of those in the room swirled through her head dizzily, sending her stumbling back, wincing as she squeezed her eyes shut. Control yourself, a stern voice echoed in her mind, a voice for her alone. Julia focused on that voice, taking deep breaths, one hand on her temple.

So much anger, hate, and fear... it was painful. She shrank back and curled up into a ball, her breaths ragged. Raven.... This time the voice rang as a soft, gentle whisper in everyone's mind. Slowly, she calmed down, her raging emotions fading away, staying in her own mind rather then leaking through everyone elses.

"My name's Victor," he said, watching Elsie with concern, "And I swear I'm not here to hurt you, if that's what you're worried about." He hesitated, trying to think of a good way to explain himself without sounding crazy. How was he supposed to explain about Imperium, about a secret branch of the government that no one knew about except those apart of it?

"Alright, you will probably think I'm crazy, but I'm just gonna say it. There's a secret branch of the government called Imperium. What we do is find people that connect with this thing called a 'sixth sense' and bring them back for training. That's where I come in. I was sent to bring you back." He said it all in one breath, unsure on how she would react. It wasn't everyday that someone approached you talking about a secret branch of the government.
Elise merely remained silent for a long while, simply staring in disbelief towards Victor, her small hands were pressed against the gravel below, stinging lightly at her skin What is he talking about, a secret organization? more people like me? Is that it? Do I have a 'sixth sense'? Is that what has been giving me headaches? Does he get them to? And this training, maybe he could teach me how to control it, so I don't have to forget? Lots of thoughts streamed trough her mind, as she remained ever so silent, and still upon the ground.

But what if that's not it, what if it's a prison, what if they want to take me away from the world, for being a freak, he obviously knows what I am, or he wouldn't have approached me... she let out a short gulp before taking a deep breath, staring up towards Victor once more "What about it?" she asked rather sternly. Damn it! That sounded so strange, I must really look stupid in his eyes now...

Closing her eyes for a moment, she realized her emotions had started to get a hold of her, closing her eyes, she once more tried to concentrate on remaining calm, not wishing to experience another overflow of input from the surrounding world, preferably not now when there was another human Or whatever he might be this close.
Jane and James frantically tried to revive Reventree, not fully realizing he was no longer the owner of it. Jane panted loud, her frantic shaking stopping as she suddenly heard a familiar voice. "Reventree?" She whispered, whipping around and turning to face the man who had sank again the wall. "Oh my god! Reventree! Your okay." She stumbled, looking over it. She knew his voice more than anyone's. James eyes too widened, the pressure from their heads lifting. Jane ran around the table, dropping down to her knees in front of him, her hands touching the jeans on his knees. "Reventree! You took Pyro's-" her words suddenly cut off and the wall behind him cracked, it's spider like webs climbing up to the second floor. The cracks glowed, burned like magma against rock, each crack split, like its crevices were filled with lava. Jane jumped back, looking down at the new 'reventree'. He slowly lifted his head, his eyes glowing with a orange and red ring, his eyes matching the lava that sat on the walls.

This was the last thing Julia saw, before a soft prick touched her neck, it's stinging sensation slowly fading her mind into darkness. They had moved her to a cell, a quiet area, isolated from the rest of the house. All that could be heard was soft voices down the hall, both unknown.

"Do you hate me Jinx?"


"Even though I killed your brother, and even stole his body. Still you stand by my side?"

"Rev, you pretend I know nothing... I heard you. That day not long ago. He begged you to take his body. To take his life. I saw him. It wasn't a accident, he touched you on purpose... My brother was naive.. But I am glad it was you, who gave him what he wanted.." Jinx spoke softly, giving him a smile.

"Leader, I have the data back.." Another voice suddenly chimmed in, it's tone familiar. "I ran her DNA, she's been injected with a serum that inhances powers. Very unstable." James spoke quickly, the sound of paper wrinkling in his hand.

"Can you fix it?" Though the voice did not sound familiar, it was their leader that spoke. His mind, his will, and his power, all in a new body, a new voice, a new him.

"I need the original injection. If I give her the wrong combatant, it will kill her.."

"I understand.."

James nodded, his footsteps echoing and he walked off. Reventree knew what he had to do. He had to go back. He had to get the Serum. To save her. To help her. His footsteps too left, leaving with a soft tapping down the hallway.
"According to Julia, one of the leaders of Imperium, you have connected with your sixth sense. With the observations they have made, your ability seems to involve being able to notice many things at once. Something like that. And when your emotions get out of control, you lose control of your power, which is perfectly normal." He gave her a soft smile, continuing on with his reasoning, "Imperium helps you learn to control that, so the sixth sense does not consume you. If it does consume you, not only do you lose control of your powers, but they swallow you, and... well... you aren't yourself anymore."

He didn't go into much more detail then that, not wanting to frighten her. How could he explain the insanity that took over when that sixth sense consumed you? He himself had never experienced it, but he had seen it happen to many over the years. Every time had been even more frightening then the previous.

Julia woke in a small, confined cell. It was the most basic of things, four walls with a small stone table as a bed, a light white sheet covering it. Instead of laying on that, she remained curled up in a corner closest to the door, banging her head against the wall repeatedly, as if to get all the uncontrollable emotions out of her head. She could hear people talking, unfamiliar voices that spoke of something she didn't understand.

A serum? Who was injected with a serum? Did they mean her? And what cure, there was no cure for insanity. Confused and disoriented, Julia found her vision blacking out again, eyes falling shut as the voices became muffled and unintelligible. She fell unconscious, and did not wake again for a while.

When she did wake, she lay on a bench next to a man, a man she did not recognize. Familiar colors surrounded his form, colors she recognized, but couldn't place. She blinked at him blankly, not a sound passing her lips, head swirling wildly, her thoughts echoing unintentionally in his mind. Who are you? I want to see Raisa. I want Raven to be alive. What do you want? Go away...
Blinking a few times, Elise wondered how they could have gathered that much information on her, had she really been that obvious? But then again, they are a secret organization, aren't they supposed to know things like these she thought for a second, before letting out a tired sigh "And you plan to... take me there? Right now? What about my parents, my classmates? I can't just disappear, can I?" her voice sounded rather hearse, as she realized she still felt a little bit upset. She'd expected to have to deal with a journalist or something, but not this, couldn't she at least have been given a warning?

Slowly, she pushed herself up of the ground, taking a few deep breaths before shifting her gaze to eye Victor carefully, she wanted to know more, about her powers, about the others, about the organization. Yet parts of her still shivered at the thought of going, would they ever let her return? Go to college? She'd worked hard to earn her grades, putting an immense amount of focus into learning and remembering as much as she could from her classes, and it was all going to be taken away from her if she went? she had to know...

Then another though crossed her mind, what would he do if she refused, would he attempt to bring her in by force? Surely he wouldn't, he was aware of what she could do, and probably aware of her near invincibility in hand to hand combat, as she had proven over and over again under her Hapkido training. But what if he had a gun? Could I fight that? I've never tried, I don't know if I'm fast enough, I might get shot, and end up on worse terms than if I went willingly.

Shivering, she once more set her gaze upon Victor, awaiting his answer.
She looks so sickly as she laid against the wall. Her head resting gently against it's rough exterior. How could he leave her like that, her expression so desperate, so hopeless. He was careful not to touch her skin in moving her, gently laying her down on the soft bed. He sat next to her, sometimes he watched her, other times he stared out onto the floor in wonder. He had been like this for hours, waiting for her to wake. He could not leave without a word, not like this.

He waited patiently, his soft green hues glistening against the small light that lite the cell. She was so beautiful, he missed her smile. He missed her light. He found his mind in dark thoughts as he thought about what happened. Jinx's brother had purposely touched him, knowing full well that his body would switch. He hated that, hated himself for allowing it. He would never take a life he didn't need to, and never, ever take the body of a human with a sixth sense. It was to dangerous.

What no one knew about his ability, was once he takes a new host, he also takes the power's of that host. By touching Athren, he had not only taken his body, but his power. It was such a dangerous power to, easily swayed by emotions, lashing out. It was so hard to control, to separate his original powers from his new one. Athrens power was very unique, powerful, but above all, dangerous. His power was hard to describe, but most called it a lash of magma. The walls crack, bodies melt and building are consumed by this high temperature, lava like nature. It often lashed out in cracks, spiderweb like forms, breaking the foundation and smoldering deep into its core.

It was a power that even Athren had trouble controlling. He had to have another Rebel suppress his power, lock it away so he could not hurt anyone. But not anyone's power can be locked away. It depended on the soul, locking away the abilities with the wrong person would kill them. Athren was lucky it didn't, although Reventree knew he had done it hoping it would. Athren was so hard on himself, it was never his fault, the death of his family. Yet he could never let it go.

Reventree stirred at the sudden sound of a voice, at first it was soft, but suddenly, it seemed to press down hard on his conscious, pushing and pulling at his mind. Each word was like someone had hit him in the head with a baseball bat. His body seemed to seize up, suddenly his body feel forward, hitting with a thus to the floor. "ahhh.. " He let out a soft cry, his eyes clenched shut in pain.

His hands shook as his eyes formed a familiar ring around his iris, its red and orange colors, mixing like mist, like a halo in his eyes. The floor suddenly cracked beneath him, this spider like webs crawling up the was, the foundation and walls letting out terrifying cracking sounds with each break of the web. It's cracks seemed to smolder, like hot charcel had been shoved in the walls, the room slowly heating from its embers.

"J-Julia.. It's me.. Ra-ven... It's Sam.. Please stop... " His voice was shaking, he struggled to keep his new power under control, her powers pushing his mind to the limit. He could hear it crack more, his head looked down to the floor, pitch black locks with blue tints, hanging over his eyes. His eyes suddenly widened as he looked up at the smoldering wall, his breath coming out in painful gasps. He had to control it, her had to stop.

This is what he looks like now, and that is how the ring is around his eye. It's just red and orange 

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Raven? The voice was softer in his mind now, easing up so it no longer felt like immense pressure on his head. Julia stared at him with wide eyes, struggling to control her powers so she didn't hurt him. Crazed emotions and thoughts swirled in the back of her mind painfully, causing her to wince. And the colors outlining his form were blindingly bright, causing her to squint her eyes against the light, shrinking away.

You're pink... her voice whispered gently in his mind, not quite making any sense. Why pink? It seemed like a silly question on her part, like a bunch of childish nonsense, but yet oddly genuine. Pink meant affection, she believed, but pink on a man seemed ridiculous. Besides, why would he be affectionate? For her, it was confusing and gave her a headache, so she stopped thinking about it, shaking her head and curling up into a ball, resting her chin on her knees. I want to see Raisa....

Victor's face softened at her questions, some sadness in his eyes. When he joined Imperium, he never had to deal with that. The one person he cared about most was dead yet still there, though never talking. Well, at least she was. "I'm sorry..." he told Elsie, not even considering lying to her. It was pointless, and wrong. "There is no time to say goodbye. I have to bring you to them. They will handle everything with your schoolmates and family. You will still get a chance to get an education, but it will have to be nearby the establishment."

He knew this had to be difficult for her. To just walk away, to leave everything behind was never easy. Although he himself never had to deal with it, he can imagine so. She had a life ahead of her; friends and family to care about. Who would want to throw that away?
Elise merely blinked for a few moments, she wasn't expecting this kind of an answer, she had expected him to try to give her some comforting lie, to try to deceive her. But instead Had he spoken the full truth? She found it hard to imagine, which resulted in her momentary confusion.

Soon however, she simply hung her head somewhat "I see... Just don't make it anything to sad.. or unbelievable.." she muttered somewhat sadly, quiet clearly disappointed in having to leave her old life behind. She slowly rose her gaze once more, before settling a careful, emotionally blocked expression to her her visage, as she stared towards the man before her. "Just one question, are all senses the same?"
The pressure seemed to lighten slightly, allowing Reventree to pull himself together, although not very much. The magma like spider web's slowly retracted, their thick cracks slowly loosing their florescent glow. "J-Julia.. I am sorry.. " He pushed himself up with difficulty, looking up at her with sad eyes. "I have to go, I just didn't want to leave without saying anything. You can't see Rasia, it is too dangerous. I will be back soon. I will help you.. " He gave her a sweet smile, his legs shaking as he slowly stood. The pressure still existed over his mind, clouding it with frantic emotions.

"Pink?" He looked at her curiously, his head tilting slightly. "Julia, are you okay?" He looked at her with worried eyes. He took a careful step towards her, but stopped suddenly, taking back his step. He had to keep his distance from her. His power's were so unstable, if he didn't accidentally kill her with his death power, his new magma like power might. He wished he could help her, that he could stay by her side. He felt such sadness and pain in leaving her so suddenly. But he had no choice. He must protect her. He had too!

"Julia.. I have to go.. Please, stay here.. I promise i'll be back.. " He gave her a grim smile, slowly walking over to cell door. A rebel follower glanced up, seeing Reventree at the gate. He nodded at him, slowly approaching the cell lock. The rebel put the key into the hole, slowly turning the key. The gate unlocked with a loud, heart wrenching clanking noise, the swinging door, slowly opening towards the guard. He gave a glance back at Julia, giving her one more smile. He hoped she would be okay.
All of his other words tuned out once he said it was too dangerous for her to see Raisa. At first, Julia was simply stunned, staring blankly ahead while her emotions began to rial up like a bull seeing a red flag. Anger filled her, and she slashed out, a scowl crossing her lips as her words filled his mind in rage. What do you mean it's too dangerous?! She's my daughter, dammit! Her control slipped once again, and every thought spilled out for everyone to hear, ringing in their minds like a scream.

So many colors, surrounding people... Get me out of this cell... Where's Raisa? I want to see my daughter... Pink. Why pink?... DAMMIT LET ME SEE MY DAUGHTER! The thoughts slammed into those nearby all at once, sounding like a bunch of jumbled nonsense. In other cases, people would brush it off as if it was nothing. But this was much too loud, much too large for people to handle. It was out of control.

Victor gave Elsie a small, sad smile at her words. It did suck, didn't it, having to leave everything behind? Saying goodbye to everyone and everything you love. Victor never had to do that. He had been too young. "I'll make sure it isn't too sad," he promised her.

"And no, not all senses are the same," he said, glancing over to her out of the corner of his eye and waving her forward, "My sense, for example, is seeing ghosts. Julia's is reading and occasionally controlling emotions. You get the idea. Very rarely are senses the same, and I, personally, have never run into a case like that."

((I'm sorry its sucky >.< tomorrow will be better, i promise))
Merely nodding in return, Elise set of in the direction Victor had waved, remaining very quiet as for now, thoughts spinning trough her head whilst she tried to remain at least somewhat calm. It had always been unnerving to talk to people, but to talk to a stranger about something like this...

Shaking her head briefly, she resumed a rather slow walk, her legs stung lightly at the scrapes from the previous somersault as she followed Victors path I hope mother won't be to sad...

((Seems I'm finding it hard to write much as well))

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