Welcome to the Asylum

Reventree once again collapsed to the floor, the veins of orange cracking beneath him as he tried to control it, tried to stop them from spreading. This time was much worse then before, the violent pressure in his mind tore at his conscious, his body unable to move. "J-Julia.. " He muttered, the ground splitting with a sudden crack. The smooth floor cracked into sections, some parts lifting, other's falling to the lower level. The guard next to him kicked by, hitting against the wall, his hands grasping at his face, at his mind.

Crack... The floor beneath Reventree finally gave into his ruthless power, towerign down below him. His body quickly disappeared in to the floor. The sound of crashing bottles echoed in his ears, his body falling on top of dozens of wine bottles. The sharp shards of glass cut into his clothes, sticking deep into his flesh. He let out painful yelp, but not because of Julia, but because to hold back his power away becoming more and more painful.

He landed hard on his shoulder, the spider threads immediately spreading to the next floor and walls he was in contact with. What Reventree did not realize was his power was lot like the magma it mimicked. The wine suddenly caught fire, small orange and red flames dancing around him. A small flame burned into his forearm, causing him to wince as he began to choke on the flame.

*cough* The smoke had filled the bottom room, thick puffs of smoke raising from the broken in floor. Reventree hated to tell her no. But if he, who had so much control over himself and his power's could not move or control himself near her, what would it do to their daughter. She had to understand.

A cold, familiar voice rang in Julia's ears, resilient blue eyes staring her down threw the cell bars. "If our leader.. Who has taught everyone here control and conviction, cannot control his own power around you... what exactly do you think it would do to your daughter.. " His eyes narrowed. A orange mist seemed to surround him, beautiful twinkles in the cellar light. His skill was immense. He was using the radiation from his power to distill hers, stopping it from completely driving him made, although you could tell it wasn't perfect. His eyes constantly twitched from the annoying pressure of her voice.
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The words made Julia flinch back, hurt flashing in her eyes. Guilt filled her, and she staggered back, her hands raising to her temples. They could feel the pressure completely release from their minds, like a sigh of relief. But there was still a price. While angry, her emotions lashed out towards others. Yet, while guilty, it did quite the opposite. All of the emotions she felt, and all the emotions the others felt pressed down on her mind.

The pain was immense. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out, the scream ringing in her mind and her mind alone. She sank to the ground and leaned against the wall, rocking back and forth to try to get rid of the raging emotions. It failed, and she resorted to banging her head repeatedly against the stone, humming a lullaby under her breath to calm herself.
Jinx took a step forward, walking carefully into the cell. He glanced down the cracked marble floor, looking down at Reventree. He coughed, the pressure slowly lessening in his head. Slowly the pain eased, his violent power slowly retracting, the splitting cracks losing their intense florescent glow. The flame's too seemed to lesson with his power, quickly burning to nothing. Reventree looked up at the appending hole above his head, and with a swift kick of his feet, jumped up. He barely jumped high enough to grab the crumbling floor, pulling himself up against the jagid edges with difficulty. The edges shredded his clothes slightly.

He flopped on the floor for a moment, coughing, forcing the smoke from his lungs. He looked up to Julia slowly, the ring in his eyes slowly fading. He quickly pushed himself up, throwing his gloved hand between her head and the wall. His soft, gentle hands cushioned her head, stopping her from beating herself. "Please do not do that.. It's okay Julia.. I can take it.. Do not turn your emotions against yourself. I promise I can take it.. " He gave her a sweet smile, waiting for her to push her emotions back onto him. He could handle it, he had to. Jinx looked at him nervously, crossing his hands, keeping his barrier up just in case.
Take it out on him, one voice whispered. No, no, no, let it go said another. Julia continued to rock back and forth, her head still hitting the wall, pressing the hand holding it against the stone. Her eyes stared blankly ahead as the emotions swirled in her mind like a thunderstorm. Then, suddenly, she stopped rocking, stopped hitting her head repeatedly. She blinked, looking around in confusion, very much sane and normal. For the moment, she was herself, the old Julia that didn't lose control.

The colors around everyone had dimmed, and no longer as blindingly bright. She could read no emotions except for Raven's, since he was touching her. "R-raven?" she whispered, words echoing from her mouth rather then ringing through their minds. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head, "I can't control it anymore..." Slowly, the sanity was slipping. The colors were growing brighter, the thoughts wilder in her head. "Go..." She whispered, before she lost control all over again.

Victor watched Elsie out of the corner of his eye as they walked forward, finally coming across a small, black vehicle. He jogged towards it, opening the passenger door and waving Elsie forward. "Come on," he said softly, giving her a small smile, "It's about an hour drive. Not too far." He said that more for her sake rather then to rush. It was a message he tried to pass, without being to obvious. Come back whenever you want, just don't get caught. 
Take it out on him, one voice whispered. No, no, no, let it go said another. Julia continued to rock back and forth, her head still hitting the wall, pressing the hand holding it against the stone. Her eyes stared blankly ahead as the emotions swirled in her mind like a thunderstorm. Then, suddenly, she stopped rocking, stopped hitting her head repeatedly. She blinked, looking around in confusion, very much sane and normal. For the moment, she was herself, the old Julia that didn't lose control.

The colors around everyone had dimmed, and no longer as blindingly bright. She could read no emotions except for Raven's, since he was touching her. "R-raven?" she whispered, words echoing from her mouth rather then ringing through their minds. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head, "I can't control it anymore..." Slowly, the sanity was slipping. The colors were growing brighter, the thoughts wilder in her head. "Go..." She whispered, before she lost control all over again.

Victor watched Elsie out of the corner of his eye as they walked forward, finally coming across a small, black vehicle. He jogged towards it, opening the passenger door and waving Elsie forward. "Come on," he said softly, giving her a small smile, "It's about an hour drive. Not too far." He said that more for her sake rather then to rush. It was a message he tried to pass, without being to obvious. Come back whenever you want, just don't get caught.
He gave her a worried look, quickly moving his gaze to Jinx. He clenched his teeth looking back at Julia. "I will be back okay?" He whispered to her, quickly going to his feet and retreating out of the cell. His footsteps tapped threw the cell, slowly getting further away. Jinx frowned, exiting the cell and closing the gate. He took a moment to look at Julia one more time, quickly turning his head and giving chance after Raven. This entire situation was dangerous, wrong. What would happen, if Raven failed.

Jinx finally caught up to Raven in the entrance, coming sliding to a halt against the marble floor. "Rev.. you are not going alone are you?" He asked, holding the rather large door open. "I have no choice. They do not know this body. Being with you will only raise suspicion. Stay here..."

"But Rev.."

"It is not a request... I'll be back.. "

Jinx nodded with tense teeth, his eyes glaring at Raven as he walked swiftly out the door, slowly but surely coming to a sprint. He had to hurry, he had to run. He could not bare to see her in such pain. He had to end it.. to get the serum.
Giving of a short nod, Elise crawled into the passenger seat of the vehicle, peering around inside for a few moments as to study the interior of the car, at least until Victor took his place in the driver seat. An hour.. that's still going to be quiet a while.. But unless he goes north, we should still be in Kansas She though to herself, before reaching to strap the safety belt across her chest, feeling a bit small in the car seat.

"So.. Uhm..how old are you, if I may ask?" she suddenly turned to ask Victor, after they had gotten a bit away from the school. It would feel awkward to spend the entire journey in silence she thought, I might as well learn a bit more..

Turning her gaze back towards the road ahead, she let her gaze wander, studying her surroundings rapidly, but not in any way memorizing them, only smirking occasionally at a pretty sight or some lesser spectacular view. I don't really think I've been this far outside my town yet.. It's such a strange feeling.. probably could have been better though...
With a giggle, Raisa twirled the water in the air, her blue eyes glimmering in delight. One of the people here had shown her this place, a fountain shimmering with copper and silver coins, water sprouting from the pressurized pipes. Being near water again brought her glee, especially with not knowing what was happening to her mother. Raisa frowned at the thought, and the water fell from her hands, landing with a light splash on the cement at her feet.

She turned away from the fountain, not wanting to think about the unknown, and skipped off to go find Raven. They had explained to her how he had accidentally switched bodies when at the brink of death, an act he regretted terribly, but something that had to happen. Raisa understood, and didn't hate him for it. Actually, she adored him, though found it odd how he acted around her mom, and couldn't put the puzzle pieces together.

Sighing, she continued to make her way through the winding halls, running her small hand against the wall while humming a tune quietly to herself. At last, she spotted Jinx, one of her other favorite people, and her face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Jinx!" she cried out in glee, darting towards him with a smile on her face. He was the one who had shown her the fountain, where Raisa now spent most of her time. Yet, the smile disappeared as fast as it came as she watched Raven's vanishing form.

"Jinx, where is Raven going?" she asked in a small voice, looking up to him with round eyes. There was a steady thump, thump, thump, coming from the hallway behind him, which made Raisa move closer to Jinx, one hand holding on to the edge of his shirt. "What's that sound?" It sounded like someone was banging their head against a wall, but why would someone do that? It seemed pointless to Raisa.

"I'm nineteen," Victor said with a smile, looking over to Elsie out of the corner of his eye, "What about you?" He felt awkward asking this, let alone actually having a conversation with her. He had never been the most social person in the world, except with Julia. Well, with no one really for the past five years. He had tried talking to her when she had given him his assignment, but she had brushed him away, saying she had other business to attend to.

Had he done something wrong? Or was Julia simply too scared to get close to someone after Sam's death? Victor shook the thoughts away, focusing back on the road and waiting patiently for Elsie's answer.

((sorry for the crappiness on Victor >.< i was blank.))
Elise nodded very briefly after Victors answer, seemingly more to herself than anything else. She turned her gaze over towards him once more "Seventeen..." she mused, seemingly rather brightly, before turning her gaze back towards the road ahead, still studying their surroundings very actively, seemingly almost excited by them.

"So.. uhm.. where are you from?" she inquired softly after a while, clearly wanting to start some sort of conversation. Then she suddenly turned her gaze away towards the side of the car, seemingly shining up somewhat "I could have sworn I just saw a pack of seven wolfs over there, about a hundred meters into the woods, with -two- pups" her voice seemed to grow faintly more excited at the discovery. Before she leaned back into the seat, a smile bright upon her lips, as she returned to peering out the roads.

((It's alright, I'll try to give you something more to respond to..))
It took an hour to get to Imperium. Raven looked slowly up the building, his eyes narrowing as they caught the very top of it. He clenched his fists as he slowly moved forward, Green hues locking on the doors before him. He slowly raised his hand, his knuckles softly banging against the entrance doors. His personality flipped within a second, his eyes desperate as needy. "H-Hello? Is anyone here? I heard you help people.. control their... problems.. Please.. I need help.. " His light desperate hues slowly moved to the top of the wall, eyes locking on a camera.

Raven was quite good at acting, and in this body it should be easy to get in. It would be easier, like before to be escorted in and then break his way out. It would be difficult, but at least with this active power, it might help things.. hopefully.

Jinx looked down at Rasia, giving her a sweet smile. "He's going to get something important. You see your mom is not feeling well, so he's going to get her the medicine she needs." He kneeled down on his knees as he spoke, raising a hand to brush her cheek. "Don't worry okay? ... Are you hungry? Its almost dinner time" He gave her a light hearted smile, standing then offering his hand to her. It would be night time soon, hopefully Reventree could get in and out by then.
At the mention of dinner, Raisa's stomach growled loudly. Her face went red as she gave Jinx a small nod, gaze flickering down the hallway behind them, a small frown crossing her lips. Thump, thump, thump. Slowly, she dropped her hand from his shirt, tilting her head and taking a step forwards. Thump, thump, thump. What was that sound? Thump, thump, thump. Raisa took another step forward, almost captivated by the sound. Her curiosity always got the best of her, but she couldn't help it.

"Oklahoma. I've been here in Kansas since I was five, though," he glanced over to her as she spoke of the wolves, a smile flickering on his lips, "There is a lot of wildlife here. Depending on your power, they may take you outside a lot to help train you to control your sixth sense." That didn't apply much to him. Instead, they took him to cliche abandoned areas where they assumed ghosts would be. That wasn't necessarily true, however. Ghosts are attached to people they aren't ready to let go of. Ergo, his mother up until today.
Elise blinked a few times as she listened to Victor, trying to remember his answers, and not simply let them fade into oblivion like most other things. She nodded shortly as he stopped talking again, scratching her cheek lightly before moving some of her long hair behind her ear "I'd doubt they'd drag me out there.." she muttered quietly, seemingly a bit disappointed at the thought.

Shaking her head briefly, she dismissed thinking about it, and once more set her eyes upon the road, for a moment a very, childish question stroked against her mind How long until we are there? The thought itself made her smirk somewhat. She liked feeling childish sometimes, but she wouldn't dream of actually displaying it to others.

Putting the hair on her other side behind her ear, she turned towards Victor again, staring towards him for a long time, for her, before she parted her lips again "So.. uhm.. what do you think I.. will be required to do? For this.. Organzation?"
Raven sat in a cell, his knees crossed lightly over his lap, his hands holding up his head in a bored position. The men had come to the door quite quickly, shoving him in and bringing him here. The guards seemed agitated, which did not surprise Raven, considering all the prisoner's had escaped. He grunted as he stood slowly, his eyes tracing the rather plain cell. He stopped for a moment, his gaze fixated on a small camera in the corner of the room. His eyes narrowed at the sight, teeth grinding.

He gave the camera a teeth clenching smile, his hand moving to the door. It laid flat on the cold metal, his beautiful green hues disappearing under his pale eye lids. Slowly, the door beneath his hand began to glow, the metal melting, falling in magma like chunks to the floor. The metal boiled, like someone had put a blow torch to the door, slowly cutting at the metal. The metal fell in a circle, spanning out thicker the more he held onto the door.

Sweat dropped from his brow, his eyes twitching under his eyes lids as he struggled to control his power. The soft circle quickly lashed out, spider like cracks suddenly cracking the walls. Raven grunted, eyes opening, reveal beautiful fiery like rings in his iris. One of the cracks quickly spread to the camera, cracking its lense, and stopping its feed. His eyes moved to the door, a smile coming from his thin lips. The door had completely melted away, leaving nothing but a burning hot shell of what once was a metallic door.

He took a step forward, his foot sinking into the metaled metal. He glanced down the hallway, his eyes narrowing as he checked for any guards. Luck must have been on his side, because they were none. Raven quickly bolted into the hallway, carefully walking, his eyes darting down every hallway. He was on floor 3. If he remembered right, the lab's were on level 7. He had to hurry, before Craig noticed.
"You'll first be put up for training," Victor said, his eyes locked onto the road, "Every one of us are required to learn to shoot and at least one form of hand to hand combat, and, of course, average self defense. How to defend yourself in a knife fight, etc. After that, you'll start as an agent, where you help with training, restrain anyone who loses control of their sixth sense, stuff like that. After that... who knows. If they believe you are skilled enough, they'll promote you to a tracker position, where you find those people who have connected with their sixth sense and bring them back."

He paused for a moment, turning the vehicle onto a dirt road, his eyes flickering over to Elsie, then back again. "That's what I do. Well, you're actually my first assignment as a tracker, but I think I did a somewhat decent job... er... well, maybe not..." He smiled sheepishly, stopping in front of a building. It was tall, and pretty basic. Just grey stone with the occasional window here and there. Victor thought it looked pretty dreary, but never said it out loud. "Here we are. Home sweet home." The words were on the edge of bitter, though it wasn't known why.

He had pretty much lived here since he was five. It was the only place he had ever considered home. Not that small, shabby house with yellow curtains trimmed with white lace. Not that old television set that hardly ever worked. Not his mom's terrible cooking. He had only spent five years with her, in that house in Oklahoma, until she was taken away. By whom, he had no idea. All he remembered was blood and her cold hands.

Shaking his head, Victor stepped out of the car, quickly darting over to the other side to open the door for Elsie. He may not of had a real mother around for his life, but Julia had taught him manners, manners he used. "Welcome to Imperium," he said, giving her a small smile before turning towards the dull building. Some home, he thought to himself, watching the grey stone, searching for camera. The doors could only be opened from the inside, and Victor would have to alert one of the people who sat around all day staring at screens to open it for him.

He paused at the large metal door, eyes meeting the camera in the top left corner, his right hand raising and giving it a slight wave. Everyone knew him here, so they never hesitated on letting him in. The doors opened immediately, and Victor waved Elsie inside, revealing a large, open room. People were scurrying around wildly, shouting orders to one another. He saw agents arguing loudly, throwing their hands in the air in exasperation. What in the hell was going on?

"Stick with me," Victor muttered to Elsie, quickly approaching one of the agents he knew quite well. "Hey, Justin, what's going on?" he asked smoothly, looking around in concern. The place was in chaos, a chaos he had never seen before. This wasn't just a patient having a melt down. It was much more then that. "We got a new patient today. He just broke out of his cell." Victor frowned, shaking his head. This had happened before as well, and it didn't cause this much chaos. "And? What's the big deal? This has happened before." He looked around, and his frown deepened, "And where's Julia?"

Justin hesitated for a long moment before answering, his eyes flickering around nervously, "This guys power is out of control, Victor. Its like magma, and extremely dangerous. Who knows what trouble he'll cause." Victor noticed the blatant disregard for his question about Julia. Instead of insisting, like he would normally do, he simply gave Justin a nod, watching as he scampered off. "Well," he whispered to Elsie once Justin was out of sight, "Ready to go find magma dude?"
Raven quickly darted down the hall, his body grazing the wall and he crept past. It was difficult to avoid all the guards. Raven peeked around a corner, his eyes narrowing at two guard who had been placed in front of the elevator. They stood silently, eyes stuck on the hallway before them. Their gun's were held tightly, gripped hard against their chests at attention. Raven's eyes narrowed, his back sliding down the slick wall. His hands touched the ground, his eyes closed at he lifted his chin.

His chin faced the ceiling as his finger's seemed to grip into the floor. The inside of his hand's seemed like a red glow sticks, softly illuminated against the cold floor. His eyes slowly opened, once again a soft magma like ring illuminating against his iris. Slowly the ground beneath his finger's seemed to crack, small thread like cracks slowly moving, slowly creeping down the hallway.

The more it spread threw the hallway, the more the crack seemed to expand, slowly becoming more and more evident. The guard on the right, look down at the quickly approaching crack, looking curiously at it. It stopped only a inch from his foot, like a earth quake that had split the earth. The floor sudden seemed to drop down a inch, causing the men to look at each other with worried expressions. They did not even get a chance to react before the floor collapsed beneath them, their bodied crashing down on the floor below.

Raven quickly popped up to his feet, darting into the elevator. He's eyes were cool, calm, collected. His finger slowly outstretching to press the button on the elevator. The door slowly closed, the elevator jolting upwards. It wasn't even a few seconds before the elevator stopped, the light's and motion coming to a sudden halt. Raven grinded his teeth, his eyes slowly moving to a camera, which was placed in the corner of the elevator. A guard looked back threw the lense, quickly giving order's to his men, then turning back to the screen.

The guard's eyes widened as he looked at a empty shaft. Raven had disappeared, leaving the elevator empty. Raven smirked in the darkness of the shaft. He had made his way onto the top of the elevator, climbing the side of the elevator shaft. He quickly climbed to the 7th level, carefully placing his hand against the cold metal of the elevator door. Just like before the metal began to melt, slowly distorting and seeping to the floor. Once a large enough hole had been made, he pulled himself threw carefully sliding out of the shaft.

Raven's eyes narrowed at two guards who turned the corner. Before they could react, Raven darted forward, grabbing on of the guns and punching the guard in the stomach. The guard instinctively clenched his stomach, releasing the gun. Raven whipped the gun away, shooting one, no two shots. The two guard's dropped to the floor, both clenching their legs. Raven would not kill them, they were innocent, as were most trackers. They were merely mislead.

Raven let out a sigh, quickly scanning the hallway. He had to find the laboratory, he had too. Were would it be? Were would they keep that drug? Such a drug would not have much access to the employees for Imperium. So perhaps a restricted area? Raven quickly checked his mag, shoving it back in and cocking back the gun. He had to move quickly, before someone else showed up.

Jinx took a step forward, quickly grabbing Raisa shoulder. "Hey! It's time for dinner. Come on. You cant go down their anyway. That place is restricted.. " He gave her a sweet smile, grabbing her small fragile wrist and pulling her behind him. It was better to keep her far away from Julia. At least until Rev got back. Please hurry Rev.
As they entered the building, Elise seemed to temporarily freeze up, distressed by the massive amounts of movements, she rapidly closed her eyes as to slow down her breathing somewhat yet again. Using her ears to keep up with Victor still, along with hearing the footsteps of everyone else moving about, each and every echoing clash between floor and boot in the nearby area flooded her mind, whilst she tried her best to fight it of.

Listening to the conversation between Victor and someone named Justin, she shivered somewhat What if I'm a patient? The thought scared her greatly, until Victor whispered in her ear once more, both to her relief and her distress He want's me to help? To find this patient? That must mean I'm not here as one, that's good... But what if he's stronger than me? She opened her eyes briefly, seemingly putting all her focus into staring towards Victors face, before nodding briefly. "Uhm... As long as... he's not.. in this room.. maybe?" she whimpered lightly, still refusing to tear her gaze from Victor.
Victor glanced over to Elsie, noticing her slight distress. Giving her a small smile, he reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Nah. The cells are on the third floor. I imagine he'll be there," he let his hand drop back at his side, and headed towards the elevator, gesturing for Elsie to follow. He gently ushered her inside, and hit the third floor button, waiting patiently in silence as the rather terrible elevator music played.

At last, the doors opened, revealing hallways that were even more crowded then the first floor. Victor frowned, scanning the area for any signs of the escapee, and finding none. He didn't want to drag Elsie through that crowd, but he wanted to know where the escapee was. Finally, his gaze fell upon a camera screen no one was watching. Why would they? They didn't assume he needed something from the seventh floor, which contained the laboratories.

"C'mon," Victor muttered to Elsie, stepped back in the elevator and pressing the seventh floor button. They shot up the shaft, and the doors opened once more. This time, the hallway was clear, and not crowded at all. There were only a few guards, who stood at a strict attention, their hands on their guns. Victor went the opposite direction that they were facing, peering cautiously down the hall. He found the guy.

"Stick with me," he muttered to Elsie, keeping her behind him as he crept forward. He reached for the pistol at his waist, keeping one hand on the hilt as he watched the man, gaze flickering around to find some way to restrain him. Oddly enough, one of the first lessons Julia taught him flashed through his mind. Be gentle and kind, she had told him, If you're cruel, they'll overreact. And, whatever you do, no violence. For a long moment, Victor hesitated. Then he let his hand fall from the hilt of the pistol as he approached the man.
Elise shivered somewhat as they entered the corridor of the seventh floor, her eyes darting between the guards rapidly, as she almost clung to Victors shoulder. There are guns here! Are they going to draw them? Are they going to shoot me? The though spun throughout her head as Victor headed away from them, before soon letting out a brief, relieved sigh.

Her relief soon dissipated after Victors command however, as she let out a faint gulp as his hand reached for the pistol. Still, she could not force herself to leave his side, as she merely followed, somewhat terrified, her eyes soon locating the man they were approaching. She guessed he was some sort of commander that would provide further instructions, so she distanced herself a little bit more from Victor, only as to look a bit more formal And Less like a couple she though to herself, and had to force away a blush as he blamed herself for thinking of it.
The sound of a soft footstep echoed down the hallway, causing Raven to instinctively raise his pistol. Cold eyes shot over at Victor, his gun firm in his grasp. The sound of this stretching leather was enough to send chills down their backs and his grip tightened on the trigger. The tension stayed for a moment, eyes stern as he held his ground. But just as the tension had started, it seemed to begin to fade. Raven looked at the man curiously. He had seen him before, one of Julia's friends.

Raven never really got to know her companions, and this guy always kept to himself. He hesitated slightly, the gun lowering an inch. The real question now, was his loyalty to Julia or Craig? Most of the lower's did not know about Craig. Everyone thought that imperium was commanded by the leaders. They were wrong. He clenched his teeth before he spoke, keeping his poker face. "Victor?" He wondered if Victor remembered him. Not that it mattered, he was in the wrong body anyway.
Freezing instantly upon the gun raised towards her and Victor, Elise's expression shifted more towards a fearful one, her hands trembling somewhat as she stared towards the man in front of her. She let out a brief gulp as she made an attempt to move almost unnoticeably closer to Victor again, always keeping a terrified gaze upon the man before her.
Victor tensed as the man raised the gun, his eyes narrowing as he let his defenses drop, let himself see the ghosts following him. The dead were attached to people, for one reason or another. It could be a close family member, a long lost friend, etc etc. This man, however, had an abnormally large amount of ghosts following him. One of which that Victor recognized, his eyes widening in shock. Sam.

Automatically, Victor reached for his pistol, pulling it out and aiming it towards the man. What connection did he have with Sam? Did he cause his death, was he simply a family member or friend? "Who are you and what's your connection with Sam?" he snapped, forgetting all of Julia soft instructions. She had been miserable when Sam died, and if this man was responsible for his death, Victor would make sure he would suffer the consequences.

Don't hurt him. The voice was powerful and firm in Raven's mind, without the insanity that had taken over. She didn't want to harm Raven at all, either, but needed to protect Victor. He was like a little brother to her, despite the fact that she had brushed him off the past five years, not wanting to get close to anyone else after Sam's death. Julia had to make it up to him somehow now. 
"Hello, Sam," The voice was cold and hard, coming from behind the man. Victors gaze shot towards him, his hand tightening on the pistol. He didn't recognize him at all, but a simple glance sent shivers down his spine. "Stay behind me," he muttered to Elsie, never once letting his gaze tear away from the two in front of him. Then, suddenly, the first man collapsed to the ground, pain clear on his face. Shock filled Victor as he nervously glanced to the new man, watching as he stared at the other. Victor darted forward, coming up behind him and pressing the pistol to his head. "What the hell are you doing?" He hissed, trying to hide the tremor in his voice. "Who are you, and what do you mean he's Sam?"

Calmly, the man grabbed the pistol, twisting it out of Victor's grasp and pinning his wrist to a wall. "I would control your temper, boy," he said coolly, his cold gaze locked onto Victor's. "Learn some respect. You wouldn't want your assignment to get hurt now, would you." With a smirk, the man released him, dropping him to the ground like a sack of flour before turning back towards Sam... Sam, Victor thought, his hands clenching into fists. He could help him, for Julia's sake, but he couldn't let whoever the hell the other man was harm Elsie either.

"God dammit," Victor snarled under his breath, fighting to his feet. He saw the man pause, tilting his head, hand only a few mere inches away from Sam's collar. It was as if he was waiting for a reason to attack, waiting for Victor to make one wrong move, a move he wouldn't realize. Before Victor could even react, he pulled out a blade, spinning around and flinging it forward. But it wasn't towards Victor. It was toward Elsie. "Elsie, watch out!" Victor yelled, starting to run towards her. Yet, sudden pain shot through his body, sending him to his knees. He curled up in a ball, face pinched together as the man approached him, nudging him with his foot.

"My power is to make people feel pain with a mere look, boy," he snarled, eyes locked onto Victors withering form. "I would not test me anymore then you already have." With that, he turned away and went back to Sam, releasing Victor from the pain.
Raven's grip on the gun tightened slightly as Victor moved, his voice hoarse and trembling. Raven wasn't sure if it was in fear or anger, either way, it did not seem to help his nerves. His lip's parted slowly, his voice soft, warming. "Victor, I-" His word's suddenly cut off, it all seemed to happen at once. For a moment he could feel the pressure of Julia in his head, causing him to wince slightly, pulling his gun toward's his chest instinctively. He barely had enough time to react, a slight crack forming beneath his foot.

Though Julia did not mean for her presence to bother him, it still weighed down heavily on his emotions. Which was bad, considering, both his power's are very reactive to his feelings. He clenched his eye's shut, brow's scrunching together as he kept a bottle on his emotions, trying to push out her emotions. Having to hold back his new power seemed to hurt, pain vibrating throughout his body. But no.. That wasn't right.. It should not hurt this much.. no this-

"Hello, Sam.." His voice echoed hard in Raven's ear's his eyes widening in shock. No.. He suddenly collapsed to the floor, the gun falling from his grasp. He could not think, he could not move. His entire body shimmered with pain, vibration's of extreme agony. He could not take it, he could not control it. The small crack that was beneath him suddenly spread. The hallway shook violently, the crack suddenly spreading down, quickly moving up the wall, then to the ceiling. The sudden jolt felt like an earth quake, the glowing, hot cracks quickly splitting.

The pain eased for a moment, the pain suddenly turning to Victor. This was his only chance, he didn't think Craig would so easily become involved, nor that he would figure out it was him so quickly. He stumbled to his feet, clumsily making his way into a room. His body slammed hard into the door, breaking the lock with a loud thud. He quickly closed the door behind him, his body dropping to the ground for a moment. He took a moment to catch his breath, quickly getting to his feet and spinning around to lock the door.

"Shit.. " He muttered, looking at a melted door knob, it's metal glowing with a hot red glow. He must have accidentally used his power. He spun around, his eyes widening at a small sign. "Restricted Area" For once, luck seemed to be on his side. He quickly darted over to the door, his hand grabbing the handle. The knob glew with a soft red, the thick metals quickly dropping to the floor as the once solid object became liquid. He paused for a moment, eye's shifting over to the wall.

Victor.. He could not just leave him. He had to help him and the girl escape. He slowly closed his eyes, his teeth grinding as he tried to control himself. The ripple in the floor suddenly spread again, the crack suddenly widening under Victor and Elise. With a echoing crack, the floor beneath the two sudden collapsed, causing them to fall to the floor below. Raven let out a breath, sweat dripping from his brow. Having to control more then one power was wearing him down, he had to hurry.

He quickly opened the door, slamming and locking it behind him. His eyes widened at several thousand vials, each filled with liquids. He grunted, quickly pushing forward and frantically going threw each shelf of vials. His shaking, tired hands knocked over vial after vial as he shuffled threw them, quickly checking the name on each vial. But which one did he need? Which one was it! The room had row after row, shelf after shelf of vial's none of which were labeled in any useful way.

"Shit shit shit.. " He muttered, the sound of breaking vial's echoing in the small room. The vial's crashed to the floor, splashing liquid on his shoes. Each time he moved his feet, he could hear the crunching of glass from the shattered vials. Though he was upset, and full of anxiety, he controlled himself, trying hard to keep his power's in check. If he lost control now, he could lose the one vial he needs. The one vial he..

He suddenly pause, hands becoming steady as he looked at a vial. "Serum X" He did not know if this was it, and honestly, it felt insane for him to suddenly think it was. But something told him it had to be. This had to be what they injected her with. He quickly snatched it, shoving it deep into his pocket. He had to get out of here. But what about Victor and that girl? Were they okay? He clenched his teeth in anger, grabbing the seven housed shelving and throwing it to the floor.

Vial's shattered suddenly, colorful liquid's slowly mixing on the floor. They should not have these. How could they use these on people? The thought made him angry. He let out a frustrated groan, quickly grabbing another shelf and throwing it to the floor. His eyes illuminated with a beautiful flame like ring, the wall's around him slowly beginning to crack. He must not lose control, must not let his anger get the best of him.
Elise let out a short yelp as the Victor broke of into a run towards the first man, completely frozen in place, she watched, hands trembling and an expression that only expressed fear. Then, among all that was happening, the second man that had arrived hurled a knife towards her A knife! The thought suddenly became the only real thing in her mind, her eyes locking with the mid air dagger as it, seemingly slowly, spun towards her. By the time her fingers had reached out to wrap around its handle, her expression had gone completely blank.

Casting a glance out over the scene, her attention snapped towards Victor as he crumbled up, hearing the other man explain his power, a single thought moved trough her mind Look! Eyes! her arm snapped as she rapidly flicked the dagger back towards the man, seeking one of his eyes.

Just after the throw however, the floor below her collapsed, undoubtedly sending her to the floor below, where she once again attempted to somersault, both to lessen the force of the fall, and to avoid the rumble that would follow. Successful in the first, she was about to rise once more as a rather large chunk of floor collapsed upon her bony right shoulder, snapping her mind back into its usual state as she tried her best to push herself away. She let out a brief cry as she reached the wall, drawing her legs up towards her as her left hand reached to grasp her dislodged, and possibly even broken, shoulder.
Craig spun around as the girl flung the knife towards him, easily stepping out of the way and watching as it stuck into the wall. He tsked, his gaze flickering once more towards her as he scowled. Of course, Raven had gotten away because of these two. Craig could not waste his time on them any longer. It was a waste of energy, and Raven would get away if he kept trying to hold them back. As the crack formed in the ground. swallowing them up, Craig stepped away, summoning forwards five guards. "Handle those two," he said coolly, turning to examine the multiple doors Raven could of gone through.

One of the handles was slightly melted, most likely due to his lack of control over his new power. Craig smirked, reaching for the handle and twisting it, simply to find the door locked. Of course, he had a master key, which he pulled out now, putting it in the lock and twisting it, satisfied when he heard the click. "I'll handle the escapee," he said to the guards, waving them away as he stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "Alright, brother. Let's stop this childish game of hide and seek."

As the crack formed in the ground, Victor yelped, hitting the floor below with a thud. He winced at the pain and rubbed his head, looking around the debris for Elsie. Hearing her sharp cry, he scrambled to his feet, scanning the area more frantically, at last finding her pressed up against a wall. "Shit, Elsie!" he called out, darting over to her and kneeling by her side. It was obvious she had hurt her shoulder, by the way she was clutching it, pain on her face. Carefully, Victor reached for her good arm, wrapping it around his shoulder and lifting her up. "Come on, we gotta get outta here."

Then the five guards showed up. Victor froze, his grip tightening on Elsie. All of them were well armed, their guns pointed towards them. Not to kill, but to knock them unconscious. He gritted his teeth, silently cursing the universe for this stroke of bad luck. With Elsie's condition, it was five against one, five that were armed in every way, and one who was pretty much defenseless. But not completely. He did have one thing he could use as a weapon. Taking a deep breath, Victor made his decision and took. action.

He focused on the guards, his own walls dropping from his mind, eyes seeing every ghost in the room. He urged them to attack, to go after the guards as a distraction, so he and Elsie could escape. They obeyed. In a instant, the guards were shivering and screaming like little girls, with Victor and Elsie slipping past them into another room
Dark green hues locked onto Craig's as he entered the room. "You are the only one playing game's brother.. " Raven sat, crouched on the floor, a single hand touching a smoldering floor. His touch radiated a crescent red, his skin burning to the touch. He slowly look up at Craig, green hues illuminated, glowing, smoldering like ash and embers. A smirk came from him as the floor suddenly caved in beneath him, his body falling down to the lower floor. He hit with a thud, letting out a grunt and quickly dashing forward.

He knew he could not avoid Craig forever, but for now, Julia was priority. Victory stood face to face with the guards, their guns held with tight grips. The sound of a sudden bang was enough to make anyone flinch, the sharp pounding of metal against wall. Raven busted threw the door, slamming shoulder first into one of the guards. The guard was thrown hard against the adjacent wall, causing him to collapse to the floor. The other guards whipped around, re-aiming their guns towards Raven.

Raven clenched his teeth, quickly thrusting his foot in to the back of one of the guards knee caps, sending him to the floor. The other three had already re-directed their guns towards him, their finger's pulling tightly around the trigger. Bang, bang, bang. The floor beneath them suddenly collapsed, Raven's hand gently touching the floor. Blood dripped from his arm, matching the hot outline of embers. The guards quickly fell to the next floor, hitting with a sudden thud.

Raven stood shakingly, his free hand holding his arm. He straighten his back, slowly looking over to Victor. "Victor.. Are you-" His word's suddenly cut off, his body suddenly falling. His power was burning to hot, spreading outwards and collapsing the floor beneath him. He barely had enough time to grab the edge of the marble floor, his hands desperately trying to claw into it to keep himself from falling.

His feet dangled beneath him, the hot ember's that laced the hole in the floor burned his torso. "Ahhh.. " He let out a muffled yelp as the hot magma burned into his skin. His body slowly begining to slip, his hands clawing aimlessly at the marble floor. The further down he began to slip, the more the magma burned, burning deep into his abdomen. It was such a new power, he could not control it. Being injured made it even harder, causing the ember's to burn to hotter then he wanted.

The sound of light thud's could be heard under his struggle, the sound of the floor beneath him collapsing, one level at a time. The guard's fell level after level, the smoldering magma burning deep into each floor. This new body was so weak, he couldn't hold on. His body quickly slipped, his leather gloves sliding easily against the marble floor. He clenched his eyes shut, ready to fall, ready for the impact of a ten story fall. His mind was blank, all he could think about was.. Julia.
"Shit, shit, shit..." Victor muttered, Elsie now unconscious at his side. The guards were distracted, thankfully, but Sam had been shot, and his new powers out of control. For Victor, it didn't make any sense. How was Sam still alive in the first place? How did he end up in another body, with new powers? Julia had told him his power was electricity, but this was definitely not electricity. Even so, Victor couldn't just let him die. For Julia's sake. He was still alive and that... that would make her happy.

Carefully, Victor set Elsie down near a wall, then darted towards Sam, who was quickly starting to fall through his own hole. Gunshots fired past him, and he hit the ground, sliding towards Sam and grabbing his arm just as he lost his grip. "I got ya'," he muttered, using all his weight to pull him up. As the gunshots fired once more, Victor cursed, dropping to the ground again and using his free hand to reach for his pistol. He gripped the hilt and yanked it out, still keeping a strong hold on Sam's wrist. Raising the gun, he fired a few shots, knocking the guards back temporarily.

Victor went back to helping Sam up, gritting his teeth at the heavier weight. Using all of his strength, he pulled Sam out of the hole, panting once they were both on solid ground. "You okay?" he choked out, watching him out of the corner of his eye, "Near death experiences are always fun, aren't they?" He cracked a small smile, and started to stand, but he didn't even make it off both knees before falling to the ground again, crying out in pain. Behind him stood Craig, his icy hues locked onto both of them. By looking at both, he caused pain to both as well, temporarily disabling the two.

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