Welcome to the Asylum

Blinking, Julia looked up at the voice, wiping away the last of the tears, trying to process the words. No... that wasn't it at all. She loved the breakfast. It had been years since she had had bacon and eggs, especially cooked exactly the way she liked it. The reason she was crying was because she missed him terribly, and this was another memory, brought back. In a good way.

"W-wait," she choked on her words, staggering to her feet and chasing after Raven, reaching out to grab his shoulder. "No, it's not that. The breakfast was amazing." She took a deep breath, slowly collecting herself, gathering her thoughts. "It's just... my husband used to do the same thing. He was killed five years ago, and this just reminded me of him." She paused to catch her breath, the words pouring out of her mouth rapidly, "It's not a bad thing though. I miss him terribly, but it's been years since I've had eggs and bacon. So thank you. Thank you for breakfast. I honestly do appreciate it."

She held on tightly, yet not in a way that was uncomfortable, onto his shoulder, a fact she quickly realized. Blushing, she let her hand drop to her side, muttering a soft sorry under her breath. For a moment, she had forgotten that he hated being touched, she had forgotten what he was capable of. Yet... he didn't scare her.
He paused, hairs on his back standing as she suddenly grabbed him. He yanked away from her instinctively, turning quickly to face her. "I don't understand.. Why do u insist on following me.. What if I kill yo-" he shuttered, wincing as a sharp humming sound hit his brain. "Leader, what are you doing? I thought you were going to break into imperium.. " he groaned, grabbing his head in discomfort. He ignored the voice that screamed him his head, bring his attention back to Julia.

"Nevermind.. " He muttered turning his gaze. "You shouldn't try and wake me.. It's dangerous..." He spoke nervously his eyes moving down to her injured hand. "You should really treat that.." He said looking down at her wound. He gave her a nice smile, turning back towards the door. "I am going to get some fresh air.. " he gave a her a comferting grin, slowly pulling open the door and walking out into the sun light.
He paused, hairs on his back standing as she suddenly grabbed him. He yanked away from her instinctively, turning quickly to face her. "I don't understand.. Why do u insist on following me.. What if I kill yo-" he shuttered, wincing as a sharp humming sound hit his brain. "Leader, what are you doing? I thought you were going to break into imperium.. " he groaned, grabbing his head in discomfort. He ignored the voice that screamed him his head, bring his attention back to Julia.

"Nevermind.. " He muttered turning his gaze. "You shouldn't try and wake me.. It's dangerous..." He spoke nervously his eyes moving down to her injured hand. "You should really treat that.." He said looking down at her wound. He gave her a nice smile, turning back towards the door. "I am going to get some fresh air.. " he gave a her a comferting grin, slowly pulling open the door and walking out into the sun light.
Julia barely glanced down at her hand as he mentioned it, pretty much disregarding it. She scowled at his back as he turned, stepping out into the sunlight, needing fresh air. Why was she even bothering trying to help him? All she had to do was bring him to Imperium, and bam, all her problems would be solved. There would be no more reminders of him, no more tears over eggs and bacon, no more electrifying touches that made no sense. She could go back to her regular life of waking up, getting ready, making sure Raisa reached the bus, then going to work.

Speaking of, she was running late thanks to this kid. Kid, that's all he was. A teenage boy she shouldn't feel anything for. Once satisfied that was stamped in her head, she turned on her heel and darted up the stairs, going into her room and shutting the door. In less then five minutes, she was ready to go and presentable in a pair of black slacks with a baby blue blouse and a light, white cardigan. Her thick, blonde hair was braided back and she wore minimal make up. She quickly made her way down the stairs, grabbing her car keys and cell phone off the counter and stepping outside, shading her eyes from the blinding sun.
Raven walked slowly down the side walk his head tilted back as he hands stayed tucked in his hoodie. He stayed like this for a while, his feet brushing against the concrete. His simple pace stops suddenly at the sound of a voice infront of him. "Leader.. What are you doing?" A girl asked, her hands folded over her chest as strawberry blond hair lay on beautiful blue hues. He stopped, his eye narrowing at the girl. "Why is it you insist on following me everywhere Jane?" He replied, his tone short.

"I am worried, I do not trust this women.. We should just kill her.."

"You are foolish and impatient Jane. You must learn..."

"Learn what? My friends are locked in a prison, yet here you are faltering the enemy.."

"Do not pretend you are any different Jane.." His voice hissed, his anger showing in his tone. "My only concern is those people. Your lack of faith hurts Jane.. Now leave.. I'm tired of your voice... And stay out of my head .. That is not a request.." His eyes narrowed as he spoke. Slowly taking a step forward.

She huffed, taking a step forward. "Leader I do not condone these actions.."

"I never asked you too .. Tell me Jane, what bring you to speak to me in such a way. "

Her mouth zipped shut, her gaze moving down to the floor as she clenched her fists. "My apology leader.. I didn't not mean to over step my bounds.." She blushed slightly, daring not to look at him.

"Jane have a little faith, in the decades I have lead you and the other rebels.. Have I ever steered you wrong?"

"No leader.. Sorry.."
Julia paused at the door, tilting her head at the sound of another voice, a small frown crossing her lips. It was female, and whoever it belonged to was quite annoyed. Silently, Julia pressed her ear up against the door, narrowing her eyes as she tried to make out the words. She only managed to catch part of a sentence, but it was enough. Her whole body stiffened, teeth grinding together. He was the leader of the rebels. Of course he was. Of course Julia could be that stupid.

"God dammit," she hissed, spinning on her heel and running back up the stairs, her face hard, lips set in a thin line. She had multiple options. One was to attempt to fight him here, although that would most likely not end well. Another could be to keep him here long enough and contact her superiors to send someone to help bring him down. Or she could lead him there herself. Snagging a pistol off her dresser, she squeezed her eyes shut and made her decision. Of course she would take the hard way out.

She pulled out her cell phone, dialing a number as she set her pistol aside, opening up her closet. Past all the neatly hung blouses and tops was a safe with a key pad. She punched in a code, and the door opened, revealing a room full of guns. She didn't use this room often, not finding a need to use weapons, but now was an exception. She grabbed a sniper rifle off the wall right as the other line stopped ringing, and a voice popped up in greeting.

"This is Craig Marks speaking, how may I help you?" The voice was cold, despite the friendly question, hard and harsh as if he could never do any act of kindness. Knowing the bastard quite well, Julia knew he was a jerk, and had accepted the fact. "This is Julia Gordon speaking, sir," she said briskly, checking to make sure the sniper was fully loaded on ammo, "This is Code two-two-seven-six. Hostility: none yet." There was a soft click and she cocked the gun, admiring it with her blue hues. "Status: Leader plus follower."

There was a long moment of silence before Craig spoke again, the same cold, icy tone to his words. "Code two-two-seven-six recognized. Agents Z and X will be sent immediately. Do not take action unless attacked. Repeat: do not take action." Julia nodded, her voice quiet as she spoke once more. "Clear, sir." With that, he hung up, and the phone clattered to the ground, leaving Julia standing alone in her secret stash of guns, missing him more then ever.
Jane hung her head, her arms crossed against her chest. She walked away slowly a look of dissatisfaction on her face. He never listened to her, nor did he care. She groaned walking slowly down the street. Raven sighed, scratching his head and turning around. He slowly opened the door, the sound of noisy hinges causing his ears to twitch. He paused for a moment, looking at the empty, quiet home. He looked around curiously, hand once again scratching his head.

"Julia!?" His voice was almost like a whimper, echoing softly off the walls. He slowly walked inside, his hand being pulled up to his teeth, slowly gripping his gloves pulling it from his finger tips. He sighed. She must be upstairs treating her wound. "Um, I'll be back? Okay?.." No response, he grunted, turning around and closing the door behind him. Jane had left, thank god, now he just wanted some alone time. Some real air.
"Shit, no, stay," Julia whispered, tossing aside the sniper rifle, wincing as it crashed against the wall. Hastily, she flung open her bedroom door, taking the stairs two at a time, reaching the bottom just as Raven stepped outside, shutting the door behind him. "Shiiiiit, shit, shit!" Julia hissed, darting after him and skidding to a stop at the door. What was she supposed to do now? If she lost him, Craig would kill her. Actually, he would use his bodyguards who were three times her size to kill her so he didn't get her blood on his thousand dollar suit.

Groaning, she flung open the door, calling out Raven's name. "Raven, wait!" she yelled, scrambling for something, for anything to say. Luckily, she didn't have to worry long, for two black vehicles squealed up the street, coming to a screeching stop in front of her house. They were here. Immediately, Julia pulled out her pistol from her waist, pointing it at Raven's temple. "Alright, hands in the air," she said quietly, unable to make her voice cold. Guilt gnawed at her.

How could she do this? How could she point a gun at a kid who made her and Raisa breakfast, who treated them with respect and kindness? Remember who he is, Julia, she reminded herself, still holding the pistol up, though her hand trembled. She knew one thing for sure; there was no way in hell she would be able to shoot him.
He turned around, his eyes widened as she suddenly pulled out pistol. He took a step backwards, eyes flickering between Julia and the black cars. "Julia?.." He whispered. His eyes moved to the cars and the doors open, his body moving to face them. Jane spun around, eyes wide at the scene. "Shit! I knew he shouldn't have trusted that b*tch.." She quickly darted forward, pulling a blade from under her shirt as she lunged towards Julia. Ravens eyes widened as a form suddenly went running past him, the glint of metal catching his eye. "Jane! No!" He screamed, suddenly dashing forward.

He managed to grab the blade just in time, whirling Around and standing infront of Julia. A heavy voice once again weighed down in his head, speaking harshly. "This women is gonna kill you leader! Move! " her anger was clear, the intense pressure on his brain causing him to flinch. "No.." He whispered, his gloves hand holding her wrist, the other being kept at a safe distance from her. "She will only bring you down.. Just like the last time.." This time she spoke out loud, her voice houling in the wind. "What? Last time.. Don't be a cool Jane..."
A group of a dozen agents burst out of the cars, quickly circling around Raven and the girl, guns raised and pointed towards them. There was no hesitation in their movements, only precision and accuracy, something Julia seemed incapable of right now. She let the pistol fall to her side, her blue hues unable to even look at Raven. It's my duty, she reminded herself, although the thought wasn't comforting at all. All she could think about was eggs and bacon.

The agents trapped Raven and the girl in a corner, Julia slightly off to the side, though in the circle. Her thoughts were far away, filled with guilt and regret. Why? Why did she do this? Why didn't she just let him go? Why didn't she act as if she never met him? Things would of been so much easier. Now she wished she never helped him. She wished she left him in the rain. Things would of been better off.
Raven grinded his teeth, his eyes closing for a moment. He seemed to ignored the agents, resting his eyes for a moment. Jane looked at him curiously, her eyes scanning the surroundings. It took her a moment to realized what he was doing. But the time she realized, she barely had enough time to move. "Shit" she muttered, suddenly dropping down to the floor. Raven opened his eyes slowly, rolling his neck slowly the sound of cracking joints adding to the tension.

He laughed, his maniacal giggle offsetting. "Did you really think.. I'd be that easy.." He whispered, slowly raising his eyes, his teeth showing as he smiled. He suddenly lunged forward, disappearing almost like wind. He moved fast, suddenly appearing behind one of the men. He touched him for less then a second, the guard suddenly falling dead to the ground. He grinded his teeth as one shot at him, quickly dropping to the ground and sliding beneath his legs. He quickly jumped up behind him, barely touching him. Jane sat on the ground, hands over her head in a protective manner. Raven twirled to the left, grabbing a gun from one of the men, the butt being thrusted into the mans nose. The man suddenly fell backward, the sound of round after round echoing from the chamber. One by one them me fell, each shot in the head with striking precision. So many men, yet it only took him seconds to kill them all.

He smirked, his eye moving to Julia. He walked toward her slowly, his gloves hand grabbing her wrist and pulling her close. He whispered softly in her ear. "I thought you were different... " Jane stood behind him, he hands crossed as she looked at all the bodies. Jane shook her head, standing slowly and looking around. Even the sight made her quiver. This was why Raven was their leader, strong, smart and deadly. The perfect man to protect them all. She looked up at Raven, stepping forward as she smiled. "Leader.. We should go.. "
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Julia could only watch as one by one each man fell dead with a single touch, her blue hues wide. It only took him a matter of seconds. Seconds. He took down a group of a dozen men, well trained in all form of fighting, under a minute by himself. It seemed impossible, but Julia knew differently. She knew how dangerous someone's sixth sense could be. God dammit, she should of let Charlotte take him. This wouldn't of happened. None of it would of happened.

She froze as he spoke to her, the pistol falling to the ground with a clatter, skidding a few feet away from her. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her close, the words tingling in her ear. "Mommy?" No... "School let out early because of a problem... what's going on?" No, no, no... Panic filled Julia as she looked around frantically, spotting Raisa standing at the end of the driveway, staring at horror at the dead bodies. Julia tried to yank out of Raven/s grasp, but his grip around her wrist was too strong.

"Sweetie, I'm just dealing with a few things work related, okay? Go to Tina's house, understood?" Raisa stood there, frozen, her eyes wide with fright as she took a slow step back. Her gaze flickered over the dead bodies, then to Raven, the to Jane. "W-who's she Mommy? Why is Raven holding you like that?" Her voice trembled as she staggered back, face paling at all the dead bodies around her. "M-mommy I'm scared.."
The sound of a gun shot suddenly echoed in the air, cutting off all of Raisas questions. Ravens eye became wide, his grip of Julia suddenly loosening. His brain felt rattled, like someone took a sledge hammer to it. His eyes widened suddenly, the pressure he had felt in his head suddenly loosening. Memories flooded in, his eyes widening as he looked at Julia. "J-Julia..!?" Blood suddenly saturated his torso, soaking threw his clothes. He grunted in pain, suddenly collapsing to his knees.

Behind him laid one of her men, his gun raised towards Raven, smoke raising front he barrel. Jane let out a scream, thrusting the knife threw the air into the me a back. A single tear came down Raven cheek, his un-gloves hand grazing her cheek. His touch sent feelings and sensations soaring threw her body, he leaned forward, letting his cheek too graze hers. "I missed you.." He said softly, timing down he pulled his hand away perfectly. Jane quickly yanked him back, he hands gripping his coat. "Shit.. Reventree! Stay awake you bastard.. Damnit.. Leader! " she dragged him away from Julia, her glare suddenly shooting towards Julia. "You b*tch.. Ill kill you..."
The gunshot rang in Julia's ears, causing her to flinch back. Raisa let out a scream, dropping to the ground and covering her ears, tears pouring down her cheeks as Raven fell to his knees, blood pouring from his torso. Julia felt frozen as his hand grazed her cheek, sending feelings and sensations soaring through her body. His words made no sense. What did he mean he missed her? They barely knew each other, they had just met. How could he miss her?

Suddenly, he was yanked away from her, Jane's harsh words ringing in her ears. Julia gave her a cool stare, reaching out and touching her shoulder. She sent calm, soothing feelings through her, then turned her back to face Raisa, worry etched on her face. The girl was curled up on the ground, rocking back and forth while sobbing, singing softly under her breath.
Janes eyes widened by her touch, her mind becoming clouded and fogged. She suddenly released Raven, letting his body hit the ground with a thud. She grunted, grabbing her head, trying to get ahold of herself. "What.. What did you do to me?" She asked, suddenly falling backwards over a dead body. Raven groaned, barely able to turn on his side as he grabbed his side. "J-Julia... " he whispered, his body shuttering in pain. The bullet had ripped threw his upper torso, the bullet staying lodged in his rib cage.

A pool of blood slowly formed beneath him as he tried to stand, merely falling back to the ground. His head felt lighter then a feather, almost hovering in the air. He remembered, he remembered joining imperium, secretly gathering information for his rebels. He remembered becoming lost in Julia, not wanting to leave her. He remembered the fights they used to have, her aLways being upset that he never gave her passing affection, never really understanding that if he grazed her wrong it meant death. He remembered everything, including the day the rebels fought against him, capturing him and wiping his memory. Switching bodies then staging his death.. It was all so clear, yet infuriating.
Julia ignored Jane, and focused on Raisa, kneeling next to her. Hesitantly, she reached out and grazed her daughter's cheek, sending her calm, happy emotions, temporarily erasing the panic that had built in her chest. "Shh, everything will be okay, sweetie," she cooed, wrapping her arms around her and cradling her. Raisa's tears soaked her blouse, and Julia kissed her forehead softly, squeezing her eyes shut. For some reason, she thought of a song he used to sing to her when she woke from a nightmare. And she sung it now, her voice soft and choked with tears.

"Lay down and slumber... Mama's boy is torn asunder... All the fields have gone gray... All the leaves have gone brown... Let me tell you a story... Lay down, I know you're weary... While the star's in the sky, while the moon's on the rise..."If only he was here now... If only he could comfort Julia from her trembling body as she did her best to comfort Raisa, as she did her best to seem calm and collected. God, she missed him so much. Despite all their fights, despite all their arguments, she loved him more then anything.

"Lay down and don't you wake till morning... Close your eyes and helpless through the night... Lay down and dream of love and glory... This is a lovers' lullaby..." He used to bring her flowers after a long week of work. Her favorites all together, sunflowers, red tulips, and white lillies. He never got her roses. She hated roses. But those three flowers together in a bouquet were always beautiful to her. They were always stunning, despite how odd they were.

Raisa's cries finally stopped, but Julia didn't let her go. Instead she sat there, holding onto her daughter tightly, staring blankly at the street waiting for back up. Waiting for people to come and take the two, take them in for questioning. Any wounds would be healed, they would be fed somewhat decent food and given water. It wasn't terrible, nor was it great. Just okay, meh.
It wasn't long until backup arrived, cars squealing to a hault. They took no time in taking Raven and Jane, the black car taking off as another waited for Julia. At first Julia seemed to avoid the prisoner room, constantly trying to turn her mind from the thought of Raven, however, she couldn't seem to stay away. Time passed so slowly for Raven. Being left in a room with no windows or light made it seem like he had been their for months, though he never really knew how long. His body was so weak, in so much pain. They didn't wait to start the torture, immediately jumping right in to simulating drowning, forcing his eyes open and pouring painful chemicals in them. It was everyday, constant, he hasn't eaten since they bought him, and he knew they only wanted to break him.

It had been a week, and once again a women shuffled threw the door. Raven lay on the rusted floor, his hands shackled to tight that blood seeped from his wrists. His skin was chalk white, his clothes still over in blood. The women kicked him, forcing him on his back. She used her long 6" heel to move his shirt up, revealing his bullet wound. It's color was worse then his skin, purple, blue and red. Inflamed from infection and lack of care. The only thing they did to it was inject a serum to stop the bleeding. After all they didn't want him to die yet. But this time most of his body was numb, his eyes glazed over with white fog from all the chemicals. The women smirked, slowly digging her heal into his wound, causing him to scream out in pain. She merely smiled, tilting her head at him as she took pleasure in his crys.
It wasn't long until backup arrived, cars squealing to a hault. They took no time in taking Raven and Jane, the black car taking off as another waited for Julia. At first Julia seemed to avoid the prisoner room, constantly trying to turn her mind from the thought of Raven, however, she couldn't seem to stay away. Time passed so slowly for Raven. Being left in a room with no windows or light made it seem like he had been their for months, though he never really knew how long. His body was so weak, in so much pain. They didn't wait to start the torture, immediately jumping right in to simulating drowning, forcing his eyes open and pouring painful chemicals in them. It was everyday, constant, he hasn't eaten since they bought him, and he knew they only wanted to break him.

It had been a week, and once again a women shuffled threw the door. Raven lay on the rusted floor, his hands shackled to tight that blood seeped from his wrists. His skin was chalk white, his clothes still over in blood. The women kicked him, forcing him on his back. She used her long 6" heel to move his shirt up, revealing his bullet wound. It's color was worse then his skin, purple, blue and red. Inflamed from infection and lack of care. The only thing they did to it was inject a serum to stop the bleeding. After all they didn't want him to die yet. But this time most of his body was numb, his eyes glazed over with white fog from all the chemicals. The women smirked, slowly digging her heal into his wound, causing him to scream out in pain. She merely smiled, tilting her head at him as she took pleasure in his cries.

The room was cold, nothing in it but a large one way mirror. The mirror covered the wall, its glass re-enforced with bullet proof tempered glass. The women gaze a satisfying smirk, her soft, yet deadly voice sounding. "Where is the Rebel camp?" Raven did not answer, he merely thrusted back in pain from the pressure her heel created. Her eyes narrowed, her lips perking in dissatisfaction. He let out another painful scream as she dug her heel in more violently, the intense pressure causing black spots to dance across his vision. "O-ok.. " She titled her head as Raven muttered, pulling the heel out from his wound. She gave him a smile, not a sweet or caring smile, but a smile that said victory, that she had won the came.

"Well.. Were is it.. " She demanded. He grunted, his hands shaking as she pushed his upper body up. He grunted his teeth, he head swaying back and forth from the light feeling that hover in him. Raven leaned against the wall, muttering quietly. She raised a brow, kneeling down and leaning closer. Again he muttered, and again she leaned in closer, eyes wide with gleam. He leaned forward his lips close to her ear, his breath tickling her neck as he spoke. "Die, B*itch.. " He pulled back, suddenly thrusting his head forward into hers. Her eyes widened, the sudden thrust to her forehead causing her to collapse.

Raven laughed a bit, his gaze moving up the mirror that laced the wall in front of him. Two figures stood behind the mirror, their gazes meeting with each other as they looked at the now dead interrogator. The looks on their faces was hate, their teeth grinding in anger at the arrogance Raven showed. Raven smiled, the black spots that danced across his vision thickening slowly. He let out a huff, his body sliding down across the wall and hitting the ground with a thud. His knees lay bent, his shackled hands binded together laying in front of his unconscious body. He was so tired, so weak. But at least he could take that bitch with him, right?
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Charlotte glared at the man in the cell.

"A tramp? Really?", her eyes narrowed, "Well if you really want out so bad...."

Charlottes hand flew up the keypad by the cell. She punched in the security code, and quickly stepped away from the door. She heard the metal latch click open, and she merely raised an eyebrow expectantly. She flicked her wrist slightly, a habit of hers whenever she took someone. She marched the man straight out of his cell, and she quickly grabbed his throat. Although he towered over her, she wasn't afraid. She wasn't afraid of a doll.

When she took him, that is what he was reduced to. A doll. Charlotte slowly tightened her grip on his neck, blood rushing to her cheeks. The fight always did this to her, make her excited. She smiled, letting out a strained chuckle.

"How's it feel, being touched by a tramp? Is it what you expected?", she said, digging her nails in. She heard a beeping coming from her belt, and she looked down at her phone. She released the man's neck, seeing the code red blinking all over her screen. She opened up the notice: The rebel leader was found. The man she had found was the leader. The man Julia made her release, was the damned rebel leader.

Charlotte felt a cry of pure rage escape her lips. She screamed, and hit the wall next to the mans head repeatedly. With pure anger in her eyes, she looked back up at the man.

"You know what? I'm done. Done. DONE. Let's go for a little...walk, shall we?", while speaking to him, she grabbed his arm. He didn't have much of a choice but to walk beside her. Charlotte pulled her gun out of her holster as she walked. With rather good aim, she shot every single keypad of every single cell. If the imperium wasn't going to be logical, neither would she.

"Be free, friends. Enjoy it while it lasts", she spoke through her teeth.

Her pace quickened, and her grip on the man's arm tightened. "Not you, buddy boy. You don't get freedom. I gotta teach you something about how to treat a lady..."

Charlotte stormed out of the imperium, bringing the man with her.
Allen walked silently, his hands in his pockets. He was taking his usual stroll through the small forest outside of an even smaller town. He didn't typically go into town, only for groceries or new clothes if needed. He didn't like people to see his 'scar'. Not that he was ashamed of it, it just made him sick to see all of them staring at it. It did, however, bring him a little sense of joy (and power) when his little 'friends' would tell him the secrets of passerby. It was his little way of making sure there was no one he had to worry about, and if there was, he just didn't bother with them. Simple as that.

It was simple having small friends in big places. He had so many that they were literally everywhere. In fact, a certain kind is what made the scar on his face. But he was glad for it...that was the day when he found out what he was capable of. That was the day when he learned he could keep himself in almost perfect health and inflict what would've happened to him. His little spies gave him the advantage in almost every situation. Better yet; no one could kill off all of his spies or they'd end up killing everything. He smirked to himself. Thinking about his 'friends' always made him feel...powerful.
When Marcus heard the click of the door, he was ready to attack. He poised himself for a slam, but just as he was about to launch himself forward, he felt his muscles tighten. He couldn't move. He tried to struggle, but none of his limbs would respond. And then suddenly, they were moving, but they were not under his control. At first he thought it was one of The Others, but this felt different. This felt wrong.

Suddenly, the girl's hand was on his throat. She was cutting off his breathing, and there was nothing he could do about it. She screamed something, but he couldn't hear her. He was in such a blind rage that the world around him seemed to slow down, and blur. She eventually let go and began to go berserk, shooting the keypads of every cell. Marcus wanted to crush her. He wanted to take her small head between his hands and squeeze the life out of her eyes. But he couldn't. He just had to move beside her like a puppet.

He'd never been this still, or this angry, in his life.

- - - -

Within the raging mind of Marcus, The Others were waiting. Clyde was quiet. He usually was when he was not in control. But The Others we're talking freely, discussing the situation.

"It's obviously the girl doing it," one voice said. It was calm and smooth, almost seductive. But there was an edge to it that was undeniable.

"Why isn't he doing anything then?" said another voice, perky and young with enough energy in it to power a city. "He could crush her as easy as a twig."

"He can't do anything idiot," said a third voice, this one almost a whisper. "That's the point. You think he wouldn't have torn her to bits by now if he could?"

"It doesn't matter anyway," the first voice said. "She can't hold him forever, and as soon as she lets go, he's going to destroy her."

Clyde watched and listened. He understood what the girl was doing. She was holding Marcus back, almost without any effort. No one had ever been able to do that. And if she could hold Marcus back, she could hold any of The Others back. He could not let her die.

And for the first time, Clyde began to fight for control.
((I don't know if ill be able to jump in today, as I have sort of a busy schedule, but have all the prisoners just been set free? Should I have Jameson run out? Or are there any recaps I need?))
It's currently on two timelines. One time line is 5 days head of the other. All of these cells and prisoners were freed 5 days ago. I am currently waiting for the behind timeline to catch up. So once it does I will do a recap. You can choose if your character stays free or is recaptured. When the timeline catches up, it will be said that most were recaptured, but not all. Which one you are is your choice :P

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