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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Aratorio

Location: History

Tag: @sprouhtt @djinnamon

Aratorio would gulp. "I-i never said I wanted anything.. I was just wondering what is going on... She seems to be acting weird..." He wouldn't know what to do with this sudden interaction as he rarely interacted with people.

Ender Egotarum

Location: History

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender laughed as Ki jokingly bowed to him. When Ki asked him why he was here, he had to think about it for a moment. "Huh, I never really thought about why I decided to come here in the first place. I guess it's because it gets real boring being a god and all. Also I'm quite a new god and this place could probably help me learn how to be all godly and the like."

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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: History Class


Tag: @djinnamon @Arubion Sivart


"Then don't stare at people like that," Moka said and as she inhaled again sharply at the second pain that hit her hard. All of a sudden Moka got up to excuse herself from the room until she fell down on the floor. Moka groaned as she hit the cold hard ground, the pain was excruciating and it began to reach her neck and then her cheeks. The only thing Moka could do was close her eyes and hope it went away, but it was still there. Moka opened her eyes and held onto the edge of the desk to help herself up.

Name: Luc

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Moka, Setsuna

Tag: @sprouhtt @djinnamon

While he was innocently waiting for his autograph, he heard a thud behind him. Turning around instantly, he saw a girl with long blonde hair on the ground, holding onto the edge of the desk to help herself. Letting go of the memopad and pen he was holding, he immediately rushed towards her side. Whether she wanted the help or not, a look of concern was over his face as he attempted to keep at least half of her up, grabbing the arm that wasn't closest to the desk as she was helping herself up.

He heard a bit of the background conversation, and it wasn't like he could help it. After all, it was a background conversation, so he only heard bits-and-pieces, never really fully paying attention. Though what he can at least get from this is that she definitely wasn't feeling her best. Lowering his voice, he spoke as calmly as he could to the female, still holding onto her arm to help her stay upright.

"Are you alright? Hey, help me out over here!"

Gesturing over to the man with long white hair, Luc awkwardly brought his gaze to the ground.

"Sorry about this, love, but you're going to have to get to the infirmary if we have one. I ... assume you know what's going on

Looking towards Setsuna, his gaze turned indifferent. While he was genuinely concerned for the female who had collapsed briefly, maybe an explanation would do him good. Especially in this situation.

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Name: Ki

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Ender

Tag: @The Endergod

"I didn't know that Gods needed godly training."

Learning a little more each day, she laughed. Pointing to the side of her own head, her typical apathetic expression seemed to lighten up a little bit. At least she was having some fun talking to the guy. And it wasn't someone who enjoyed finishing sentences with lines from Sophocles.

"Nice hair, by the way. Is it natural? I would love it if my hair was naturally blue."

Her hair wasn't natural. It used to be a bright, more pastel shade of brown. After getting the free experience of death for about 9 years or so , the colour of her hair changed. At least it was a symmetrical (kinda) half and half. But hey, whatever it takes to make a conversation interesting.
Name: Shinko Hiro

Location: History Class

Interaction: No one

Shinko wasn't the type of girl who socialized, in fact, no one ever even noticed her at all. Of course, she didn't mind that. She sat in the far back of the room, next to the window. She was always in a daze, always day dreaming about all the possibilities in life. She didn't want to acknowledge the fact she was in a class room, doing nothing at all.


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Name: Abel Night

Location: Hall


"Late late late late late. Always late. What to do, what to do. Skipping class inst an option...well, not on the first day at least. bah! no matter. How mad can the teacher be? its not like i killed a man." he chuckled at the thought, shaking his head.

Abel Night wasn't the biggest guy in the world, but that obviously didn't bother him. He didn't mind the fact that he was shorter than even most of the girls in the school. It wasnt a big deal. he just kept grinning, even now. Late to class, slept in, and not a friend in the world. his response? "Oh well!"

he was nearing his class, supplies slung over his shoulder. Time to really get the day started..."
Mistory1997 said:
Name: Abel Night
Location: Hall


"Late late late late late. Always late. What to do, what to do. Skipping class inst an option...well, not on the first day at least. bah! no matter. How mad can the teacher be? its not like i killed a man." he chuckled at the thought, shaking his head.

Abel Night wasn't the biggest guy in the world, but that obviously didn't bother him. He didn't mind the fact that he was shorter than even most of the girls in the school. It wasnt a big deal. he just kept grinning, even now. Late to class, slept in, and not a friend in the world. his response? "Oh well!"

he was nearing his class, supplies slung over his shoulder. Time to really get the day started..."
// My life story (o'v'o)(:'()(^U^)
Sage spun around and saw Molar on the ground. " Moka. " He screamed as he reached for her only to be stopped by the new comers voice. He nodded dumbly. " Ok. " He said before a trail of glyphs appeared leading to the nurses office.

Setsuna picked on Moka stepped on one of his Glyphs and he and the girl were taken to the nurse at high speeds. Tears were leaking out of his eyes leaving a sparking trail behind him. Moka was like his sister and it hurt to see her in pain , it was sinking into his brain that she really could die.

@sprouhtt @Entarriance

@Arubion Sivart
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: History Class


Tag: @djinnamon @Arubion Sivart @Entarriance


Moka groaned and she got up but barely. Moka was swaying side to side a bit as she almost lost her balance. "Moka pull yourself together," she thought to herself but she began to see a swarm of darkness taking over her and she collapsed on the floor. Her body was over heating and sending her to faint. "Moka get up, get up Moka," She thought to herself, mentally kicking herself. She felt someone picking her up but she couldn't wake up to see who it was.
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Name: Shinko Hiro

Location: History class

Interaction: None

Shinko had sat there, watching everything happen.


Name: Esther

Alias: Librarian

Location: History

Interaction: Luc Moka

Tags: @sprouhtt @Entarriance

Esther felt the girl drop and frowned. Setting her books down on the desk, she turned to where the girl disappeared. "What just happened? I can only see so much with my winds you know." She said, a tinge of impatience in her voice. But it was mostly because of her strong curiosity.

Name: Quinn

Location: History

Interaction: No one

Tags: none​

Quinn looked uo from his read at the sound a a girl hitting the floor. Within ten seconds she and a boy had disappeared over a glyph. The strange wind girl had set her books down and declared something wierd. 'I can only see so much from my winds..'
Name: Samuel J. Pentaghast

Location: History Class Room

Interaction: Moka, Luc, Setsuna, Esther

Tags: @sprouhtt @Entarriance @djinnamon @Psithurism

Samuel had been reading the books that the Librarian had brought in. He had been rather quiet, reading most of them rather quickly. The class never got too loud, which wasn't too surprising. He did let them talk and be free today, as it was the first day of school and there was really no need to do anything besides him Introduce himself. Upon hearing a loud thud, he looked up from his book before gently setting it down. Letting out a heavy sigh he walked over before seeing Setsuna pick the girl up and take her to the nurses office, "Stupid boy..." Shaking his head he returned to his desk, "Ah, sorry for saying thanks rather late, but Thank you for the books, Esther. They are really good."
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : History Classroom

Interactions : N/A

The two had been silently sitting beside each other, watching as the following scenes unfolded in front of them. For the most part, Sairen was watching with no readable emotion upon her face. Her eyes simply stayed on the girl, who was called Moka, as people swarmed to help her. She personally didn't seem to care much. After all, she hadn't even known the girls name until now. Sairen's fiery locks cascaded into her face as she turned to look to Lairen, who was watching intently. He seemed to take interest in the event. She assumed that her brother only took interest because Moka was a beautiful woman. His eyes met with his sisters and the two shared a small conversation through eye contact. A small sigh escaped from Sairen as she turned her attention elsewhere, her piercing golden eyes darting around the room to scan everyone. Lairen soon followed suit and began scanning the females in the class.

Ender Egotarum

Location: History

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender just stared at the ceiling."You wouldn't think it, but I guess we do. I just woke up one day not knowing anything at all, like a little kid, except I had this same body. I didn't know what I was or where I was and I just heard a voice in my head that told me that I was a god and that I can pretty much do what ever I want. That's a lot of information to take in all at once, and I just roamed around not knowing what to do with myself for a couple of years. I mean I didn't even know what a god was at the time. As I wandered the world, I came to know what a god was and what they're supposed to do. I'm not even fully sure what I'm supposed to do or what I'm even capable of." He sighed. "And to answer your question, yes that's my hair's natural color."

Name: Shinko Hiro

Location: History Class Room

Interactions: None

Shinko began to get exhausted, she could hear everyone's thoughts, it sounded like a crowd of people whispering in her head. She hated this. The only way to stop it was to communicate, but there was no way she would do that and even if she wanted to, who would talk to her? She began to hold her head and look down, some of her hair falling in front of her face.


Name: Ester

Alias: Librarian

Location: History

Interaction: Everyone.

Tags:@Jacob Berry @sprouhtt @djinnamon

Ester frowned. 'Nurse? There was no nurse yet. The best this school had was her.' "oh so where could they have gone?" She mumbled out loud. Closing her eyes, not that it made a difference, Esther sent out a loght breeze through out the school, searching for them.

Name: Quinn

Location: History

Interaction: none

Tags: none

Quinn frowned as the stange girl seemed to be extending her winds reach. His hair ruffled as it passed over him. 'This is weird why isnt she just running to the nurses office, waut there isn't one. Didn't they tell us something about getting a nurse? But they had a teacher who could heal. Maybe she could help.
Name: Aratorio

Location: History

Interaction: Shinko

Tag: @Shinko Hiro

He'd look at the girl before pulling his chair next to her desk. "Hello how are you?..." He'd stare at her intently somewhat worried with her.
The door opened quietly, the orange haired teen poking his head inside."ello! Sorry for being late"he kicked the door open, wearing a cheerful grin. He caught the door behind him, chuckling quietly. He let his eyes wander among the class, and smiled. He started walking, and took a seat just past the two red headed siblings. He sighed, getting comfortable as he examined the class

Name: Luc

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Samuel J. Pentaghast

Tag: @Jacob Berry

Watching the dude just race off with her, he groaned. Hopefully she'll be okay, though it's kind of tesdious for him. At least he, somewhat helped. Despite the fact that he probably won't be noticed by either of them. Looking off towards the teacher, appearing to be anxious.

"You're the God of Healing, and music, and stuff along the lines of that, aren't you? Shouldn't you go along with them?"

Looking back out the hallway as the glpyhs seem to disappear, from what was left of the guy, it was easy to assume that was his ability. Speed? Or maybe there were other abilities than just that. I mean, everyone here is pretty much a "that escalated quickly" type of person. He could say so for himself too. But more concerned on the girl who looked hurt, he anxiously stared at the teacher.


Name: Ki

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Ender

Tag: @The Endergod

Watching as he basks in his thoughts, especially that of his path, she kind of felt sympathetic towards the kid. She had no idea what a god felt like, but she definitely shouldn't be one to judge how hard someone's life is. After all, she learned from her own friend that no matter how rich you live life, it still can end up pretty confusing and head straight off a cliff. Because fate is pretty cruel that way.

Lightly pushing herself out of her desk, she moved over towards him, staring at the ceiling. Poking him in the center of the forehead, she smiled as she confidently spoke.

"You're a tough nut. I'd still be freaking out. If I was just thrown into this world and told that I'm a god, I wouldn't even know where to start."

Playfully yanking his hood a further over his head, to a degree where it pretty much covered over his eyes. Sitting back down, seeing how most of the class seemed to be pretty talkative right now, the teacher probably didn't mind that much. After all, the class didn't seem to be that loud.
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[QUOTE="Jacob Berry]((Same with Samuel, he is the God of Healing and Medicine after all))

((Ah so they basically just took her away from where she could be healed. xD ))

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