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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Samuel J. Pentaghast.

Location: History Class Room

Interaction: Kiyoko, Ryoichi, Aratorio, Moka, Luc, everyone else.

Tags: @iChaotic @Arubion Sivart @Entarriance

Samuel let out a sigh of relief as Akashima left his class, letting his shoulders relax. His posture was much more relaxed once she left, offering a large smile, "Pop Quiz is Null-In-Void. It is the first day after all, can't have you guys causing a riot due to a mere pop quiz." Clapping his hands as he walked over to Kiyoko and Ryoichi, "Also, no homework. Mr. Aratorio, you still have that paper on all the Roman and Chinese Emperors though." Looking at Kiyoko and Ryoichi he shook his head, "Yeah, no. I can already tell what kind of children you are. You two won't make it too far in the real world... Maybe."

Walking over to his desk, he sat down in his chair, ripping up the papers that people had turned in already. Looking over at Luc, he offered a large grin, "Of course my battle with that cursed Serpent is true. Plus, that oracle of his made a great place for my worshipers to visit." Rubbing his chin as he paused, letting out a chuckle, "As for Eumenides, they are partly true... Aeschylus may have taken it a bit far... For the sake of drama."

Name: Esther Whiffa

Alias: Librarian

Location: History

Interaction: Samuel H. Pentaghast

Tags: @Jacob Berry​

Esther enters the slightly chaotic room with a smile, several books in her grip. "Samuel, I'm sorry to bother you, but I found some history books in the new batch I got over the weekend. I read through them and I think you might like them." She appoached the teacher, her winds slowly circling her, ruffling papers and her hair flowed smoothly in the air. "I see first perios has started?" She said, turning her head to face the children. Despite her blindness she always knew it made people more comfortable if she acted like she could see.

Name: Quinn

Location: History room

Interaction: no one

Tags: none​

Quinn frowned as a strange girl with books in her arms entered. 'A breeze? No..' There wasn't one where anyone else was. A sphere of air seemed to encircle the girl as she approached the professor. 'How can she step so easily? There is no way she could see beyond thosose books. She must know her way around.'
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  • Mashiro watched as he ripped up the tests and frowned. Some teacher. She thought, leaning back in her chair as she looked at the others. She was generally a nice girl but at this moment in time she was quiet, she didn't know why she felt left out. It wasn't as if she had made an effort to include herself. She decided to take out an book she had found in her bag and read. Flipping the yellow pages listening to the others, having their own private conversations.

    @Jacob Berry

Name Michella

location dorm and history class

Michella just open her eyes her cat as she looked at her clock she was late on her first day of class she jumped out of bed put on her uniform rushing she was dead by her teacher she grabbed her bag and ran to her class trying to fix her hair on the way to her class when she got there she saw class already started.

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Amber noticed the boys were looking at him also. He sent a dangerous glare the boys' way but they kept staring. " They are just horny loser who want every pretty person they see. " He muttered ad he finished his work. " You done yet. " He asked as he stood up.

@the unnamed beast
Setsuna stood after finishing and walked over to the teachers desk before placing his paper on top of Moka's and walking back. He sat next the girl. " So , what class do we have next? " He asked as he crossed his legs.

@Jacob Berry
"Yea..... Just waitin on everyone else...." Raven said with a sigh. 'Get ready to be hit on again just like yesterday when we got to this school....' She thought to herself as she awaited everyone to turn their work in.


Ender Egotarum

Location: Dorm

Interaction: No one... yet

Tags: @


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender begrudgingly lifted his head up from his desk, still half asleep. He then realized that the class room was already filled with other students and he looked over at the clock on the wall. Class had apparently started already and Ender was very much confused at what was currently going on. He sat for a good three or so minutes trying to figure everything out, but eventually gave up and just sat there. He leaned his chair back on the back legs and put his feet up on the desk and his hands in his pockets.


Name: Luc

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Esther Whiffa, Samuel J. Pentaghast

Tag: @Jacob Berry

Clasping both his hands together at his response, he immediately searched his pockets for something. Pulling out a small memobook, which probably was worth 10x more than his notebook, and a fountain pen. Handing it out to him, there was an overjoyed expression on his face. And hey, it was genuine.

"Really?! Ah... it really is an honour to have Apollo, a great figure of classical literature in my presence! Can I have your autograph?!"

Meeting someone like Shakespeare or Oedipus to him was like meeting your modern-day actor. It wouldn't have that much significance, but it still meant a lot to him. While he was alone for a few years after his father's death, he was only given the option of reading these drama's that had story lines unlike any of the modern-day books that he read, and it was what fascinated him the most. Just the whole concept of acting was amazing, just as much as meeting someone who has starred in so many of these. Turning over to see the approaching female in the other direction, who was carrying over an armful of books. At the mention of history, he chimed in to her as well.

"Do you need assistance in carrying those, miss? Oh, and are there any works of historical literature in there?"


Name: Ki

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Ender

Tag: @The Endergod

Watching Luc fangirl in front of the class, as well as there paper's being ripped up, she brought her hands in front of her in prayer. Thank God that none of those counted, she felt so inferior to everyone talking about how they knew every god possible. She heard a bit of a grunt, before it appeared that one of the early students that was in this room with her had woken up. Somehow, the teacher didn't appear to notice, but maybe it's the ignorance that was what saved him.

"... good morning?"

Maybe she should fill him in, but then again, it's not like they did anything that could technically be counted as teaching.
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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: History Class


Tag: @djinnamon

"We have power controlling next period, should be fun right?" Moka said as she let out a small cough. Moka put her hand on her forehead since she was getting a headache,"Not right now," Moka muttered. She was sick for a while now and lied to her parents that she was alright just to come to this school. During Moka's battles a few months ago she had fell ill for a while now when she was scratched by a demon. Now her father and mother had taken good care of her and all and provided her with a spell potion that would speed up her health back to normal but since she hasn't taken that potion she had been on her own and trying to recover bit by bit. But now it's getting worse which is why she couldn't sleep last night. When a demon scratches a god that god falls ill for a while and has trouble regaining their strength without proper care. Now this isn't all demons that can scratch a god and have them fall ill but this is one of those rare blood thirsty Adrenalin rushing demons. Her father had executed the demon that had poisoned her. The poison was deadly but with proper care and treatment it would go away and never come back like it didn't even happen. Moka was as stubborn as a bull and thought she was alright but now since she isn't getting proper care she is falling ill again. The time it takes a god to recover from such a scratch takes about three and a half months and Moka had only gotten a few months of bed rest. Moka looked down at her hand and saw a purple rash spreading. It was a blight. Not the plant diseases but the poison from the powerful demon that scratched her. The only care for a blight infection from a rare demon is to cleanse her body in purified water that had been tempted with by the Lotus potion.
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: History

Interaction: N/A


Ryoichi carried on drawing in his notebook. He was drawing an action scene based off of a book he planned on writing. Surprisingly, Ryoichi was an avid reader and loved reading all kinds of books. Just letting his imagination wander made him excited. Unfortunately, all the talking that was going on made it slightly difficult for him to concentrate. And the fact some kid was fan girling over their teacher was really getting on his nerves.

Kiyoko just sat there, tapping her finger on her cheek. She was still frustrated at the fact the teacher had just straight up insulted her and her brother.
'What kind of teacher insults their students?' She thought to herself. Suddenly, Kiyoko remembered another student had been forced to move near where they had chosen to sit. She could already guess Ryoichi was getting annoyed due to the fact everybody was talking, so she didn't want to disturb him anymore. Turning her head she noticed the girl reading something. "Hiya, what you reading?" Kiyoko quietly said to the girl.

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Ender Egotarum

Location: History

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender was lost in thought about nothing in particular when he heard a voice coming from a desk near him. He looked over to see Ki looking over to him which he found quite surprising. Not sure if she was talking to him, he sat there for a minute before finally deciding that she actually was. "Oh hello there miss, um, do you perchance know what's going on, I'm like extra confused right now.

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Name: Ki

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Ender

Tag: @The Endergod

"You're pretty lucky to sleep through class. We honestly didn't do anything. Had a pop quiz that didn't count, had homework assigned than unassigned, now we're here."

Switching her gaze between Ender and the two twins in the front, as if pointing without actually pointing.

"... and those guys."

It made class amusing, true, but it was getting kind of tedious with the fact that they were pretty much the two students that caused most of the trouble. The day would go by plenty faster if they just complied for now, and continued their behaviour outside of class, which, well, obviously they wouldn't. Bringing her hand over her mouth to cover a yawn, it seems that the lack of sleep was starting to get to her.

"Not sure what we're doing right now. So you made a smart move sleeping through, really."

Amber nodded but stood up. " I like handing in my work quickly. " He said before he went and placed his quiz on the table before walking back to the desk.

@Jacob Berry
Setsuna noticed her how she was acting and the infection. " You haven't healed have you. " He asked , when he had asked Moka's parts how she was going they told him about what happened. " We need to get you to a hospital. " He said as he was getting ready to call a teacher.


Ender Egotarum

Location: History

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

"Well that's good, I didn't really feel like doing much today anyways. I'm not much of a morning person. Say, we haven't gotten properly introduced, I'm Ender Egotarum, who might you be?" Ender said as he took his feet off of his desk, put his chair back down, and held out his hand.

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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: History Class


Tag: @djinnamon

"No!" Moka said with a very stern voice,"I am doing alright, my parents know nothing of a sort and I plan to keep it that way." Moka told him as she turned her head to face him. Moka knew that if her father had found out that she went off unhealed then she would be in deep trouble and hell would break loose. Moka covered up her blight with her other hand on top of it. It hurt her like hell and she could already fell a high fever coming on strong. Moka tried to stay focus while in class trying to push herself to pay attention but the thought of pain running through her mind crossed the path.
Setsuna glared at her , ice blue eyes seemingly staring into her soul." That " He stated roughly as he pointed at her hand. " Begs to differ. " He said , he didn't want the girl to be in trouble but it was better she get in trouble and live than stay sick and possible die. " This can get serious , you can very well die. So i'm gong to tell the teacher " He growled out before he began standing so he could call for the teacher.


Name: Ki

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Ender

Tag: @The Endergod

"Ki. Ki Cliffoak."

Meeting his hand with hers, she took note on how his body temperature seemed to be significantly colder than, well, whatever you consider normal. She was used to being uncomfortable because of her background, but it was definitely a shock to be touching something with this general aura of ice.

"You seem a bit cold. I assume that's just who you are?"

Managing a meek smile, she let go of his hand after their brief handshake, stuffing it in her pocket for warmth. Even if she didn't want to come off as rude, it still was cold. But at least this guy didn't seem like he was going to cause an indoor blizzard any time soon.

Name: Aratorio

Location: History

Tag: @djinnamon @sprouhtt

Aratorio would be watching the commotion going on between Setsuna and Moka. He'd find it interesting but also a bit baffling. He'd somewhat wish that someone would talk to him, but seeing as the commotion he made earlier with the teacher, he see's it less then likely.
Felicia shook her head. "M-Mister teacher sir I would never start a riot.", she said and hesitantly tried to get up and bow politely. After all it ended in her falling down with chair and table again.

@Jacob Berry
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: History Class


Tag: @djinnamon @Arubion Sivart

"You're always telling me what's best for myself, why don't you worry about yourself." Moka said to him with a quiet growl. Moka was so stubborn and her and Satsuna would always get into disagreements about whats right for her and what isn't. Moka inhaled quietly as the pain worsened and the blight being to spread up her arm but nobody would see it since she had her school uniform vest on. Moka looked at Aratorio seeing that he was looking at them,"looks like Aratorio wants to speak with you," Moka said to Satsuna.

Ender Egotarum

Location: History

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

"Well it's nice to meet you Ki." Ender said as he retracted his hand. "Yeah, sorry about that, sometimes I forget how cold I am. It's just part of me, you see, I'm the god of ice, and I guess it comes with the territory." He said as he proceeded to put his feet back up and lean back in his chair again.

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Name: Ki

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Ender

Tag: @The Endergod

"God of ice, huh. A pleasure to be in your presence, all-mighty one."

Jokingly bringing her arms out in front of her and bowing in his direction, she didn't really mind the fact that he was a god, unlike Luc. At this point in life, Gods were pretty much the least of her problems. It's cool to acknowledge them, but she never found anything particularly special about them other then the fact they're just the embodiment of whatever they're based off of. Bringing her head back up, she smiled as she spoke the next few words.

"I never knew the God of Ice had such a warm personality. Then again, a chill personality could describe you too. If you don't mind me asking, what's a mystical deity such as yourself doing at a high school?"

Placing her elbow on her desk,, she propped her head up with the palm of her hand. She didn't have anything else to do, so might as well make small talk with the people around her. And hey, maybe being friends with Elsa over here would be a good move for her some day.

Name: Setsuna

Location: History

Tag : @sprouhtt & @Arubion Sivart

" Oh please , practice what you preach about caring about your self. What you are doing right now isn't talking of yourself , you're destroying yourself and I as your friend won't let that happen. " He said , Moka was like a sister to him and he would bendamned if he let her die. When he heard what Moka say somethingg about what someone wanting to talk to him he turned around. " Yes what do you want? " He asked

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