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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Felicia Reicht entered the history class. She sat at a table in the very front, waging feet and tail happily. She was obviously eager for the lesson to start. Just when she waged her feet extremely, she fell down with the whole table.

@Jacob Berry
Name: Elias Nagi

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Luc and Ki

It took Elias a second to remember that people shook hands upon greeting, but his gusto made up for his lack of understanding. He grinned as the two introduced themselves, the compliment about his ears making him feel very good about himself. He looked over to the boy as he intorduced himself too.

"So, Ki and Luc?" He repeated, pointing at the correct person as he said their name. "I'm Elias. Have you had a year here before?" He asked, shifting around in his seat, ending up crossing his legs on his chair to be comfortable.
Name: Samuel J. Pentaghast

Location: History Class Room.

Interaction: Kiyoko, Ryoichi, Mashiro and Everyone Else.

Tag: @iChaotic @Ami the breadling

Samuel watched as the students filled into the class, some earlier than others of course. Many seemed like good kids, and Samuel had an eye for catching the ones that would be troublesome. Walking over to Kiyoko and Ryoichi he offered a smile, "You two. Up front. Thanks." Walking over to Ender, who was still asleep he tapped him on the head, "Rise and Shine, also, choose a seat up front." Finally he made his way to Mashiro who was sitting in the front, near the door, "Miss, may you move all the way into that seat?" He pointed at the desk farthest away from the door. He allowed some students to remain where they were, seeing as they wouldn't cause any problems. Looking over at the girl who fell he shook his head, "Geez, what is up with the kids and falling out or on tables today. Come on, get up."

Samuel looked over at Headmistress Akashima, "Ah. Hello, Headmistress." He paused, choosing his words carefully, "I'm not all to blame. After all, these classes stay together throughout the day. Plus, I've been working here for over six decades. No need to worry." Scowling slightly as she mention smoking, "Right, right. Just what I told Mr. Reicht. Anything else Headmistress She-Devil?" He offered a lazy smile before moving away from the strict woman.

Making his way into the center of class, desks in front of him and to his sides, he clapped his hands, causing a loud ring to ricochet off the walls until everyone was quiet. Offering a large smile he introduced himself, "I am Samuel J. Pentaghast. Better known as Apollo. Yes, that Apollo. No, you may not meet Zeus or anyone else." Taking a step forward he cleared his throat, "I am your history teacher. In here, you follow my rules, as well as the Schools. I'm a pretty laid back man, but that doesn't mean I won't have you learn the word discipline." Walking back to the white board he tapped it, "Today we will be learning about Gods and their impact on Cultures." Facing the class he offered a devious smile, "Pull out a Piece of Paper. Pop Quiz. You must name as many Gods and Goddess from Pantheons. This includes, Greek, Roman, Hindu, Japanese and such. You cannot use me as an answer. Got it?"

(Sorry if it is a lot...))
sprouhtt said:
Name: Moka Hirabashi
Location: History Class

Interation: N/A

Tag: Nobody

Moka walked into class when she finished her yogurt and threw the empty cup away in the trash that was near the door. She saw that there were a lot of students who had already walked in and she put on a calm face which in her siblings is her 'bitch resting face' or 'BRF.' Moka hated when they would tease her about it but she couldn't help if her face did have that expression written all over it. Moka always thought she got it from her dad since he was always tense and stressed out. Moka walked herself towards a seat near the window and she placed her backpack down near the desk and she sat down on the chair. Moka took out her planner and began writting the homework for tonight as well as her meeting with the student council later on, she was the president of the council and boy was it a lot of work.

Name: Akira Akashima

Alias: HeadMistress Akashima

Location: History Class

Interation: @Jacob Berry

Tag: Nobody

"Smoking isn't tolerated here Mr. Pentaghast." Headmistress Akashima said as she walked into the class. She looked around the classroom observing the students and trying to memorize each of their names just by looking at them. Akashima had her work in for her since she knew half of them were going to cause trouble here, but she knew how to handle herself and this school. "I see a lot of new faces here Mr. Pentaghast, hopefully this year you'll learn to control your class better." She told him knowing that last years history class was a bit of a mess due to three other seniors who are gone now. She had the school wrapped around her hand, Akashima was the one that everyone feared and even some of the teachers. She was never the one to play around or have fun when she was working. Many call her uptight and strict but she just takes it as a compliment knowing that without her this school would go up in flames.

Name : Setsuna Gregory

Location : History

Tag: @sprouhtt @somalel

Setsuna got out of the tub when the bell rang and dried off before putting on his uniform. He turned to Ronnie and made a gesture to his watch. " Let's go to class. " He said before he left the bathroom and entered the History class. " Good Morning Sir. " He said to the Samuel ( @Jacob Berry ) before looking around and noticing Mika. " He walked over sat next to her. " Good morning , you don't seem to be in the best mood. ' He said as he got out his books.

iChaotic said:
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: History

Interaction: Amber


Kiyoko turned her head and gave a slight wave to the person who had just greeted them.
"Heya." Kiyoko said with a smile. Ryoichi just nodded at the boy. He looked rather feminine but Ryoichi could just guess he was a boy. He put his feet down and took out a notebook. He didn't use this notebook for taking notes, but for just drawing random sketches; they were usually fight scenes or just gore. His sister preferred doing painting and usually painted abstract things, she was more of the creative type whilst Ryoichi was practical.

Name: Amber Lee

Location: History

Tag: @The Unamed Beast

Amber pulled out his book and began to write the date but made sure to keep an eye on the door so when his sister walked in he could call her over to sit down.
Name: Raven Lee

Location: History

Tag: @djinnamon

Raven walked into History before the bell. She had some breakfast still in her hand and mouth. She sat next to her brother as she waited fro class to start
Name: Aratorio

Location: History

Interaction: Samuel J. Pentaghast

Tag: @Jacob Berry

Aratorio would listen to what he said and would start to laught a bit. "Teacher.. There are hundreds of gods I could name but not enough paper to name them all... This pop quiz seems a bit pointless." He'd be blunt with what he said as he figured this was the way to show he was in charge. He thought the teacher tried a bit to hard compared to other teachers.
[QUOTE="Jacob Berry]Name: Samuel J. Pentaghast
Location: History Class Room.

Interaction: Kiyoko, Ryoichi, Mashiro and Everyone Else.

Tag: @iChaotic @Ami the breadling

Samuel watched as the students filled into the class, some earlier than others of course. Many seemed like good kids, and Samuel had an eye for catching the ones that would be troublesome. Walking over to Kiyoko and Ryoichi he offered a smile, "You two. Up front. Thanks." Walking over to Ender, who was still asleep he tapped him on the head, "Rise and Shine, also, choose a seat up front." Finally he made his way to Mashiro who was sitting in the front, near the door, "Miss, may you move all the way into that seat?" He pointed at the desk farthest away from the door. He allowed some students to remain where they were, seeing as they wouldn't cause any problems. Looking over at the girl who fell he shook his head, "Geez, what is up with the kids and falling out or on tables today. Come on, get up."

Samuel looked over at Headmistress Akashima, "Ah. Hello, Headmistress." He paused, choosing his words carefully, "I'm not all to blame. After all, these classes stay together throughout the day. Plus, I've been working here for over six decades. No need to worry." Scowling slightly as she mention smoking, "Right, right. Just what I told Mr. Reicht. Anything else Headmistress She-Devil?" He offered a lazy smile before moving away from the strict woman.

Making his way into the center of class, desks in front of him and to his sides, he clapped his hands, causing a loud ring to ricochet off the walls until everyone was quiet. Offering a large smile he introduced himself, "I am Samuel J. Pentaghast. Better known as Apollo. Yes, that Apollo. No, you may not meet Zeus or anyone else." Taking a step forward he cleared his throat, "I am your history teacher. In here, you follow my rules, as well as the Schools. I'm a pretty laid back man, but that doesn't mean I won't have you learn the word discipline." Walking back to the white board he tapped it, "Today we will be learning about Gods and their impact on Cultures." Facing the class he offered a devious smile, "Pull out a Piece of Paper. Pop Quiz. You must name as many Gods and Goddess from Pantheons. This includes, Greek, Roman, Hindu, Japanese and such. You cannot use me as an answer. Got it?"

(Sorry if it is a lot...))

Felicia quickly got up. "S-Sorry... please do not tell my brother...", she whispered before sitting down again. She took the paper. "B-brother told me the names of all and I met most of them... B-but...I have no space."

  • Theda nodded to his request. Leaning on one of the desks as she crossed her arms. "Doing well. New school year, new students. I can feel the excitement in the air. Can't wait to see what they have in store can you?" She asked as she leaned forward, some of her green hair falling over her shoulder as she did so. You could tell she was excited. She was like this every year, just the thought of kids with new abilities fascinated her.

    @Ami the breadling

Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: History Class


Tag: @Jacob Berry @djinnamon

Moka turned her head when she heard someone greet her. Moka flashed a small smile to him,"I just couldn't sleep last night." She told him as she let out a sigh and saw that Mr. pentaghast was passing out a pop quiz,"Really? On the first day of school?" Moka had forgotten that Mr. Pentaghast was Apollo, she knew this year was going to be a long one since she has come across Apollo many times in her years since her father who is the God of War Ares, had gone to many special events for the gods and Apollo would be there. Moka shook her head and never thought that he would be teaching here. Now she would really need to be on a good behavior knowing her father had eyes everywhere.

Name: Akira Akashima

Alias: HeadMistress Akashima

Location: History Class

Interation: @Jacob Berry

Tag: Nobody

"I am not a she-devil Mr. Pentaghast, and I do hope your class is under control." Headmistress Akashima said to him, not worrying about his choice or words since he always called her that. At times Akashima wished to yell at him which she did but today wasn't the day for that. She walked out of the classroom without saying a word to him.
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: History

Interaction: N/A

Tag: @Anyone

The twins moaned as they were ordered to sit at the front. Ryoichi grabbed his notebok and chose a seat on the corner of the desk at the front, his sister sat beside him.
"We were probably moved here because of you and your big feet." Kiyoko murmured. "Oh shut up sis." Ryoichi responded with a growl. Ripping out a piece of paper from his notebook he began writing on it for the pop quiz, as expected, Ryoichi didn't write what the teacher had asked. Instead, he repeatedly wrote 'Me' in capital letters across the paper. Well, in his eyes, he did just what the teacher asked.

Kiyoko just rolled her eyes at her brother as he wrote on the paper. She herself ripped a page out of his notebook and made a paper aeroplane out of it. Did the teacher really except that either of them will comply with what he says?

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Name: Ki

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Elias, the pop quiz

Tag: @SecretRock

"Nope, this is my first year..."

Jolting back to reality as the teacher barked out instructions for a pop quiz, she merely saluted the kid that she was talking to.

"... see you in the front lines soldier."

It was a bit of a habit that Luc gave her to say that. Turning to another page in her notebook, she was told to list as many gods as she could, by, Apollo himself?! She only knew all the Greek ones, not even all the fully Roman one's! Ahh, why couldn't this have been a math question or something?! Only able to write down some of the Roman ones, some of the Gods and Goddesses. At least, the major ones you would have read in books and stuff. She didn't have everything related to them up to her head, she was more of a logical-this needs to have an exact answer type of person. Nonetheless, she did try her best to name as many as she could. What was all those plays that Luc vented to her about again?!


Name: Luc

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Elias, The Pop Quizzz!!!

Tag: @SecretRock

"Mm... what she said. It's my first year here, the year you don't wan't to remember once you hit Senior year."

Hearing the teacher call out to all of them about a pop quiz. Grinning, he gave a thumbs up to the kid that Ki just wished luck on in the front lines, before bringing out a notebook. Hell, it was a cheap notebook, like those 20 cent ones you can get in Staples in like September, but it was useful, so that's all that matters! Money isn't the priority here, as long as it works.

And that's when he heard it.

Gods and Goddesses.

Immediently triggering the actor-part of him, the guy that has read every single script known to man (not literally) and is hyper-aware of every single poet, down from the earliest ones, the Renaissance writers, even up to the minor ones that lead in between the Enlightment and now.

Let's see, what did I see in those scripts that I love to read. You have the major deities of Japan, of course, such as ame-no-uzume, hachiman, inari okami, izanagi, izanami, oh, you can't possible forget the Greek comedies and tragedies! Their roman counterparts were used often in works of Livius Andronicus, especially in drama's from Plautus and Terence. Oh, you also have the Celtic Lands and there musicals! Such as Arbarta, Adsullata...

While these pleasant little thoughts of literature raced through his head, he scribbled down as many as he could on the paper, to a level where even a second page was needed. While others were complaining about not having enough paper, he at least wanted to write as much as he could. At most, he could get all the ones that he read through different works of dramatic literature, such as Finnish-Ugrian works, Greek tragedies, even back to the Incas and the Mayas, where work could only have been based off the little evidence that they had. He wasn't a huge drama-nerd for nothing.

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Name: Hachi Tadashima

Location: History

Hachi stood outside the classroom, gathering the courage to go inside. He wasn't usually like this but as he was trying to get to class he had the thought 'What if I get yelled at for being late? That wouldn't be good-- that wouldn't be good at all!' and ended up sending himself into a bit of a panic. After a minute or two he sighed and took a deep breath, opening the classroom door.

"I'm not too late, am I?" He asked as he poked his head around the door.

Name: Quinn

Location: Cafeteria-History

Interaction: No one

Tags: @sprouhtt @Entarriance

Quinn frowned as the boy left. "I would have agreed to a pleasent conversation." He spoke to the air, before standing and making his way through the halls. "History eh.. well this might be interesting. About the trolls I might ask how they have cultivated in the past." He murmured in a decisive tone, before areuving at the class room.

Drifting past the buzz of the beginnings of class, Quinn sat furthur to the back, observing the students around him. The teacher seemed studious enough, and well enveloped in her work. He observed, watching her calmly tell a kid to put his cigarette away.
Name: Setsuna

Location: History

Tag: @sprouhtt

Setsuna nodded. " This is pretty easy tho. " He said as he pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. And began writing.

Name : Amber

Location: History

Tag: @the unnamed beast

Amber smiled at Raven. " Hey , how was your morning. " he asked as he pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil.
Name: Raven Lee

Location: Hstory

Tag: @djinnamon

"It was okay.... I like my Roommate so......" she said with a shrug as she looked towards the front of the class. Some guys tried to come up to her but she ignored them by putting her hood on and just looking away from them. "What about yours?"
Aio said:

  • Theda nodded to his request. Leaning on one of the desks as she crossed her arms. "Doing well. New school year, new students. I can feel the excitement in the air. Can't wait to see what they have in store can you?" She asked as she leaned forward, some of her green hair falling over her shoulder as she did so. You could tell she was excited. She was like this every year, just the thought of kids with new abilities fascinated her.

    @Ami the breadling

The Creator shrugged. "I... Kind of know already?", he said. Then he smiled at her. "My sister is among the newbies.", he told Theda. He took out a packet of cigarettes and offered her one.
Name: Samuel J. Pentaghast.

Location: History ClassRoom

Interaction: Kiyoko, Ryoichi, Akashima, Moka, Haci and Aratorio

Tag: @iChaotic @sprouhtt @Arubion Sivart @Camelot

Samuel walked up to Aratorio's desk, placing a hand on it, "You'd be surprised at how some people know very few gods... Even if they are one themselves." Turning quickly on his heels, he looked at the class, "Due to Mr. Aratorio's behavior, you all have a new homework assignment. Name every single Roman Emperor and Chinese Emperor. You have Mr. Aratorio to thank for your homework."

Walking over to the twins, Kiyoko and Ryoichi, he took the paper airplane from Kiyoko's hand, "Do both of you wish for detention? I have no problem having you two be my first prey." He simply felt like being a bit more strict today. Usually he was laid back, didn't care what happened and a fun teacher, but She-Devil was here, so he had to be professional.

Samuel looked over as a student, who was late entered the classroom. He offered a bright smile, "Hello. No need to be afraid, choose anywhere to sit. We are in the middle of a Pop Quiz. Name as many Gods as you can. An easy grade. Something some people don't understand."

(When you decide to be strict cause the She-Devil is here)
The Unamed Beast]Name: Raven Lee Location: Hstory Tag: [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23808-djinnamon/ said:

"It was okay.... I like my Roommate so......" she said with a shrug as she looked towards the front of the class. Some guys tried to come up to her but she ignored them by putting her hood on and just looking away from them. "What about yours?"
" I haven't meet them yet. " He said before he began writing after a while he finished.
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: History Class

Interation:@djinnamon @Jacob Berry

Tag: @djinnamon @Jacob Berry

Moka shook her head, "still.." she sighed as she wrote her name on the quiz and began to answer the questions and short answers that were given. When she was done with her test, she got up and went over to Mr. Pentaghast and placed the test on his desk facing down. Moka didn't say a word to him nor did she look at him, she was going to try hard this year to not interact with Mr. Pentaghast. Moka turned and walked back to her seat near Satsuna. Moka sat in her seat with her head turned to the side as she looked at the window and saw the girls and boys housing in the far distance.

Name: Akira Akashima

Alias: HeadMistress Akashima

Location: History Class

Interation: @Jacob Berry

Tag: Nobody

Before the Headmistress had walked out of the door she heard Mr. Pentaghast taking a stance in keeping his students in order, but she knew he was just showing her that he can be just as professional as her. Akashima shrugged her shoulders a bit as she gave Mr. Pentaghast one last look before leaving the classroom.
Theda rolled her eyes in his response, jokingly, pushing off the desk as she walked towards him. "That's right. Oh I can't wait. I'll make sure to introduce myself properly." She held a hand up to the cig he offered her, never one to smoke in school. "Aren't you afraid the Head Mistress might find out about your habit?" She said gesturing to the pack of cigs in hand. She could already smell the smoke accumulating in her room, walking over to the windows to open them, trying to get some fresh air flowing.

@Ami the breadling
Name: Aratorio

Location: History

Interaction: Samuel J. Pentaghast

Tag: @Jacob Berry

Aratorio would laugh a bit. He'd sit in his chair somewhat disliking this teacher for his antics. He would think to himself and figured out of everyone here, he must be in the younger half. He'd be half tempted into turning his desk into a sword but wouldn't due to the rules.
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: History

Interaction: Mr Pentaghast

Tag: @Jacob Berry

Both of the twin's eyes widened at the fact they had just been assigned homework. Kiyoko pouted slightly before her expression changed to a scowl. She gave an evil glare at Aratorio before the teacher walked to their desk.
"Oh we wouldn't mind sir, I guess you could say we'd like to get to know you better." She replied with a grin. "Ain't that right Ryo?" She added as she nudged her brother. "Indeed. It'd be a lot of fun to spend some time with you." Ryoichi chuckled before he looked back down at the desk and put his pen in his mouth.

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Aio said:
Theda rolled her eyes in his response, jokingly, pushing off the desk as she walked towards him. "That's right. Oh I can't wait. I'll make sure to introduce myself properly." She held a hand up to the cig he offered her, never one to smoke in school. "Aren't you afraid the Head Mistress might find out about your habit?" She said gesturing to the pack of cigs in hand. She could already smell the smoke accumulating in her room, walking over to the windows to open them, trying to get some fresh air flowing.
@Ami the breadling
Azazius shrugged. "I am smoking since like a few billion years. The headmistress won't change my habit no matter how she tries. Plus she knew it when she asked me to teach here.", he replied and then put the packed away again.

Name: Ki

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Samuel J. Pentaghast

Tag: @Jacob Berry

Ki only knew so much about gods, she never really bothered to learn about them. After all, she was still rather
human, it's not like she knew everything and anything about gods. Only the things she's heard from a few people, maybe the things that sparked her interest, but nothing about it in great depth.

Feeling as if she failed, she grudgingly stood up from her desk, pushing the chair back a little. Walking up towards the teacher's desk, she laid her single piece of paper on the desk with the others, face down of course. Briefly making eye contact with the teacher, she turned back towards her desk. They had even more homework now?!

Writing down that as well, she could probably have help from Luc, who loved drama's and stuff like this more than he loved tea, which was extremely impressive.


Name: Luc

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Samuel H. Pentaghast

Tag: @Jacob Berry

Ecstatically writing a good 3 pages, front and back, on the piece of paper that was out in front of him, he pretty much listed every single deity from all of the classical plays that he read, which was a lot. He wasn't way into all the present day plays, but he absolutely loved works of art such as Sophocles and Shakespeare. After he wrote as much as he thought that he could write, he walked up behind Ki, who seemed rather glum in the fact that she didn't name a whole ton. Sucks for her, not listening to all his vents like that. Placing his paper face down on the desk, he looked towards the teacher with an intrugied expression on his face.

"If you're truly Apollo, does that mean those plays happened? Such as your battle with the becursed Python of Delphi, or the tragedies the Eumeniedes?"

There were almost stars in his eyes as he looked at the teacher, as if he was a puppy. The fact that all of the tragedies and plays that he loved so much could be true would obviously be a thrill to him, especially since it was written so far back. It wouldn't surprise him if they weren't, as if they were simply plays, but who knows. Historical irony could take it's place here, just as much.

Raven continued to take notes during class. Some guys looked back at her but she payed it no mind. "Why do guys have a scale for girls....." she muttered to herself as she waited for more notes

Name: Raven Lee

Location: History

Tag: @djinnamon

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