We, The Forgotten

Beast sighed ignoring the cry of amber and tore the bottom of his pants covering her wounds. "I'm trying to help you just hold still." he growled and pinned her arms down with legs while he worked. "I'm sorry ok but I can't help it when I change." he said and let her up when he was done.
Elizabeth sat up carefully and watched him with frantic eyes. She tried to stand to see if she could walk but one her legs had been broken from when he had picked her up in his mouth. She took a deep breath and sat there trying not to move much.
Beast looked at other girl. He walked. Up to see the damage. "Sorry..." he said sighing deeply and then leaned down. He checked her leg and sighed deeper. "Anyone know how to make a cast? Maybe from wood?" he sighed and then tore more of his pants to cover a few of her more dangerous wounds.
Beast sighed deeply and stood up tall. He put his hands in his pocket and then looked down. "..." He grabbed a stick and gave it to the girl with the broken leg. He then started to walk off feeling terrible.
By this point Aella had swum back and watched the whole fight from a little way down the beach, her hair had been drying in the hot sun and she was still wearing her bikini as she laid across the sand lazily, her elbow propping her up as she watched. The amount of blood and the screams didn't seem to bother her much. That was of course until she had another one of those. Her eyes widened and she dropped back onto the sand, looking up at the sky with wide eyes until she blacked out completely.

'Oh shut up! You're just a stupid, weak little GIRL! You can't do anything about it!' A young boy of about 9 teased the 7 year old Aella as her eyes watered, "Give it back!" She was sobbing as he held the only picture she had of her Father, he had taken it from her backpack during lunch time and was teasing her now, threatening to rip it to shreds. The boy grinned at her upset and he held the photo above Aella's head, the kids crowding around them cheered as he tore the photo on purpose, only slightly of course. Aella's eyes widened and suddenly her upset turned to fury as she yelled at the boy, "I SAID GIVE IT BACK!" She roared at him but he just laughed, seeming to ignore her sudden anger, 'Why don't you make me! You stupid girl! This old man's ugly anyway! Why do you want a picture of an ugly person!' Aella glared at the boy and let out a roar that mimicked a tiger perfectly. The kids around them gasped as they watched the small, defenseless seven year old girl turn into a snarling white tiger cub with sharp claws and teeth. The cub leapt at the boy and the smell of blood filled the air around them (Amber and Elizabeth's blood) as its clawed raked down the boy's soft skin, leaving long red gashes as the boy let out a terrified scream (actually Amber) the kids around them ran away yelling and screaming, off to get a teacher as terror filled them. Within a few seconds Aella was back to a human and she was staring at the mutilated body of the boy who had once teased her. She looked down and slowly picked up the photograph of her Daddy, ignoring the tear in the corner and the few scratches around the edges as she had enough intelligence to run from the school, to run from the dead boy.

Aella's eyes shot open and she immediently closed them again as the sun hit her, she rolled onto her side and buried her face in the sand as she lay unmoving. Waited for her eyes to re-adjust and for the image, sounds and smells of the dead boy to go away.
Violet watched the rest of the events play out from afar. She was a bit disappointed she had arrived too late for the fight, yet relieved everyone was alive. Amber was in bad shape but she would heal, and so would Elizabeth's leg. Violet thought of how the girl who greeted her had wanted to have everyone working together. Looking at all the choas, she wondered if that was possible. She sat down in the sand, under a large tree and looked out into the ocean.
Honovi chased after the creature that was attacking Amber, spear still out. He slid to a stop when the creature became human. "What the heck just happened?" he asked, not sure how he should respond. Since the boy had just attacked someone so viciously, his instinct told him that this person probably wasn't safe to be around, but he seemed...apologetic? It was strange. He watched the boy leave, figuring he could deal with that later, and crouched down next to the two injured girls. "Is there anything I can do to help either of you?" he asked. He didn't know much about medicine, but he believed the fishing stream was safe for use, not containing the salt that the ocean did. Wounds were supposed to be cleaned out with water, right?

Kora stayed where she was when the fight had moved, not wanting to get involved whe nshe was obviously fairly useless in that area. When the boy left, however, she went after him, deciding to get some info while everyone else was worried aboutthe injured ones. "What the hell was that about?" she called after him. "You attack someone, and then just run off? Who do you think you are?" Because of how far away she had been, she was oblivious to the apologetic tone he had taken after becoming human again. All she saw in him was the beast that had attacked the chick tha Honovi found.
Aella sat up now and she sighed, she still had that picture. On this island aswell. It was her only clue to helping her find her Father. She pulled herself up and swept up her clothes from where she had left them, walking off into the forest, not realizing she was headed in the direction of Beast and Kora. When she of course heard Kora yelling she dropped back and watched from afar, stepping back so and very silently climbing up a tree so that she could be hidden and watch at the same time. She sharpened her ears so that she could hear what they were saying to eachother.
Beast looked at her and growled. "It's not my fault I can't control it....All I can do is get away from all of you!" He yelled back and then started running. He didn't look back. He just wanted to run like he always did. Of course her making him mad wasn't helpping the fact that he didn't want to transform again.

Amber looked at him and sat up. "..." He glared at him and then slowly tried to get up. Only to fall back down. Tears in her yees from the pain. "I never should have came out here I was safer in the forest!" She said more mad at herself then honovi. Although her yelling was more directed at him.
elizabeth took the stick and twirled it in her hand. If only she could get to the water, water would help. It would speed the healing process. She once again tried to get up, to no avail. She sighed and began to crawl, knowing it was childish she laughed a bit. athe laughter was stopped by a shock of pain from her leg. It was just a few feet away, she could make it.
Rosa watched the beast attend to the others her amber eyes glinting in anger. Droplets of blood mingled with her coat but when she turned her head she realized it was just scratch the real damage was to her ribs but once again Rosa could deal with that pain. She sat silently watching as every handled their own problems, as one struggled towards the water the kitsune walked towards the girl wondering how she could help.
Rune was oblivious. No, not quite; he could never be truly oblivious. He could still taste the aftertaste of blood, and hear yells from the island. But he simply continued swimming slowly away.

When the sea-serpent cry had sounded though, he had whipped around. It wad the call of another serpent- it sounded distinctly female- but he knew there were no other serpents in these waters. Dashing back to the site of the battle, he searched, ignoring the fight. He let out a few cries himself, knowing that the humans couldn't hear him through the water.

No, there was no other, as he ultimately decided. Back on land, the beast had disappeared. Curious, as a young boy might be curious of a beetle he finds in a yard, Rune watched them from under the water for a while. His mind was on other things, though... For a while, he'd had a nagging suspicion that another creature had entered the water. A large one, not a human, not a mermaid. His senses told him so. The nagging grew stronger by the moment, until he turned himself around and swam towards where his instincts told him. It wasn't another serpent, no, no. Something else. Something vaguely familiar...
Kira heard him though. Since she was a shapeshifter and often made her ears be able to hear better she heard him. She crawled to the water and entered it. She turned into a smaller fish, then a seal and set her clothes on land. She dived under before shifting into a serpent. Still injured though she did not go to far from land. She to was curious about the real one. Having never shifted into one or even met one she was trying out the new body.
Violet walked to the same area with the huts. She picked up the rabbits she had hunted and started skinning them. Once skinned, Violet took the rabbits and slid a stick through all three at once. She started slowly roating them over the fire. --------------------------------- ((If anyone's character is hungry they can come wait for a rabbit to be cooked. Violet's lonely.))
Honovi jumped back, not expecting Amber's glare. "Uh...I'll...I'l go get some water..." he stammered, standing and backing away. He was afraid to talk to Amber, because he didn't want to anger him more. He did his best to walk to the forest, ignoring the nervous urge to run. When he reached the water, he sat down beside it, and untied a strip of cloth he used as a belt. Although a piece of clothing would probably work better, but the strip would have to do, being as it was all he had. What could have happened? he thought, thinking back over the last few moments. Had he not responded fast enough? He slammed his fish on the bank, angry at himself. Although he felt at the time that he had responded immediately, he was now aware of how long it took for him to stand and run up to the creature who had been attacking her. To he, it must have felt an eternity. But, there was nothing he could do about it now. All he could do was offer help when possible, and pray time would heal what little friendship they had made in the short time they knew each other.

Kora sneered as the boy ran off. Having missed a major part of the action, she did not believe that he 'could not help it.' "Yeah, you better run." she spat, although mostly to herself. "'Cause I'm not letting you near camp again, if I can help it." With that, she turned on her heel and began walking back to camp, oblivious to the fact Aella was observing.
Amber jumpped from the water still in serpent form and the back into the water. She was testing herself out. Although the water stung her wounds which were visible clearly. She watched Honovi slightly though. She didn't want to talk to him ether. She was pretty upset. She know about beasts they tend to have no control and often attack randomly. In the worse cases they mark their pray for later attacks. Which is exackly what beast did. Trying to get the scent off her she was swimming fast through the water.
Maris heard a low rumbling reply that echoed through the waves. She called again but this time more quietly and she swam lithely through the waves, despite her feelings of entrapment she couldn't deny the beauty of her environment. She was used to chilly water were only seaweed grows and she was forced to constantly move in order to stay warm. These waters had vibrantly colored life and the water was toasty, most likely from the constant sun.

Maris flicked her tail, similar in shape to a shark, and shot forward. Then she saw him, he was a true sea serpent unlike her who was a sea dragoo and a bit smaller.
Rune saw a shape coming towards him, through the water. He had heard it first, and he knew it wasn't another sea serpent... so what was it?

He floated closer. The creature was larger than him, and much more defined... there were purple fins stretching off the side of its body, and long, spiky webbed ridges running down its considerable length. Its head was sharp, pointed, and its eyes burned bright green.

Rune compared the new creature to himself. He had no extra embellishment, like a water snake for all purposes. His only fin was at the end of his tail, which acted like a rudder; he moved through the water without flapping, or swimming, just going like a snake over dirt. His head ended bluntly, which made it easier to eat larger food, and was flat, rather than pointed. He was painted blue, to blend in with the sea, while the other creature was a prominent purple. After all, who did it need protection from? Anyone who tried to swallow it would have the inside of its throat ripped up by those ridges.

The creature couldn't be that aerodynamic. It was larger, sure, and probably stronger; but also, the dove is faster than the elephant. Rune ventured close, and called out a question; a wordless question, really, simply wondering, "Who are you?"
Amber turned to see there were two of them. She dove towards land and then changed back human. Relizing that was a mistake before she got on land she turned into a dog ran onto land and then grabbed her clothes. She saw Honovi seemly to be upset. Her ears went down and she drug her getting to be wet clothes with her over to honovi. She sat down in dog form by him.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Beast smells food and although he would hate to, walked back to the beach. He smelled the food and sat down by a girl. Voilet. He looked at her and then after a while spoke. "um can I have some?" he asked feeling a bit weird. He really shouldn't be here but hunger was getting the best of him. (I would have amber but it would be out of her character.)
Maris paused watching the serpent, "I am Maris," she replied studying him. He reminded her of a larger version of the sea snakes she had seen before. He blended perfectly with background and if it weren't for his slight movements and bright eyes he would be near impossible to see. "You are?" she asked her eyes flicking as a large grouper swam behind him. She smirked knowing that at least, for a while the hunting would be good.
Honovi saw the dog beside him, and sighed. "Is that you, Amber?" he asked sadly, although he could have answered his own question. Maybe it was because he wasn't aware of anyone on the island who could become a dog, or perhaps he could tell by the expression, but he somehow knew. "Look, I'm sorry about what happened. I tried to react as fast as I could, but maybe it wasn't fast enough. I understand if you're mad at me, but I want you to know that I'll do whatever I can to try to make it up to you, even though that may be near impossible. I only thank the Great Watermaker...or whatever deity might exist in this world...that you survived, and I'm allowed to try to mend things as well as possible." He continued soaking the cloth strip in the water, although it was already saturated with water, still feeling too bad to meet her eye.
Rosa flicked her tails and slipped into the salty water, she loved a good swim but right now she wanted to clean off this wound. It burned and she gnashed her teeth letting out a low growl until it dulled a bit. She lay down holding her head high above the water as her fur became drenched. Once again everyone had their own thing going on but it was interesting just to watch. Tensions were already running high and she figured it wouldn't be long before another fight broke out.
Amber sighed deeply and looked at him. She looked at her clothes and picked them up. She turned into a snake and slithered in side. Shifting human, her clothes covered her while she fixed them. "I'm sorry." She said and looked at Honovi and then sighed. Her clothes not only were sticky from blood but they were pretty wet. She sat down again beside him and put her head on her knees. Although she was in a lot of pain and the salt water was not helpping she still did so. "I...Guess....I understand...." She said sighing again.

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