We, The Forgotten

Honovi watched her, feeling slightly happier that she accepted his apology, but still feeling like crap about what happened in the first place. "You don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." he told her, shaking his head. He took the cloth out of the water and squeeze the excess out. "Now, you look like you might still in pain. Would you like me to wash out your wounds, or are you waiting for them to just close up, instead?" He held up the wet cloth, as an extention of the question.
Violet had just finished roasting the rabbits when Beast showed up. "Yeah." Violet replied, giving the boy one of the rabbits before noticing who he was. "You're that boy, the one who attacked the girls not long ago." She recalled, as she took one of the two remaining rabbits off the stick to eat.
Beast looked at her and sighed a bit. "Yeah....Sorry I just can't control myself when the beast comes out. I'm just gald I didn't kill anyone this time." He sighed and looked at the rabbit. Suddenly he wasn't so hungry. Instead he kind of picked at it.

Amber nodded and looked at him. "..." Suddenly she wasn't so talkitive anymore. Although it was kind of hurting to do anything at this point. She shouldn't have pushed the shifting thing. Looking at the water she closed her eyes. "..." She looked back to the forest.
Rune had noticed the grouper as well. It wasn't really a scent, or a sound, or a sight. He just felt it.

He also noticed the creature- Maris, as it said- eyeing the fish. It wasn't the subtlest of beasts- well, for the matter, it was a prominent purple, had flashy spikes all over and much too large to stay hidden well. He guessed it had no need to go unseen.

Rune wasn't hungry, but he whipped backwards and snapped the grouper up anyways, without having to see it. He struck with the swiftness of a viper; the fish hardly had a chance. Wander within ten feet of a sea serpent's mouth, and you're as good as dead.

He was showing off; he felt decidedly put off by the gaudy appearance of Maris. Gulping the meat down down, he replied- "I am Rune."

He thought for a moment, then altered his previous question. "What ​are you?"
"Hey, Cal, take a look at this!" Fal boasted, holding up a squirming, silver fish that he had caught himself. He had been practicing for quite a long time, and he managed to catch one. "It's so slippery!" he complained, holding it up high in the air, trying not to get hit with a fin.

"It took you quite some time, didn't it..?" said Cal, flashing him a wry smile. "I already figured out how to create a fire, and what are you doing? Goofing around with one fish that you caught. One fish." Cal sighed. He didn't even know why they were captured yet. As Fae, they were supposed to have some sort of... special ability? But ever since they had arrived on the island, nothing special had happened to them. Or rather, they didn't not produce anything special. So, there was actually no point of having Cal and himself at the island.

"Jeez, what goes on in a human's mind?" he mumbled to himself. Rather than do him no good and get Fal involved, Cal preferred to keep things to himself, and only talk to him in times of desperation. Which hasn't happened a lot so far.

They cooked the fish over the fire, awkwardly taking turns roasting it by turning it at a steady pace. They had found a strange shaped stick, and Cal argued that a much straighter one would do them better, but Fal said that as long as it was big enough, it'll do.

... Not really.

"Ouch!" Fal winced in pain as the fish fell into the puny fire once again, and scrambled to save it from practically nothing at all. He looked over at Cal, who was sitting peacefully at the base of a large tree. "When do we get to eat it?"

"Until it's cooked," replied Cal blatantly. "What, did you want to eat it raw?" He watched in amusement as Fal winced in disgust.

"Say..." Fal began.


"I didn't even say anything yet!"

"Yes, you did."

"When? Agh-- never mind."

Fal paused, and Cal patiently waited for him to continue.


"I was just wondering, do you think anybody else is on this island? Because I don't remember seeing anybody other than us here," he said, looking at Cal. "Do you think we'll ever meet one? Because I want to." He smiled his trademark goofy smile, when caused Cal to smile back, only slightly.

"I don't know, Fal. I don't know..." If they ever did, Cal wasn't so sure if they were going to be friendly. If they did happen to meet somebody, then he was hoping that they would meet somebody kind enough to show them how to survive. "I don't know..."
Violet understood what Beast meant. She remembered she and her mother having to control thereselves when they got angry. Many times they had ended up killing someone and had to flee. "I'm sure the others will understand." She said, "Everyone here is nonhuman."
Beast sighed. "Not that one girl....she's not here right...she tild me to stay away...but I guess the smell of food brought me back. Ironic that I'm not hungry anymore." He sighed again. He turned away from his food. "..."
Violet frowned. "I guess not everyone, but I'm sure some people on this island will understand." She paused to rip a piece of the rabbit meat and chewed it slowly. "You are not the first "mythical" creature to lose control. I know I have countless times."
Beast nods and looks at her. "I see..." He looked down taking a bite out of his rabbit. "I'm sorry." He said looking at the sand sighing deeply. He sniffs around a bit and sighs. "Most beast don't ever get control of the beasts within. In fact we always have to be alone. It's a curse."
Elizabeth reached the water finally and sighed as she dipped into the deep blue ocean water. She smiled and closed her eyes as her legs switched to a tail.
Fal and Cal finished the last of their fish, and began to walk again, carefully destroying their small camp before they went. It was night now, and they could exhale a wispy mist from their mouths.

"Hey, Cal, come take a look at this!" Fal exclaimed.

"What is it now?" moaned Cal. He couldn't take any more of Fal's curiosity for adventure.

"Look at those two," he whispered, quieter now. He was pointing in the direction of the beach, and one could make out two figures illuminated by the light of the moon. "Want to go check it out?"

"No," Cal replied, instantly whipping around a walking in the opposite direction. Fal grabbed him, and dragged him to the beach.

"Hey! You guys! We come in peace!"

OOC: Fal is talking about Beast and Violet.
Beast got up and turned around to see two figures coming towards them. "Oh...Hi." He said looking at them and then at Voilet then back at the two. "I'm beast." He said with a bit of a smile. (Ugh writers block)
"What are you?" she asked, hoping not to sound rude. Violet stood up too when she heard someone calling to her and beast. She smiled a greeting to the two figures coming towards her, although she doubted they could see it.
Beast looks at Voilet real quick and then sighed. "We are just called beasts." He said to her and then looked at the new comers. "..." He was unsure what to do and was quite scared he'd lose control again. The beast loves to kill and hunt. He was unsure if he could keep it inside long enough to get away from them.
"Hey! My name's Fal! This grumpy one here's Cal!" he gestured to Cal in a friendly manner, who seemed to be quite wary of their new... 'friends'.

Cal said nothing. He was observing the new figures from head to toe. Something about them made him feel insecure around them, and that they weren't the best to be around. But he remembered his manners.

"Hello. My name is Cal," he said. If he was going to be here with these strangers, he might as well ask them a few things. "First of all, why are we here? Both my brother and I don't have any reason to be here. I th--" He was stopped short by Fal, who had jumped on top of him, rubbing his knuckles on his head.

"Now, now, don't bore them with your brain," he chuckled, looking at the people. Cal's eyes narrowed, and he silently chastised Fal's easygoing nature.
Maris smiled as he snapped up the grouper, "I am a sea dragoo but I never shift into my partial human form so I am mainly a sea dragon," as she said this the creature realized she couldn't remember the last time she shifted. Every now and then she used to shift to hide from the people but even then it was only for a a few hours. Maris had always felt awkward and small in her mermaid form, less powerful and ready for anything. She noticed him eye her spikes and fins and ridges, "I have never seen a sea serpent and based on your questions you have never heard of much less seen a sea dragoo?" Maris called.
Beast sighed and rubbed his arm. "I have no Idea...." He said and then looked down. "Please excuse me...I'm Beast." He said and then looked at them both. "It is nice to meet you." He added with a smile holding out his hand. "I'm sorry i have no info for you I don't any of us know to much. I just came here." He said and then sighed. Looking at the sand he sighed still having his hand out. "..."
Violet smiled at the two brothers. "I am Violet. Nice to meet you." She thought kids were adorable. ((they are kids right? or did i misunderstand?)) "As for where are we and why are we here, I am sorry to say I do not know either. Like Beast said, I doubt anyone on the island knows the answer to those questions." She felt bad. She hated not knowing where she was but she felt terrible for the two brothers. They were still so young, or at least looked that way.
Honovi watched her, waiting for a response. When he didn't get one, he took a deep breath, and reach forward, placing the cold cloth on one of her wounds. He squeezed it slightly, so that water would run into it and wash away the blood, as well as and dirt or other impurities that might have entered it. The last thing they needed was someone getting an infection while they were on the island.
Amber slightly flinched as he did. She looked at him and then looked down. She didn't know what to say. In fact she wasn't sure she wanted to talk. She looked at the wound and then shivered a bit. She sighed deeply and just tryed to relax alittle. She closed her eyes a bit and then took a deep breath. She looked at him again and then looked at the sky. "Well at least the sky is clear." She smiled a bit.
Rune considered what Maris had said. A sea dragoo. With a partially human form. Like the girl who could turn into a cat, or the man who he had witnessed turn from beast to human. It was true; he had never seen one of Maris's kind; although he did recall, dimly, hearing rumors of them. They had been called incredibly strong, and fast. Whether they were faster than sea serpents, he didn't know. "I have not seen your kind before," he responded to her question, truthfully.

He pondered what to do next. His meager curiosity about the purple creature had been satisfied; except, of course, the extent of its abilities. So- to end his questions- he asked, "I have heard your kind is swift. How fast are you?"

Really, Rune wanted to know which of them was faster. If they were going to share the territory around the island....
Maris smiled at the question, she had really hoped he would ask. With all of her spin and ridges smoothed against her side make her look quite similar to a sea serpent for the moment. She leaned back bunching her muscles then shot forward shooting above his, Maris dove through the curls of his body aiming for the seafloor. Moments before she would hit the sandy bottom, Maris pulled up and darted back towards Rune, this brought her right in front of him snout to snout. "I don't know how fast am I?" she asked smirking a bit. The sea dragoo had no problem showing off one of her finest skills.
Rune glared. If she wanted to play like that, he could show off as well. Besides, she wasn't that fast- they would be evenly matched.

He sank lower into the water, moving with the waves until he knew he must be invisible to her. Quickly, he snapped himself upwards and over the dragoo, hoping to make her flinch, before freezing so that his underbelly would blend in with the sky. He slowly snaked downwards, keeping himself out of sight, before he rushed forwards again, did a loop around her body and snapped the rest of his tail after him like a whip. He skidded to a halt in front of her, then- grinning, as much as a sea serpent could- immediately disappeared again. However, this time he drifted downwards and to the side; if Maris knew where to look for him, she could see him perfectly.

He thought himself like a wraith. Disappearing- and appearing again somewhere else.

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