We, The Forgotten

(I want someone to interact with Aella! D: It's hard to make her start the interaction 'cause it's not her personality)

Aella left her hiding spot, swinging down the tree lazily and heading back onto the beach where the smell of food was too sastifying to be resisted. As she neared and saw the people surrounding the food, she purposely stuck her head farther into the air, trying her best to give off the confidence she thought she so desperately needed. She strided over to them and swiped up the fish with her hand, without another word she walked off from their spot and placed herself away from them, biting into the food and looking out at the sea silently, she didn't care if they thought her rude, she was here to survive and hopefully escape. Nothing more, nothing less. Or so she told herself.
Rune was searching the floor out of the corner of his eye. His display for Maris had been flawless, but if he stayed where he was any longer the dragoo would locate him. He needed a crevice, or cave, where he could do a vanishing act and finish his showing off. After all, he wanted the last word; and what better last word was there than to disappear from sight?

Hidden behind a tangle of anemone, Rune saw a ravine. It slipped into the ocean floor, parallel to the shoreline, and was easily big enough for Maris to follow him... but then again, there would be smaller caves in a trench like that. Moving fluidly, always swimming as if he was part of the waves, he danced towards the pit and slid into it. Finding an opening in the wall, close to the bottom, he swam into there. It was comfortably large, if dark. Maris would not find him.

Rune felt a small sense of triumph. He still had his skills.
Maris's eyes flicked following the fleeting form, he was in fact as fast as her and he blended well. As he snapped past her, the force of his tail flicking through the water actually moved the dragoo. She was in fact just as impressed but hiding really wasn't her thing, she liked to see the sun above her head and to feel the warmth of it against her scales. Maybe that was why she stuck to the seaweed near in what she considered the shallows. It was also probably why she was drawn to the coral reefs near the island.
Rune, sure that Maris hadn't followed, ventured deeper into the cave. It was surprisingly deep; a cave this big would have some sort of sea creature nesting in it already. However, when he called out, he got no response; and there was no sign of previous inhabitants in the area, except for fish. Even the fish were limited in number, as the cave became pitch black.

The sea serpent felt his way forward by the way the water moved; if the water blew against him, there was a wall. If the water blew away, there was empty space. It was not unlike a bat's echolocation, but much less precise.

Curious, he felt the wall. It was stone- no surprise there- and spiky and ridged at sections. He was reminded of Maris. However, large portions of the wall were smooth; and he could make out something carved into it. Whether by accident or by hand, he didn't know... but he suspected they might be symbols. Runes.

The cave was ridiculously long. Why hadn't he reached the end, yet? He had been moving slowly because of the darkness, but he should have reached the end by now. This was no cave; it was a tunnel. Perhaps it spread under the entire island.

Currently, spots of lights appeared on the wall. Closer examination revealed them to be glowing moss- he had only encountered this once before, deep in a trench. Now that he could see, Rune sped forward.

The tunnel curved upwards, and he found himself bursting through the surface of the water. He was not out in the ocean, however, but in a cave! More glowing lichen lighted the area. There were stony stalactites hanging down from the cavernous ceiling, and massive stalagmites bursting from the floor. The space was huge; as large as the land-dweller's camp, if not larger. A wide river meandered from where the tunnel originated across the cave, ending in a lake over at the edge of the area.

Rune swam down the river, and around the pond. What was this area? Poking his head out of the water, he felt moving currents of air; so there was another passageway out of this cave. If there was, it was on land; and hidden by some rock formations. Was anyone there? He chanced on crying out, wordlessly. It was, again, an inquiry. Was anyone there?

It echoed back and forth across the stone, creating an entire pod of sea serpents, before it slowly died out. Whatever it was, the cave seemed uninhabited.
Maris smiled as Rune made the mistake of calling out, of course it might not be a mistake he was probably bored with their game of skills. The sound came from far below in the water depths and Maris followed the vibrations to the opening of a cave. Taking one last peak at the sun, the creature folded her ridges and darted into the cave. Maris noted that she wouldn't have been able to move if her fins hadn't folded so tightly to her body but now she slithered freely through the underwater tunnel.

The walls were rough with ridges and barnacles but occasionally slimy pieces of underwater sea plant rubbed her scales and she shivered as the water temperature dropped again. The tunnel wound on for at least a mile but she sped through it and slowly the temperature rose as she made progress, some of the carvings seemed purposeful but it was impossible to get a good look without stopping and inspecting further which didn't interest her.

Now this glowing moss began to appear becoming more and more prominent and the tunnel curved upward revealing a beautiful cave coated in the glowing lichen. Maris pulled her head above the water level inspecting her surroundings. She could feel the vibrations of another being in the water and she figured it was Rune but she had better make sure. Sighing she slipped back under water and let out a soft call announcing her presence.
Rune turned his head at Maris' call, and slithered through the water to join her. She must have followed him down her after all.

"What do you make of this?" he asked, gesturing to their surroundings with his finned tail. He got straight to the point. Rune was not one for idle chatter. "There were symbols in the passageway. The tunnel is made by man. But what is the purpose of this cave?"

He pressed on, asking all his questions now so that he could save his breath later. "Is your other form a land-dweller?" he said. Surely Maris also felt the draft of air coming from the cave.
Maris's eyes wondered across the cave taking in her surroundings, "I think it is gorgeous, although I prefer something closer to the sun," she replied in a purring voice that rippled through the water. "It is probably a better fit for you," she finished letting her ridges and fins swell to their normal size. "Who knows why humans do things but my best bet is that this was a sacred place of worship," she said inspecting some of the carvings on the wall. Maris was surprised by his swell of questions but she didn't mind answering, "I can only shift partially I end up being a mermaid like creature," she replied wondering why he asked that final question.
Rune hesitated for a moment, then said, "Feel the air. There is a breeze. There is a passage on the land. It might lead out."

Maris would understand what he meant by "out." Out of the dome.

But he couldn't go through.

It was infuriating. Oh, what he'd do for legs at that moment!
"We can follow the draft until we hit the shoreline," Maris said when suddenly she head something on the shore of the cave. It was a kitsune, fiery red in color and as always nine tails were attached to its rear instead of just one. "Hey, look," she whispered watching the animal sit down at shore's edge, she was obviously wounded but didn't seem to distressed.

Rosa finally left the beach tired of watching everyone doing their own seperate things. She wanted her own space and to her that meant the forest. It was filled with lush plants and buzzed with life and energy. Everything moved even the trees sway and the light flickered different patterns on the rocks. As she wandered through the jungle Rosa came across this cave which oddily enough didn't seem to have an end. Rosa paused at the entrance contemplating before darting, she walked slowly through the tunnel finally arriving in a cavern with a beautiful lake.
Rune regarded the kitsune curiously. What a strange creature. What use did it have for nine tails?

He thought he'd let Maris do the talking, and instead, he swam down to the bottom of the lake. Perhaps there was some openings there. More tunnels. He wondered how the nine-tailed fox had gotten in....
Elizabeth had finally decided to come out of the water. She swam to shore and frowned as she realized she didn't have any clothes. She stayed in the water, low and quiet.
Maris watched him disappear into the watery depths, "Are you wimping out me? 'Cause I am fairly sure if it came to it, you could beat that little kitsune," she teased. She circled above him creating small ripples that could be seen from the surface, not a definite shape just enough to be noticeable.
Rune regarded Maris silently. She was taunting him. Of course, he wasn't afraid of the fox; but nonetheless, he returned to the surface.

Pointedly not looking at the sea dragoo, Rune addressed the kitsune. "Who are you?" he asked, for the third time that day.
Honovi smiled. "Yes. It wouldn't be fun if it would rain. Although I'm sure the huts we've built could protect from a light drizzle, wind would likely blow them away." He wiped away anything that might cause infection to the wound, careful not to make it worse, and then rinsed it out in the stream. Then, he continued on a different wound.


Kora came out of the woods, a short way away from the encampment. Sitting on the beach before her was the tiger girl. Aella, she thought her name was? "Oh, so you think you can just take our food and leave, eh?" she said, trying her best to sound like she was joking. "But, really, why do you avoid the huts? It's probably be more comfortable and safe in a somehwat sturdy shelter with others around you."
Amber looked at the wounds. "..." She sighed and then looked at Honovi. "Yeah." She said closing her eyes, her wounds were stinging. She opens her eyes and then looked back at the sky. She stared and sighed. She flinched and then looked at him with a look like ouch. He push alittle to much pressure there. She looked at the ground then.
Elin had been watching the sea serpent and sea dragoo silently from her place in the cove. Her long blonde hair was floating down her back in gentle waves and she cautiously decided to step forward. If she wanted to find a way off of this strange place, maybe they would be the answer? "Hello?" She spoke in the language of the sea as her deep blue eyes searched the water, she had obviously noticed that the two serpent, dragon like beings would probably understand that tongue better. Even though she spoke in the sea language, you could still hear the British accent carried within it. Her steps were cautious and rather nervous as she approached the water, "Who are you?"

Aella looked up at Kora, her eyes hard before she glanced back at the sea and spoke in a voice without any emotions, "There is nothing comfortable or safe about this damned island." She glanced up at the bat-girl before looking back at the sea, "And I'd rather not have 'others' around me." Her tone was slightly off and she bit into the fish with her sharp teeth. Waiting for Kora to go away.
Maris smirked as Rune came to the surface probably scaring the poor kitsune half to death. However that didn't to seem to be the case and as the fox-like creature replied movement out and another voice caught her attention. It was a human, but based on the language she was speaking, the girl was most likely a mermaid. "I am Maris," she replied curiously.

Rosa jumped letting a growl as the creature raised it above the water. It spoke in a language that sound like waves crashing and snakes hissing at the same time, however some of the words were she could kind of understand. Before she could fully decipher the first serpents question, another appeared but this one seemed brighter and dazzling, decked out in fins and ridges similar to a dragon. Shaking her head she started to reply finally deciding that he had asked who she was but another voice disrupted her, Rosa spun around her ears back and her eyes glinting wildly.
Rune's eyes narrowed. Even as the beach had become crowded, this cave was not the abandoned place he believed it to be at first, either. How densely populated was this island?

"I am Rune," ​he rumbled, hesitantly.
Elin nodded as she took in their names, she knelt down by the water, looking at them both, she spoke in her cautious young voice, "How did you get in here? Is there a way out?" Unlike the others, for some reason, Elin was dropped off near this area in the sea. Maybe a malfuncation happened when dropping her off. But all she knew was that she had yet to find a way out of this place and didn't even know that there were others. She got as close as she could without touching the water, because, like Honovi, if she touched the water she would change immediently.
"There is an underwater tunnel leading to the sea," said Rune, showing an unexpected bout of talkitiveness, "But it leads to a trapped-sea surrounded by walls." After a moment, he added, "It is very long."

(Something happened to my text style...)
Elin blinked, so she was trapped no matter what? By who? How? Why...? She sighed and looked at Rune, "Is there any land there? Or any.." She paused, "Humans?" She asked hesitantly, she wasn't so sure where she was or why she was there. But the only thoughts that could come to her mind was her old Scottish home, the police chief, her terrible secret being revealed. She was glad she had ran away before she saw the disappointed look in her parents eyes, finding out that their own daughter was a kelpie, a beast, would have killed them.
Rune was sympathetic for the girl. He hated being trapped. So,he divulged more information; "There are humans, or not-quite-humans, like the man who barks or the woman who grows claws. It is an island."

This said, and feeling like he was talking too much, Rune turned to Maris and the other land creature.
Elin blinked, rather confused as he mentioned barking men and woman with claws. That didn't sound like anyone from her home town, so maybe she was somewhere else? She nodded and looked at both of the sea creatures, "Is it okay if I swim back with you when you leave?" She asks gently, not wanting to seem rude. She didn't mean for them to leave immediently, she was just worried of getting lost if she went alone, she had barely found it into this cave let alone anywhere else when she had awoken.
Rune sunk lower in the water. "The passageway is too long for a human," he said. Unless this was another not-human, with gills on her neck or fin on her

Elin looked slightly uncomfortable and she muttered lightly, still loud enough for him to hear though, "I'm not human.." She spoke like she was ashamed of it; of course that is how she was raised. To be ashamed of not being human, of not being normal. "I'm a Kelpie. It's like a sea horse..." She kept her eyes on the floor infront of her, not meeting his eyes.

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