We, The Forgotten

Rune watched her carefully. She seemed ashamed to be a- a kelpie, as she said, for whatever reason. Why was she ashamed? It was a glorious privilege to soar through the water, apart from the clumsy humans who were confined to two dimensions.

"You may follow us if you can keep up," said Rune. "All of us are not-humans, remember."

And then he swam away to the lake. He was weary of the conversation.
(I've changed Beast's form to this....It is awesome!)
Maris watched the exchange one eye still pinned on the kitsune. The animal was obviously still weary of the current company but she figured most creatures were timid. "So your a kelpie, you must tell me are the myths true? Do you really draw humans to their watery death by luring them onto you back?" she asked only half teasing. She only knew the rumors of the kelpie's history and if that is how they fed she had no problem with that. You had to eat something and humans were not above the food chain.
Elin looked down uncomfortably as Maris asked about the legends, if they were true or not. Those rumours were the thing that lead to her cruel beating and the thing that caused her to run away from her home, her family. Everything she loved. She looked back up at Maris, her tone a little less shy and a lot sharper, "No." She looked away from the sea dragoo, "They just made up those rumours because they can't accept anything that is different."
"Sorry..." Honovi said, seeing Amber cringe. He tried to be gentler as he washed her wounds, although he still needed to apply a bit of pressure to make sure the wounds were clean.


Kora frowned and crossed her arms, looking up at the sky through the dome. "I don't think anyone actually wants to be here," she told her, "but there are much worse places to be stuck. At least this place is big enough for a girl to stretch her wings...or, legs, in most cases, I guess. But we're trying to get off. I don't like people, either, but we're more likely to succeed in our escape thinking as a group. So, the question should probably be, what's more important to you: Escape, or being antisocial?"
Maris nodded ignoring the girl's sharp tone, "I figured it wouldn't be true especially since you have a human form. Also horses and seahorses are herbivore I didn't think human flesh would be in your dietary plan but I had to ask," she rumbled her eyes now flicking to the kitsune beside her. "And you are?" she asked deciding the kelpie needed a break from questions. Her long elegant tail flicked under their water trying to figure out where Rune had disappeared off to.

"As I said before I am Rosa," she barked after a pause. Listening to the conversation between the creatures had been challenging, especially since the language was completely foregin to her.
Amber looked at him feeling a bit uncomfortable. "It's ok..." She said looking around. "It seems....there are many here...at first I thought it was just me." She said speaking softly with her shy voice. She looked at the water. "I was here hiding for at least a few days before I heard you." She said stretching out as best as she could for him to get to the wound. "I probably would have gine with out food for a few more if it wasn't for you." She added still looking at the water.
Elin nodded, her hardened look going as quickly as it had came when Maris spoke to the one named Rosa, she looked over at her to see she looked like a fox type creature with nine tails. She gave her a small smile and changed her language to that of air dwellers so that Rosa could understand her, when she spoke in the air language you could defiantly hear the distinct British accent within it, "Hello Rosa, I'm Elin." She spoke just to give the creature reassurance that her words were not falling on deaf ears, she then titled her head lightly, "If you don't mind me asking, what kind of creature are you?" She then looked back at Maris and switched her tongue to that of the sea once more, "I can translate between you both, if you wish." She then repeated her sentence in air speak to Rosa.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Aella listened with a sour expression until Kora asked her question, she had finished her fish by now and she sat silently for at least several minutes, not answering. Then, just as Kora probably thought she wasn't going to answer, she got up and folded her arms, looking at Kora with a hard expression, "Fine, I'll join your little 'group'. But don't expect me to suddenly turn into Sally Sunshine or anything, if someone pisses me off, they will know about it" With that said she ran off in the direction of the woods, taking off her clothes before switching into a tiger and sprinting off, she needed to be alone for now.
Honovi nodded, too focused on trying to clean out her wounds without causing more pain than neccessary to react much more. "Then I suppose it was a good think we found each other. It is reasons such as that that we are trying to gather everyone up as soon as is posible."


Kora watched her leave, an eyebrow raised. "Nobody said you had to be Miss Sunshine." she told the air where the girl had once been. Heavens knew Kora rarely smiled. On the other hand, Kora also knew that she had to suck it up and communicate with the others and do her part for the group, if any of them were to have any chance at escape. She turned on her heel and went back towards the main encampment.
Amber looks at him and then nods. "I guess I'm jkust that good at hiding." She looked at him and then looked at the water. She looked at the sky then trying not to focuss on the pain.
Honovi's attention broke for the moment while he rinsed out the cloth again. He smiled, squeezing the excess liquid out of the fabric. "Yes, that is a good talent in some respects. Although, it is an unfortunate one if it causes you to lack food. I'm very glad you came out of hiding, however."
Amber looked at him and chuckles. "I've lived in a forest all my life...I know how to get food and I've spent more days then i could count not having any when winter hit. I'm pretty use to it." She said looking at the rag. She sighed. "Although i guess I wasn't good enough to end up here, my first time out of that forest." She said looking down at the sand again, thinking, feeling home sick.
"Oh..." Honovi replied, stopping for a moment. He hadn't realized she had been so independant. He squeezed water out of the cloth one last time, before going back to cleaning her wounds. "I suppose I'm a bit jealous of that quality. And don't dwell too much on how you got here. I'd been living amoung humans for years before I got caught. I never made any effort to hide what I was from people who figured it out. At least you were caught because you ventured out of your home area, not because you were careless altogether." He turned his attention back to the task at hand, but he frowned slightly. Thinking about Amber's independence reminded him that there was a not-so-independant little selkie female who was probably wondering where he was. He hoped she had had enough common sense to not try to look for him, and went back to their real home when he didn't return to their one on land.
Amber looks at him. "Why do you think I was so afraid of you." She looks down. "..." She looked down at the sand her feet dig in the sand. She looked at him. "Thanks." She said looking at the rag. She smiled a him and then sighed deeply. She looked around for others.
Honovi shrugged. "I don't know. I supposed my fishing spear had something to do with it, though. Thinking about it now, I'm guessing your capture made you fearful of contact with those whom you don't know?" He gave her a knowing smile.
Amber looked at the sand. "Well that too...Yeah I was alone for so long, the only thing that I knew was that my mother died giving birth to me and that my dad was mistaken for a buck when I was 14." She said sighing deeply. She looked at him. "Um...what about...you?"
"I am a Kitsune?" she replied quietly relieved to hear a language she fully understood however the girl didn't need to go to the trouble of translating. "I think I can under the language of the sea in a basic manner but thank you," she replied walking to the water edge. Rosa took a closer look at the sea dragoo before turning back around so she could better face both of them. "Anybody know how they got here?" she aske.d
"I grew up in a relatively close-knit pod of other selkie." he explained, smiling at his memories. "When I was what humans would consider a teenager, I got permission to leave, in order to research humans, since our legends all described them and other land-dwellers as evil being who only wish to steal our skins and trap us on land. My first stint researching the city, a woman got extremely close to me, and I was afraid she would take my skin, so I freaked out. I've learned since that my fears are as unfounded as I always believed them to be, but I'm still afraid of women and the city to some extent. I've never lost anyone, at least not the way you have, but I do know the fear of leaving a place you're comfortable in, and how hard it is to overcome it when you have an experience that makes those fears seem true. If my pod still allows me, I'll probably still walk amoung the land-dwellers, though, because I believe that there are more good ones than bad, from what I've seen." He chuckled, then added, "I can think of a few people who would argue with that, though."
Amber looked down and nodded. "I see...so you fear me huh?' She got a wide smile on her face as she looked and him and then giggled, showing that she was joking. "I guess since you've been with them longer then me I'll take your word for it...but so far there has not been so much evedence to help out that statment. She said looking up and suddenly was struck with fear and tried to get up. Pain surged through her and she was forced to stay down.

Beast had walked up to the boy and amber. He saw amber's reaction and how she was pained when she tried to run. He put his hands up. "Please I mean no harm." He said looking at her. "I just came to see if you were alright." He backed up when amber gave him a loud growl. He looked down. "S-sorry I asked."
Elizabeth found her wet clothes on a piece of coral. She grabbed them and swam to the shore. She dressed and walked to the 'village', as she called it. She found dry clothes there and changed into them.
Honovi laughed. "Well, I saw that I have no reason to distrust you, so I'm not afraid of you anymore. It's mostly just women whom I've just met that I'm afraid of, and even then, I've reached a point that I'm usually fine, as long as they don't try to touch me." When he saw the pain Amber was in, though, he quickly lost his smile, worrying what may be wrong. He put a hand on her shoulder to ask what was wrong, and then noticed the boy who attacked her earlier. "She's doing okay. I'm trying to do what I can for what still pains her." he told him for her, since he could tell Amber didn't want to answer herself. "Is there anything else you wished to talk about, or was that all?" Since he heard the boy apologizing before, he tried to keep a neutral tone, but the way Amber reacted to him and what he had done before made him sound inadvertantly cold.
Beast looked at him. "Yeah...I marked her...did you get the scent off?" He asked looking at her. His gaze switched between the boy and the girl. He waited for an answer from amber. He wanted to make sure that he couldn't smell the marker when he turned back into a beast.

Amber nodded and then growled as Beast got closer. Once he stepped back again she was quiet. She looked at Honovi and then sighed deeply. She wouldn't be able to move fast for a few days. This was very bad for a retreater such as herself. Her main diffence was taken from her. So now she was mostly bluffing by growling at him.

Beast nodded. "Good that means there's a less chance it will try and attack you again." He said looking down. "If you knew about the scenting then you must know of beasts like me. You have to know we can't control it!" He said looking at her. WHen she didn't respond he looked down. "Listen I'm sorry....I really am I'm only trying to h-"

Amber let out another growl. She wanted him to leave. Beast own face turned cold like amber and he growled back at her. He stepped closer this time not backing down. "You are being unfair here...It wasn't my fault!" he yelled at amber. Amber saw her growls weren't enough anymore and suddenly turned to fear again.
"The scent..?' Honovi replied, confused. He supposed his nose wasn't strong enough to know what he meant. "I've been washing her wounds, but..." He closed his mouth, and watched the exchange between the two. No matter how much he tried to be the middle person, this was between them, and he could not do anything to help it, especially when he was having difficulting remaining unbiased. When the boy growled at her, however, he placed a protective arm before her, just to be safe. He did not want to watch her become injured again. "I don't believe frightening her will help your cause." he stated.
Beast looked at him and then backed off. "..." He looked at Amber and then looked down. "Right." He said and then walked off. He looked at the sand. He couldn't control his temper. It was just so hard to be stuck here. He had to be alone. That was the curse of Beasts

Amber looked at Honovi and then looked down. She started shaking thinking about she almost made him made. She swallowed hard curling into a ball. She looked at the ocean which seemed to calm her a bit. She sighed deeply. "Thanks honovi..." she said still looking at the ocean.
Honovi smiled. "Think nothing of it. It is only natural that I would want to help a friend." Now that the beast boy was gone, he backed up a bit, giving Amber a bit more personal space. Still, he made a mental note to see about talking to the boy privately some time, to see if he could figure anything out about him.

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