We, The Forgotten

Elizabeth nodded curtly "Fine. Just...thinking about my life before all of," she paused and gestured around, "this." She sighed again and dug her toes in the sand. This sand wasn't like the soft sand of Australia, it was coarse and a bit rocky.
Honovi nodded, and sighed. "Yes, many of us do that here. Hopefully, we will someday be able to get off this island, and be able to do with our lives what we wish." He noticed Amber flinch, and turned to her. "Careful..." he warned softly. "It is good to try to move, but you do not want to reopen your wounds..." He looked her over quickly, to be sure she was not bleeding again,before turning back.
Amber looked at him and sighed still watching them. She looked around the darkened beach, she slowly stretching out her sore arms. She looked at Honovi and then chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." She smiled and then looked at the girl and frowned. "Really, I don't have anything to go back to." She said looking down. She closed her eyes feeling like if they did get off this island where would she go? Back to the forest? For what? She didn't have anyone there for her. She set her head in her heads sighing deeply. She was getting use to having Honovi around, she couldn't possible stay with him if they ever did. She would be, alone.
Honovi frowned, feeling slightly guilty that he had not one, but two decent lifestyles he could return to. The fact that Amber did not made him even more determined to continue his research of land species. "If my pod allows me to continue my life on land, you are welcome to live with my sister and I." he offered. "I'm sure she would love to have another companion to live and travel with us, so that she will have one friend whom she does not need to leave behind if we move towns." He would definitly be moving towns as soon as he could after fate permitted them to leave the island, provided his younger sibling was safe in one form or another. What he did not mention was that the selkie female might have returned to their pod, and that he doubted they would allow her to leave it again, even if he did convince them to allow him. The offer still stood in that case, however.
Amber looked at him very shocked and then nodded. She smiled lightly and looked down. "You're too kind, and I accept." She looked to the side smiling still. She looked at the sand and then back at him. She wanted to hug him, but her own shyness and the fact that he said he didn't like women close held her back. She held her knees looking at the ocean again. She felt like she at least had someone now that if she got off this island she could have to stay with.
Honovi smiled at her. "I enjoy being kind, and I'm glad." he told her. "Life could get fairly lonely, having only my sister as my only permanent companion." He sighed, and joined the girls in looking at the ocean. It's strange, he thought, how I've lived in the ocean from the time I was born, and stayed relatively near it even after I left, and yet it looks so different, depending on where I am.
Amber smiled and slightly nudged him. "You are very strange to me." she giggled and then looked at the sand. "Well it's a nice strange anyway." she added and then slowly took a deep breath. She smiled lightly and then looked up at the many stars. Her mouth dropped being able to see the milky way. "Wow you could never see this near a city!" she was very happy as she looked up.
Honovi chuckled. "Why do you find me strange?" he asked, although he was already aware that he was different than most creatures. He turned back to the sky, to take in the same sights she was. "Yes, the sky is beautiful, especially this far away from electric lights. I don;t even see this many in the small town I usually stay it." He leaned back on his elbows, smiling dreamily at the sky. Although he hated being trapped on this island, he was glad that it happened, in the fact that he got to meet new people, and especially Amber. He felt that this experience would help improve almost every life on this island in some way. Oh, he hope so, at least.
Amber looked at Honovi and chuckled. "I see." She said smiling and then looked at honovi. "Well I've never met someone so nice, or protective of someone like me, someone, so scary and weak." She sighed and looked down. "Can't even defend herself from someone, like that beast." She said sighing again.
Honovi frowned, and looked at Amber. "It is not your fault you were attacked." he reassured her, honestly believing it to be so. "He came out of nowhere, and his grip on you was pretty strong. It would be surprised to see someone who could have escape him themselves." His gaze wavered slightly, as he remembered how powerless he was to help her, himself. Although everything had worked out fairly fine, he still felt guilt about the way she had gotten so injured when he should have been close enough to protect her. Stop it. I can't be thinking like that when I'm trying to stopher from thinking the same way about herself. he thought, doing his best to hide his personal doubts.
Amber looked at him. "I could have shifted into something bigger! Well, I guess I couldn't have, my clothes are torn enough." She looked at Honovi. She sighed and slowly tried to get up. She yelpped a bit and held her side. "Aw crap...." She looked at her hand, there was blood on it. Her eyes widened as she watched it drip down her arm. She stared as if it terrified her, she shook her head and then closed her hand. "Hm...." She looked and then sat back down holding the wound. "I might just have to sleep here." She chuckled joking slightly but was freaking out on the inside. SHe couldn't run or hide or get food if she shifted.
Amber's yelp caught Honovi's attention quickly, and he saw that she was bleeding again. "Amber! Just hold still for a bit. I don't think it is a good idea for you to sleep in the forest when you're injured. I'll carry you back, if I have to." His eyebrows knit together in worry as he washed the strip of cloth again, and balled it up, hoding it against the wound this time, instead of just washing it off. It wasn't thick enough to make a proper bandage for where the injury was, but it would have to do is it needed to be wrapped. He tried to think of other places to get cloth for bandages, but his thoughts were too frenzied to think of any place right away. "If your injuries continue being a problem, I may see about keeping you in a hut full time, until they're healed over, though." he told her.
Amber looked at him and looked down. "S-sorry....i...I feel much for comfortable there though, and I..." She looked at him very teary eyed. "I can't hide or run, I'm getting a bit, nervous." She said looking down again. "I've become to much of a burden for you, I can't do that to you." She said shivering a bit, she swallowed as he pressed the cloth back on the wound. It really did hurt but she held it in this time. She looked down and then gently looked over the wound and then looked at his hand. She sighed again
"No, it's fine. I just want to make sure you're okay." he told her, still holding the cloth, even after she was holding it herself. "I can't force you anywhere you don't want to go, but it would probably be safer if you were somewhere where there were almost always others around, so that nothing happens." Honovi tried to think of anything else he could do, something that might make her injuries heal quicker or at least make it easier.
Amber replaced her hand but it was set on honovi's hand, she quickly pulled it away and let him do it. Keeping in mind he doesn't like girls getting to close. She sighed again and then nodded. "Fine..." she said looking down at her legs. She wasn't to sure about it, but she did like honovi around. He was nice, and she was starting not to trust anyone more, not that she trusted anyone else.
Danielle turned into her panther form and stalked through the trees quietly. Her bright blue eyes glowed in the darkness as she padded along, her claws making a quiet CLICK noise against the twigs. She smelt two humans, and by the scent of, one was a Shifter, and the other was a Selkie. She crouched low and walked closer and closer to them with a glint in her eyes.

She poked her head through the bushes and studied both of them carefully.

~What would they be doing out here?~ She wondered silently to herself. She stepped a paw out of the undergrowth, still staring at them intently just in case they were to harm her.
Rosa slipped out of the cave crouching low as she made her way through the tiny tunnel. Her nine tails were the biggest problem, they all seemed to have a mind of their own. The moment she got one settle and low another flicked about thus releasing a spray of dirt onto her back.
Honovi continued to hold the ball of cloth to the wound, until it was mostly under control, and then washed as much blood out as he could, oblivious to the new individual watching them. He squeeze water out, watching the water around it grow red, then pink, before drifting away entirely. He acted as if he hadn't noticed the brief moment Amber had touched his hand, but he had. And he hadn't minded it as much as he might with other females. The more time he spent, helping her or even just talking to her, the more comfortable he felt around her. It made him happy to have someone whom he couldfeel close to again. He could tell she was still iffy, though. Deciding there wasn't much more he could do, in terms of cleaning the cloth, he turned back to Amber and wrapped it around her waist, as a precaution. "Would you like to go back now, or spend a little more time out here?" he asked, holding a hand out a hand, so that he could help her up if she wanted to return to the circle of huts.
Aella noticed the black panther and stood, now in her human form with her wild red wavy hair, bright blue eyes and slender body, leaning against a tree as she watched her. She seemed to be spying on the seal boy and timid girl. "Having fun?" She spoke dryly and waited for the panther to turn and face her, she knew it wasn't a real animal, because of the scent, but whether it was male or female was yet to be found out.
Danielle turned her icy gaze to Aella and she didn't say a word. Nothing at all. She simply took a step backwards and a deep growl formed in her chest. Her pelt began bristling angrily and her long white claws unsheathed with a threat. Her gaze threw invisible daggers at Aella as she dug up a glowing mushroom and slowly padded out towards Honovi and Amber. She gently set the herb down by the Selkie's side and watched him intently. She pointed a claw at the mushroom, than to Amber, gesturing that Amber should eat the herb if she wanted to heal properly.

She backed up a few steps so she wouldn't alarm them, than she sat down and wrapped her gray tail around herself.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(And Danielle isn't a black panther. She looks like this--->> http://cs11391.vkontakte.ru/u41327782/-6/x_a97aae34.jpg
Amber looked at him and then watched as he put the clothe around her. She nodded and then took his hand slowly standing up. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired..." She said looking at him. She smiled lightly and then held to head feeling light headed for a second. She looked at Honovi and gave him a smile to reassure him that she was alright. She was feeling quite happy to have him around. At least he was nice and very kind to her. She looked around.
Danielle huffed in annoyance when they didn't even notice her standing right in front of them. Her fur bristled up and she gave out a slight roar just to get there attention. Than she turned her gaze to Amber and pointed a white claw at the glowing mushroom, motioning for her to eat it.

However, she still wasn't speaking at all. Usually she would, but not around strangers.
May I join as a few people? (First comment on this site, I don't know exactly how it works, but I do know how to roleplay, and I'm not illiterate... ^^' )

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