We, The Forgotten

(Sure. Just post your character in the proper thread, please. :) )

Honovi helped to pull her up, noticing that she seemed a bit dizzy. "Um...do you want me to try carrying you? So that you don't faint?" he offered, shifting slightly. Although Amber didn't frighten him, his sister was the only one whom he'd even carried, female or otherwise. He was pretty sure he would not drop her, but it still made him nervous to think about it.

It was then that he notice the panther beside them. "Oh...hello..." he said, unsure. As far as he could tell, this was another kryptid, but he could never be too certain, especially on islands such as this. Careful to make surehe was still givingsome estent of support to Amber, as a precaution, he bent ov to pick up the strange mushroom. He looked at it, curious. He sniffed it, unfamiliar with herbs outside the common ones (he was a fisherman, not a medicine man, afterall). "Do yoy...believe this will help her?" he asked the panther, then glancing at Amber, silently asking if she wished to try it. Perhaps she was aware of what it was, since she seemed to have spent so much time in the forests.
Amber did trust the panther she looked at honovi and then at the mushroom. "What if it's poisoness?" She asked and then sighed deeply. She looked at Honovi. "You wouldn't be unconfortable carring me...." She said and then shook her head. "No I can let you do that." She looked at the panther and then at the mushroom. She sighed. "I'm not eating that."
Danielle gave a slight nod of her head and than flicked her tail back and forth.

"If you want her to heal properly, than yes." She said softly, blinking her bright blue eyes.

She had a few silver diamond bracelets around her arms and tail, marking that she was a Kryptid.

"It's a rare mushroom. Only about 15 of those left. They heal any cut or injury in less than 2 hours." She added, just in case they were still suspicious of the strange glowing herb.
Honovi nodded, at both her reply to the mushroom, and to his offer to carry her. "I would not have any problem carrying you. Not only do I believe I could probably surpress my fears, at least to some extent, if it was a matter of life or death, or near so, to someone, I also trust you. I do not believe you would ever try to steal my Other Skin. But, if you do not wany to, you can try to walk. I'll warn you now that I'll pick you up if I believe you are near fainting or falling over, however." Next, he crouched down to talk to the panther. He was a bit surprised when he heard her talk, but still continued. "I'm sorry, but if she does not wish to try it, I will not make her. I thank you for trying to help, but we do not wish to risk her health with something which we know nothing about." He stood up, and took a step forward, to lead Amber back to the encampment. "Perhaps when we get back, you can try just having a little bit, to test its effects? If what she says is true, it would certainly help, and I've heard than there are ways to test herbs by eating only a little bit at first, so that the worst effects are just a bit of sickness."
Amber started walking with her. She closed her eyes and kept walking. No don't give hm any hints....I don't wan him to go through to much trouble for me. She opened her eyes and then smiled a bit weakly. She looked over and then stared at the panther. She tilted her head.
Honovi smiled back at her, his eyes alternating between her face and the ground before them. She did not appear to be any more than just tired, which was understandable, but he still wondered if maybe he should push have pushed a bit more to give more help. He glanced back at the panther, wondering if she would be coming along, or staying in the woods.
Elizabeth had just stared up at the stars during the two's conversation. She stood and headed for the forest. Once there she found a tree and climbed into it. She frowned, this was not going to work. She climbed out and walked to the water. She jumped in and found a nice underwater cave where she curled up and fell asleep.
Danielle suddenly turned into her human form, and she grinned at them with her hands on her hips. (She has clothes on don't worry xD ). She sighed and rubbed the back of her head slowly, than she glanced back at both of them before quickly looking down.

"Well, I don't want to be a bother, so i'm just gonna go.." She murmured, than gave both of them a final look before whirling around and walking back towards the forest.
Amber looked at him and smiled. She looked at the ground and then closed her eyes again. She slightly started slowling down. "..." She looked at an injury on her leg. It was bothering her. She still kept walking. She was worried Honovi would try and pick her up. She sighed again feeling pain through out her body.
Rosa shifted behind a tree and began to explore the forest for a place to live. She didn't really know what the other Kryptids were doing or living but she figured she might as well get set up on her own rather than depending on someone else for help. Her long brunette spilled over her shoulders protecting at least that part of her body from bugs. Her nine tails were fluffed up behind her back, binding them to her stomach was pointless.
(Lol. At least you didn't accidentally use the name of another person's character. It hasn't happened on this site yet, but I've had instances on other sites where my character had the same name as another, but we didn't realize it right away, and I even once accidentally typed my friend's character's name intead of mine, because I hadn't been able to RP in a while and forgot which character was mine. ^^; )

Honovi continued leading her along, sfighting with the voice inside him that told him to carry her anyway, even if she didn't appear to need it at the moment.
She does not want me to carry her. I do not want to frighten her, or be too forward. he thought. He glanced back at the panther, who he noticed was now in a human form, before returning his focus to leading Amber and supervising her.
Flower looked down and then rubbed her head. She moved again and her leg started bleeding. She gripped her leg and then kept walking. She looked at her hand and sighed. She still kept walking though her injuries making it very hard to move. They were sore and painful, with the movment they were more painful then ever. She looked at honovi hoping he didn't notice.
Honovi looked at Amber to make sure she was okay, and stopped when he noticed she was bleeding again. "Why didn't you tell me your injury came open again?" he asked, crouching down to look at the cut on her leg. He shook his head, not sure what to do about it. Although the cut on her waist was under control, or it had been when he last checked, he wasn't sure if it was safe to untie the cloth around it. He finally decided it might be best to just wait until they were back, and she wasn't as at risk to ooen her wounds again, before he tried to clean it off again. Until then, he should probably push a bit more to allow him to carry her, so that she didn't hurt herself anymore. Without standing up, he scooted so he was crouching in front of her. "Hop on my back. I'm not letting you risk further injury anymore." he told her, trying to hide the fact he felt slightly guilty about basically demanding her to do something.
Amber looked at him and then put her arms on his back. "Honovi...I....Um..." She blushed a bit trying to think of words. "I'm sorry..." She said and then looked at him. She blinked and then looked at how close she was to him. "You sure?" She asked and then blinked as she looked at him. She blushed slightly as she looked down off to the side.
"No, you don't need to apologize. And yes, I'm sure." he replied, standing to life her off the ground onto his back. "It's better to do this, so that you don't end up reopening any more of your wounds. It would probably be easier for both of us to just rewash and treat them when you're safe and can rest, instead of trying to keep up with everything while we walk." He walked slowly, carefully, towards the encampment, using his arms to help keep her stable, so she would not fall off. He focused on walking straight and not falling. He could not see her face, and was glad she could not see him, as his face had a bit of a red tint peeking through his tanned skin, as well.
Amber swallowed and nodded. She kept herself up and tried not to move incase she made him lose his balance. After a while her tiredness took over. She rest her head on him and yawned. She was still fairly awake. She looked down at her leg. It had stopped bleeding for now. She was sure the stress from the attack and the blood loss was making her this tired. Not to mention the darkness surrounding the island. It was night. She closed her eyes for a a bit, still keeping herself aware of what's going on around them. Although she was pretty tired.
They finally made it back to the area thay contained the huts and main communal living area. Honovi looked into a few of the huts, locating an empty one. He brought Amber into it, and layed her down on the sand floor. Carefully, he untied the cloth that wasaround her middle, not wanting to wake her, if she haf fallen asleep. "I'll be right back. I'm just going to get some water, so I can wash off your leg, and make sure none of your other wounds came open again." he whispered to her in case she was still somewhat awake, balling the strip of cloth in his hand. "Don't try to move too much. I'll be back as soon as I can." He stood up, and walked out of the hut, before running, so he sould reach the nearest edge of the stream as soon as possible. He kneeled at the edge and damped it again in the clean water. Since she only had once open wound that needed cleaning, as far as he knew, he figured (hoped) he could get by with just rinsing her leg once, so he wouldn't have ot make another run, at least that night. He stood and hurried back towards the hut.
Amber hadn't moved much but had fallen asleep. She was calmly, her one arm used like a pillow and her other just by her face. Her lips partly opened as she breathed slowly. She didn't seem to be dreaming her eyes weren't moving. SHe hadn't fallen into a deep sleep. She was just sleeping. She moved her head a bit. She was in full human form so her senses were that of a human. The only clue she had that he was there were the slight shift noises in the sand as he rushed back. She gave a small smile in her sleep but didn't move much after that.
Even though he could tell she was asleep now, he couldn't help but smile back. "I'm back." he whispered, needlessly. He then kneeled down beside her legs, and began carefully cleaning off the cut, trying not to wake her. The water had made the cloth slightly cold, so, in addition to the fact the wound might still hurt, he tried to press as kittle as he could while still adequatly cleaning it. He then inspected some of her other cuts, to be sure they were not opened up as well, and wiped off any that he thought might be, although he didn't spend as much time on them. He then set the cloth aside, so he could wash it off again in the morning, and leaned his back against the side of the hut, watching Amber to make sure she didn't accidentally irritate one of her injuries in her sleep. As he sat there, though, he began to nod off as well. He slept sitting up, though, so he did not feel as if he was invading her personal sleeping space.
Amber rolled her head a bit as he cleaned the wound and then slept quietly. Although, when she slightly woke up. She moved her head to find Honovi still here. She blinked, had he been watching her? She slowly sat up and then looked at him. She blushed as she looked at him. Why had he been watching her?
Honovi slowly forced himself back awake. Seeing she was sitting up, he said. "Oh, did I wake you up?" He couldn't help but yawn as he spoke. "Don't worry. You can go back to sleep. If you accidentally move wrong and open something up again, I'll take care fo it." He yawn again. Although he was trying to sound confident in what he said, it was plain to see that he could barely keep his eyes open.
Kira looked at him. "No...you didn't wake me up....but Honovi...I'll be fine. You should go get some rest." She said and didn't move. Although she thought about it and then slowly crawled to him. "Come on I'll be fine...I can see you're very tired." She said and then smiled at him. She looked at herself and then smiled. "I promise I won't open up any of them."
Honovi blinked at her through drooping eyes. "You're sure?" he asked, stiffling another yawn. He looked around the hut, and then asked, "You don't mind if I stay in this hut, do you? If you're not comfortable with me sleeping so close to you, I'll go to a different place..." Before she could answer, he began to stand, but still waited for an actual response before standing up altogether, so as not to seem rude, even thought he thought he knew what she would say.
Amber smiled slightly. "If you wish...." She said and then went to where she was. "I wouldn't mind someone to help me since I can't shift to well." She laid down and then yawned. She closed her eyes again and then glanced at him. "I need protection since I can't moved fast." She said and then closed her eyes again smiling a bit. At least he asked but she giggled a bit wondering what his face must look like right about now but she was to tired to try and look.

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