We, The Forgotten

Honovi blushed slightly when he heard her say he could stay, and that she was trusting him to protect her. He already decided he wanted to protect her while she healed, but he hadn't realized until then that wound mean sleeping near her. Thinking over it again, he realized that was probably an obvious thing. It wasn't as if he didn't want to sleep near her, it was just...he was embarassed about the idea of sleeping near a girl who he wasn't related to. Still, he moved over towards the door, lying in front of the opening, so that anyone who came in would wake him up. He closed his eyes and waited to fall back asleep.
As night began to cloud the island Rosa's steps grew more staggered and clumsy. She knew there were other kryptids on the island but they had seemed a bit wrapped at the time. Even her nine bushy tails had drooped and her body was begging her to shift into her fox form and go to sleep. However she refused, she had to find where everyone was, sleeping by herself on this island was too dangerous and she wanted too live.
Amber slept soundly and then was purfectly still. She shivered a bit and then just rolled over a bit. She was dreaming and was smiling a widly. Her dream was nice, being back in her own forest. SHe wasn't alone though, she was quite happy to be in the dream. She move slightly as the sun hit her face.
(Honovi's just going to be asleep until I change days, unless someone disturbs him... I'm going to switch over to Kora, since I have no idea what I did with her last, and Rosa looks like she needs help. Just hold tight, Fire, and I'll switch days as soon as Rosa's safe. :) )

Having nothing to do, Kora flew over the island again, to do one last partol. As far as she could tell, most of the others were finding places to sleep, whether it be in the huts, or finding places in the woods to sleep. She was getting a bit tired, but being poked and prodded most her life made it fairly easy for her to keep herself awake. Plus, she was trying to get herself back into the sleep pattern she assumed she'd have had if she'd had her freedom from the get-go.

She was just about to find a place to perch, and rest her wings a bit, when she noticed someone stumbling along below. She scanned over the the island once more, before angling herself to swoop down a few yards away from the girl. She landed carefully, snd walked towards her. "Hey, you looking for anyplace specific?" she asked, tilting her head. She put her hands on her hips, and tried to appear concerned. She lifted an eyebrow, waiting for a reply.

Rosa jumped at the sudden appearance, the girl had come out of no where landing before silently and gracefully. She took a step back her body mustering just enough energy to be on the alert, although she wasn't sure how much good that would do her. However the girl wasn't threatening if anything she looked to be friendly and her scent seemed vaguely familiar as if it had been on the other kryptids earlier. "I"m really looking for a place with other creatures, or people, or beings. I don't fancy the idea of staying out here all night but I've come close," Rosa added sneaking a glance up to the sky. "I'm Rosa, you are?" she finished.
(Lol. I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't just ignoring you or something, There's only so far you can drag having your characters fall asleep, you know? ;) And you're welcome, 14hca14. :) )

"I'm Kora. We've got a little emcampment of huts and a fire a little way that way." Kora said, still not smiling. The time on the island was slowly beginning to break down the mental barrier she'd built up her whole life, as she hoped she would never have to deal with what she did in her earlier life. She began to walk in the direction of the camp, looking back at Rosa. "Come on. I'll show you the way." She folded her wings up neatly on her back, deciding she'd might as well turn in for the night as well. The island was kind of boring at night, since most of the other kryptids were day creatures. Maybe, when they were off the island, sne could move to a big city where she could entertain herself at night by scaring drunks on their way home from bars. The corners of her lips twitched slightly at the thought.
Amber's dream turned for the worse. She twitched and then her head jerked. She frowned whimpering slightly. She was happy with her mother and her father. She was laughing and then suddenly an arrow flew past her ear. She screamed and then turned around. The hunter was rushing in, only it wasn't a bow anymore it was a gun. He loaded it and shot her mom and dad. She screamed in terrior. In the real world she was whining and turning. He was to fast for her. He had her in a corner and she was to her knees her hands on her neck. "Please don't kill me! I'm not an animal!" She screamed a she fired a shot. She screamed and awoke. She held her shoulder still slightly feeling the pain. She looked around and then sniffled.
Rosa followed picking up the pace a bit so that she could catch up with the girl. The idea of a fire and a place to sleep under a roof was glorious. They walked silently for a few moments before she finally asked, "Are...I mean did you guys build the huts yourself?" she asked. How long had everyone been on the island or had everyone arrived at the same time.
Honovi was awakened by Amber's wimpering and scream. "Amber, what's wrong?" he asked, crawling over to her see what was wrong. "Sh...calm down. Everything's okay now. Do you want to tell me what happened?" He sat next to her, worried.

Kora nodded. "Yeah, me and another guy built them. They're not five-star hotels, obviously, but they're decent. Not the type of play you'd want to spend your whole life in, though." Personally, she didn't mind them, but she understood that they probably weren't the best places to live in.

(Since I think I'm the only one who's characters have mentioned living in the huts before, I'm just going to say they built them. If I forgot anyone, though, feel free to correct me.)
Amber looked at him and then sighed in relief. "Just....a bad dream." She looked at him almost in tears and then hugged him. SHe started crying. "It was terrible!" She sniffled and then looked at him and yelpped jerking back. "Ouch! Ok bad idea..." She took a deep breath. "S-sorry..." She looked down at her lap and then checked to make sure she wasn't bleeding. She wasn't and then sighed again.
Honovi hugged her back, but allowed her to snap back. "It's okay now. Don't worry, I won't let anything hurt you here." he told her. He ran his hand through her hair, in an attempt to further comfort her. "Is there anything you need right now?"
Amber looked at him in surprise. She blushed suddenly and looked down. "Y-yeah I know...it's just....ever since my dad was killed....I'm scared of hunters...and guns..." She sighed and looked down. "I had a dream, he killed my dad and shot me." She sniffled. "I felt the gun shot too..." She looked at him and then down again. "No, I'm fine really."
Honovi continued looking at her. "It's okay. I understand...kind of." he told her. When he'd first come to the surface, he occasionally had dreams of having his Other Skin stolen, or being trapped in women's basements. Not the same thing, he understood, but he knew how frightening dreams could be. "But I won't let any hunters get to you. Now or ever. Now, try to get some sleep. It will help your wonds heal better. I'm right by the door, if you need anything."
Amber nodded and looked at him. She smiled faintly and then laid back down and curled up tighter. She closed her eyes and then set an arm under her head and sighed deeply still pretty shaken. She changed her ears to wolf ears to hear danger better. She sighed again. "Thanks, honovi....." she yawned out and then shifted slightly.
As they neared the huts Rosa was taken aback, they were great. She was used to making random lean-twos or curling up in a log when she need rest. "They look pretty nice to me," she whispered. She could hear voices from within but she figured there were probably others in their trying to sleep.
Honove smiled gently, and went back over to his place by the door. "Think nothing of it." he replied, lying back down.

Kora nodded. "We do our best." she replied. "Though, since the weather in here's pretty uniform, we don't have have to worry too much. I doubt these would last long if it wasn't for the dome." She walked along the huts, and saw Honovi in one of them, with the girl who had been attaxked earlier. Glad they're getting along again. she thought, temember how the girl had acted earlier. Since they had plenty of other huts, since they had been planning ahead, rather than just making what they needed (hey, they had time to build a few extras!), she walked passed that one, quietly, trying not to interrupt them, to one that was empty. "You can use this one, I guess." she told Rosa. "We don't really have assigned ones, though, so feel free to switch if it isn't to your liking." Although it was true that she was free to pick a different one, the later part of the sentence was a bit of a joke, since they were all relatively the same, unless you wanted to argue little things, like the slight differences attributed to hand-building, or the individual drifts in the sand.
Amber fell alseep but this time didn't have a dream. She was very calm. When she dreamed she started to mumble something very quietly. She smiled and then rolled over seeming to calm again. She seemed to be very happy with her dream this time.
Rosa gave a faint smile, "Thanks again Kora," she said slipping into the small room. Her body ached from all of her traveling but she couldn't even imagine what Kora and the other guy had already gone through. They had enough time to build all these huts, that must have at least taken them a few days. Sighing she laid down on the ground and surprising she was comfortable. Rosa was most likely to tired to really feel but at that moment the ground was the softest most welcoming place in the world.

(Do they kind of look like this? http://www.andaman.org/BOOK/chapter36/pic-huts2.jpg)
(I was actually imagining something like this, but you can have them look however you want in yout mind. I just went with the first mental image that pop[ed into my mind... >_> )

Honovi lay there, until he heard Amber's bleathing become slow and calm. That way, he knew she would sleep okay, and didn't need any more comforting. Only then did he roll onto his side and close his eyes, drifting back to sleep himself.

"No prob. Freaks gotta help each other out, right?" she said, not even realizing she had said 'freaks' instead of 'kryptids'. Honovi had been trying to break her of her circus lingo almost as soon as he landed there, but old habits died hard. She watched her enter the hut, considering the idea of possibly having her first experience with a roommate, but decided to go into another empty one. If they managed to collect all the kryptids on the island together, she'd probably end up with a roomie eventually. She should enjoy her independance while she still had a choice. She lay on the sand on her stomache, and closed her eyes, waiting to fall asleep.

(If you two are ready for morning, feel free to post your characters waking up. :) )
Amber started to stir and rolled over. She felt something crawling on her back. She slightly opened eyes and looked what was on her back. She saw a huge spider and her eyes widen. She almost screamed but then saw honovi. She held it in and quickly smacked the thing off of her. She shooed it away and checked to see if it bit her. Thankfully no. She shivered and then sat up holding her knees completely freaked out. She looked at honovi and blushed. She had a stance dream last night...she quickly managed to stop and looked at her stomach as it growled. She put a hand over her mouth leting out a few giggles. She also check her wounds and then stretched out, not to much since she was very sore.
Honovi groaned, rolling onto his back and stretching his arms above his head. He blink, beginning to wake up. For a few seconds, he'd forgotten Amber was there with him, until he noticed he was next to the doorway. Suddenly, he gasped and sat up, looking around. "Oh, good morning. How are you feeling this morning?" he asked, an embarrassed smile on his lips. He tried not to show that the events of yesterday had momentatily slipped his sleep-dulled mind, although it was a fairly common and understandable occurance. "Do you need anything? If you're hungry, I can ask for someone to go find some fruit for you. I imagine you don't want fish first thing in the morning, correct?"

Kora yawned and sat up, blinking a few times, before leaving the hut. She went to the dying fire and poked it a few times with one of the cooking sticks, trying to ressurrect it to some extent. It was a real pain when they had to restart it altogether. She got it burning slightly, but it wasn't anything useful. She looked around and went towards the woods for some firewood. As she did, she paused next to Amber and Honovi's hut. If she had to guess, she'd say Honovi sounded like he was getting a little crush, even if he wasn't aware of it himself. She chuckled, before going on her way. Once people started waking up, they'd need a fire to make food with.
Amber smiled a bit and then sighed a bit. "Um...it's very sore, not to much pain..." she looked down and then back at him. "Yes, that sounds good." she looked down and sighed. "If only I wasn't so useless right now, if we have to survive here no one has time to do extra things for me..." she looked at him and then down again messing with her hands. She tried to move but she was stiff and sore. She sighed again: "Thanks for..." she stopped herself and then played with her ear. "Keeping watch?" she said and then shivered. "Although I found a spider on my back this morning." she shivered again and rubbed her arms closing her eyes.
Honovi nodded, and began to stand up. "You're welcome. And don't worry about it; everyone gets hurt once in a while, and it's normal to need a few days rest afterwards." He listened to her talk about the spider, and smiled slightly. "And I apologize for your morning visitor. I'll be sure to keep better watch for 6- and 8-legged trespassers from not on, as well. Now, I'll be right back." He stepped out of th hut, and sat Kora walking towards the forest. "Hey, Kora! Do you mind grabbing some fruit while you're there?" he called to the bat girl.

Kora turned around, and eyebrow raised an eyebrown at him. "I guess so. But how are you going to get your food? You don't usually eat fruit do you?"

"Thanks!" Honovi waved to her, turning to go back into the hut. He pretended not to hear the second part of the reply, because he wasn't sure how Amber would react if she knew he placed taking care of her above breakfast. He wasn't actually too terribly hungry, actually, so he didn't mind waiting until around lunch or so to eat. He was just afraid she would assume it was because of her.

Kora shook her head, and continued toward the woods. Even if he didn't ask, she'd try to see about catching him a fish while she was there. Although she didn't think he was that stupid to starve himself over the girl, she didn't want to take any chances.
(Ok I like those huts better)

Rosa awoke early to a silent camp, she immediately had no idea where she was and lept into the air ready to fight. When she finally settled she remembered where she was but of course she didn't really know why. Sighing she stepped out of the camp, it was barely morning she had probably only slept a few hours but she needed to move. She shifted in the hut than slipped into the forest ready to hunt. The jungle had an eery hum of creatures, the birds were singing softly and the crickets were dying out. She managed to catch a small mole like creature and then something that looked like a shrew. Other than that nothing was out and the sun was getting higher in the sky. She returned to camp shifting right before she entered the camp, she walked in meekly.

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