We, The Forgotten

Amber looks at his redened face and then gave a small smile. "No, it's ok." She said and then looked down at the sand. "I just never thought of it that way before." She looked at him and then smiled.
"Okay, good. Just so you know, if I ever ask you any questions for my research that you don't wish to answer, or I seem like I'm delving too much, you can feel free to not answer, or tell me so." he looked back up at her and smiled back, athough his cheeks were still a bit reddened.
Amber nodded. "Um ok." She said and then looked at him. "So you've met other shifters like me right?" She asked leaning towards him with her eyes widened in question and want, well want for information on others of her kinds. She started to get pretty close without even knowing. "I want to know about them." She said with egerness in her voice.
(Just so you know, I'm actually referencing a character in another roleplay I was in, so don't blame me if I describe them a little wierd... ^^; )

Honovi nodded. "Yes, I've met one other one. But, he...she...they were a lot different then you." he said, making a strange face. He was still smiling, and the other shifter had been nice, but describing him was a bit difficult sometimes. "I think he was usually male, but he sometimes shifted his gender. t made things a bit confusing at times, because I didn't know it was him the first time I saw him as a female. In addition to occasionally seeing him as an animal, of couse, but that wasn't quite as surprising, since I had already sort of know that. He was also more outgoing than you. I think he might have only been half-shifter, actually, becausr he lived with cousins, and they were not shifters." He shook his head a bit. "Unfortunatly, that's really all I know. Or, at least as much as I can remember. I'm sorry if it's not much help..."
Amber smiled and then blinked. A shifter that shifted their gender? Ok weird, she was born female and she planed to stay female. She noticed how close she had gotten to him and backed off a bit. "Well, it's nice to know." She said smiling and then rubbed her head. "But don't worry I am a female and I plan to stay that way." She giggled a bit.
Honovi laughed as well. "That's good to know." he replied, nodding more. He had not even noticed how close she had been until she had backed up, and hadn't minded as much as she seemed to think her did. Or, perhaps she herself had been uncomfortable with the close proximity. Either way, he did not mention it, not wanting to embarrass her.
Amber smiled and then looked outside. She blinked and then looked at Honovi. "So your research questions?" She asked wanting to know if he had any for her. Although she had one question on her mind she did not want to ask it. Did he have any romantic relations with anyone back at his home. She knew she couldn't ask him that. She just smiled at him.
"Oh...um..." He looked at his hands, his mind still pondering her proximity a moment ago. "Well...do you know anything interesting about your kind? Like, any special rituals or celebrations among your kind that you're aware of?" As he asked, he thought about a few of the special events in his species. The first thing that came to mind was that a mating pair will often entrust each other with their Other Skins while in human form, although that happened very little with his own pod. He decided against this, because not only did some find the fact that they carried their seal skins around like clothing items out of the water, he didn't think it a good idea to discuss mating rituals with a lady whom he had just met recently. Instead, he thought of memories of his first "solo hunt", and the fact he had supervised his sister's only a few years ago. "For instance, my kind will not allow a pup to catch food by themselves until they're what humans consider teenagers. On their thirteenth birthday, they are sent out with only one other selkie, who is simply there to keep them from getting hurt, to catch a fish without any assistance." Subconsiously, he reached to his pocket, but remembered he had lost his notepad shortly after arriving on the island. He frowned for a moment, remembering he'd need to file information in him head until he got a hold on another notepad, should they get off the island. His face quickly resumed their look of excited curiousity, though, so that Amber would not think he had frowned because of her.

(By the way, sorry for disappearing the fast two days. I had a lot of school work. >_> )
(I know how that is...ugh)

Amber blinks and then sighs. "Nothing really comes to mind...although we have a similer hunting thing. We take on much of the other animals hunting tatics and are taught till we make are first clean kill. We also are taught to shift at a very young age and watch the older ones till we copy shifting into more complete animals." She smiled a bit but sighs. "Again I do not know much."
Honovi nodded, closing his eyes in an attempt to commit the information to memory better. He opened his eyes again, and replied. "That's okay. I understand that you might not really know a lot of little details, or that some species don't have a lot of special traditions." He gave her a small smile, then asked, "Do you have any questions for me? I don't really have anything else that I want to ask that I can currently think of."
Amber looked at him, there was one but she could gain enough nerve to ask it. She sighed a bit looking down and then looked at him. "No." She lied although she felt terrible about lying to him. Still she could ask it. She gave him a small smile and then looked down. She made swurls in the sand that were connected to each other, there were three main branches and then a bunch of smaller swurls resembling a tree.
Honovi nodded. "Okay. Feel free to ask anything you want to know, if you think of anything." He looked at the designs she was drawing, and raised his eyebrows. "That's an interesting design." he told her, and leaned closer for a better look, before leaning away again. "Sorry." he muttered, blushing slightly. "I don't mean to invade your space."
Amber continued on her drawling and then looked up at him and lightly smiled. "I...don't mind..." She said blushing a bit herself. "You were just looking in on my drawling and thanks." She said and then sighed. "I found someone drawling in the woods. When the girl left in a hurry she left her drawling stuff behind. I got in much pratice in drawling animals and disigns, but that book got full pretty quickly." She sighed a bit. "At least I have something to draw on." She said giggling and then looked at him.
Honovi smiled at her. "Well, it's good to have a hobby." he leaned closer again, to watch her draw. "My sister use to call me boring, because all I'd do was fish and read, in her opinion. I'm sure she'd enjoy having someone around her who could draw when I'm 'being boring." He paused for a moment, then ask. "By the way, do you happen to know where your drawings might have gotten to? If it is possible, I might be interested in seeing the ones you have in the book."
Amber blinked and then sighed a bit. "Well it would be hard to find them, but I'm sure it's in one of my many hiding spots here on the island." She said and then looked at him, for some reason she truely didn't mind him being so close. In fact....she kind of....liked it? She was a bit confused about it but pushed it out of her mind for now. She had to remember were the book might me. "Probably around the area were we first met." She said looking up as she thought about it.
Honovi smiled. "Okay. As soon as you feel healed enough, we can go look together." he told her, happy that he could see them sooner than he had expected. He had assumed she meant she had left them where she had lived before being captured. If they were on the island somewhere, that was even better, because he could see them without having to wait until they found an escape.
Amber nodded looking at him with a smile. She looked down again and then continued her drawling. She smiled looking at it and then looked at him. "So why are you so interested in my drawlings?" She asked and then shifted slightly because of her wounds.
Honovi blinked, thinking about it. "Oh...I don't know." he replied. "I guess I just find them pretty. And interesting. There's not really much drawing going on in the ocean, and even fewer instances than it's even semi-perminent. I suppose it just fascinates me that someone can draw a picture of something and havw it to show to anyone who wants to see it. I do tend to like a great amount of things that I would not have found if I had not left my pod." He nodded, sure that answer was probably pretty close. "And...it may also have something to do with you being my friend..." He said, looking at the top of the hut as he spoke, blushing slightly without realizing it. "I mean...we're so close, that I would probably find any interest you have fascinating, and want to see it." He looked at her, and smiled. "I do believe you are very good at it, though."
Amber looked at him and then blushed a bit. "Ok...I hope I don't let you down then..." She said and then looked down. "Yes you are my friend...and we are close?" She said looking at him with a bit of a smile as she said that. Yet the word friend she seemed to use it a bit carefully. She looked at him and noticed the slight color in his cheeks. She blinked and then pushed it aside not wanting to get her hopes up. Wait what? She suddenly got a dazed look in her eye like she was thinking about something. She was thinking about her feelings towards Honovi. They were just friendly right?
(Oh...I both love and hate that awkward time when two characters like each other, but neither wants to be the first to admit it. So cute...so suspenseful... >w< )

Honovi chuckled. "Don't worry. I'm sure I'll love tour drawings." He told her, with a wide smile. He cocked his head slightly at her second question. "Of course we are friends. And yes, we are close. Why? Did you think otherwise?"
Amber looked at him and then looked down. "Um...of course...I get I never thought you would consider us close." she looked down. "Hey...let's go get that book." she said slowly gettin up. (watch this.) she grasped her side and then fell on him. Her eyes widen.
Honovi's eye's widened as well. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking into her eyes, and then to the side she held. He covered her hand with his, trying to check her side for anything that needed to be taken care of. The side of him that felt more than just friendly with her caused his heart to beat faster, and for his cheeks to redden slightly, becausr of the close proximities of their bodies, but he pushed those feelings away for the moment, placing her health higher priority than his personal feelings. Still, he hoped she could not hear/feel/see his reaction.
Amber blushed a lot and then looked at him. She swallowed a bit and then looked away from him blushing. "Um...." She looked at him. Her side wasn't bleeding much. Just a few drops, she looked at him and then looked away. "um maybe I should..."
"You should probably stay here, until your wound closes. We can go look for your drawings as soon as we're sure it's safe." he said. Since the wound wasn't too bad, he was sure that wouldn't take long. As the side of him that worried about her health relaxef, however, his other emotions became stronger. His fave became redder, and he placed his hands behind him and looked at the ceiling "Not right here, I mean. I...I understand that it might be uncomfortable to... We're just doing to stay in the hut until you are no longer bleeding." He gulp, trying to prevent making a fool of himself.
Amber looked at him and then slowly started to back off. "Oh right....it's not-" She stopped herself and then looked away. She looked at him, he was blushing. From what she felt, so was she. She didn't back off to far, just enough to give him some breathing room. She looked at the ground from the side. She swallowed and closed her eyes. "Honovi..." She sarted and then bit her lip lightly. "Do you have a girl other then your sister that is important to you? Romanticly I mean." She asked quietly as she looked at him. "I'm sorry you don't have to answer...I." She looked down.

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