We, The Forgotten

Amber looked up at him as he hugged her tighter. She blushed a bit and then put her arms around his neck, she loved the closness. She suddenly blushed even more when he asked if he could kiss her, her whole face went red. "Um...N-no...I mean...Yes...Um..." She looked down and then back at him. Before she could think on what she was doing she was leaning up closer to his face. "Um....uh..." She looked into his eyes and then relaxed a bit. "Just kiss me so I can shut up."
Honovi chucked. "Thank goodness. I would have died of embarrassment if you had actually said no..." He leaned closer to her, placing their lips together. He didn't really lean into it too much, but did put enough strength into it that it was obvious how much he had been waiting for it, even if the actual wait wasn't that long. To his relief it wasn't as awkward as he had thought it would be, considering he had to ask before doing it. At least, it wasn't awkward to him; he didn't know about Amber, at least not at that moment.
Amber closed her eyes. She loved it, more then she thought she would. She tightened her arms around his neck lifting her up further on her tiptoes now. She leaned in more feeling happy. She added her own strength with her background of being alone and only dreaming of her 'Knight in shining armor.' (lol) She felt like she'd been waiting for years, and she showed him to. Her shyness didn't have any effect on her in this moment. She just hoped she wasn't coming on to strong for him.
Honovi carefully wrapped his arms around her back and pressed her towards him, in an attempt to help support her when she raised onto her tiptoes. He also leaned down slightly, so she wouldn't have to raise herself quiet as much. "Sorry. I just didn't want you to fall." he said quietly, when he broke away to take a breath. He loosened his grip enough that she could step away, if she wanted to, but didn't pull his face away any more than was required to comfortably breath without feeling like he was blowing on her face when he exhaled.

(I wish I had a scanner. Your post made me want to think up a knight costume for Honovi, if I remember while I'm in school tomorrow, but I won't be able to show it to you if I do. :( )
Amber looked at him and smiled. "I don't mind." She said and then stayed where she was. She loved everything about this moment. She looked at him, unable to look away. She gently set her head on his shoulder. She felt like she was in heaven at that point. She snuggled her face to his neck. "I really like it." She whispered to his ear.
Honovi could feel his face growing warm again, but not in the nervous embarrassment of before. Now, it was more of an excited ambarrassment, for how much he was enjoying having Amber so close without having to be nervous about what she thought, much less the fear of females that so long prevented him from being any more than friends with a woman before now. "I like it, too." he whispered back, hoping that didn't sound stupod of wierd, but honestly not caring if it did. He put one arm around the small of her back, and rested the other hand between her shoulderbladed. He tilted his head so it was gently restingon hers, and smiled. If only this moment could last forever...
Amber smiled happily and then closed her eyes. "I'm glad....I know how you don't like females so close." She said and then smiled feeling his warm hand on her back. She wanted to stay here as long as she could. She moved her hand so she started playing with his hair. She giggled.
Honovi smiled, both at what she had said and the feel how her playing with his hair. "I don't mind you being close." he explained, rubbing his cheek on her hair. "I know you would never try to steal my skin or trap me. Not that I ever thought you would in the first place, but the fear created by my people's lore is always sitting dormant in the back of my mind when I meet a female for the first time. I'm glad you trust me in the first place." He chuckled slightly. "You seemed so reserved and frightened when we first met, though I understand why. I'm glad we've both been able to earn each other's trust."
Amber smiled at him and then slipped her head from between his shoulder and his shoulder. She looked at him and smiled. "Yeah, me too." She said and then giggled continuing to play with his hair. "Even though being stuck on this island is pretty bad at least I met you."
Honovi chuckled again. "Yes, you are a very bright light for me, in the darkness of being stuck on this island." He put his hand on her heaf, and ran in down her hair. He didn't go as far as to play with it, but he did like the feel of her hair. "Don't mind me petting you. You just have very pretty hair." He said, smiling, and running his hand throug hher hair again.
Amber giggled a bit. "I don't mind at all, I can turn into many animals, many of which love being petted." She giggled and then ran her finger up his arm. She laughed being playful. She looked at him then smiled. "You know, next picture I make will be of you." She said smiling at him.
"That's okay. You don't have to be an animal form, if you don't want to." he replied, still running his hand through her hair. Petting her in her animal form might be interesting, but he liked having her in her human form, at least for now. Maybe it was just because his seal form wasn't as easily controlled, so he felt guilty that he could not as easlity return the favor. He smiled when she mentioned drawing him. "I will look forward to it. I'm sure you will be able to draw me wonderfully." he told her, putting both hand on her back ahain, and pulling her in for another quick kiss. An advanced than you, to show his confidence in her abilities.
Amber kissed him back. She closed her eyes and only opened them once the kiss was over. She smiled at him loving it. She smiled and let out a cats purr and then giggled a bit. "I'm acting weird...." She said, she could stop giggling now. She looked at him and smiled.
Honovi smiled at her cat purrs. "It's fine. That was...very adorable, actually..." he chuckled, and pulled her to his chest, petting her head again while hugging her with his other arm. "Maybe I would enjoy petting you in an animal form...just for a little bit..." he said, mostly just a thought to himself, but he said it loud enough she would hear, if she wanted to.
Amber snuggled into him. She smiled and then looked up at him. She shifted into a cat. She looked up at him and meowed. "Like this?" She giggled and then rubbed herself against his legs and she sat down looking up at him.
Honovi smiled again. "Yes, that would work." he said. He sat down on the growned beside cat-Amber, and picked her up. He placed her in his lap, and began to rub her head gently. "Just tell me if I'm hurting you. I don't have much experience with animals." he told her.
Amber looked at him and purred at him. "No you're fine." She said laying down. She set her head on her paws. She moved so that her head was back on his chest. She purred some more. She closed her eyes happily. She liked being petted oddly enough.
Honovi continued petting her, and put his other hand loosely around her chest, gently hugging her closer to him. "I enjoy your purring." he told her. "It'd very relaxing to hear. Although, that could also be because it ensures me I'm doing this right..."

(I apologize in advance if he says anything wierd. I'm trying to avoid making it too short, so that there's at least enough to earn a good response. ^^; )
Amber continued to purr and then looked at him happily. She felt very comfortable here with him. She giggled a bit when he said he liked her purring. (Sorry got to go bye! :( )
('Kay. See you when you're on [if you're not back already...]

And hi, Centy! :] )

Curious, Honovi picked Amber up and rubbed his cheek on her neck. "Your fur is very soft, by dear." he said, kissing her on the head. Her chuckled, feeling like a wierdo with the way he was acting, but liking that strange way it doesn't feel as wierd when it's to someone you feel love for.

Kora flew above the island in slow sweeps, bored. She wsn't hungry, and the fire had gotten too warm, considering the nice weather. Honovi had went into the woods with his lady love, the shifter girl, and she didn't know where everyone else was. It was frustrating how boring the island was getting. Her eyes skimmed along the beach, thinking she'd do a little long-distance beach combing. Instead of shells and beached sea creatures, however, she noticed a male. "Welcome committee time..." she muttered, swooping down. She landed a few feet behind him. "Yo. Welcome to the Island of the Forgotten. What and who are you?" she asked, tilting her head.
Amber giggled and then licked his face. "Aw you're embarassing me." She said rubbing her head on him. She looked at him and then kept licking his face. She giggled and then looked up at him purring loudly. She wrapped her tail around his arm.
Honovi chuckled at how it felt when she licked his face. "Do cat's usually lick faces?" he asked. He'd only heard of dogs doing that. "I don't mind either way...I'm just curious."
(They do....and it feels weird! Oh and I was wondering if we could come up with some kind of plan or something to get things interesting? Not that I don't like or mind role playing Amber and Honovi spending time together I was just wondering.)

Amber giggled and then looked at him. "Some do if they are really bonded to their owners." She said and then rolled onto her side smiling at him. She looked back at where her clothes were and then looked back at him. "As much as I love being a cat, maybe I should change back and get dressed?" She asked looking at him.
(Really? Cool. And it fine. As much as I enjoy it, as well, it is starting to get hard to think of good things to say. Do you have anything in mind?)

"If that's what you wish to do, go ahead." he said, feigning boredom, but smiling to show he really didn't care either way. He brought her back to the ground and set her down carefully. "Don't worry, I won't look." he told her, turning away. Even though he was pretty sure she trusted him overall, he wanted to make sure she knew he could be trusted on other minuscule things, like not looking when she shifted. He understood that she needed privacy, considering he usually had to find some private cave or something to use when he shifted from human to seal, or vise versa, for the same reason she probably wouldn't like him watching her shift.

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