We, The Forgotten

Honovi shook his head. "It's nothing..." he replied, smiling. "Just past regrets. Nothing that you need to worry about." He rubbed his chin on the top of her head, focusing on Amber herself, rather that what had happened to her. She's fine now. he told himself, The past is the past, so I must stop thinking about things I cannot change. Obviously she is completely over it. I must do my best to forget it as well.
Amber snuggled closer and then closed her eyes purring. She looked at him and then smiled. She looked around again still pretty amazed about this place. She also liked being here with honovi and his warmth. She looked up at him. "Well I hope you stop that, you worried me."
Honovi chuckled. "Don't worry. I am doing my best to stop it as we speak." he told her, enjoying how close they were.
Amber smiles and nods at him. "Ok." she said and then just enjoyed the moment before pulling away grabbing the book. She smiled at honovi and then looked at the book. She quite enjoyed that she was holding a book about her people.
"Are you going to bring that with you?" he asked, curious. He would have enjoyed studying it closer, perhaps after they managed to get off the island, but he hadn't said anything, because he thought that the book kind of belonged there. If she was taking it herself, though, he wouldn't feel so strange looking over it occasionally when she wasn't reading it.
Amber looked at him and nodded. "Yep." she smiled and then hugged the book to her chest. She loved the book and she wanted to read it all. She looked at honovi and then smiled widely. "This is going to be great." she said and then looked around again.
Honovi nodded and smiled. "I'm glad you're so happy." he told her. He thought for a moment, then asked, "Is there anything else you wish to do while we're down here?"
Amber shook her head no. She smiles at him and then looks around for the way they came in. She looked up at the ceiling and then looked around again. "I can't believe this is all here!" she said looking at him. She giggled pretty happy about everything. She spun around giggling with joy.
"I know...who could have known that the person or people who captured us was inadvertedly leading us to such an amazing discovery." he said, looking around, before his eye came back to Amber. He smiled, watching her spinning and being happy. "And I hope we have many more experiences in the future that make you this happy."
Ginger smiled and then turned facing him once again. "Me too." she said walking over and gently grabbing his hand. "Come on." she said pulling him towards the exit. Her wounds were almost healed because of all the shifting. She smiled carding the book in her free arm over her chest. Sh just loved this all now. Something she will never forget. To do it all with Honovi....that was the best part. She looked back at him smiling.
Honovi took hold of Amber's hand and followed. "Where to next, my love?" he asked her, as they walked toward the exit.
Amber blushed a bit as he called her 'my love.' She looked at him and then shrugged. "I don't know." She said and then bent down and crawled out. She got up and then smiled waiting for Honovi. She looked around, the scent seems to be gone, well not completly. She could still find it if she wanted to. Maybe she just got use to it, either way she was extreamly happy about today.
Honovi crawled out after her, and smiled sweetly to her as she looked around. "Wherever you want to go, you pick." he said. He didn't have any specific place he wanted to go, at least at the moment, so he'd be happy with anywhere Amber wanted to go.
Amber looked at him. "You like to swim?" She said and then looked around. "I do have some shorts I can wear." She said looking at her pants. She looked at him and then smiled. She looked around. "I know where they are so can be quick."
((Aw, Amber and Honovi are cute~ :) I'll skim and find out where to jump in after school. I've already got a plan for madam siren.))
"Um..." He blushed slightly and smiled. "I enjoy swimming, but I tend to turn back into a seal if I get wet, and have a hard time switching back until I'm dry. It's kind of the same thing with you and your transformations: I can't include my clothes in the transformation, except my Other Skin, since it's an actual part of my seal form. I have a speculation that I won't turn back if I'm not wearing my skin at the time, but I've never tried it, so I'm not sure if it's true." He chuckled, still blushing, then asked, "So, would you prefer to go swimming with seal me, or do you eant me to test out my theory, so I can possibly remain human while I'm swimming?"

(I know, aren't they? :love: )
Amber looks at him and then shrugged. "I don't care. Either way I could change into either form." She giggled and then looked down. "I think I'd liked to stay human for a while though." She smiled and then looked at him with a slight blush.
Honovi nodded. "I'll try leaving my Other Skin in our hut, then, and see if that works." He had decided to start refering to it as theirs, since he hoped they could keep using the same one. It would make it easier to find each other when they were apart, since they would only have to look in the one hut, rather than all of them, and it would make storing things, like Amber's sketchbook, the book they just found, and his seal skin a lot easier. He always became a bit nervous about leaving his skin anywhere, but he didn't believe any of the others on the island would try to steal it. "Come on. Let's get back to the gathering place, so we can put all our stuff away."
Amber nodded and smiled as she started to head out of the forest. She looked back at Honovi and then raised an eyebrow at him. "Our hut?" She giggled teasing him a bit. She smiled at him and then looked up at the sky. "You like to push tings a bit forward don't you?" She started laughing only joking with him. She didn't mind, she liked Honovi a lot. She looked back at him with a wide smile.
Honovi blushed slightly at the implications he inadvertedly made. "Well, since there's not many of us on the island to begin with," he began to explain, "and we...you specifically...have a few items which it would be a bit of an annoyance to carry around every moment, I figured we could just use the same hut every night, so that we can leave them in there without having to worry about losing them or something... I'm sure the others would understand." He hurried up to walk beside her.
((I'm going to wait until they get to the beach, mm? Are there any other characters that Benoni could bother?))
Amber looks at him and then grabs his hand. "I was joking but ok." She giggled and then looked at her two books. She walked out of the woods to what Honovi called their hut and then set the books down. She put the books where they wouldn't be seen easily.
(I don't know. Fire and I have been the only ones posting for a while. Centy joined, but I think he forgot, since he only posted once. And my other character is trying to talk to his character, though I can have her talk to Benoni instead, if you want. If I remember correctly, Centy's character is unconsious, so she can easily just dismiss him and find him later, if Centy comes back.)

"Oh..okay. I just did not want to seem as if I was pushing anything..." he said, smiling, but still slightly red-faced. He took her hand and followed her into the hut. While she put her books down, he took his seal skin from his shoulders and folded it up, laying it on the floor. He wasn't worried about his pants getting wet. Just in case he would have ever fallen into water by accident, he made sure his pants were safe in water, so that he'd only have to worry about finding them if he ever accidentally shifted, instead of having to go through the pain of having to find new clothes. "Okay. I'll wait outside for you, so you can change into your shorts. Just come out when your ready, okay?" He blew a kiss to her, and went out the doorway, sitting beside it to wait.
((Does it trouble you too much to find where? When I finish my homework, I can find it, but I've got a bit to go.))
(Find where Kora is, you mean? I doesn't really matter. She flies, so I usually just have for fly over the island and notice the person I want her to talk to before her. Hm...they're somewhere on the beach. I'm not sure if there's an exact area.)

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