We, The Forgotten

Amber looked at him and then winked at him. "Oh really? then why aren't you catching me?" She giggled and then dived down again. She swam by him and then tugged him down into the water by his leg and then swam away. She was a great swimmer.
"Because it's more fun to allow a little chase!" he lied, but put more effort into swimming faster. When she pulled him under, he reached out to try to grab her, but missed. Then, he continued to swim underwater, thinking it might add a bit more speed to focus on just swimming instead of yelling back and forth.
Amber stopped getting tired and went up for air. Even though she knew he was probably going to get her she stopped smiling a bit as she pants. She pushed her hair out of her face. She wipped her face off and then looked down in the water. She giggled and tried one more dash away.
Honovi saw her stop, and put one last push of adrenaline in. When he believed he was close enough, he sprung out of the water. "Roar!" he daid jokingly, sending a small wave of water her way. He couldn't tell through it whether he actually successfully hit her or not.
Amber scream a bit and then laughed. She was dripping again, he had gotten her. She giggled and then smiled at him. "You got me." She said looking at him with a wide smile. She was having fun, something she thought she'd never have on this island.
"Haha. Good! Now we're even." he said, smiling. He swam up next to her and put his arms around her waist. "Not that I actually cared. But it was fun anyway, right?"
Amber smiled at him. "I didn't think so." She said putting her arms around his neck. She looked up at him and then smiled. "Ok so now what?" She asked her legs stopped kicking holding herself up by Honovi.
Honovi did his best to helpher keep her balance. "I don't know." he said, tilting his head. "What do you wish to do? I just like being in the water and being with you, so I'll do whatever."

(Blah. Going home again. Hope I'll have internet at home by tonight, :[ )
Amber smiled and then wrapped her legs around his waist to hold her up. "Hmm...I don't know." She shrugged and then looked at him with a smile. "But I like being with you, so I guess i don't care." She said poking his nose.
Honovi nodded, then nestle his face in her hair again. "Hm...since you showed your shifting to me, would you like to see my seal form?" he asked. "I mean, it would probably be easier in stream, since I could shift down stream from you, and go back down there while I dried off to shift back, but I would love to show you."

(Sorry, I have writers block. By the way, how would you feel about maybe splitting this thread off and picking up where we left off on another thread, so we can try to get some new people to join?)
(Sure I wouldn't mind lol)

Amber looks at him and then smiles. "Sure!" She said and then played with his "I'd love to see it." She said and then got off of him. (UGH! Writers block :( )
(Okay. When Honovi and Amber decide to go back to the hut, and when Rin and I get to a point when we can stop Kora and Benoni's conversation, I'll cut this one off and skip to the next day on the new thread.)

Honovi smiled and took Amber's hand. "Okay. We'll have to go back t othe hut to get my Other Skin first." He began going back towards shore, leaving Amber along.
Amber follows him and then gets out of the water. She stretched out and then smiled at him taking his hand as they walk back to the hut. She smiled and then looked at honovi. She couldn't wait to see his seal form.
Once inside the hut, Honovi grabbed his Other Skin off the sand and let go of Amber's hand to slip it back on. He then grabbed her hand again. "Okay, let's go." he said with a smile. He began to lead her toward the forest again, eager. Although he had had a few friends back at his land-home who had seen his seal form, this would actually be the first time he'd ahift specifically for the purpose of showing it to someone. "Now, just so you're aware, it's probably a good idea for me to stay in the water after I shift. Though it usually takes a few minutes for my to dry off and shift back, it might be a bit...awkward if I'd lose track of time and my skin become dry enough to shift back before I'm ready to." As he said this, he blushed slightly, but wasn't exactly nervous about the subject, since her shiftings use to work the same way, but with more control.
Amber smiled and nodded. "Ok." She said and then continued to follow him smiling. She pushed her hair behind her ears and then looked around. She smiled at then continued to follow him.
Richard bit his lip. "So we might not leave for a long time still, huh?" He picked up his pace so he could walk next to Kora. "Somebody must know something. We just have to find 'em!"

((Sorry about my random fall through a black hole. I'll be posting more now, I think. I hope.))
(Ne, it's okay, Rin. In case you haven't noticed, I haven't been able to get on much lately, either. ;] )

Honovi led her to the area by the stream where they had sat the day before, and let go of her hand. "I'll be right back." he said, with a flirtatious smile, before following the bank through the trees until he was out of site. Then, he sat down and took off his pants, setting them on a rock where he'd be able to easily find them, and then jumped into the stream. It wasn't as deep as he had thought it was, but it was deep enough to do the job. He could feel his Orher Skin merge with his human skin, and his body change to the shape of a seal. Then, he half-swam half pulled himself back to where Amber was.

Kora shrugged. "We could get off the island tomorrow, or next week, or a month from now, or longer." she told him. "And if you think someone might know the way off the island and wanna ask around, be my guest. Too much trouble, though, if you ask me."
Amber looked at him and smiled. "Nice seal." She giggled and then changed into a seal as well and barked at him. She giggled and then clapped her flipers. She giggled having a bit of fun.
Honovi tried to laugh, but it came out as a strange half-bark. So, he barked back, not sure if she gained the ability to understand seal when she shifted. "<Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself!>" he barked back, nuzzling his nose into her face.
Amber nuzzled him back. She barked again saying 'You're sweet.' She got into the water and then set her head on his and as she took her head off of him she playfully nudged him. She looked at herself not use to being in seal form. She looked at hims and shook off her head.
Honovi nudged her back, enjoying the fact he now had someone to outside his pod who he could communicate with in whatever form he wanted. When she shook her head, he tilted his to the side. "<What's up?>" he asked, nudging her more gently, making sure there wasn't anything wrong.
Amber looked at him. 'Sorry....just trying to get use to this form. I haven't been a seal much at all.' she said and then put her nose on his cheek. 'Anyways so what do you guys do while in seal form?' She asked not to sure how to act like a seal or even act like his kind.
Rune didn't know where the sea dragon had nested and he truly didn't care. He hadn't seen much of Maris since the time they had found the cave, and then only from a distance. She stayed in one half of the sea, and he on the other. The entrance to the cavern and the land-dweller's beach had become unspoken borders between their territories, which was just as well. This way they wouldn't fight over prey.

There was a stone alcove underwater near the cliffs, surrounded by seaweed and blocked off from outside view. This had become his nest- a temporary one, he thought of it, because he still planned upon escaping. Sooner or later.

Rune searched for an exit from the island every day. He may get tired of it eventually, but for now he dug in sand, poked about in caverns, covered every square inch of the dome, and shifted through dense plant life. There was still nothing.

He also kept tabs on the land-dwellers, mostly to ensure they were leaving him and his territory alone. Sea serpents were loners, even to other sea-creatures; there was no longer any need to speak with the other kryptids.

Rune was resting at the moment, basking in the sun and warm water just below the surface near the beach. He was as content as he ever would be in the dome. Which wasn't much.
"<We don't really do anything particular. We just kind of...live this way...>" he told her, not sure what to say. "<We live the way a normal seal does, normally. Many times, actual seals can't even tell us from their own kind.>" He thought for a moment, then suggested, "<Perhaps I could show you how we catch food in this form? Personally, I find it a lot easier, but it may be difficult to someone who does not live this way on a daily basis.>"
Amber nodded and then smiled. 'Ok.' She said and then looked around. She tryed to walk or more like hop around. She looked at Honovi and smiled. She was having lots of fun. It was great here now that she had someone.

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