We, The Forgotten

Amber looked at him and smiled once he was out she changed into her shorts. She walked out and then patted him on the head. "Are you ready?" She asked and then smiled putting her hands behind her. She loved swiming and she was happy she could swim with Honovi.
((I'm sorry... I'm being such a bother...))

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He had the face of an innocent. He looked so young, like such a child. Of course, he appeared to be ten. The only thing off about him was his reddened eyes.

He wandered solemnly around the island. Being caged like an animal did not sit well with this boy. He watched impassively as chipmunks scurried away from him, as birds flew off into the sky. Why couldn't he just leave this island? Why was he trapped here? These were questions that would be answered in time. Besides, he had a long life to wait.
(No, it's fine. You're not being a bother at all. ^^ )

Honovi stood up when Amber came out of the hut. "Yes. Let's go swim, now." he said, following toward the water. This would be interesting to him. He always wondered what it would be like to swim in his human form, but never had a reason before to try it out. Not only that, but he got to do so with a girl whom he loved, which made it that much more exciting.

Kora stared at the male for a while, before becoming bored. "Fine. Whatever. I'll look for you later, see if you're any more responsive." she said, turning and walking away. She didn't feel like flying right now. She wanted to just walk around on foot for a bit, give her wings a rest. As she walked, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye, and turned toward it to see a boy. "Hey, who are you?" she called to him, walking towards him. "I don't think I've seen you before."
Amber smiled and then ran to the water grabbing his hand. She pulled him along and then looked at the water and looked at him. She looked at the water her hair falling in her face. She giggled and then got in the water.
Honovi followed her into the water, but let go of her hand as they entered. As much as he wanted to continue holding her hand, he wanted to ensure he wasn't going to transform. Slowly, he walked further into the water, concentrating to feel for any sign that he might be becoming a seal. When he reached where amber was, he grabbed her hand again. "Doesn't seem like there will be any problem." he said, smiling. With his free hand he skimmed the top of the water, glad to be able to feel the cool liquid around him again. It felt like ages since he'd been able to just swim, without having to worry about obligations or trying to find a place to hide until he dried off. This new discovery would make fishing a lot easier, since he would not be able to wade through the water to find fish, instead of having to find one close enough to land to reach, plus, it opened up a whole new spectum of things he could do for fun, too.
Amber smiled and nodded. She pulled him along as she swam. She loved swiming. She let go of his hand as she dived down into the water. She opened her eyes. She was use to it so she could. She swam around under and then came up pushing her hair out of her face. She giggled swiming on her back, back to Honovi. She swam around him having run and kind of showing off.
Honovi chased after her in the water, ducking under the water and swimming. It was so strange, swimming with hand and feet, rather than a tail and flippers. It made him feel free. He was very happy to be swimming with Amber, and to be back in the water, and no longer feeling constrained by...any of the things that use to limit him. He came up for air, and watched her swim around him. "Have I told you lately how much I love you?" He asked, spinning to watch her. "I'm very thankful to you for suggesting swimming. It just...it's such a wonderful feeling. The water is so relaxing, and being able to spend so much time with you is amazing, and..." He took a deep breath, trying to put his current emotions into words. "You are definitly amazing, to me." He smiled at her again, before lowering himself back into the water to swim over to her.
It was a little while before a bat hybrid landed in front of the boy. He tilted his head to the side curiously to look at the girl. "I'm Richard. What's going on here?" But his name wasn't Richard. Not that he cared he was lying. That was something he'd done all his life.

Something drew the siren to the water. What was it? She had no idea. Perhaps it was her genetics that brought her there. She sat on a rock, not to far from the shore. From her perch, she saw two people swimming in the water, a man and a woman. It was nice that the two could relax at a time like this. The siren drew her knees up to her chest and stretched the wings on her back.

Maybe she was part bird, but even birds wished to be free when trapped behind bars. She had some room to fly, but it wouldn't be the same as before. Would anything?

--- Merged Double Post ---

((I still feel like a bother, though. But I guess that's just something I can't help.))
Amber looked at him and then let her body sink down staying in one spot now. She smiled at him and then swam over close to him. "I love you too." she said giggling a bit. "Well then you are the most caring person I have ever met." She looked into his eyes. "I adore that about you." she said and then looked down at the water.
Kora tilted her head, looking over the boy. "Hey, Richard. I'm Kora. This is an island we call the island of the forgotten. We're basically all freaks who all got thrown on an island because of what we are. It's surrounded by a dome. We're just trying to survive, until we can find a way off." She motioned around her as she spoke, while looking at the boy with a blank face. "So...what are you?"

"Well, thank you." Honovi replied. He wrapped his arms around her. "I adore how sweet and fun you are." He looked at her, the way she was looking down in the water. "What's wrong? Are you thinking about something?"
Amber looked up at him when he put his arms around her and then leaned into him. "Yes I was just thinking, about today." She said with a smile. "So many great things happened." She said setting her head on his chest giggling at the sound of his heart beat. She put her arms around his neck. She was happy, really happy.
"Ah...yes, today has been wonderful, and I hope it continues to be exciting." he said nestling his face into her hair. He breathed deeply, taking in the smell of her hair. He wished he could stay this way forever. Just the two of them, standing so close to each other, in the middle of the ocean.
Amber relaxed and then snuggled closer to him, the water was a bit cold and Honovi was so warm to her. She looked up at the sky yawning a bit. It was a great day but also tiring for her. She however didn't want to step on Honovi's fun so she didn't say anything and tried not to yawn again.
"We...we're trapped here?" Richard asked. He forced his bottom lip to tremble. He cupped his hands in front of him, and as he looked down at them a tiny fire formed in them. "I'm not a freak, am I?" he asked quietly, watching the orange fire slowly shrink and eventually disappear. Oh, the things he knew, and the things he was beginning to learn, too. Pretending to be a naive child had benefits when you were gathering information. The boy who called himself Richard now learned that no one knew how to escape. There was no flying or swimming off, and, knowing the structure of the earth, there was little sense in drilling to the other side of the earth.

Not that he cared. It would be a good test to see if he could survive the supposedly molten center of the earth.
Honovi smiled. "Are you tired?" he asked, rubbing her ber back. "We can go on shore and take a nap, if you want to. The ocean will still be here when you wake up." If she was really tired, he wouldn't mind getting out of the water for a bit. He didn't want to risk her falling asleep in the water.

Kora put her hand on the boy's head. "Don't worry, kid. We're trying to escape, but we haven't succeeded yet. And if you got brought here, you're probably a freak. Although, you're probably less than a freak than some of us are. Humans aren't interested in gawking at you if you don't have anything to display." She pointed at her wings, saying, "These things made me a popular exibit in freak shows, until the owners would find out about my temper and sell me. So, you didn't answer my question: what are you?"
Amber closed her eyes him rubbing her back was quite relaxing. She yawned a big yawn. She didn't want to pull away but she did and then grabbed his hand and then pulled him back to shore. She yawned again feeling even more tired. SHe rubbed her eyes.
Richard looked up at the girl. "But we're going to escape, right? Promise?" He thought a bit on what he should say for the girl's question. She was adamant in her request for an answer. "Well, my parents were demons, so I guess that would make me..." he trailed off at the end, almost as if he was saddened by the prospect. He closed his ruby eyes, in what could appear to be sadness.
Honovi chuckled quietly, following her. "You could have told me if you were feeling tired. I wouldn't have minded." he told her, keeping his eyes on her to make sure she didn't fall over or anything.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"I can't promise you anything, but we're trying." she told him. When he finally said what he was, she smiled slightly, a rare occurance. "A demon? Cool. That's what I use to be adversized as." She stretched her wings a bit, reminded of the dumb cages she use to be shoved in. "I'm actually a werebat, but nobody knows what that is. They figured demons were scary, I guess. But you're a little sweet, aren't ya?" She rubbed his head, smiling. She laughed slightly.
Amber yanwed and then went to the hunt. She got down and then laid down and closed her eyes her hair still dripping, but she really didn't care. She was mre tired now that she is out of the water. (Don't you hate it when that happens? lol.)
(I know, haha. Half my sunburns probably come from falling asleep at the pool... >_>)

Honovi followed her into the hut and sat down beside her. As she was already asleep, he didn;t say anything, instead, he just brushed her hair away from her face, waiting patiently for her to wake up.
Richard shuffled his feet, as though shy. If he wasn't so absorbed in becoming the boy in his lie, he might have attacked Kora for touching him. But the secret of a lie was to become your lie. And to never forget it.

"Ms. Kora, have you seen my mum?"

Amber slept peacfully. She rolled overn and then hugged onto Honovi as if she knew he was there, well she could smell him. She was still asleep though. She was probably going to be asleep for a while.
Kora took her hand off his head. "Nope. Sorry, kid, but your mom is probably far away from here. But, we have a whole little family of other freaks back at the huts, if you're interested. It's not as perfect and straightforward as the one you've got at home, but it's better than nothing, right?" She had never really had a family until the disfuctional group on this island. She supposed the freaks show exibits were a type of family, but they usually hated each other, or competed to see who could get the most gawkers, or maybe scare them away the best. Then again, from what she heard, some real families were like that, too.

Honovi chuckled and layed on his side beside her, putting his arms around her as well. "Sleep tight, my princess. We have all the time in the world." he said, although he knew she probably wouldn't hear him. He continued to smooth down her hair, and kissed her on the forehead.
Amber slept for an hour before waking up to fine Honovi having his arms around her. She rubbed her eyes and then slowly moved. She stretched out and looked at Honovi with a smile. She snuggled into his warmth and then sighed happily. She kept her eyes open though as she took a look outside.
"Did you sleep well?" he asked when she woke up. He smiled at her, watching as she nestled further into his arms, and glanced outside.

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