We, The Forgotten

(Not really, I thought maybe they find something on the island or something....I don't know I just needed to brain storm with.)

Amber waited till he turned around and then shifted back. She walked over and got her clothes on as quick as she could blushing a bit. Once she was clothed she sighed. "You can look now." She said and then pulled her hair out of her top. She stretched out. Although she had a certain smell about her, when shifters feel a strong emotion it turns to a scent known as pheromones. She was feeling love at the moment.
(Maybe. Hm...maybe they could find that cave that a few people were having their characters hang around earlier? I mean, we're obviously not going to engage the escape plan yet, since I'm working on recruiting more people right now, and that would be a bit sudden. But, having them know where it is might help speed along that part, when we're ready for it. Any other ideas?)

Honovi turned back around and smiled at her. He scooted up beside her, and kissed her on her forehead. "I don't know why, but I believe I like your human form best." he told her. "Not that I dislike your other forms, of course. The difference between them is very minuscule." He closed his mouth and swallowed, trying not to start rambling. As much as being polite usually helped him through almost every situation, it became a curse when he felt he had to cover for and over-explain things that he really didn't.
(Nah I was thinking something more interesting....Like a temple or something, maybe this island is where all Shape shifters were found but they were taken away people thinking they were animals, maybe Amber could find out that Shifters are endangered?)

Amber giggled and looked at him. "I like my human form the best too, because I can do this." She put her finger under his chin and then pulled him closer kissing him on the lips again. Oh how she loved it, she leaned in and got closer. When she pulled back she smiled.
(Oh! That sounds really cool. I would love to do that! =D )

Honovi chuckled as he was brought closer to her. He enjoyed the kiss very much, and didn't get much further away, even after it ended. "Yes. That's a very good reason to like this form best." he said, looking into her eyes. He put his hand on her chin and ran his thumb down her cheek. "It's definitly one of the reasons I like it."
( xD Sweet.)

Amber smiled at him loving his touch. She giggled and then looked around to make sure no one was spying on them. She looked back at Honovi leaning her head into his touch. "So what shall we do now?" She asked starting to play with his hair again. She smiled at him happy as ever.
Honovi shrugged. "Whatever you wish to do." he told her. "I'll be happy as long as you're near me." He continued caressing her face, and as he spoke, his mind was whirling for something to suggest. His eyes widened a bit as he got an idea. "We could always explore the island a bit. We're bound to find something interesting, since we're pretty sure the firsr drop-offs were also the first people here, at least in quite a while."
Amber looked at him and then smiled. "Cool!" She said and then got up looking at him as she removed his hand from her face and held it tight in her hand. She smiled and waited for him to start walking. She looked around, suddenly a smell hit her noise. She blinked and then tilted her head, she got this overwelming need to head in the smells direction.
Honovi wrapped his hand around hers, and they began to walk. He was paying close attention not to walk too fast, and noticed when something seemed to catch her attention. "Did you notice something?" he asked. "Lead the way. I'll go wherever you want to."
Amber looked at him and then looked up at where the scent came from. She looked at him and then ran off towards the scent taking him with her as she ran. She stopped and then looked around. She blinked and stopped seeing a hole just large enough for them to slip through.
Honovi followed after her. When they stopped in front of the hole, he looked down into it. "Do you want to investigate down there?" he asked. The hole was kind of unsettling to him, but he'd explore it if she wanted to. He'd just never been a huge fan of dark, closed spaces, is all.
Amber looked at honovi with a need to. She dived down into the hole and crawled through. Tfloor of the hole changed to a cold stone. Amber kept going, a light at the end caught her eye and she crawled out o the tunnel. She looked around at the stone with drawlings. What was this place? She looked around amazed.
Honovi smiled slightly at Amber's seeming eagerness. He, too, jumped into the hole, and followed Amber through. "Woah. This is an interesting place." he said, lookming around, intrigued.
Amber looked at the pictures. "Hey I think these are shifters." she said and then looked around. "Yeah this has shifters all over the wall." she said and then smiled. She continued to look around. "What if this was made by shifters like me?" she asked looking at honovi.
"Really?" Honovi asked, going over to the wall to have a look. "Wow...if that's true...if this was made by shapeshifters, this might be one of the biggest discoveries ever made in the cryptozoological world. It could unlock mysteries that shifters have had for generations." He turned to Amber and hugged her. "Good job, and congradulations. I truly hope your correct. I would like nothing more than for you to find answers to everything you don't know about your kind."
Amber looked at Honovi and smiled. "Me too!" She said and then giggled. "Wel really, I smelled something and then I just had to follow it. I mean i HAD to follow it." She said and then smiled at him hugging back. She looked at Honovi smiling happily at the idea. (So....what should be some things about shifters should I include? I have a few ideas but I didn';t know if you had anything on the speices.)
(Hm...I don't know. Maybe you could have it that there are different species of shifters, to explain why there are things some shifters can do that others can't? Also, I skimmed the wikipedia article, and it seems that there are a lot of cases of people being forced to change shape as punishment for something. Maybe you could have it that the race originated from a war with a sorcerer/group of sorcerers, or something similar, who changed a group of people into animals, and they eventually developed a way to switch back, and then into other creatures?)

"Well, it's a good thing youdecided to follow that smell." he said, kissing her forehead. "We might never have found this place." He hadn't thought it possible, but he was beginning to feel that he love Amber even more than before. He had always been content just researching knowledge already known by various species, but she might have found entirely new information!
(Got it! Thanks)

Amber looked at him and then giggled as he kissed her forehead. She looked around and then slightly pulled away and then kissed his cheek. She suddenly ran off down a hall giggling. "COME ON!" She said and then found a chamber. She looked inside it and saw a dusty old book. She blinked and walking up to it. She blinked and then looked up seeing the key to the book up high on the ceiling, only a flying creature could get it....or....a shifter! She smirked and shifted into a bird grabbing the key.
Honovi was surprised when she ran, but chuckled. "Where are you going?" he asked, running after her. He stopped in front of the chamber she had went on, and followed. The first thing he noticed was that she had shifted into a bird. He looked to where she was flying, noticing the key, and then looked to the book. "Ah, found yet another interesting thing, huh?" he asked, going to stand by the book, so they could look over it together once she shifted back. Then he realized the hole in that logic: she had to shift back, and she probably wouldn't want him in the room. "I'll go stand in the hall. Call for me when you're done shifting." he told her, smiling and going to lean against the wall outside the chamber. "This just keep getting more and more interesting..." he said to himself, smiling.
Amber shifted back and then got dressed. She looked at honovi. "You can come in now." she said and then opened the book. She smiled reading about how they were humans who were cursed by another group of humans. They figured out how to reverce it and change into other animals. She also learned that there are classes of shifters, Human shifters who can change their gender, animal shifters like her, and Founder shifters who can shift into anything. She blinked and then smiled. "Cool!"
Honovi came up bwhind her and read the book along with her. "Woah..." he muttered, reading faster. He did his best to commit everything to memory, so he could put it in his notes, when he got the chance to. "This is amazing!" he said. He couldn't think of anything else to say that would adequetly express how huge this discovery was, and how excited he was that she found so much information on her race. Instead, he just wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the back of her head. "This is amazing." he repeated quieter, kissing her head again. "You're amazing. Absolutely amazing."
Amber smiled and set her hands on his leaning back into him. "No I'm not." She giggled and looked up at him. SHe smiled and looked at the book. "Hey look....it says right on this island we became shifters." She smiled. "We were taken off by humans thinking we were animals." She said and then rubbed his hands. "This book is amazing though. You got that right."
"Oh, but you are amazing!" he replied, shifting his weight back and forth in a rocking motion. "I don't think any other person on this island...in this world, even...could have found this book, but you. I mean, obviously it could have been found by someone eventually, but they probably wouldn't have had the same connection to the island as you do. It wouldn't have meant the same if anyone else had found it. It was your destiny to unlock the secrets of your people. That's why you're amazing. Well, one reason of many, but I don't think we'd have time to list all the reasons." He continued rocking as he listened to her describe the shifter's past fate. "Interesting." he said, stopping to look at the book. "Hm...in some ways, this island kind of belongs to you. Before any of us even got here, before whoever the person who sent us here even caught us, your people lived here, and through a stoke of luck, whether good or bad, you were brought back here, and made an amazing discovery." He smiled, and talked quieter, almost to himself. "If that's not a perfect example of fate, I don't know what is..."
Amber looked at honovi. "Interesting indeed." she smiled and then kisses him quickly. "You're just one big suck up now." she smiled at him and then sighed happily grabbing the book and picking it up. "You know this could be our little secret place." she smiled at him. "I'll be here alot more often." she said and then set the book down turning around in his arms. "Well it is a huge discovery and I'm glad to have found it." she said and rested her head on his shoulder. She played with his hair. "You know this island isn't so bad for me at least. It where shifters were born and I met you." she said her finger sliding down behind his ear to his chin. "I got my knight in shining armor, a bit late for the attack but none the less." she giggled a bit.
Honovi chuckled at being called a suck up. "I don;t believe it is being a suck up if I truly believe every word I'm saying." he replied. "And I hope to come here with you as often as you are down here, it that is okay with you." At mention of the attack, his mood shifted. Although he had put the cause of her injuries out of him mind, in favor of slightly happier thoughts, he still felt guilty about it. He knew that he had tried, and just hadn't done very well, being as he was not much of a fighter, but the 'what if's, in either good or bad directions, still played through his head whenever what that boy did to Amber, and how little he could do to stop it, was at the forefront of his mind. Still, he was glad he had been able to give her the medical attention she had needed, and they had made ammends for it. "Yeah..." he replied, trying to hid the slight sadnessd and guilt in his voice.
Amber blinked as he seemed not as happy as he was before. She frowned and then looked him in the eye. "What's wrong?" she asked her gaze not going to look away from his. She hugged him tighter with worry it was something she did....or was something she said? She couldn't be sure at all.

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