We, The Forgotten

"No, I don't..." Honovi replied, shaking his head. "Why? Do you...are you..." He liked his lips, trying to think of the least embarrassinbg way to say this. He took a deep breath, and tried to have a serious look on his face, although it was kind of ruined by how red his face way. "I never really like a female that way. Not like I like..." He could feel his face getting hotter.He took a deep breath, and took the metaphorical plunge. "I...I like you in that way, Amber. But, I don't mean to be too forward. If you do not feel that way, we do not have to mention this again." He was mentally smacking himself for that comment. If he'd stop and think for a moment, he'd realize she did like him that way. He was too worried about not creeping her out to notice something like that, though.
Amber looked at him in happiness. "You like me?" Her face was red but her joy was also mixed in. "Honovi...I do like you...a lot..." She said looking at him. "I would have thought you'd notice..." She looked at him but held herself where she was, even though she wanted to get closer again. "You don't know how relieved I am to know that, I thought for sure you wouldn't accept me like that because...it's not accepted with your kind." She looked down and then looked back at him worringly.
Honovi laughed, and rubbed his head. "Did I also mention that the fact I do not live with my pod and spend most of my time around land-walkers is looked down upon by my people as well?" he asked, winking. "Perhaps 'looked down upon' was the incorrect wording. It's not exactly something that they encourage, but if I tell my pod that I have fallen in love with a girl from the land, they will just continue to warn me of the dangers of allowing a land female near my Other Skin, and wish me happiness and luck. I don't think this will surprise them, though. Although they have never said so to me, I imagine they were expecting me to fall for a land girl, if I fell in love at all, being as I spend so much time in my land form, and haven't shown any interest in any of the girls from my pod. They'll probably be happy, though, that you are a shifter. The fact you can also change your form will probably make them less weary of...of me being stuck on land." He stopped talking of his pod there. Being as selkie lived so much of their lives in an animal form, love seemed to automatically drift towards...other things quicker in their minds than most land-walkers' might. He did now want to mention what his pod would be thinking in concerns to her, though, because he did not want to make it seem as if that's what he was thinking about. "None the less, I am very happy you feel the same way. It will definitly make being near you less awkward than if you had not returned my feelings." He placed his hands on hers and smiled, though he looked down slightly, still a bit embarrassed.
Amber looked at him and then smiled. She looked at his hands and then looked at him. She smiled a bit. "Well i'm glad...I was worried there for a while really." She giggled a bit and then looked down. "I'm glad that things will be less awkward." She looked at him and then tilted her head a bit. "You should count yourself lucky you know of your kind...I just wonder why my kind is so...hard to get imformation on." She sighed.
"True..." he said, nodding. With that bit of confession evened out, his mind drifted back to that of a scholar and researcher, although his hands still remained around hers. "I'd guess the reason for the lack of information would be because of variation, and possibly a lack of sharing of information. After all, when I mentioned the shifter I met who could change gender, you awere surprised, and you also said you lived with your father. My kind has very little variation from one individual to another, and we live in groups that go back untracable numbers of generations in relation, and we can also trace common ancestors to other pods as well, so we can exchange information about our kind very easily. If all shifters live like you and your father did, new discoveries would probably not flow from one shifter to another very quickly." He took one hand away and placed it on his chin, thinking for a moment. "Perhaps, since I travel so much, and am already doing so much research into other species already, I could branch out a bit to focus my attention more on shifters while I do my research, to help you, as long as other shifters, exchange information a bit more..." He smiled, the slight returning a bit. "Afterall, you already said you are interested in living with my sister and I, right?" During the course of their conversation, he had nearly forgotten about that conversation. Now that they knew that they both liked each other, that agreement could be very different than they had originally thought.
Amber smiled at him and nodded. "Yes I would...more...now then ever...but anyhow if I didn't lose my father so early I might know a bit more about shifters." She sighed but amiled sqeezing his hand a bit as she grabbed it. She looked outside, if only she could run and climb. She looked back at Honovi. "So...I like hearing about you're kind." She said wanting to learn more. She smiled at him, leaning in a bit ready to listen.
He thought for a moment, then chuckled again. "I think I've told you everything really important about us, I believe." he said, thinking a bit more. "Uh...I should probably warn you that we tend to have relatively large extended families. In addition to meeting my sister when we get off this island, and my parents if you ever came with me to visit my pod, you'd probably also get surrounded by my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Let's see...my mother has a sister and two brothers, my dad has four brothers and a sister...most of them have found mates as well..." He counted his fingers, trying to remember how many cousins he had. "I think I have about 20 or 30 cousins, ranging from newly born this past season, to old enough to have pups of their own. Of course, that's factoring in my second cousins as well." He chuckled slightly. "My father's family is a bit on the larger side, though. I think his family is one of the largest, although not the largest, while I'm also positive my own parent's decision to only have me and Adele puts them at the smallest family in the pod, other than pairs who have only recently chosen a mate. Usually, families have about three or four pups." He looked st her again, and smiled. "Speaking of which, would you be interested in visiting my pod? I'm not sure ifI mentioned before, but I usually check in with them every few months when the weather is nice. My sister would probably be more than happy to stay with you on land if you do not want to, but I'm sure my family would like to see the girl who I've opened my home to. I'll try to keep them from interrogating you sll at once if you do come." He winked at her, chuckling under his breath at the idea. "Do you have any specific questions about selkies?"

(I'm going to admit now that I have no idea how many babies seals have in their lifetime. I just made something up, based on the fact seals can, and usually do, give birth once a year, but factoring in the selkies' human side, being as they live longer, don't start as young, and probably don't want to have quite than many babies. :/ )
Amber blinked and looked at him. "Wow...that's alot." She said rubbing her head with her free hand. "Um, I would love to go with you to meet your family." She looked at him and then smiled. "Yes...I would hate to be crowded." She said and then looked up thinking. "Hm not really. Thanks though..." She said smiling at him. She loved learning about his kind. Even if she didn't have the chance to learn more about her kind knowing about his would be useful right now.
Honovi nodded again. "Okay. Just ask if you think of anything." he told her, not really sure what else he wanted to tell her, in terms of selkies. "And I'll definitely find so, me way to control how much of my family is talking to you at once. Hm...perhaps Adele would be willing to distract some of our family while I'm talking to the rest of them..." He drifted off into thoughts about how to control his family's numbers.
Amber smiled and listened to how he would figure how to keep some of his family away. She smiled as she watched him. She looked outside and then back at the sand. She thought to herself about any other questions. None came to mind and she just looked at him waiting for how he would figure to keep her from getting crowed or frightened by their numbers. She looked down, her picture she drew was messed up, probably when she fell. She blinked wiping the rest of it away.
"I don't know..." he said to himself, shaking his head. They would probably not have to worry about it right away, so he wasn't in any hurry to get a definite idea. He looked down to where Amber's drawing had been and frowned. "Oh...it's too bad that was only in sand. It was a pretty design..."
Amber looked at him and then shrugged. "Come on I really want to get my book...it might get wet." She said and then looked out. "Please I'm worried about it." She said and then looked at him with worry. She grabbed his shoulders to help her up.
"Okay, let's go." Honovi replied, putting his hand over hers to aid in steadying her, before getting up himself. He motioned to the door, and said, "After you, M'lady." and bowed. The corners of his mouth quivered, trying not to chuckle.
Amber giggled and then looked at him. She slowly walked out still plently sore. She looked back at him and then turned into a wolf. "I feel better this way." She grabbed her clothes and then stuck them on her close. "Not to mention my wounds heal faster because I have to create new tissue for the animals. Still it hurts to sometimes." She said starting to walk.
"Ah...interesting." Honovi replied, nodding. He made a note to record that as well, when he had the chance. He followed after her, observing her wolf form. "So, I'm supposing your clothes don't follow into your transformation, either?" he asked, blushing slightly. It was a strange question, but it was intertesting to him. One of hims other side-researched was trying to find some pattern in which creatures could keep their clothes when they transform, and which ones had to be careful, lest they destroy them in an accidental transformation. When he first came to land, he had thought all shape-changing creatures were like his kind and could only change their actual body, but he had seems few creatures here and there who didn't have to worry about that. It still seemed kind of random to him so far, though.
Amber looked at him. "Well my dad could...but I am less eperenced then him and so far have not been able to shift my clothes as well." She said and then blushed under her fur a bit. "But maybe when I'm older..." She kept walking and then found the place she met Honovi. She looked in a small hole, her grabbed a book that had many cool little drawlings over the front and back. She gently pulled it out and then set it at his feet. Most of the first few pages were just plants, as pages turned they got better and better, then their were animals and after a while animals with back grounds, then humans, and pictures of her alone crying in the forest the back ground were pretty and colorful even though it was a sad picture. She looked down and sighed.
Honovi sat on the ground and picked up the book. "Oh. I've always wondered how some creatures do that." he said, as he opened the notebook, still thinking about their conersation. "I haven't destroyed anything yet, but both my sister and I have gotten our clothes wet plenty of times from falling in the ocean or a river by accident." He then looked down at the drawings, and raised his eyebrows as he looked through them. "Wow...these are really nice..." he said, continuing to flip pages. He frowned when he got to the pages of pictures of Amber being lonely. "Well...you're very good at conveying emotion..." he said, closing the notebook and setting it aside after reaching the last drawing. He knew he couldn't have done anything about it, but he still wished he had located Amber earlier, because of how alone she must have felt when drawing those pictures.
Amber nodded and then looked at him and then walked away. "Please don't look till I come out." She said going into a place he could see and then shifted back human. She got dressed and then walked out. Her wounds were almost healed. Although she still had to be careful. She grabbed her book sighing deeply. "It's easy...if you know the feelings well." She looked at him and smiled just a little.
Honovi turned his head away, thinking about other things so that he would not be tempted to turn the other way. He finally allowed himself to look at her again when he heaed her talking. "Yes, it is a good skill." he said, getting up and going over to give her a hug. "I just wish you did not have to deal with those emotions in the first place."
Amber looked at him and smiled. "Well I have a new emotion now." She said looking up at him. Her gaze slowly went to his lips but didn't stay there long at all. She looked at him and then just smiled. "I'm not alone anymore." She smiled and then looked down at the ground.
Honovi smiled. "I'm glad for that. And I'll do everything I possibly can to make sure you never feel lonely again." He licked his lips, thinking. He felt like this was a good time to try to kiss her, but he was still kind of nervous about it. They had only known they liked each other for a few minutes, right? He wasn't sure about the way relationships progressed for land-dwellers, and didn't want to do anything too soon. Still, it could also be bad if he seemed like he was hoding back...
Amber smiled at him happy that he was with her. She looked at him, he seemed to be thinking something over. She tilted her head cutly wondering about it. She just gave him and smiled and then rubbed her hand nervously. (Sorry Writers block.)
(It's okay, I have writer's block, too. In fact, I have no idea what to say right now. :\ Sorry, I'll post again if/when I think of something...)
Still unsure, Honovi just hugged her tighter, thinking. He took a deep breath and decided he'd get her opinion, sincr that was the only one that really mattered in this situation. "Um...do you mind if...I kiss you?" he asked, his heartbeat quickening. "It feels like something I should do in this conversation...and I want to...but I also don't want to go too fast for you."

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