We, The Forgotten

Amber looked at him and then slowly got up. "Hey I'll be right back...ok?" She slowly walked out of the hut. She looked back at him hoping he wouldn't ask. Although he probably would. She slowly stretched out again but was very sore. She cringed a bit and then checked her wounds. She smiled slightly and continued to head off towards the forest.
"Um...okay..." Honovi agreed reluctantly. He stood by the doorway and watched her stretch, and then turn to leave. "Hey,where are you going?" he called after her. "Do you feel okay? I don't want you getting hurt again!" He bit his botton lip for a second, then said, "Just be careful!" He already decided he didn

t want to force her to stay in the hut. If she felt up to exploring for a bit, he'd let her. He thought about whether he should catch up with Kora, and maybe catch a few fish to at least offer up to whoever was around the encampment, or staying there, so he would be around when Amber got back.

Kora sat on a branch, eating some fruit. It was juicy, and a little bit ran down the side of her mouth. "I guess these'll do." she said when she was full. She grabbed a few, and then jumped from the tree, using her wings like a parachute. She then walked towards the stream, and started looking for the kind of fish Honovi usually brought back.
Amber looked at him and blushed a bit. "I'm just going for a quick bath..." She said and then rubbed her arm. She tried to shifted and then managed to shift into a wolf. She grabbed her clothes and then slowly limpped into the forest looking for a hot spring or a river.
"Oh..." Honovi muttered, blushing, and going back into the hut. He wasn't sure how else to respond to that. Instead, he just sat and decided to wait for a little bit, to make sure she didn't need anything upon her return.
Amber found one and shifted into her human form and got in the cold river. She washed down with just water since she didn't have anything else. She was careful about her wounds though. She got out and died her hair as beast as she could. She looked at her injuries and then relized she was standing there unclothed like an idiot. She quickly put her clothes on and slowly walked back. She stopped by the hut and then leaned on it feeling pain again. She walked into the hut and then sat down quickly. She was tired surprisingly and she looked at honovi. She smiled slightly feeling Beter but the long trek back had made her wounds burn with irritation:
Rosa walked into the quite camp and sat down beside the fire. She grabbed a large stone and a smaller sharper one and began the slow process of skinning and gutting the rodents. They were big enough to provide small portions for three or four people or a complete meal for two. She set the small skins to the side figuring if she gathered enough she could stitch them into a blanket, who knew how long they were going to have to stay here and she wanted something softer to sleep on.
Honovi stood up suddenly, going over to Amber. "Are you okay? I mean, obviously you're in pain, but is there anything you want me to do to help you?" He sat in front of her, and began to scan her for any signs of open wounds, or anything that he could see needed attention.

Kora splashed around in the water, trying to catch one of the squirmy little sea creatures Seal-boy built his diet on. Finally, she managed to get one in her hands, and immediatly began to squeeze it, until it stopped squirming. "Well, that's taken care of now." she muttered, climbing out of the river and squeezing as much water out of her clothes as she could. She collected the fruit she had picked earlier, and made her way back toward camp.

(I'm going to assume Kora was deeper in the forest than Amber, to avoid the possibility of them crossing paths.)
(Yeah lol)

Amber looked at him and then laid down. "I was just moving around to much." She slightly smiled at him and then looked up at him yawing a bit. "I'm fine really." She sat up feeling like she didn't want to lay down anymore. She looked at him and smiled. "Thank you for the consern though." She said checking her wounds herself, they were fine.
Honovi sighed. "No problem. I'm just happy to see you're okay." Honovi told her.

Once Kora returned to the encampment, she went straight othe hut in which Honovi and Amber were, with the food. "Hey, you two! I got your stuff for you." she said, reaching in and dropping the fish and the fruit into the selkie's lap.
Amber looked up at her and smiled a bit. "Thank you." She looked down and then looked at the fruit and quickly grabbed some, very quickly and started eating. SHe bother to be very pleasent about it she was starving. She looked at them once she had finished and then smiled happily wiping her mouth with her arm.
Kora raised her hand a bit, to accompany the response she was about to give. She blinked a bit when Amber snatched at the food, though. "You're welcome..." she said, raising an eyebrow. "Just tell me if you guys need anything else." she slipped out after that, to relax by the fire for a bit before doing a scan of the island.

Honovi chuckled a bit when Amber snatched at the fruit. "Well, you certainly
were hungry!" he said, picking up the slightly squashed and mutilated fish, nibbling on it a bit. "Was it good?" He placed the rest of the fish on his lap, deciding to save it for lunch, when he was a little more hungry.
Amber smiles and then nods. "yes it was." she said and then stretched out her arms a bit. She looked around. She smiled as she looked at him. "So I guess I will stay here huh?" she looked at him. "You probably have other things to attend to right?" she asked looking a bit sad at the idea of being in the hut alone. She still tried her beast to smile though not wanting him to feel like he had to stay here with her.
"Actually, no I don't. I usually just fish all day." he told her, shaking his head. "I was actually planning to just stay here and help you with things until your wounds healed. But, if you want some privacy while you nap, I can go out and sit by the fire for a bit. Just call me if you need anything." He began to stand up, but did so slowly. He didn't want to be a creep, and watch her sleep, exactly. He just emjoyed being near her in general. But, he'd respect her privacy, if she wanted it. He, too, smiled at her, despite not really wanting to leave.
Amber chuckles. "But who's going to keep the spiders away? I hate those things....which is odd I lived in the forest my entire life." She smiled at him she looked down again and then blinked. "Of course if you want to go you can." She looked at her feet and then glanced up at him.
Honovi sat back down. "Don't worry. I'd love to stay to keep away the spiders for you." he told her, smiling at her. He crossed his legs and placed his hands on hus knees. "I was only going to leave because I thought you might prefer your privacy." He leaned back slightly, resting against the wall of the hut. He did not put much pressure on it, however, as he wasn't sure how strong it was.
Amber sighs a bit. "I've been alone almost all my life, So I think I've had enough privacy to last my life time, I really don't want to be alone anymore." She looked down and then up at him. "I'm sorry, I hope I don't bother you with that." She looked but and then smiled lightly. She looked down again and then slightly rubbed her head pushing her hair behind her ear and then laid down. She closed her eyes for a second and then looked at him.
Honovi smile at her. "No, it's fine. I understand. I will do my best to stay with you as long as you want me to be near. The only excpeption would be to get food and supplies when the others aren't around, and I'll return as swiftly nas possible."
Amber smiles widely happy that he will stay. She looked aroun the hut. "Is everyone of your kind this nice?" she asked rolled on her side and looked at him. If she would have known she could have met other people this nice, she may have not stayed in the forest for so long. She looked at the sand thinking about it as she waits for an answer.
(I apologize for how long with turned out to be. I should probably have a warning every time I use Honovi as a character that questions about selkie culture or his research usually become long descriptions. ^^; )

Honovi chuckled. "I don't know." he said, looking at the ceiling as he talked, trying to dig up the memories from when he lived with his pod full-time, instead of just checking in and visiting. "With each other, it's much like any other society: certain selkie get along better with each other than others, younger pups sometimes tease each other, and they tend to play with others of the same age, rather than the younger one. There are slight difference, though. Pups and younger adult selkie aren't quiet as cruel to each other as some humans are. Most dispute only last a few weeks or months, maybe a year at the very most. It was actually shoking to me that some children and adolescents in land culture as life-long fueds with their peers from school over such minute things. Although, that might be because pods are a bit smaller in total than some land schools, so large disputes can sometimes become a whole pod's business, until they end, and we're usually with the same selkie pod our whole lives, unless we fall in love with someone from another pod, and join theirs. I'm actually quite an oddball, having lived on land in my human-like form and among land creatures for such a long period of time." His gaze drifted back to Amber. "But, it'd probably be different, for land creatures like you. My pod is especially paranoid, so we usually only come to land at relatively unpopulated areas. But, if I had to guess, if any other selkie male had met you, he probably would have either back away in fear, if not full out ran away. A female might be just a bit jittery, as long as her mate, or at least a male whom she was close friends with, were not nearby. There are some who might react in more fear, though. Selkie from other pods, I'm not completely sure. I've heard some pods whose territory is closer to heavily-populated areas sometime come to land and live among them for times without even being noticed. Inter-special relations are greatly discoraged, though, because of how difficult it is to get one's Other Skin back from a former lover or spouse once you have entrusted them with it." Unpon saying this, a rush of sadness rushed over him. But why? He was sure his pod would be okay with him befriending her. He was sure they were aware he had had other female aquaintences during his time on land. Why should they feel any different about Amber?
Amber blinked and then smiled at first she tried to hid her slight disapoinmen that they would fear her. Now that she knew how fun it was to have a friend. When he started talking about how outside relations were discouraged she frowned a bit. "So I guess they wouldn't like me to much then." she looked at him and then looked down again. "I guess I would be no different I mean till I met you I was just like that." she sighed a bit. "I wouldn't know to much about shifters, I was alone for most of my life so I guess I wouldn't be able to tell you about my kind."
Honovi gave her a sad smile. "It isn't exactly they wouldb't like you. It's just...from the time a selkie pup is very young, they hear stories of greedy humans strealing the Other Skins of careless selkie and being forced into marriages, to discourage them from leaving the pod too early. In a pod like mine, which is not around very many populated areas, those stories are never disproven. That's why i was so eager to come to land. and separate the truth and the lies. I'm sure, if they could meet you and see that you would never steal my skin, they would love you as much as I do." Honovi blushed slightly, realizing the way he worded the phrase too late to change it. "Meaning...they would enjoy your company as well, once they see that the legends are wrong." Honovi nodded as she mentioned not knowing much about her own kind. "I know a bit about shifters from previous research, but it is difficult to find any past the surface information. If I had to make a guess, I'd say most shifters are in the same boat as you, knowledge-wise. I have not met very many shifters, though, so I could very easily be wrong."
Amber looked at him and blinked listening to him and then slightly blushed when he said love. She quickly turned her head trying to make it look like she saw something and then once she felt the blush go away she looked back at him. She smiled and nodded when he explained himself. Although her smile was pretty weak. This was odd how she was feeling right in those moments. "Well I hope to meetr another shifter....although I guess you are the closes thing to a shifter..." She chuckled.
"Yes, but shifters are so much more intriguing, in my opinion!" he told her leaning forward, eyes wide. He gave her a wide smile as he spoke. "I can only shift back and forth between a seal and this form, and i cannot even do that if I do that if I do not have my Other Skin. But, you! You can choose what you want you want to become. It amazes me to see the multitude of creatures you can become!"
Amber looked at him and then blinked and smiled. "Well, yes." She looked down and then looked back at him. "I guess I'm not as amazed since I found out from my dad and started shifting. I guess I never really thought about it." She looked at the ground.
Honovi continued smile at her, before his eyes widened, and his smile dropped. "Oh, I hope I'm not embarrassing you." he said, his face reddening. He looked down, not sure what else to say.

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