We, The Forgotten

Amber looked at him and blinked. "Friend?" She tilted her head. "You consider me a friend? I've never had a friend before." She said with a bright smile. She looked at him and then looked down. She smiles as she drags herfingure in the sand. "I guess that's the problem with hiding you never met anyone." She sighed and then layed back down. "...It kind of nice." She said looking at him. She smiles a bit.
"Well, I'm glad you're happy." he told her, still smiling kindly. "And yes, I do consider you a friend. You seem very nice and fun to talk to, so I decided I wanted to consider you a friend."
Amber looks at him and smiles. She sat up again and then smiled. "Thanks." She looked at the sand and then started drawling something random. It ended up being a flower. She looked back at Honovi with a smiled. "Your really nice too. Even before we met." She smiled and then looked at her little flower.
He nodded. "I'm glad to hear that. I try to be nice, when I can." As he spoke, he looked down at when Amber drew in the sand. "That is a very nice flower, by the way."
Amber nodded. "Thanks." She looked at him and then looked up at the sky. "So um thanks for cleaning my wounds...really you are a lot of help." She said sighing deeply.
"Again, think nothing of it." he told her, nodding. "I did not want you to get an infection. While I can help clean them, I doubt anyone on this island can to much once it begins to get bad."
Amber looked at him and then sighed. "Yeah..." She said yawning. She looked at Honovi feeling very tired. "..." She didn'/t want to move though. She looked down at the sand. (Writers block! TT^TT)
Elizabeth had changed and was watching the conversation between Honovi, Beast, and Amber from the trees. She frowned and silently stepped forward. "H-hello..." she said quietly.
Honovi watched her yawn, and began to notice how tired she was becoming. "Perhaps i could take you back to the circle of huts, so you could rest a bit?" he offered. "This has been a very...eventful day, I would say." Before Amber could reply, Honovi looked up to see another resident of the island. "Oh, hello there." he said, smiling at her kindly.

(I can't remember if he met Elizabeth or not. I don't think he did, bu feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. >_> )
Amber looked at Honovi and was about to say something when the girl showed up. She suddenly looked very shy and then looked for a way to run incase. She looked at the ground and quietly. "Hi...." She said rubbing her arms. She looked around again. Still though she can't move to easily.
Elin shook her head, "I have no idea. All I know is that I was left in the water and a bump on my head where I had hit the sea floor. So I swam up and found myself here.." She looked down, biting her lip slightly, "I was too worried of what I may have found to leave here" She was speaking of being worried she was back at her home town. But now that she knew she was no where near it, she was eager to leave this tiny cave in which she had been stuck in for quite a while, she got closer to the edge and looked at both sea creatures, "When are you returning to the other area where the other people are?" She wanted to go soon, if that was possible.
Rosa looked around, "I'm content with leaving now, I warn you though some of the other creatures on this island can't really handle their powers so it isn't necessarily the safest place," she said no fear in her voice. She just figured the kelpie deserved a warning, "You might have to follow the sea creatures out because I came in through a very narrow tunnel," she barked.
Elin nodded, she looked to Rune and Marella and spoke in the sea tongue, "Shall we leave now?" She waited for them to confirm it first, she didn't want to enter the water until she knew that they were going to leave straight away. She was ashamed of her sea form thanks to the legends and her home town's citizens and didn't want to reveal it to others for any longer than necessary.
(Moonstone- I think they interacted a bit when Beast attacked but other than that, no.)

Elizabeth smiled a little bit "I'm Elizabeth," she said and sat on the sand beside him.
Amber relaxed as she took a less dangered pose. She at least couldn't attack while sitting down. She looked to the ground and then pulled her legs up. She put her arms around her legs and then slowly spoke softly. "Amber...." She said looked down. There wasn't much she trusted. At least she was fairly safe with Honovi around. However her body injured she couldn't go anywhere quickly.
Elizabeth looked at the girl who had spoken so softly when she sat down. She gave a soft smile to the girl, Amber was her name, and nodded "It's nice to meet you," she said as she sifted the sand through her tanned fingers. HEr dark hair fell in her face and the wet ends dampened her shirt.
Amber nodded. "You....too." she said and then relaxed laying back down on the sand. One knee up and the other straight down. She set her hands on her stomach. She looked at Honovi and the new girl. She was relaxed seeing the girl was nice too. She smiled lightly and then stared up at the sky.
Elizabeth looked up at the stars, staying in her sitting position. She sighed and remembered the days when night fell and she was under water. She rememnbered how the moonlight fell through the waves. She missed that so badly. Looking up at the stars made her sad so she turned her head back down, but the sadness stayed in her eyes.
Rune snaked around an underwater stalagmite. No. No other exits under the water. He surfaced, just in time to hear Rosa tell about the small tunnel- which also explained the currents of the air. Was there no escape? He refused to be trapped like an insignificant beast!

Seething, he approached the group. He listened to the strange girl question, and, soundlessly, nodded. He, at least, would be leaving the infernal cave.

With hardly a splash, he dove back under the water and swam into the exit tunnel. The others would follow. Or perhaps they wouldn't. Why would he care?
"Apparently we are leaving now," Maris said slipping back under water. "Why are you so adamant about leaving I though Sea serpents dwell in caves of such depth?" she asked flicking her tail smoothly to keep up with him. She smoothed the ridges and fins running along her body, preparing herself for the journey through the tunnel.
"We sea serpents," he growled, "Do not enjoy being trapped." He shot down the tunnel, not waiting to see if Elin followed. Caves were much too confined for creatures such as him. And neither, more so, this constricting invisible dome.
"Interesting," she purred moving with speed behind him. He seemed to get grouchy the more time he spent around others which wasn't unnatural he was probably a solitaire creature unless he had a mate of some kind. Maris thought back to the beautiful coral and sped up wanting to see what else lay in her new cage.
Honovi nodded, taking in the information. "Nice to meet you, Miss Elizabeth." he said, noticing Amber relaxing. "I am Honovi. I hope we will become close friends during our time here." He smiled at her, noticing the thoughtful look on her face, as well as how sad she looked. "Are you okay?" he asked lightly. He did his best to pervade in his voice that she didn't have to answer, if she didn't wish to, but that he was genuinely curious as to what troubled her.
Elin looked down at the water with two emotions; longing and fear. Of course she longed for the water, the feel of it against her skin as she swam elegantly through it, the sense of being at home she got when she was in it. But fear brought on by her childhood, she was taught to believe her kelpie form was disgusting, something to be ashamed of. She was something to be ashamed of. She sighed and did a swan dive into the water, as her body slipped under the waves it transformed. The top half of her body became a white horse with a long silver mane, whereas the bottom half became an almost mermaid like tail that was the same colour as the horse's coat - which happened to be the same texture as a seal rather than furry. She swam after them, sticking behind them a little bit as her deep blue eyes focused on the water up ahead. She could strangely enough talk in her kelpie form, as if her voicebox was still human.
Amber sat up again flinched. That was a bad idea, she was in some pain but managed to ignore it. She looked at Honovi watching him interact with this girl. She felt she should take notes since, she wasn't experenced in making friends or acting in anyway to try and be bold in such matters. She looked carefully between the two.

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