We, The Forgotten

Amber with less people Amber went out and then looked at Honovi. She went to the water and sat down. She looked out and then watched carefully for the serpent. She stuck her hand in the water and then relaxed. She set her hen on her knees staying in the shallow water. Although still looking around incase anymore came.
"Oh, hey. Welcom back, Amber. You still hungry?" Honovi asked, sitting up. He held up a fish, looking back and forth between Amber and the food. "I'm not sure if any of them are done, but you're welcome to eat one if you want." He turned behind him again, motioning at the sky.

Pleased that the beach had mostly cleared, she decided she could have a little bit of food. She angled herself to dive toward the sand, pulling up at the last minute to land. It was always a rush to do that. She took the fish from the selkie's hand and poked it. "Not yet, seal boy. At least not that one." She shook her head, and stuck it back where it was. "So, are you a newbie too, or...?" she asked Amber, crossing her arms.
Amber looked at Honovi and was about to say something when the girl came down and talked to her. She then suddenly stood up and then looked down. She didn't answer and looked to Hovovi frightened. She backed a bit further into the water looking down. She was looking around for a place to hid. There was none and she never shifted in front of anyone Honovi was a bit of a reflex she didn't mean to shift her ears.
Honovi blink, realizing the mistake he had made. "Don't worry. She's not going to hurt you. She just keeps watch for us, so we know when there is going to be new arrivals. She just wanted some food." he told Amber, standing up and walking toward her slowly, wanting to calm her down.

"If you're that afraid of me, I'll eat and run. It's fine." Kora shrugged. "Just wait for one of the fish to be done, and i'll be gone." She made a 'whoosh' noise, and made a motion with her hand to show she'd fly away as soon as she had some food. "I just thought I'd come down and meet you, since we're all in this together now, y'know?"
Amber looked at her and then relaxed slowly listening to Honovi. She looked at the girl and spoke quietly. "No...no...It's fine." She said and then looked at Honovi and sighed deeply. "...I wanted to say...no thanks about the fish I mean." She looked at the girl. "Um....I'm amber." She said still slowly backing up looking down.
Rosa looked to the sky and was surprised to see a plume of smoke coming from her right. It didn't look to deep into the jungle, and she would have to adventure into the trees eventually. She looked up at the smoke comparing it to the placement of the sun before starting into the maze of trees and vines. Ahead she could hear the sounds of people talking and moving about, "Hello?" she called softly.

Maris awoke disturbingly close to the shore. Her long blue and purple body was entangled in the arches and tunnels of many underwater rock formations, though it was annoying and somewhat painful her entanglement was the only thing stopping her from crashing into the jagged underwater cliffs. As she gained control of her body Maris unfurled her webbed wings spiked fins smiling as they spooked away unsuspecting fish and in once case stabbed one. The creature struggled creating pinkish water before dying. Maris snapped the creature up in her powerful jaws barely tasting it, a fish of that size was just a garnish compared to what she fed on.

Now that she was fully awake, the sea dragon released herself from her binds and with one flip of her powerful tails shot away from the watery cliffs and into the "sea". She felt entrapped and decided to test her boundaries, she found that a wall surrounded her cage a mere two miles away leaving her little room, the worst part was she could tell another creature lived here already. There was barely enough room for her in this place. Sighing she figured she might as well meet this being and with that she released a soft bellow announcing her underwater presence...Maris wasn't what you would call shy.
Beast roared as he awoke on shore. He looked up turning into his beast form. He roared again and then dashed towards the scent of other people. He saw amber and ran at her. Amber eyes widened as she tried to get away to the forest. Beast slammed his paw down on amber. He roared in her face his wings spreading wide. He started to snap at her like she was pray.

Amber screamed has his paw slammed down onto her. She struggled to get away know she couldn't shift without losing or ripping her clothes. She cried out as he started snapping at her. He arm she held up to protect her face bleeding. She stuggled then more. Crying out to Honovi to help her. She was completely in terrior. As beast picked her up his mouth she cried even harder.
(Sorry! I didn't realize Fire had posted while I was typing. >_<;;; )

"Kora. Welcome-" Suddenly, Kora's eyes widened as the girl got attacked. "What the hell are you doing?" She called at the strange person. She stepped back for a moment to think, and then started trying to kick the beast, wanted to do something. Could her wings do anything? She fought with a bunch of the circus people who were trading her back and forth, but she never had to deal with something like this. Pft, some sentry she was...

Honovi reacted a bit faster. "Kora, move!" he shouted, grabbing his spear with one hand and rushing at them, pushing the bat girl out of the way and swinging the spear at the creature attacking Amber. He was just trying to get it off her, but would attack it full-on if he needed to.

Kora jumped up into the air, trying to gain a little air, but not wanting to fly away. She was only watching, looking for some way to help. It was funny(in a totally non-haha way) how she, the one who acted all tough, could do nothing, while Mr. Friendly fisherman was the one who took charge.
Rosa stepped forward but before she could reply a blood curdling scream filled the air. She spun in time to see a huge white beast attacking this girl. Without think Rosa shifted and raced into the fight, of course her clothes were ripped and that would cause problems later but for now she needed to help this girl. Snarling she snapped at the creature's legs trying to draw its attention away.

Beast lood at the creature attacking him and slashed at her. He suddenly dropped Amber standing protectivly over her. He lowered himself to hide her in his fur. He roared again snapping at her. He also kept Amber under him. "MINE!" He roared at her. He wasn't going to give AMber up. He licked his teeth, they had amber's blood on them. Amber couldn't move from under him.
Elizabeth wandered along the beach, back from her swim. Her dark hair was damp and she continuously wrung it out with her hands. She sighed and dug her toes in the sand as she stopped. She heard a roar and raced towards it. She gasped when she saw the beast. She hadn't seen anything like that before.
Beast turned and saw the other girl. He growled and grabbed Amber back in his mouth. He growled and dropped her his scent on her. Pretty much a claim on amber. He growls and runs at the other girl roaring. He jumpped and landed in front of the girl sand going everywhere.

Amber was bleeding and didn't want to move. She tried to get up but just fell back down. She closed her eyes. SHe had to get away. No longer trusting anyone she growled loudly and tried to get up on her own. She already asked for honovi once and wasn't about to do it again.
Rune inhaled.


Sticking his head out of the water, he looked over from where the scent came from. Rather like a shark, he could smell the cloying, metallic taste of blood. It was on the beach; a monster had appeared. The mermaid was being attacked. The seal-man was attempting to help her. The clawed girl was helping. And another stayed behind.

The cat-girl laid on the beach. He watched as she lifted her body, then collapsed once more. It was her blood he smelt.

Rune's mind stayed blank of emotions. They were humans. They were of no more importance than a colony of ants attacking a spider.

He sank back down into the water and swam the opposite direction.
Elizabeth gulped and just stood there. She was too afraid to move. Too afraid to do anything really. She took a deep, shaky breath and closed her eyes.
Amber tried to move again. She suddenly got up and tried to run knowing the beast would come to try and kill her again. She fell in the water and sent out a serpent call. One that Rune would understand. She called for help wondering if he would answer. She tried to get up again before the water drag her out into deeper water.
Elizabeth felt the beast's hot, irony smelling breath heat her body. She opened her eyes and watched as Amber ran. Better she got away than her.
Beast grabbed her in his mouth. Then he dropped her. He stared down at her sniffing her. He smelled something off about her. He started to just wack her lightly trying to figure if he should eat her or leave her alone. Unaware the other girl he attacked was trying to get away.
Violet had been in the forest hunting when she heard a roar from the beach. She picked up the rabbits she caught and flew towards the beach. As she got closer, she smelled blood. Once she arrived at the beach she threw the rabbits near the fireplace. She then ran to help the girls in the fight.
Beast turned to yet another girl. He roared but then he regained control slowly turning back into his human form. He held his head looking at them all. "W-what....did I do?" He soon fell down and fainted.
Rosa was thrown to the side by the vicious swipe but she stood back up ready to fight. The claw marks down her side seared painfully but that wasn't going to stop her. Stepping forward she snapped at the beast a few more times but his attention was elsewhere then suddenly something happened. The creature was changing into a human, he seemed confused unaware of his previous actions. Rosa stepped panting miserably and watched.
Beast started to come to. He got up amazingly still having his pants on. (lol) He healed his head confused. 'Ugh....where am I?" He smelled blood and suddenly saw the three girls he had harmed. "Oh no not again!" He saw amber who was hurt the most and ran to her. He picked her up carefully and even though she wasn't being to good about him touching her he set her down. She gave him a stinking slap. He back off.

Amber saw him change back and as he ran after her again she tensed. As he picked her up she stuggled even though it hurt. She yelled at him. 'DOn't touch me get away!" She didn't like being helpless like she was or in the arms of her attacker. She didn't know him ether so she was very difensive. She slapped him as he set her down.
Violet was ready to attack when the creature changed into a human. She relaxed, dropping her guard. She was a bit relieved she didn't have to get involved in the fight. She tended to change into her dragon form whenever she fought.

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