We, The Forgotten

The serpent is a usually unemotional creature. But if Rune could have cocked his head, or raised an eyebrow, or laughed, he would have done all three. The girl's eyes changed (it seemed all the humans here were special) and she was spouting more human gibberish- but he could tell she was threatening him. What could she do? She was only a human girl, a young one, too, with no weapons or protection. Rune was amused; how brave- no, foolish- this human was. He would have eaten her then and there, but her naïvety amused him.

He decided this human could not understand him either. He thought of an image of himself, eating her whole, then looked straight down into her strange eyes and cast the picture upon her mind. He was willing to do it, too. All things aside, humans could be rather tasty.
(Can he read human language, like if she were to write something down, could he read it?)
(No. He understands your speech well enough, though. He might not get every word, but he can understand. If you're desperate you could draw a picture, or get the selkie to help you out.)
As she saw the image, she shuddered and her eyes turned cold again as she glared at him. Her hands were underneath the water but claws elongated from them as she hissed at him furiously, showing a range of sharp, canine teeth, ready to rip him apart. It seemed that the serpent could not understand her speak and she realized this could be an issue. She gave him a growl before her body disaperred underneath the water, diving in a suprisingly elegant manner. She then re-surfaced right infront of Honovi, looking extremely pissed off as she spoke to him but turned back to glare at the serpent, "Can you tell him that I strongly advise him not to come near me with those teeth of his, because bitterness doesn't taste too good." She glared at the serpent, her hands resting on the water, showing that right now her nails were gone to be replaced by tiger claws.

(Gotta go, night night!)
Rune was beginning to get a little ticked off as well. If her claws surprised him at all, he didn't show it. Hearing what she said to the seal-man, and understanding, he narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth, showing the double-row of pointed teeth to the girl. If he could talk human-speech, he would be saying- Don't worry, little girl. I'm not picky.

Enemy made, he turned his attention away from the angry clawed human and looked at the seal-man. Well? his expression clearly said. He was irritated now, and he wished he had eaten the girl when he had had the chance; but he still wished to leave the trapped-sea, and the island of the animal-men. There were other ways to relieve anger, many of which involved a much lower chance of having the inside of his mouth lacerated.
(By the way, sorry about not being on until now. Life happens, y'know?)

Honovi smiled at the creature, reaching a hand over is shoulder to Amber's head, in an attempt to calm her. The serpent was not something to fear, he was sure. He could tell that seal-speak was probably the bestt bet for communication with him. "<You're in a dome which traps us forgotten creatures within it. We don't know why we've been brought here, but we're not allowed to leave, and more are always being brought from the outside. We've called it the Land of the Forgotten, for lack of a better title.>" As far as he was aware, his kind did not have a word like 'kryptid', being as they were aware the creatures which fell under that title existed. They were forgotten, though, so calling them as such was probably the closest he would get.

As he waited for a reply, he noticed a girl floating toward the serpent. He believed he had seen the girl around the island, but never got much of a chance to talk to her. She seemed to be getting on fine, though, so he didn't really worry. He opened his mouth to say something, but the two had begun speaking to...or rather
at each other, given he didn't think either understoon the other. Instead, he remained silent, ready to translate is needed, but not wanting to get involved with anything he didn't need to, especially when he knew so little about both of them. When the tiger girl came out of the ocean, Honovi opened his mouth, trying to find some way to paraphrase what she said, maybe make it a bit nicer, but not being able to think of any way. He looked down, trying to show he himslef meant nothing by what he was repeating. "<She wants you to know bitterness does not taste well.>" he barked nervously, trying to get it out before the serpent could possibly turn on him.


Kora reached the beach, motioning to the huts. "Here it is. Have fun." she told her, before noticing Honovi and a newbie by the water. She couldn't see anyone else from her position, but she figured something was happening, since seal-boy never went near the water unless he needed to. "By the way, I'd wait a bi before talking to the others, if I were you. I think something might be going down by the water, given how that one girl looks freaked out." Although she kind of wanted to get back to patrolling the island from the air, she stayed on ground, in case she was needed for whatever was happening in the water. Yelling had reached her ears, so she was sure
something was happening.
Amber looked at him and then slowly walked out. She still was close to him. Looking out she looked back at him. She grabbed her arm nervous and then slowly watched. She tilted her head watching carefully. She didn't knowing if she should really trust the judgment of this guy.
Bitterness does not taste well. In the sea serpent's limited language, this translated to something like Bad tastes are bad, which hardly made any sense.

But who cared? Humans themselves didn't make sense, and the clawed girl apparently even more so.

He spoke again; "How can I get out?"
Elizabeth jumped in the water, once again looking for a way out. No such luck came to her. She spotted Aella(?) and swam over "Is something wrong, friend?" she asked under the water with a slight concern.
Rune was irritated at the amount of people that were gathering, and- childishly- that no one seemed afraid of him. First the seal-man and cat-woman, and the clawed girl, and now the two new female arrivals and- was that a mermaid? Rune watched the girl with interest. Mermaids were things he knew about. These others- no. It made sense, all their strange quirks, if the humans had been gathering the "forgotten"....

The sea serpents did have a word for that. It meant "the ones cast out."
Honovi shook his head. "<We don't believe there's any way out, at least from this side. The humans who brought us here can get in from the outside to bring us in, and then leave, but we haven't founf a way to open any part from the inside. Believe me, however, that we've been trying.>" He himself had done very little (he did search the sides a bit, in th beginning, before everyone else discovered that the mysterious white seal turned into a mysterious sunburnt man), but He knew Kora was on constant watch for new information, and had gotten bruised up plenty of times attempting to break a hole in it. They had no luck, so far, though.
Violet nodded. "Thanks for showing me to the place." She said before walking off. The comotion down at the beach caught her attention. She didn't feel as if she should be involved. She climbed up onto a rock to wait and see.
Rune nodded, slowly.

So he was trapped...

No. Of course he couldn't be trapped. He had roamed the seas for several centuries; he could not be trapped now.

He spun and dove into the water. Forget the humans. He was trapped! He hurled himself against the wall, once more, then raced off. But there was nowhere to go. From a distance, he leaped out of the water and roared, wordlessly. Trapped! Trapped! Doomed to swim in a circle forever!

He hurled himself at the wall, tried to bite through it with his teeth. Over, and over, and over again.


It echoed in his ears. Trapped....
When Aella didn't answer she swam up to the shore. She poked her head out "Hello." she said to Rune. She smiled the most friendly smile that she could. Elizabeth wasn't very good at making friends. She frowned when he swam off. She quickly followed.
Amber hid behind Honovi again and then sighed deeply. She looked between then and backed away slightly from the water. She grabbed her arms and tucked up looking quite smaller now. Not even shifting. She didn't move listening to there conversation. She had to shift her ears into seal looking. Her hair hiding her ears. She looked at them listening in.
Kora watched the new girl walk to a rock to observe. Deciding there was nothing else for her to do at that point, she ran a bit, before spreading her sings and jumping into the air. She flapped for a few momments, gaining altitude, before spinning, to watch the events in the ocean. Newbie days going be interesting.

She scanned the surface, picking out a serpent in the water, and a few of the island's inhabitants gathering nearby. She did her best to stay in one general area, wanting to watch, but that meant flying in circles or bobbing up and down, since bat wings weren't exactly made for hovering.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Honovi frowned when the serpent swam off, and he could tell from the waves produced that he was trying to get out. He prayed he would no hurt himself, and whatever the dome was made of, it wasn't cracking any time soon. He took a quick scan of the people around him, and then turned to Amber. "Don't worry. I don't believe he'll hurt us. We just have to be careful not to aggrivate him." he explained, his voice sounding funny for a split moment while his vocal cords got use to human-speak again. He glanced at the tiger girl, hoping she caught the hint. He glanced around, and noticed a girl sitting on a nearby rock. "Oh, hello! Are you new?" he called to her, waving. He didn't leave Amber's side yet, though, as he wasn't sure whether she was still frightened or not.
Amber didn't like all the people around and she lost her nerve and ran off. She didn't like all of them. She turned into a small wild cat. Grabbing her clothes and hiding then in a hollow tree were she had been sleeping. Now out of her clothes with no worry of ripping them turns into a much bigger cat. A jaguar. She slowly walked around her tail twitching. She was looking around sniffing all the scents.
Honovi blink for a moment, not expecting Amber to have run off. But, she had, so there was nothing he ould do about it. He walked over to the fire, and picked his spear up from where he had dropped it. "Anyone hungry? I can go catch some fish, if any of you so desire." he told all those congregated on the sand before him. He leaned the spear on his shoulder and turned to the new girl, smiling so she would not be frightened by the weapon like some of the new arrivals were at first.
Amber turned into a bear going to the stream. As long as she was in animal form she would help out Honovi. She needed to repay him anyways. One for showing her the stream, two for catching a fish for her, Three for being so kind, and Four for cooking it. She managed to catch a few for him. Only three. Not wanting to push her luck she stopped and carried the fish in her paws and mouth. Slowly she went back to the beach. She saw him and then walked up. She dropped the fish and then roared. She walked off back to the forest.
Hearing something coming from the woods, Honovi raised his spear as a precaution. He watched as a bear came up to him, dropped three fish, and left. After thinking about it for a moment, be realized it must have been Amber. I'll have to thank her for the help later. he thought, picking up some of the cooking sticks and sticking them through the fish. "Whoever's hungry can just take one of these, once they've finished cooking, then." he said, setting his spear back down. He glanced around, and saw Kora above them He held one of the fish up, asking if she wanted one when it was cooked, but he could see her shake her head. Maybe it was her past, but she didn't seem to be one for large crowds, either. Still, he put the fish by the fire, and sat back, watching to make sure none of them burned.


Kora's stomach growled as she watched and smelled the fish cooking. It was a little strange that a bear had brought the food, and Honovi was still cooking it and offering it to the others, but the whole island was a bit wierd. The newbies would get first dibs, though, since they were sometimes hungry from being on the ship for however long it took to get tot he island. Besides, all the people would just remind her of the way people use to crowd around her cage...sticking sticks in at her...sticking in hands... She shivered. Never again. The next guy to lay a hand on her without permission was getting a mouth-shaped scar on his wrist, and might possibly need help to stop the bleeding. Once she left this dumb bubble, she was going to be free for good.
Amber looked at herself. She cleaned herself as a bear in another river. She shook off her fur and returned to her hollow tree. Grabbing her clothes and then laying them out as they should be if she was wearing them. She turned into a smaller cat and made her way through the clothes and then lay down. She turned human and quickly fixed her clothes correctly. She got up dusting her clothes off and then looked around alone in the forest. She quickly walked around before slowly returning to the beach. She stayed near the tree line and watched the boy that was kind to her cook the fish. She hid though making sure no one could see her.
Rosa leaped off of the rock continuing her investigation by paw. Her clothes were still balled up in mouth and she knew this couldn't last, she needed a pack or harness of some kind to carry the clothing. The harsh sun beat down on her fiery back, making the trek miserable. Looking about she quickly shifted back and as always her tails remained. Rosa decided not to bind them to her side considering the heat.
Violet watched the group below. Things seemed to have calmed down a bit. Watching Honovi cook the fish her stomach started to growl. The smell had made her relize just how hungry she was. For a moment she wondered whether or not she should jump off the rock and wait until one of the fish to cook. She decided againist the idea. She was new and didn't want to look like a freeloader. Violet watched as the shapeshifter girl walked back into the forest in her bear form. Violet decided she would go hunting in the forest as well. She made her wings appear, having them poke through the slits in her dress she had made just for that purpose and flew off into the woods.
When the serpent swam off Aella was glad. He had irritated her rather quickly. Her claws turned back to nails and her pupils back to circles. As that girl...Elizabeth was it, swam up to her and said hello, she gave her a look that meant, 'Leave me alone. Now' And smirked lightly when the girl swam off, thank goodness for that. "We just have to be careful not to aggrivate him." Aella rolls her eyes as a response, flicking her eyes briefly to Honovi, "I won't aggravate him, unless he aggravates me. I'm not going to tip-toe around him just because he has sharp teeth." With that she dived back under the water and swam through it, loving how blue the underneath looked. She briefly spotted the mermaid girl and the serpent in the distance, but carried on swimming through the water, until of course she stopped right infront the barrier, she had memorized where it was by now. She surfaced and gently placed a hand on the invisible wall, she slammed her fist against it angrily and placed her wet forehead against it as small tears appeared at the corners of her eyes and remained there as she squeezed them shut, she was glad no-one was around her, she hated showing any kind of weakness. She hated being trapped like this, of course it was nice to have a steady supply of food, but she felt more enclosed and alone than she had done during her childhood. She had plans for when she got out of course...if she got out. She wanted to find her Father, he may have been scared of hurting her mum, understandable since she was human, or so appeared to be. But surely he wouldn't be afraid of hurting his daughter who was probably as strong - and of the same species - as him.
Honovi sighed, leaning back. While he could cook fish fairly well when he had a stove to cook it on, and could see att the way through the meat, he still wasn't completely sure how to tell when fish were done when over a fire. He usually didn't bother with it, since his body was equipped for the consumption of raw fish, but he didn't want to make any of the other islanders sick, since none of them probably knew anything about medicine, other than the basics that everyone knew. Besides, he wanted to find some way to mediate between the serpent and Aella. It wasn't his job to keep the peace, and he wasn't the type (like Kora...) to just give himself a job, but he did have a habit of trying to jump into whatever job was needed in a situation. Besides, if they were going to escape, they should all escape, and that meant doing whatever possible to keep anyone from being killed or eaten.

He glanced back at the rock, and noticed the girl wasn't there anymore. He smiled to himself, now wondering how they were going to gather everyone into some sort of tribe, and work together to escape, when so many of them were anti-social. The overactive optimism in him was sure it would work out somehow, however.

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