We, The Forgotten

Honovi led the shifter girl from the forest, onto an area dotted with makeshift huts and lean-tos. He walked over to a small fire which one could tell had been burning for quite a while, and someone had taken great care to make it so. A few stick lay beside the fire, far enough away that they wouldn't catch the flame. He stick one through the fish, and the other end he stuck in the sand, making the fish lean over the fish, but not touch it. "Let it cook however long you wish. The base if far enough from the fire that you will not need to worry about being burnt." He sat down beside the fire, watching the fish cook. He'd need to catch a few more, but he was sure the other inhabitants would understand that he needed to get this girl fed, first.
"A deserted island..." Violet repeated to herself. She paused a moment before she spoke again. "So you have lived here on this island for a year? Is there a certain spot everyone lives? Like a community?" Violet could take care of herself, she had for a long time. The only reason for her asking was because she hoped to be able to talk to others.
Amber watched the flame and then looked at the boy. She sat down looking at the sand. She sighed deeply waiting for it to cook. After a long while she grabbed it turning I into a small wild cat about the same size of her so her clothes stayed on. She ate quickly like she hasn't eaten in days.
"More or less." Kora replied, shrugging, still not showing much emotion. "And, yeah, there's a community...I guess. It's just a bunch of little huts and a fire, but it's where we're trying to gather everyone. There might be a few people hiding out in the woods or on the other side of the island, but we'd prefer to make sure everyone was safe as soon as possible." She bit her lip, before mentioning the reason they were doing so. Because of how long she'd been there, she's seen and found her fair share of loners who ended up starving, getting sick, or losing a fight with the wild animals in the woods. Although this girl should probably know the dangers that came with the island, Kora didn't want to scare her too much(she was honest, not heartless). It would be easier to warn her once she had found safety.


Honovi smiled at Amber as she shifted and began to eat. He kind of envied her that she had a choice in what she shifted into, so she didn't destroy her clothes. It would be so much easier to eat in his seal form, where he could just grab a fish in his teeth and chow down, instead of having to use the human tools to catch and prepare them. Deciding to give the shifter some privacy, he stood up and walked to the edge of the water, looking out at where the water lapped against the dome walls. His eyes began to lose focus as he thought about his sister, his parents, his pod, as well as the kind humans he'd met in his travels, who would have never thought to treat him, nor any other kryptid, in this way. He smiled sadly, realizing that, in some respects, his pod might have been right about humans, although they had been wrong about the legends pertaining to every land-dweller alive. Despite the difficult life on the island, though, he would do his best to not forget that only a small percentage of humans were this way. If he didn't, then were the first few years on land?
Rune examined the rest of the beach. It was a human-place, of that there was no doubt. But it looked small, and pitiful. Just some wood piled together that he could probably swallow in one bite.

But no- was it a human-place? Watching the man that had strode up to the water, his attention was taken away from the fire until he suddenly realised that the girl had gone. In her place was a wildcat, wearing the same fake-skin, gnawing on the same fish. Rune was perplexed; what sort of human was this?

He decided to bide his time. There wasn't much he could do with dozens of yards of shallow water between him and the man, anyways. However, wanting a better look at the rest of the camp- not to mention the conspicuous feline- Rune risked poking the top of his head out of the sea.
Honovi blinked, a motion in the water shaking him from his thoughts. Was...that a head? He squinted at the area, believing it was true. He smiled slightly, amused. He had yet to run into anything of this sort, neither when he lived in the water, nor on land. "You out there! Are you looking for something, may I ask?" he called, before repeating it in the language of seals. He did not know what this creature spoke, if it did, but he thought that trying the two languages he knew was fairly worth it.
Ber finished and turned back human her clothes fitting perfectly. She walked back to the man and kneeled down putting her hand in the water. She looked up to see a serpent's head. She dashed behind the boy frightened. She looked out hoping they were safe. She looked out slightly from behind the boy but was still behind him. She made a dog whine pointing.
"Oh...ok..." Violet replied. She wondered who all lived at the community. "Could you possibly show me there?" She figured she would have to share a hut with someone, but she didn't mind.
Aelia was sitting rather lazily in a tree, her head leant back against the cool, hard bark of it with her eyes closed as she listened to the peaceful sounds of the area around her. As her ears focused in on the sound of the water she could hear the sound of something slicing through it and she guessed that it was Honovi hunting again. She knew alot of the longer inhabitants of the island's names, but that was pretty much it. She didn't speak to them, didn't interact with them, and if she did it was only a sentence or a word. It was safer for her to stay by herself, she had learnt at least that by now. As she heard more sounds, voices speaking, she heard one she didn't really recognize, although it sounded female. She opened her eyes and swung her feet slightly around the tree so that she dropped down a little bit and landed lightly on another secure branch, her eyes flicking to see Honovi and some other girl chatting. She watched them with precarious eyes and watched as they walked off in the direction of the beach, she hopped down completely from the tree and headed to the water, looking down at it and deciding on whether she wanted fish for her next meal or not, her firey red hair hanging over her face as her cold, hard icy blue eyes scanned over the water.
There was a rustle in the bushes as two people appeared out of them. One had a look of irritation while the other exhausted. Chloe groaned.

"Jin! Can't you at least take this seriously?" she snapped angrily.

Her brother yawned and gave an uninterested grunt.

"Yeah, yeah, sure, sure," he muttered.

Chloe threw him a cold stare and crossed her arms causing him to return an apologetic gaze.

"Look, were' stuck on this stupid island for who knows what reasons, and we need to get back to society. If not..."

She paused and her eyes filled with fear. Jin's face suddenly grew serious as well at the thought of them disappearing if they hadn't collect their quota of souls. He made his way to her side, pulling their foreheads together and closing his eyes. He sighed.

"Listen," he began slowly. Chloe looked up at her older brother, her face expressionless but her eyes twisted with agony. "We're going to get through this okay? Trust me."

Chloe couldn't help but laugh when she heard that. "Who else can I trust?"

His eyes fluttered open and gave his sister a heartfelt smile.

"That's my lil sister."

Chloe returned the smile and glanced at the cross around his neck. Her eyes then fell slightly and she frowned.

"Do you think we'll ever become human again?" she mumbled.

Jin stiffened slightly and pulled away from her face. He sighed again.

"I don't know...but for now we just have to see if we can get off this island first."

Chloe nodded. "I suppose you're right."

The two stood in silence for a good minute until they heard voices. They ran over towards the edge of the cliff and looked down to see not one, but three people.

"Inhabitants? On this island? How strange," Chloe muttered.

"It doesn't seem like they're human though. Their soul wavelengths are completely different," Jin followed.

"Wait...does that girl have cat ears?"

Chloe squinted to get a closer look at the people, but she only managed to get a glimpse of their hair though. There was a boy with white hair, and two females: one with red hair the other white.

She turned to look at her brother, but he was no longer next to her side.

"Yo, are you going to just stand their or come with me?"

She turned around to see a portal of darkness open and her brother smiling at her with a hand extended. She smiled sweetly and ran up to him.

"Well, of course you know my answer."

She took his hand and stepped into the portal.

"Of course I do...now let's go meet these so called inhabitants."

The portal then disappeared.
Fal and Cal had been walking for quite some time now. Fal was getting much more impatient to explore, while Cal was becoming much more wary of what was going to happen to them. Fal wants to explore, and I want to leave, Cal thought bitterly. Once again, our personalities collide. Boom.

"Hey, Cal, check it out," Fal waved him over, where Cal grudgingly moved over to where he stood. Fal pointed to where he was looking, barely containing his excitement.

"Cal, did you see that? These two people, they just waltzed into a... a portal!" he exclaimed. "They're gone now, but I think they went down there." He continued to point downwards, over a cliff, where Cal saw several figures conversing with each other. Before Cal had time to react, Fal had jumped off the cliff and ran towards the figures, shouting.

"Fal, you
idiot!" Cal groaned. Unwillingly, he followed his brother, dreading what was going to happen next.
"Sure. Follow me." Kora replied, motioning behind her with her thumb. She turned to walk towards camp, and did her best to fold her wings as small as she could, so the girl could see where they were going.
Amber finished and turned back human her clothes fitting perfectly. She walked back to the man and kneeled down putting her hand in the water. She looked up to see a serpent's head. She dashed behind the boy frightened. She looked out hoping they were safe. She looked out slightly from behind the boy but was still behind him. She made a dog whine pointing.
Rune realized his mistake almost immediately. Unused to other creatures, he had trusted them not to notice him; but notice him they had. He ducked under the water, just barely noticing the cat-girl turn back human.

The man shouted something in human-speak, the sound waves picked up easily by him through the water. He understood little; something about searching.

Then he repeated it in the barks of seals, and Rune was surprised into surfacing once more. What a collection! A human-place where women turned into cats and men talked with seals. Rune could easily understand the language of the sea-dwellers, as they could understand him, whether animal or not. The strange man wanted to know what he wanted.

He swam closer, gradually lifting his head out of the water as he came nearer to the sand. Ignoring the girl who crouched just out of view, he opened his maw and called in his own language-

"Where am I?"
Drake.::. he kicked at rock, his hands in his pants. he was bored and shy. he looked at the sun, grimly. he sighed at stopped walking. he starred at his feet. "where is everyone?" he said looking around
Violet followed the girl in silence. As she walks, she took in the view around her. The ocean water was deep blue. As Violet walked along the shoreline, she could see fish of all sizes dart around in the water, their scales shinning in the sun. The trees the made the forest all seemed lush and the forest itself looked promising to provide plenty of food. Violet wondered what type of humans had brought her, and the others too the island. She did not believe the humans wanted them dead, since they put them on such a beautiful place. Did they intend to study them? She wondered, Or what? She pondered what the humans could have had planned as she followed the girl, making sure not to fall far behind.
Soon the light pierced through the darkness and the twins stepped out into the open air. Chloe glanced around their surroundings and frowned.

"I think we landed in the wrong area Jin," she said, pursing her lips.

Her brother placed his hands in his pockets and leaned back.

"Don't worry, we're taking a quick detour."

"A detour?"

Chloe's face wasn't amused as Jin gave her a devilish smirk.

"Yeah a detour. I sensed someone nearby while we were traveling through the shadows."

"Someone nearby? Impossible, I didn't sense any-" Suddenly an pressure hit her head and her eyes widened. "This is!"

"Bingo." Jin grinned even wider.

They heard the sounding of shuffling feet and quickly hid behind a boulder. Their eyes quickly scanned over the rim.

"It's a boy," Chloe whispered.

"Seems like it..."

They continued to watch the boy kick rocks from the shadows.
Rosa started into the forest but something stopped her. Maybe the beach was her best bet even if she was in her fox form. She followed the shoreline still carrying the ridiculous bundle of clothing. The waves and wind brought millions of scents to her nose and it was left to her to decipher their meaning. Eventually she caught sight of a boy kicking rocks in the shadows, but there was more than that. Two people were hiding in the shadows, Rosa sat down on a rock tucking her nine tails around her paws as she watched.
Aella had just finished eating the fish she had caught when her sharp ears picked up more noises, how many new arrivals had arrived? She sighed, they all sounded to be mostly in the direction of the beach, she sighed and looked up at the burning hot sun, annoyed that even though they were trapped in this 'dome' like thing, the sun still got through and almost singed their skin, her cold eyes flickered back to the beach and she growled at herself, she hoped no-one would interact with her but she needed to cool off and this tiny pool wasn't big enough for her to do that. She dropped to the floor and her bones began to shift and move around unnaturally, some elongating and some shortening as her skeletal structure changed to that of a tigers. Her icy blue eyes still remained the same, though their shape shifted and their pupils changed to an eclipse shape. She bounded through the forest on four white paws, but just before she got out of the green area she switched back into her human form, her red head still perfectly styled despite switching as she emerged from the forest, heading for the ocean. She ignored the others around her, a confidence in her stride as her eyes picked up the frightened looking girl with light, whitish hair from earlier and Honovi, she then noticed they were both looking at something in the water - which with a closer look Aella realized was some sort of serpent, snakeish creature. She looked away once more, her head held up confidently as she reached the water's edge and kicked off her sandles, pulled off her leggings and top, revealing a dark blue bikini. She stepped further into the water, enjoying the cool feel of it against her legs. She got deep enough to begin swimming and she swum out into deeper waters, pulling herself onto her back so that she was looking up at the sky and the water was lapping around the back of her neck and submerging half of her body. She didn't realize that she had swum and placed herself close to the serpent creature as her eyes closed, soaking in the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the water at the same time.
Rune watched- impassionately, at first sight, but truly incredulous- as another girl walked out of the forest. She payed hardly any attention to the seal-man, or the cat-girl, and instead proceeded to take off her outer fake-skin and swim into the water. The serpent was bewildered; outside, in the world, the humans feared him, or shouted at him, or stared. But none had ever ignored him before.

He drew back slightly as the girl neared him. His first instinct was to eat her then and there, but he reconsidered quickly. Escape came foremost. If he didn't like the human, he could always just eat her before he left. Besides, fake-skin always got caught on his teeth and tasted horrible, little that she had on.

But then, what to do? He curved his tail around, and pushed her down into the water and away from him in a splurge of bubbles. When she surfaced, several yards away, he inquired, in his roaring language- "Who are you?"

Humans could not understand him. They hadn't before. But this island was definitely an exception- the island where men barked and women took the likeness of cats.
Fal and Cal had been running towards the figures, but suddenly, they were running in a different direction. Fal had moved backwards, and darted to the left, jumping into the forest. Bewildered, Cal followed him, not knowing what to make of his strange behavior.

"Hey, Fal, what the heck are you doing?" whispered Cal. "I thought you were moving towards those figures?"

Fal grinned.
"Well, I was, but then I felt like I didn't want to show myself very soon. We've only just arrived here, we should make our existence a secret. You catch my drift?" he asked. You idiot, Cal thought. You ran straight towards them, screaming, and now you expect them to forget about you? Jeez.
Elizabeth sat on the beach in human form. She sighed and lay back. She loved the feel of the golden sand on her skin. It almost felt like being home. Home. She missed the Austrailian ocean so badly. The ache in her chest to go back hurt so badly that she thought her heart would explode. She closed her eys and tried to picture it again. Nothing came. She sat up and screamed in frustration.
(Could Aella be able to hear his language? She is not a sea creature but she isn't human obviously xD )
(No. Only sea-creatures, whether kryptid or animal, can. As of now, that's only the kelpie and the mermaid... and the shifter, if she turns into an underwater dweller. He can understand you, though, and "cast an image" into your mind to communicate. Not sure how that works yet.)
As Aella found herself under the water her instincts kicked in and she re-surfaced quickly, shaking her head slightly to remove the water, her eyes found their way to the serpent like creature as he opened his mouth and yet she could not understand a word of what he said. All she knew was that he had awoken her from her dream-like state and had shoved her under the water. Her pupils turned into those of a tiger as she glared at him and she growled, not seeming at all fazed by his appearance, "Let's get one thing clear. I don't care what you can do, or how strong you are..." She paused and spoke bitterly, "Touch me again and I won't be responsible for how I react." She stared right into his eyes, still not seeming bothered by his serpent like traits, almost as if she were looking at a normal human being.

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