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Fantasy Way of the Blade (CS)


Romely de Savige aka "The Giant of Lorraine"

Age: 33

Country of Origin: Duchy of Lorraine, Heistrea

Height: 7'3"
Weight: 350Ibs
Build: muscular

Chi Color: very dark red

Chi Accessible? Yes

  • Greatsword
  • Greathelm
  • Bronze platebody
Proficient Weapon Forms-
  • Form III
  • Form X-I
  • Form X-III
Backstory: Romely was born into a minor noble house. His mother died during childbirth, his sheer size putting too much pressure on her body leaving his father to raise him along with his sister. At the age of twelve, he already weighed more than most men and was nearly as tall. He was quite famous throughout the land for his immense strength, being able to lift a quarter of a tonne boulder over his shoulder at eighteen. Throughout his youth, he never had any friends as most children were too scared of him. He trained to become a knight from a young age, but there wasn't a horse in the land who could carry his weight, even out of his plate armour he weighed more than two men. Romely was tired of being laughed at and teased, he felt he had let down his house but nevertheless he trained to fight on foot.

Romely soon discovered he enjoyed killing and pillaging and spreading fear throughout the land. When he heard of weapons forged by legendary blacksmiths that had the potential to make him truly unbeatable, he would stop at nothing to acquire them for himself. His band of mercenaries soon grew into an army of thousands and his campaign of terror charred the land black and the rivers ran with blood. With the Duchy of Lorraine subjugated, Romely looks north to conquer the rest of the continent, starting with the Kingdom of Genovia.

  • Yuan Pang, The Drunken Serpent
    Pang Su Yuan

    Age: 24

    Country of Origin: Fukuya

    Physique: Yuan stands at measly 5'7 and only weighs in at 157 Ibs. Alongside this, he has a slim, non muscular build and is generally physically weak.

    Chi Color: Purple

    Chi Accessible? Prodigal control and accessibility

    • A feather fan[Used with chi to kick up various wind based abilities when waved, capable of manipulating fire, lightning and light as well]
    • Tanto dagger hidden in his clothing
    • 2 bottles of heavy alcohol for leisure or for numbing pain
    • A bottle of poison should he ever need to...well...Stop himself from spilling secrets
    • Yumi Bow and quiver with 20 steel tipped arrows
    Proficient Weapon Forms-
    • Form XII-Guerrilla Tactics[Adept]
    • Form VIII-Unarmed Combat[Adept]
    • Form X-I[Near Mastery]
    • Form X-III[Near Mastery]
    Backstory: Born to a family of intellects from Matenichi, Yuan was a prodigy from birth, capable of basic Chi manipulation by 3, capable of Chi based wind manipulation by 5, capable of Chi based telekinesis by 8, capable of hovering for a short period of time by 14 and capable of using Chi to heal and boost his attacks by 18. It helped that he was extensively groomed and trained by the elders of the family to be the next clan patriarch which made him a master of politics, even earning him a Scroll of Political Recognition from the Shogun of Matenichi himself and was eventually recruited by the Shogun of Matenichi as a Political Advisor and as a Strategist when he was 23.

    Later that year, when in a tavern, Yuan set up a board game of Shogi[Think Japanese Chess] and stated that he would take any and all challengers, that he would bet money and that he would drink more alcohol from every piece he took from the opponents side. Yuan supposedly defeated more than thirty people using a basic strategy that he called 'Snake Coil 'and had downed 17 mugs of alcohol by the time passed out, this feat earned him the nickname of The Drunken Serpent and solidified him as a candidate for the smartest men in Fukuya and possibly in all of the explored world.

    Yuan himself is a confident, calm, well spoken and...well. Womanizing man. He is used to being smarter than most others and would probably become distressed if another of his intellect where to take the enemies' side. This has made Yuan quite paranoid and has caused him to develop a sociopathic personality towards others of his intellectual calibre. Yuan is also somewhat of a brat mainly due to his lavish upbringing and filled family coffers to pull money from, despite this, Yuan knows when to cut the brat attitude, especially with superiors.

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DanTheMan DanTheMan I don't know where you are getting these names from but I suppose maybe I should have included the names of towns and cities within the Kingdoms. I will get on that, as well as creating yet another nation.

Count yourself accepted for now, while I make some edits.

The Emerald Serpent

Name: Gieo Ridgway (Jey-o, the J pronounced like in the french pronunciation of Jacques)

Age: 24

Country of Origin: Loltha

Physique: 6 foot 3 inches, 185 lbs, Tall and lean, A slight muscular build. Training his body on his own, agile and quick on his feet Gieo more or less made himself the person he had to become in order to protect those he loves. Not conventionally trained, but results are results. He has a bit of strength to his more slim build, but he's no where near buff.

Chi Color: Bright Green

Chi Accessible? Yes


Bladed Tonfas
Crafted Short Bow
Cloth clothing
Utility Belt (Has gold, water, and rations of food)
Boot in which he keeps a spare dagger (in case he ever gets into trouble)

Proficient Weapon Forms-

-Form II: Dual Wielding

This form involves the usage of two weapon fighting, that is, a weapon in each hand. It encourages swift mobility and ruthless aggression, for detailed in the logistics of Form II, it is unwise to try and deflect blows with a weapon, as they may break under pressure. Form II encourages the use of light armor for further mobility. (Highly Adept)

-Form VII: Guerilla Tactics

Another form developed by the Shinobi in order to counteract the Samurai. The Samurai's Yumi bow is notoriously accurate, and so this form involves constantly being on the move, shooting and relocating, never remaining in the same spot more than once. This technique is recognized in both Eufice and Skalesh as well, where it is known as "Guerilla Tactics." Naturally, Form VII typically requires a ranged weapon to utilize its hit and run strategy, but the exceptionally agile can make due with swords and daggers as well. (Highly Adept)

-Form III: Kenjutsu

The technique of holding a single weapon in two hands. It provides two options for an approach to mobility, and encourages a switch between them. The "grace" stance is to be used for slower enemies, keeping light on the feet and reserved with stamina, so as to tire a foe out. The "power" stance encourages planting one's feet. While this robs mobility, a sturdy stance exponentially increases the amount of momentum an attack can have, as well as a sound level of defense. These stances are universal among the Forms, but it is only emphasized here, due to the risky nature of having one weapon and no shield. This form is most popular with Fukuyan Samurai. (Adept)

-Form X-II

Through the use of Chi to influence one's speed, agility and dexterity, one accesses Form X-II. This speed-oriented Form grants the user full control over their sense of balance, allowing for intense acrobatic maneuvers and a drastic increase in speed, at the cost of being quickly exhausting to even the most athletic warriors. Concentration is required to maintain Form X-II, as its focus is based on the desire to outmaneuver and outpace an adversary, to dodge every attack and retaliate swiftly. (Adept)

Backstory: Although growing up in Loltha as a small boy Gieo loved to explore and was pretty curious even when he wasn’t supposed to be, always learning things for himself and listening whenever others were willing to teach he grew up knowing the standards of survival and more. At around 7 Gieo began to realize the tough times he was living in, he ended up being forced into the wrong crowd of people and did what they said to keep his family safe. He soon figured out how to handle Chi and fight back against those who used his family as leverage and helped restore his poor family to a more normal wealth. 11 years after this Gieo was allowed to leave his family since the was the age of adult hood and he decided to explore the world, adventure, and maybe find his own meaning to life. After a few months he found himself in Fukuya a place that had many problems, the main one being the Shinobi and Samurai fighting against each other. A civil war in which Gieo decided to be apart of for a short time during his time there due to his nature of always wanting to help others. He tried his best to deal with both sides and help solve the issue but it was no use, he even decided to learn the ways and fighting styles to show how similar the two sides were so they wouldn’t fight but that didn’t work. He tried this for 5 and a half years until he decided that he would just let them handle it and continued trying to find his life purpose. He now stumbled upon the Nation of Skalesh in which he is just walking through a city. He also learned how to tinker along the way, some items he created were the weapons he has now.




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DVationz DVationz Your CS is now complete, and from what I have read, it is acceptable.

As for the last bit of info, hm.. I haven't written much about the Empress of Fukuya. I was somewhat expecting Spacing Out Spacing Out to play her, since she does well with rulers.
DVationz DVationz Your CS is now complete, and from what I have read, it is acceptable.

As for the last bit of info, hm.. I haven't written much about the Empress of Fukuya. I was somewhat expecting Spacing Out Spacing Out to play her, since she does well with rulers.
Whaaa? Really?
I was about to get started on a character. I guess I can play the Empress of fukuya instead. :P Tell me some details you want me to incorporate for her CS.
Whaaa? Really?
I was about to get started on a character. I guess I can play the Empress of fukuya instead. :P Tell me some details you want me to incorporate for her CS.
If you had a better idea for a character you can go ahead and do that. I wasn't trying to sound bossy or nuffin. :(
But uh.. if you really wanna be the Empress.

  • Name is Masumi Kakazu
  • 26 years old.
  • Has never even laid eyes upon a peasant or slave of her kingdom.
You really just have free reign beyond all of that.
If you had a better idea for a character you can go ahead and do that. I wasn't trying to sound bossy or nuffin. :(
But uh.. if you really wanna be the Empress.

  • Name is Masumi Kakazu
  • 26 years old.
  • Has never even laid eyes upon a peasant or slave of her kingdom.
You really just have free reign beyond all of that.

Haha it's ok. In fact, I am honored that you even considered me for this role.I must add that the fact that Masumi hasn't seen a peasant or slave in her life threw majority of my ideas out the window. She will be a challenge for me but I accept.

DVationz DVationz I'mma go ahead and tell you that your storyline is a-ok with me.
Haha it's ok. In fact, I am honored that you even considered me for this role.I must add that the fact that Masumi hasn't seen a peasant or slave in her life threw majority of my ideas out the window. She will be a challenge for me but I accept.

DVationz DVationz I'mma go ahead and tell you that your storyline is a-ok with me.
Well Masumi knows that slaves exist, but the whole nature of them being "less than Samurai" means they're not allowed to even lay eyes on you without being executed. Anyone less than a Samurai faces this threat for even looking upon the Empress. Masumi, however, did not write this law. A previous emperor did.

It is part of the reason why Shinobi are causing civil unrest in Fukuya.
This whole ShinobixSamurai debockle made me realize that I haven't written a single thing about Kori's affiliation to either side.

Maybe I'll just make her neutral to the whole war, what with her growing up on the streets.

Make her have a "get out of my swamp" type deal
Well Masumi knows that slaves exist, but the whole nature of them being "less than Samurai" means they're not allowed to even lay eyes on you without being executed. Anyone less than a Samurai faces this threat for even looking upon the Empress. Masumi, however, did not write this law. A previous emperor did.

It is part of the reason why Shinobi are causing civil unrest in Fukuya.

Oh ok. With the context it's beginning to make sense. Expect Masumi to be done very soon.

  • 0223794e03b4449d332e4b0ee9532a89--female-assassin-rogue-assassin.jpg Raisaya the Raven
    Raisa Ekeiru

    Age: 26

    Country of Origin: Fukuya

    Physique: 5' 8" // 153 lbs // Slim, hourglass-shaped body // Capable of rapid movement and fast, accurate strikes, as well as stealthy movement through shadows

    Chi Color: Green

    Chi Accessible? Yes

    • Dual Chakrams with markings
    • Katana - 24" blade
    • Thick leather boots with hidden dagger sheaths
    • Two ornately decorated daggers
    • 10 throwing knives (two 5-dagger sheaths on each thigh)
    • Leather Armor with metal plates in various spots
    • Leather gauntles with clawed fingers (used in hand-to-hand combat)
    • Leather pouch with some gold and various supplies
    Proficient Weapon Forms-
    • Form II: Dual-Wielding
    • Form III: Kenjutsu
    • Form VIII: Unarmed Fighting
    • Form X-II: Speed

    Raisaya grew up as an outsider, she never fit in anywhere. Even at home. She would defend those who were bullied, and protect others from harm. Night after night, Raisaya watched a group of Shinobi murder supporters of the samurai, knowing she could do nothing. Until one day, that changed. She was walking alone and was abducted by the Shinobi. They found out she had been watching them. They had planned to execute her, but she told them she would help them, in exchange for her life.

    Over time, Raisaya was trained by the Shinobi and became one of their best assassins, but she would only take out those who had committed true crimes. She became known as The Raven, due to her leaving a black feather wherever she went. after a while with the Shinobi, she had grown more adept than her captors, and slayed them in their sleep. Leaving a black feather, and taking the marks of the Shinobi before her, she dropped the marks at the empress' door. Since then, Raisaya has worked for the empress in the shadows. Ridding the country of the rebels.

    Raisaya prefers to work alone under most circumstances. This is so that nobody else gets hurt. She fights with quick strikes to vital areas, and sort of 'dances' around her enemies. Raisaya tends to use a mix of thrown and melee attacks. Honoring those who have been unjustly murdered, she eliminates corruption through Fukuya without hesitation, hoping one day the empress will take notice, so that she may serve under her. Until then, she watches from the shadows, striking when necessary, and leaving her mark.

    Equipment Images
    View attachment 356517
    Throwing Knives
    View attachment 356638
    View attachment 356515
    View attachment 356516

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DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete As this is my first character on this site I would not be surprised if I made a few mistakes. If I did let me know and I will fix them
Only thing that needs to he changed on here is the Chi color. Chi color is a representation of the host's deepest desires. Never does it implement two colors at once.
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Farim Hakae-Omba, Sutavo of Skalesh

Farim Hakae-Omba

Age: 63 years old

Country of Origin: The young sands of Skalesh.

Physique: Age has withered his once lithe physique, and he now stands at 5'3" and weighs only 117 lb. His posture and body have hunched and withered, due to his health deteriorating.

Chi Color: Once a bright and vibrant yellow, his Chi has darkened over the years, as he began to doubt his pursuit of happiness.

Chi Accessible? Quite so. It is how he is even able to walk and withstand the Desert heat.

  • A single Falchion, which, despite his age, he can still wield with grace.​
  • The Skalesh-Unique Force Bow, as well as a quiver of 20 arrows.
  • A Target Shield, one he wields to great effect.​
  • A leather Cuirass and bracers, hidden beneath his aristocratic robes.​
  • More gold than he is capable of spending.​
Proficient Weapon Forms-
  • Form I: Shielding. The target shield is not ideal for blocking, due to its small size. It is more suited for parrying, as the grooves and pits carved into the shield make deflecting attacks all too easy. With experience on his side, Farim is extremely skilled in the use of the Target shield.​
  • Form VI: Mounted Blade. Farim lacks the bodily faculties to do battle on the ground for very long. He is, however, fully capable of maintaining accuracy with a Force Bow on the back of a steed, moving around at full gallop.​
  • Form X-III: The desert heat is harsh, and those who cannot stay hydrated or lack the stamina to travel will surely die and become food to the vultures. Through intense meditation, Farim keeps his body from breaking down in the harsh temperatures by repairing it faster than he can be exhausted. This cannot last in combat though, as age has withered the old man's combat sense with fear.​
Backstory: Farim was born to a wealthy family, actively involved in Skalesh's politics. In his early years, Farim desired to become a warrior; the finest in all of Skalesh, perhaps one to become worthy of wielding Asura's Twin Blades. This, however, never came to fruition, as Farim's swordplay was simply inferior to his peers. He was, however, unparalleled in the use of a bow, even capable of hitting targets while speeding around on the back of a horse.

Beyond defending his cities from the cannibal tribes of the desert, though, Farim has no use for his talents in archery. His family was already wealthy, so archery contests were pointless. When his schooling was complete. Farim laid down his warrior sense and became involved in the Palace and their politics. At the seasoned age of 50, Farim became the youngest man ever to be elected Sutavo. As Sutavo he managed to pass bills and laws declaring that walls be built around Skaleshi cities, to prevent tribal invasions, made massive expansions northward, as well as providing relief to the survivors of Ghunouhl.

Most recently, in an attempt to get his people out of the desert, Farim sent colonists to the north of Loltha, where his scouts had spotted an archipelago between Loltha and their well known neighbors Heistrea. Months later, the colonists returned, red with embarrassment. They reported that mysterious warriors wielding longer versions of Skaleshi scimitars had forced them to leave the island. They called themselves the nation of Fukuya. Wishing to mend the actions of his colonists, and perhaps find new islands they haven't claimed, Farim has set sail back to Fukuya, wishing to make contact with their leader, hoping to seek peace.

Hiroshi The Schemer

Hiroshi Shirako

Age: 24 years old

Country of Origin: Fukuya.

Physique: Hiroshi displays a formidable physique; standing at 6'3", and weighing 273 lb. His preference for heavier weapons and armor have allowed him to build muscle mass in order to use them with ease.

Chi Color: It is a dark purple. It is known Hiroshi desires the friendship and appreciation of Masumi Kakazu, but many believe it may run deeper than that.

Chi Accessible? Not at all.

  • The Naginata, the Fukuyan polearm designed to counter Form VI. Hiroshi can use this formidable weapon with ease, against just about anybody.​
  • An iron round shield. Shields are a sign of cowardice in Fukuya, and Hiroshi' s decision to carry one has made no shortage of rumors and bitterness towards him.
  • A Yumi Bow, and a quiver containing 50 arrows.
  • Gilded Samurai Armor. What seems like flashy and prestigious decorations merely covers the layers of studded leather beneath it. The helm Hiroshi wears fully conceals his face in shadow.
Proficient Weapon Forms-
  • Form I: Shielding. Hiroshi's shield is no mere decoration. It is thick enough to resist the kanabo. (Adept)​
  • Form IV: Reach. One cannot wield a polearm effectively without proficiency in Form IV. Hiroshi's dedication to the Form and the Naginata has made him one of the most dangerous Form IV users in Fukuya. (Excellent)​
  • Form III: Kenjutsu. Hiroshi is not known as a man who readily relies on the katana. He has openly stated it is awkward and clumsy to use. Despite this, he has practiced Kenjutsu in secret, in anticipation for an event he can only dream of... (Unknown)​
Backstory: Hiroshi is the son of a Shogun, and has the right by his birth to serve the Empress. His childhood was mostly spent attempting to do slave work, and being held back by His parents, thinking it beneath them to do anything a slave would do. His samurai training began at the age of twelve, where he was schooled on the art of Bushido, and told to prioritize faith in the High Emperor/Empress and his personal honor above all else. Hiroshi was a known prodigy with the Naginata, even besting opponents on the ground with it. All of this, and no true indication of unlocking his chi. Given his bubbly and charming praise of Empress Masumi, his masters presumed it a bright purple.

As Hiroshi grew older, many rumors about him spread, and it seemed he did this intentionally. He was always within Suigini, always near the Empress. He carried a shield, which all Samurai scorn. He kept a servant always close by, one who resembled the much loathed image of the Shinobi. And most suspiciously of all, he always seemed like he was plotting something. What, exactly they could not tell. Despite all their efforts to discover Hiroshi's scheme, they could never gather enough evidence to brand Hiroshi as dishonorable. Despite his loyalty to the Empress and to Fukuya, he seemed doomed to appear suspicious.

His personality has a lot to do with it. He always speaks in a polite manner, yet his tone always seems to convey he knows more than he lets on. His tone always remains the same. His primary hobby involves the study of Youkai and Chi, particularly the mythology surrounding Chaos Blade. Though he has told no one of it, to wield Chaos Blade is his greatest desire; one that outweighs even becoming Emperor. Hiroshi accepts his peers and their suspicion, knowing it is rightfully so, but for all the wrong reasons...


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