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Fantasy Way of the Blade (CS)

The Silk hiding Steel/Red lotus

Masumi Kakazu


Country of Origin:

Masumi stands at 5'4 in height. She possesses ivory skin and long Raven hair that ends at her thighs. She is usually seen by nobles in the layers upon layers of silk and her hair embellished with Kanzashis.

Chi Color:

Chi Accessible?

Dual Tessen fans (War fans):
This is Masumi's signature weapon and carries it wherever she goes. Tessens are folding fans with outer spokes made of heavy plates of iron which were designed to look like normal, harmless folding fans. Using a war fan as a weapon is often associated with grace, class, elegance, and an air of mystery. When wielded these fans with a specialized fighting style that is based on the concept of turning an opponent's energy against them and exploiting openings. These can be used for defense, fending off knives, and block sword attacks. they could also be thrown elliptically as boomerangs or propelled as projectiles.

Hair sticks/ Kanzashi:
Hair sticks and Kanzashis are hair ornaments used in traditional Fukuyan hairstyles. As empress, Masumi's hair is usually adorned with them. She has modeled her hair sticks to become self-defense weapons, Which can be used similarly to knives or throwing daggers.

ko-naginata (Stored):
As mandatory training, Masumi was taught the ways of the polearm growing up and has become an adept wielder. The naginata is considered one of the weapons most suitable for women in fukuya, since it allows a woman to keep opponents at a distance, where any advantages in height, weight, and upper body strength would be lessened. the blade of the ko-naginata are smaller than the male warrior's ō-naginata in order to compensate for the lesser height and upper-body strength of a woman. The blade of the weapon can be removed and instead used as a bo staff.

Yumi bow(Stored):
This weapon was also mandatory for the young empress to learn growing up since it is used for court ceremonies, games, and contests of skill. To use this weapon you must have some knowledge of kyudo or "The Way of the Bow". It is considered by many to be the purest of all the martial ways in fukuya. She is fairly decent but her skills are restricted more so when she is on horseback.

Proficient Weapon Forms-

Form VIII: Unarmed Fighting

Form IV: Reach

Form II: Dual Wielding

Form X-II: Speed/Agility

At the age of three, She was removed from her parents and raised in an Imperial nursery and looked after by her own doctors, nursemaids and teachers. As well as Attending a school designed for students of nobility and accompanied by five “classmates” selected to fit her persona. There she learned elements that were expected for noblewomen which is oriented around being artisans. This included: Poetry, flower arranging, and musical abilities (Which introduced her to fan dancing) along with basic academic skills. However, due to her position as an heir to the royal throne was required to expand her knowledge and become well versed in things such as ethics, mathematics, and self-defense.

As one would expect, When she finally returned to the palace, Her relationship with her parents didn't get better. Following tradition, the successor does not speak to the Emperor to make an appointment for a visit and the current Emperor does not offer advice to the successor. Imperial Household Agency stewards make arrangements for both sides and the grand steward is responsible for solving problems between the two. There wasn't much luck with her mother either; only speaking to eachother on special occasions or at supper.

Masumi, being restricted from the outside world and forced to stay in suigin, never to lay an eye on individuals whose ranking was lower than a samurai. This her only resources to understand what it was like outside the village was through literature, art, and various tales she heard over the years. To escape her reality, she resorted to what she knew best: Art especially Painting. She was acknowledged to be very precise and swift comparing her methods to Swordsmanship. She has painted on paper as large as 20 tatami mats to painting sparrows on a grain of rice.

When she was ten years of age, her father died of natural causes thus enthroning her Empress of Fukuya, seeking guidance from Daimyos and Shoguns. Despite her already knowing a few skills in ko-Naginata, the Yumi bow, and some forms of Martial arts due to their necessities to the royal lifestyle. With the Shinobi conflicts still raging on, Masumi wanted to create her own style focusing heavily on the element of surprise. Thus she began to train in tessenjustsu as well as finding discreet ways to hide weapons on herself at all times which result in modeling her Kanzashis similarly to daggers/knives. Currently, Masumi is searching for resolutions to the ongoing Shinobi conflicts whilst attempting to convince her peers to be open-minded regarding trade with foriegn nations.

Spacing Out Spacing Out beautifully done. Count yourself accepted.

As soon as I receive an update on King Ferrel, we can get truly started. But for now, I have a plan for all me peeps.

I am going to begin the first post, primarily set in Fukuya, as well as a Skaleshi ship bound for Fukuya.

To my Shinobi players: You are aware that foreigners from other lands have touched down in Fukuya, only to be sent away by the Samurai. What to make of them, though, is up to you. They were not warriors, but settlers. Both Eufice and Skalesh.

To my Samurai: Some of you may have been involved in sending the foreigners back home. There was no bloodshed involved. The Samurai many of you know as the ever suspicious Hiroshi has took it upon himself to inform the Empress of these banishments.

To my Skaleshis: I would personally recommend being on this boat, though you do not have to. If you want to remain in the sands of Skalesh I can accommodate that.

To my Euficens: King Ferrel is readying for war against Fukuya for denying his manifest destiny. It will take a while, however, to amass this army. If you have the stamina for it, dedicate a few paragraphs to a sort of prologue for yourself, show me how your character operates, how they hear of the Empire of Fukuya, and their decision to participate in Ferrel's war. Sound good?

  • Akiya the Shadow Song
    View attachment 355771
    Name: Akiya Rika

    Age: 32

    Country of Origin: Fukuya

    Physique: 5'7" / 144 lbs. / Hourglass Body Type / Capable of very quick movements and defensive stances. Capable of wielding heavy weaponry, but only for a short duration as it is quickly tiresome.

    Chi Color: Green

    Chi Accessible?: Yes

    • Kunai (Stored Away)
    • Kusarigama (Stored Away)
    • Chisa Katana
    • Noble Clothing
    • Shinobi Garments (Stored Away)
    Proficient Weapon Forms-
    • Form V (Pragmatic Combat) Expert
    • Form VII (Hit and Run Fighting) Highly Adept
    • Form X-III (High Durability) Adept
    Akiya, being a shinobi through training, is highly adaptable to her situations. As such, she's extremely proficient in disguises and improvising. She is alert constantly, especially paying close attention to sound. Over the years she has learned to keep her calm through any situation. To such an extent that it's extremely difficult to catch her off guard. Honor being a big point of Fukuyan culture, is a high point to Akiya and the reason she fights. Her loyalty knows no bounds as she serves the Empress without question. Over her years, her hatred of shinobi has grown, to a point where she is cruel towards her enemies. Sadistic even to those she takes prisoner. In addition she is venomous and vindictive.
    As a young girl, Akiya looked up to the samurai that protected them, although she was in a better treated part of the country. She grew up admiring the samurai and their rulers, even wanting to become a samurai herself. However, that plan was quickly changed one night when she was walking home and witnessed the murder of a group of samurai. Shinobi, the rebels, had killed people she admired, and had done so dishonorably through assassination. She had vowed that she would never join the rebellion, and that she'd get back at the shinobi for their dishonorable acts.

    Fortunately for her, the shinobi allowed her to join without much convincing. The next several years she trained to be a shinobi, and eventually became more skillful than most the shinobi she had trained with. Her last night with the shinobi before they were to assassinate another group of samurai she murdered them, six shinobi dead before her. Her first quest complete, she headed to the capital.
    Eventually, after some difficulty, Akiya gained the Empress' trust and respect and became a personal guard and assassin. She continues to train to this day and becomes a more efficient assassin as each day passes. She continues to assassinate other shinobi, and protect all the Empress has put into place. As such, she is known as the Shadow Song.

The King is finely crafted. I accept him.

Name: Basil Karlo

Nickname/Alias: The Sea Devil

Home Country: Ramsay, Lortha

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Chi Color: Vibrant yellow

Chi Accessible?: No




He's 5'7" and weighs 73 kilos

Distinguishing Marks: His hands are rough and calloused and he has a few bite and claw marks scattered throughout his body.
Clothing: Basil wears a puffy purple shirt with white sleeves, sometimes covering it with a neat leather vest. He wears black pants which are adjusted to his slim frame by a thick leather belt with golden details. His shoes are brown and steel tipped. His fingers are adorned with gold and silver rings, he wears many different colored bracelets with different gems on them, such as rubies, onyxes and aquamarines and possesses a golden necklace exposing a medium sized emerald, all accessories with the sole purpose of flaunting his wealth.


Equipment - Basil:
  • His belt possesses two sheeths for his twin rapiers. Originally he had just bought these off from a weapon convention at Hcortis, but has made some aesthetic changes to fit his style as time went on and he amassed more and more wealth, such as gold-plating the guards and studding the grip with rubies.
  • He has a satchel with smoke bombs: cloth sack with a fuse sticking out that, when ignited, explodes and creates a dense smoke screen, resultant from the mixture of powder, sugar and phosphorus.
  • The same satchel also stores away small ceramic vases with a funnel along with a fuse sticking out of it. These are rudimentary incendiary grenades, which are filled with naphtha, a very volatile chemical that, although burning at around 800 degrees Fahrenheit, is extinguished quickly when exposed to the air. He is currently trying to find a way to weaponize naphtha to add to his vessel's arsenal without burning the entire thing down.
  • An extensive hook rope used by Basil to cross gaps when exploring uncharted islands or to help his crew pull in enemy ships to raid them.
  • A bag hangs from his belt, possessing a compass, blank rolls of paper, a stylus used to illustrate maps on siad rolls of paper, among other things.

Equipment - Lockjaw:
  • The Lockjaw is a unique vessel designed by Basil and his first mate. It has housing for 25 crewmates on one half of the second deck, a storage area on the other half of the second deck and was designed to be very slim, maximizing it's speed as much as possible with large sails. The vessel's flag is a distorted version of Skalesh's own flag, replacing the yellow sun with a red skull and increasing the size of the curved blades.
  • The vessel has modified ballistas fixed on the bulwarks, granting the crew an effective way to fight from long ranges while putting minimal weight on the Lockjaw itself. Next to each ballista is a basket with a large stock of javelins and a long hook rope, used to pull in ships to ease a raid.
  • The Lockjaw has an intricately designed ram, able to smash into other ships and cause severe damage to it's structure as well as destroy sheets of ice for whenever Basil goes adventuring in Suzeira. It is placed much higher up than other rams as when a charge is successfull in completely incapacitating a vessel, the attacking galley use it to board the enemy ship.
  • Barrels filled with naphtha, which Basil can only assume is the same chemical which originated the Greek Fire (look it up if you want to, it's some spooky shit) are kept at the Lockjaw's rear, used to discourage enemies from ramming the vessel from behind.
Proficient Weapon Forms:
  • Form II - Dual Wielding
  • Form V - Pragmatic Style
  • Form VIII - Unarmed Combat
Personality: At first glance, Basil is a very carefree and calm man, with a grin always taking a place on his lips. He's a very eccentric guy, treating everyone he meets as a friend, which translates into speaking with colloquial terms and honesty. For some, his strong personality can be quite hard to get used to, even more so to like, but for others, his overall friendly behavior make most people trust him right after the first encounter. In actuality, Basil shares a lot of sociopathic tendencies: he's a superficial charmer, using his wit and silver-tongue to get what he wants; he's much smarter than what he leads on; he's relatively unreliable due to his addiction to adrenaline and adventure, as well as the occasional lying; he lacks remorse or shame; he's pathologicaly egocentric; has a poor judgement and finally, is prone to frequently divulge into momentary pleasures.
His friendly demeanor with people and his crewmates is a strategy used by him to ensure their loyalty to him. He views people as an asset that can be exploited, pretending to be a friend to make sure he always has a trick up his sleeve that can save his ass. The only things he does care about are his ship, his money and maybe his first mate.

  • Ambidextrous: Basil is very proficient with Weapon Form II, once being able to clear out all of the guards aboard a prisoner warship mostly by himself. The fact that he is naturally proficient with both hands make him an akimbo killing machine.
  • Naval Warrior: Basil is the most infamous pirate known to Skalesh. He is simply ruthless and cruel on the seas, and once he's set his mind on pillaging a ship that merely looks like it holds valuable content, nothing stops him. He's a great captain, capable of micromanaging his crew to the point it'd make seasoned captains blush. There's a reason why he's called "The Sea Devil".
  • Adrenaline Junkie: Basil is the kind of man that stares death in the eye and laughs. Danger and near-death experiences are things that he actively seeks out, just for the thrill of it. This makes him a very audacious and bold man.
  • Nimble: Life on the sea is physically demanding. It toughened Basil up and made him realize that the only way to survive was to be the fastest one. This mentality has incentivized him into being a flexible and agile man.
  • Quick Thinker: Basil isn't the kind of guy to make up and stick to a plan. He'd rather improvise, and use his surroundings to his advantage, which is what makes him so unpredictable and dangerous to his enemies. Of course, this behavior can also backfire on him, but since this trait is listed as a strength, it won't be regarded that way.

  • Stubborn: Basil is a head-strong man, and once he'd set his mind on something, no one can talk him out of achieving his goal.
  • Accuracy Is For Dorks: Basil is a terrible marksman. He doesn't even bother to carry a cross or long bow, he knows he's that bad. The only moment where he would even bother to fire a ranged weapon is when he's on a particularly challenging raid, and the enemy ship took out a lot of his own snipers.
  • Addicted: Basil is addicted to spending money as much as he is to earning it. His biggest expenses revolve around alcohol, novelty items that he'll probably never use and prostitutes.
  • Unreliable: This is where Adrenaline Junkie is portrayed as a weakness. His constant search for danger and constant money spending a very untrustworthy guy to work with or to rely on.

  • Gold
  • Spending money
  • Finding gemstones
  • Exploring
  • Cartography
  • Fights
  • Being challenged
  • Alcohol

  • Hunting
  • Losing at anything remotely competitive
  • Losing riches
  • Having to retreat from raids

Biography: Coming soon...
Extra: The spot for first mate is open to anyone. If you want to RP as a pirate, fill out a form and tag me
- Changed format and retained all previous information
- Added Form IX to Aria the Cold
-Added Fun Facts to Akiya the Shadow Song
- Made it look pretty

DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete
DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete
I've added a tab for WIP characters and ideas on my character post. Also gonna add a updates tab so people can see what has changed from when they last looked at it.

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