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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Kordana lounged around the bedroom. It had been a few hours since she had settled down in Joe's apartment but she was getting bored and she wanted to leave. She called out to no one in particular, "Wanna go do something?. She texted her mom and checked Twitter. She sat up on the bed and grabbed her purse. She rummaged through it and grabbed a blunt she had from earlier. She walked out onto the balcony where the helicopter landed, her heels clicking as she walked along. She tossed her hair back and looked around. She stepped out, making sure she didn't make too much noise, and grabbed her lighter with a little cartoon lipstick on it. She lit her blunt and blew out the smoke casually. "This is so fuckin' boring. I'd rather go back. At least then it'll be interesting." She said in a cool, slow voice. @Ellarya
" We are on our way to the radio station... Butch feels we 'must' handle loose ends. That includes grabbing any resources we left in the town. We will meet you guys back at the house when we are done. "

Carlos hung up the phone, him and Butch speeding down towards Butches motel room.
''Back at the house..Okay.'' Kasha lowered the phone from her ear, hoping Butch would know where to look to find the bag. She hadn't just left it lying around in there, but the room was pretty small, so he should be able to find it somewhere. She was just kind of worried about that 'handling loose ends' part..

''After you guys are done..Butch and Carlos, they said they were going to meet us back at the house. If you guys aren't done by then, I can go there myself and tell them where you guys are, of course.'' She called to the others.
Jade walks home alone from the store carrying a big bag full of junk food. She takes her phone and checks snapchat.
Butch and Carlos finally make it to the motel, the bike slowly cruising into the parking lot. They had company however, Carlos taking out his pistol and quickly shooting towards their direction.

" Fuck! It's Carlos!! "

The group of masked men weren't armed with guns since they were apparently late to the party. They seemed to know who Carlos was though, one masked man running away behind the motel. He made a phone call to Demi.

" Demi! It's Jack... We are under fire here at the motel! It's Carlos and some guy who's driving a motorcycle! "
Demi was busy dancing like a madwoman, doing lines of cocaine with her mad lover Amora. They were in intense pain, but they looked a little better each passing minute. Demi answered the phone; her face going extremely pale. "What the fuck?! What did the guy riding the motorcycle look like?!". She said as she nervously started running her hand through her blue hair. She couldn't believe Butch would still be alive.
'I'm sorry darling, I had to get ready' Joe appeared behind Kory, dressed in a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, suit trousers, and a black belt. 'Sorry I kept you waiting so long, I had to try and get my hair right.' He said, coming to stand next to her on the edge. 'Funny, isn't it, how that 43 story drop could compleatly end it all' Joe said slowly, before turning to take the blunt off of Kory. 'Oh my goodness, what the hell is this shit?' Joe said, hurling it over the edge.

'That must be 10% weed, 90% dog shit. I'll take you to this party, where they actually have some good shit. Come along, darling. I just called him and we can't be late' Joe said, taking her arm and striding down to the elevator, pushing the button. The elevator began to sink, and as it descended, it passed behind a glass wall. The drop seemed even more immenant from here, but Joe seemed not to care. When they reach the bottom, the elevator dinged and rolled open. Joe grabbed her arm again and sashayed into the huge lobby, with it's immense marble pillars and reception desk. Joe pushed through big glass doors, out, and onto the street, which had cars hurtling past, with huge skyscrapers climbing up further than the eye could see. Joe dragged the girl down the steps into a yellow taxi that had been waiting for them. Joe yabbled out some directions and they were off.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c692e51dd4ffb5a34c23af5dfeaafe62.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53775" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c692e51dd4ffb5a34c23af5dfeaafe62.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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''Right now?'' Syo asked, turning to face Kasha, who shook her head.

''No. They said they had something to deal with, first.''

''Something to deal with, huh.'' Syo raised an eyebrow. ''That.. doesn't sound good, knowing their track record. Oh well..''
Kordana chuckled and tossed it over the balcony. "It was probably contaminated from water damage. Who knows?" Kordana flipped her hair and followed him. Her makeup was re-done and she looked immensely better. "I think tomorrow I'm going to bleach my hair and dye it. I want to change it. I'm getting bored." Kordana walked down the stairs and looked around when she reached the bottom. She followed him outside and sat down in the taxi. She made a disgusted face and said quietly, "You know, I don't think I've ever actually been inside one of these before." She smiled and flipped her hair back again. It seemed to have a habit of getting in her eyes. She grabbed her hair and tied it into a high ponytail. She divided her hair into a part so that her hair was on either of her shoulders. She watched the city fly by them and waited to arrive at the party.


Joe stepped out of the taxi and helped Kory out after him. He walked into a huge room, still guiding Kory buy the arm. It was made of glass and steel. Joe went up to the reception desk and said to a lady with blonde hair 'We're here for Mr Elliot.'

The woman ushered them into an elevator and pressed a button for the top floor, complementing Kory on her dress as she said goodbye.

'Oh, this is quite something' Joe said as he reached the top floor. The sound of sexy blues music came flittering past them as they stepped out into a grandiose room, with granite floors and a wall at the far end made solely of glass. The room was packed full of people dressed in fancy outfits, all drinking and socializing at the multiple bars dotted around the room. Joe

Joe turned to smile at Kory. 'This is room is filled with the most famous socialites, stars, and celebrities in all of New York' He said, before pointing her over to a small glass container, with a bar inside and yet more people. 'That cabinet is for smokers, if you know what I mean. Ask for some cigarettes at the bar, they'll know what you mean' he said, before pressing several hundred dollar bills into her hand. Then he let go of her arm and started forward. 'I need to find someone' He said, sidestepping through the dense crowds, till he had disappeared completly. @Kordxna
Kordana grinned. It was her first time back in New York since she was thirteen. She floated towards the bar and tapped on the counter with her long manicured nails. She did as Joe said and in a few moments she was holding a large blunt. She smiled and lit it. She held it in for a few seconds then exhaled through her nose. She had been trying to stay sober. Oh well. Too late now. About thirty minutes later after her second blunt she floated over to the dance floor with several other people and began dancing to the light-hearted, airy jazz piano. She was spinning in circles before she knew it. A boy grabbed her waist from behind and began dancing with her. After the song was over she strode back to the cabinet and sat down with the boy in a booth in the corner. They exchanged numbers and she got up. She made sure she had her phone and left the room. She decided she would look around for Joe.
Joe found Oliver Elliot dancing next to the grand piano.

'Joe! So glad you could make it!' Oliver smiled. 'So what brought you to New York again? I've been dying to see you.'

'Does it matter? Can I have this dance' Joe asked.

'Of course, anything for a Brit' Oliver grinned and grabbed Joe's hand, dragging him onto the floor.

Before Joe realized what was happening, he was twirling away.
Kory looked around for Joe a bit more before she saw him dancing. She decided that as long as she knew where he was she was fine. She went around and made small talk with people. She exchanged a few numbers and met a few people she considered idols. Eventually she went back to the smoke room with a few acquaintances and smoked with them. She decided she was getting bored after a while so she headed over to the bar and ordered a few bottles of wine. She had a few glasses and then headed to the dance floor with the attractive young man from earlier. She spun around the floor with him and realized she had yet to learn his name. "What's your name?" she asked with a smile on her face. She learned his name was Parker and decided she wanted to spend the rest of the night in his arms. He was a typical bad boy and she figured it was going to end in disaster but she decided she didn't care.
Most of the houses on Regan's street was burned down, not many left standing. When she reached her house she started to cry but quickly wiped away her tears with the back of her hand. Her house was one of the many that crumpled to the ground in ruins. She noticed that her parents' cars were still in the driveway; they didn't go to work. "Why didn't they go to work?" she mumbled to herself as she started to make her way closer to her house.
Syo felt something twist in her stomach as she watched Regan look up at the house, debating on whether or not she should say something. ''Maybe they..didn't have time to take the car, so they just left without it..?'' She suggested, hesitant to go into the house. Syo wanted to keep giving Regan positive advice, but she wasn't sure what she was going to say if Regan's parents were still.. in there.
Solana watched Regan quietly, frowning in sadness. She shut her eyes then and there, praying that Regan's family was somehow safe and not in that crumbled house.

Zori frowned, biting his lip as watched Regan. He quickly moved, walking up to her and wrapping his arms around her. He held her tightly, stopping her from going any further.

"They're okay Regan." Zori said softly in her ear. "They have to be. But I don't want you going near that house. It might be dangerous and there's no way I'm letting you go over there to check."
Regan looked up at Zori and tried to go past him. "But what if they're in there Zori" she said softly. "I have to go get them. I can't just leave them in there." She just finally gave up trying to make her way towards the house and sobbed lightly into Zori's chest. "I'm sorry" she mumbled when she pulled away, noticing the wet stains on his shirt.
''Regan..'' Syo mumbled, not entirely sure of what to say. ''..They're gonna be fine. We just need to find a way to get to somewhere safe..And then we can properly look for them.'' She began to regret saying this halfway through her sentence..What if Regan's parents weren't okay? But she wasn't going to say that, not in front of Regan.
Zori held onto Regan tightly. He wasn't going to let her go through that mess to find her parent. He felt terrible, having the feeling that they were dead. Where else could they have gone? Their cars were still in the driveway.

When she finally broke down, he pulled her closer, stroking her hair slowly as he rocked them back and forth. He nodded at Regan and sent her a soft smile. "It's okay. You deserve to have someone there to hold you when you cry..." He mumbled, wiping away a few stray tears before glancing at Syo.

"She's right... Maybe they left the house?" He asked more than stated.
Regan took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down as she wiped her tears away. She knew that Zori and Syo were just trying to comfort her but she nodded her head anyway, wanting to believe them badly. "I hope they did" she said quietly, still looking at the house.

She finally turned around and looked at the rest of her friends. "You're right Syo. We need to get to someplace safer than here" she stuttered slightly, nervously running a hand through her hair.
''Yeah..Let's go.'' She managed to send Regan a reassuring smile, wanting to get Regan out of here as quickly as possible. She had just seen her own house in a similar state - Regan and her seemed to be in the same boat. So when she saw Regan staring up at the house, not sure if she should enter or not, unsure of where her parents were.. She knew it felt terrible. ''Where..Where should we go now?''
Zori nodded, pulling Regan in for another quick hug before looking at the others.

"We get out of here." Solana answered Syo's question. "We get the hell out of here."
''I'm not going to argue with that..Let's go.'' Syo began to walk. Rin and Aric, who had been having a conversation previously, turned and followed the group, along with Kasha.
Regan nodded her head then followed the others away from her house, quickly glancing back at her house. Everything she owned was in there and now it was all gone into ashes. She bit her lip then turned back around. "So nobody else needs to look for their parents, right?" she asked, looking down as she walked.
"Not me." Zori said, shaking his head. "I already know my parents are probably dead. They haven't answered their phones and I saw my house earlier on fire. If they did get out and they are alive they would have tried to contact me already."

Solana stayed quiet, rubbing her stomach self consciously as she shook her head. "No, I don't need to find my parents."

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