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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles


Syo stood, wide-eyed, in front of the her house - or what remained of it.

It had been completely burnt down to the ground, along with the buildings that had once stood next to it, left almost unrecognisable. She could still see part of the shop's sign poking out from under the wreckage, could still see the pieces of the wall that had been part of the mural that had been painted on there since forever, could still see the pipes that ran up the sides of the building..But she couldn't see her dad.

''Dad? Dad?'' Syo approached the wreckage, knowing that if there was anyone in there, they most likely.. weren't alive. But she called out anyway, on the off chance..

''He's not there.'' Syo's voice wobbled slightly. ''He's..He's probably already left. Yeah, he left, he's just hiding somewhere till it's over..'' She'd started out talking to the others, but ended up talking to herself by the end of it, trying to reassure herself that he was fine.
Zori stared at the wreckage in surprise. It looked terrible. Absolutely terrible. He watched Syo, frowning slightly as she seemed to break down.

Solana sighed, walking over to the girl and wrapping her arms around her friend. Squeezing her tightly.

"Your dad is fine." She said softly, sending her a smile. "He escaped. He had to have escaped. All is well."
''Yeah..'' Syo's voice wobbled even more as she spoke, ''Yeah, my dad, you know, he could beat 'em masked guys up..He's probably, he's probably just lost or something, that's why he's not found me yet..''
Regan looked around at the sight. All of this made her think of her own house and parents. Her house must have been in ruins also for sure.

Regan walked over to Syo and hugged her along with Solana. "He's going to be okay" she said quietly to Syo, hugging her tightly.
"Exactly." Solana said with a smile.

"He looked like a tough guy. I'm sure he kicked ass." Zori said, ruffling Syo's hair. "Who has the next house visit?"
Regan bit her lip. She was too scared to actually go and see what was left of her own house now. "Umm...I don't know. Maybe one of you guys can go to your house if you want" she said to the others, gripping onto the straps of her bag.
"Well my house isnt too far from here but I'm in no mood to go see. They'll call me." Zori said with a shrug as Solana watched them silently.

"Regan is next then." Solana said with a nod.
Solana gave Syo another hug, sending her a small smile. As Zori lead the way to Regan's house.

He noticed the girl across the street and frowned. "Don't look not but it seems as though we have a crazy."

"I don't believe she's crazy... Doesn't she go to our school?" Solana wondered.

Circe heard voices then looked up with her piercing eyes. She tossed her hair and looked at them. She thought she recognized them. So being the ballsy person she is she decided to ask them if they were going somewhere cool since she had no where else to go.
Regan nodded her head then started to walk to her house slowly behind Zori. She looked down as she walked, silently praying that her parents went to work and were fine there or wherever they were. She didn't even care about what happened to her house at this point. She just hoped that her parents were okay.

Regan glanced up to see who Solana and Zori were talking about then sent a quick wave to her.
Zori gave the girl a look. "Somewhere cool? Do you not realize that we're in a hell week? There's nothing cool going on."

"So? We can still have fun... All we need is some booze, some weed, a basement and some friends... Im Circe. Circe Bennett." She looked the group up and down.
Solana gave the girl a small look of disapproval.

"Well you're going to have to find someone else to party with..." Zori said with a shrug. "We're currently trying to get out of here. Not find a party."

He gave Circe a look when he noticed her looking them up and down.

"I'm Zori." Zori said.

"Solana." Solana added, sending Circe a small wave.
''Syo.'' Syo said, staring at her. She didn't like to call people 'stupid', but trying to find someone to 'party with' in this situation..? Did she even know what was going on? Syo didn't feel like asking her, but Aric and Rin did it for her. ''So your top priority in Hell Week..'' Rin began.

''..Is to have a party? Sorry, but..'' Aric continued.

''..Do you really understand the situation, here?'' They said in unison.
Solana looked over at the two newcomers and shook her head.

"Not everyone has the priorities we have." She said, turning around and pulling Regan along. "Come on, we have to get to Regan's house."

"You can come with us if you want," Zori said, glancing at Circe as he walked away. "Just know we're not looking for any parties at the moment."

He then turned, looking at Rin and Aric. "Do you two have parents we have to go find?"
"I'm Regan" Regan told the girl. She followed after Solana, slowly walking towards the direction of her house. "Do you know what happened to your parents?" she asked Solana curiously, looking at the girl as they walked.
Solana stiffened slightly at the question, a small frown coming to her face.

"I... I don't know what happened to them." She mumbled, glancing at Regan. "I don't care either."

''They don't live with us.'' Rin explained, ''So I think they're probably safe from Hell Week..'' The two followed Solana to her house.
Carlos and Butch sped off on the bike, gathering loose items they may have left behind in the town; until a small factor hit Butch straight into the brain. The bag, the damn bag of jewels that almost got a lot of people killed. They needed that money more than ever now.

" Carlos! Call Kasha and ask for the bag! "

Carlos dialed Kasha and awaited an answer. He wasn't sure what Butch was talking about, but he was curious.

Circe scoffed at the group.

"Come on... I understand this is an awful situation but why not look for the goodness instead of the badness in things..." she rolled her eyes.

She walked along behind them.

They're so boring... After hell week I need to take these kids to a party...
Kasha fished her phone out of the bag - unknown number. ''Hello..?'' She said quietly, waiting to see who was on the other side of the line.
Carlos smiled when she picked up, it seemed important.

" Hey chica, Butch wants to know what happened to the bag? He says we will need it to get established wherever we may end up... "

If Carlos knew about what was inside the bag, he probably would have exploded with happiness.
''The bag..? Oh..!'' Kasha hadn't thought Carlos knew about that..Butch must have told him. ''It's back at the motel..'' She felt kind of embarrassed saying that, now. The motel probably wasn't the safest place to hide something like that. ''..Where you guys going, anyway?''

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