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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Butch heard more yelling, he figured the whole crazy crowed would get closer eventually. He and everyone else needed sleep however...

" ... Do any of you need sleep? I'll take first guard shift... "

He saw Chad still up, but he didn't trust him to actually 'pull guard'.
''Me.'' Kasha raised her hand - she did look kinda worn out. She made her way towards the pillow fort, taking both a blanket and a pillow left on the floor, and flopping onto the couch. Rin and Aric seemed awake as ever, and Syo was.. already asleep (now with a sharpie moustache, beard and mono brow to look forward to when she woke up).
Solana had decided that she would hopefully be safe and snuggled down in her blankets, falling asleep after a few seconds.

Zori continued to look around at everyone, a lazy look on his face.
Syo snorted in her sleep slightly, earning a giggle from Aric. Even Rin looked vaguely amused.

Kasha, on the other hand, didn't laugh - not because she didn't find it funny, but because she was already asleep. Aric looked over at her. ''She looks a lot less.. Serious when she's asleep.'' She did look kind of peaceful.
"Peaceful maybe? Like all of the problems that have been resting on her shoulders have somehow vanished in those few moments of the transition into sleep?" Zori asked, throwing a pillow at Syo when she snorted.
''Peaceful is probably the right word, yeah.'' Aric nodded, she looked a bit less intimidating when she was asleep, too.

Syo twitched and rolled over in her sleep in response to the pillow, mumbling something that sounded like a very sleepy, ''fuck off''.
"If only it could be that peaceful..." Zori said with a small chuckle, snuggling further back into the couch he was sitting on. "But that would never happen. Every time it becomes peaceful something tends to pop up and ruin it." He glanced over at Syo and smiled, a bit amused.
Carlos woke up in a dead sweat, completely sure that Butch killed him. But he didn't. A weird smile crossed his face, it was mostly because he was able to talk his way out if getting the complete snot kicked out of him. He stood up and made his way toward a sofa, sitting down and looking through his phone for anymore news. He didn't know what exactly was going to be done about this Hell Week, but he was willing to try anything. It was obvious they had to leave the state though, shit got completely out if control here. He turned towards Zori, his smile going back to a dim look.

" ... How did you guys survive...? "

It didn't make sense, everything was scrambled and retired. Chad leaning against the wall wearing a robe didn't help his question. He looked strung out hardcore, he had been silently crying for at least 20 minutes. But everyone else looked... Normal, for the most part. Had they seen something like this before? It was obvious they would all be sent to a 'crazy house' after this shit was done; unless they can pull off the 'I only hid somewhere' card... Carlos noticed Butch outside and sighed, he decided it was a good time to talk a little more into detail on how they could get out of this shit.
Aric watched as Carlos stood up, not knowing exactly who this person was. He'd seen him get knocked out by Butch, but that was all he knew.

''With faith, trust and pixie dust.'' Rin spoke with a flat voice, not taking her eyes off the book.

''Having weapons helped, too.'' Aric added.
"Faith, trust, and pixie dust..." Zori repeated, looking over at Rin. "I'm sure you followed the North star right?" He asked, chuckling a bit.
''Mm.'' Rin turned the pages of her book slowly, cutting the conversation short rather awkwardly.

''But, hey!'' Aric piped up in an attempt to end the silence, ''He has a point. It's pretty cool that we managed to, you know, not die.''

''Maybe it's a conspiracy.'' Rin was being sarcastic, making fun of Aric's tendency to blame anything and everything on some weird conspiracy, but Aric didn't notice.

''Maybe it is! Maybe they're keeping us alive for something, or it's all just made up to scare us and this is just an act, or-'' Rin flopped back down onto the stairs, groaning.

''I didn't mean it..''
Zori looked over at them and burst out laughing. "Gotta give it up to those conspiracies!" He said in between laughs only to be smacked in the face with a flying pillow.

"You talk to much." Solana muttered, turning around and falling back asleep.
" Pixie dust eh... Yeah, I bet. "

Carlos laughed a bit, he was glad to see them all regardless. Carlos stood up and made his way outside, Butch walked out to guard the place.

" I kept your bike warm, with plenty of firepower stashed in the seat... I'll leave if you don't want me here. "

Butch was seconds from decking him again, but held his breath. He exhaled and turned around.

" If you ever conspire against me again, I'm gonna have to kill you. I don't care how far the fuck back we go; you know I've killed for much fucking less. "

Butch spat off to the side, he wasn't pleased with Carlos; but he knew the group needed him for his idea's. He was really smart, something Butch definitely wasn't. They had to talk Demi down from her throne, that was the only way to make it stop.

" Tomorrow morning; me and you will go to the radio station... I'm not about this fucking life anymore. "
''He doesn't recognize how stupid he sounds when he starts on this stuff..'' Rin said while watching Aric, who was still listing off possible reasons why this Hell Week thing was created by the government. ''And it makes it look like it was done completely by the masked people, so they won't be blamed for it, because-''


''And then they'll get away completely scott free, and-''


''Me and you, we'll be the only people who know the truth, and-''

''Aric. Aric-''

''And they'll silence us if we speak out, and-''

''ARIC!'' He jumped, looking over at her. Despite her outburst, she seemed.. calm as ever.

''..Wouldn't it be bad if I just.. accidentally and painfully re-arranged your kneecaps?''

That shut him up.
"Ah let him." Zori said, waving a hand in the air nonchalantly. "It's really nice ya know? Hearing the craziness from someone since Syo isn't awake. It gets odd when I don't hear nonsense spewing out of somebody's mouth." He said with a chuckle.
(oh man this new layout is.. not appealing imo. the darker blue was better)

''Alright, but when you've put up for it about seven years and no amount of telling him to stop or common sense is shutting him up, you'll begin to find it stops being nice and starts being annoying.'' Rin stretched, yawning slightly.

''If you wanna go to sleep, you can, Rinny.'' Aric looked over at her, ''No one's forcing you to listen to me. Besides, if the masked people come, I can warn you. I'm not sleeping any time soon.''

((It is a bit weird isn't it?))

Zori grinned and sent Rin a shrug. "It probably wouldn't bother me much. Even after all those years. I don't get annoyed with things like that." He explained before looking around at all the other inhabitants in the room.

"Sleep sounds like a beautiful thing." He added.
((Sorry guys been out like all day. So just pretend Regan was listening in on the convo the whole time...eh idk))

As soon as Aric and Zori mentioned sleep, Regan's eyelids started to feel heavy. "Yeah it does" she mumbled, agreeing with Zoi. She didn't realize how tired she had been. She yawned then fell over onto the other side of the couch with her pillow underneath her head. Under a matter of seconds, Regan was fast asleep.

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''You'll need to tell me how you do it.'' Rin stood up from the stairs, placing a book on the floor next to her, ''It's impossible for him not to annoy me when he starts on this whole 'conspiracy' thing.'' She stepped forwards onto the book, hopping from it to the table, reaching out for a pillow and blanket and setting it out on the floor.

''Night, Rinny.'' Aric said as she curled up to go to sleep.

''I don't get why you can't just call me 'Rin'. You're adding on two more letters, isn't that more effort?'' Was her response.
Zori grinned at Rin. "You wanna know how I think of it? I think of this as being the last time I'll ever see a person because who knows what's going to happen in the next minute. I could be talking to you now and in about thirty seconds one of us could be dead. What's the point in getting annoyed? Appreciate who they are and how your relationship is." He said with a shrug, glancing over at a sleeping Regan. He grabbed up a blanket before putting it over the sleeping figure.
''Huh..I guess.'' Rin mumbled thoughtfully, glancing over at Aric. ''You wouldn't die on me, right?''

''Right.'' Aric grinned, ''You got nothing to worry about.'' Satisfied, Rin nodded and rolled over to sleep.

Kasha stirred, mumbling something sleepily, before slowly sitting up, raking a hand through her hair. ''...'' Speaking of which, her hair had fluffed up, sticking up in different directions. It looked a little comical..
(( We can call this moment a "coffee break", something to where the characters can get to know each other a little better before shit hits the fan. Just let me know if that schools gotta go though! Tyrone awaits... ))
(I love how it's like, ''It's a short break, but then we have to get right back to the chaos. It's the rules.'' Maybe the sound of the school getting blown up triggers the shitstorm, idk. In any case, I'm fine with it going xD )
((As am I. Doesn't matter to me. As long as they head out to New York~))

Zori glanced over at Kasha and grinned. "Good morning there sleeping beauty. I hope you had a nice nap." He teased her.
Momentarily confused, she turned to Zori with a puzzled expression. ''Ohuh? Yeah..Yeah, I did.'' Kasha turned her attention to the window, realizing it was still dark out.. she hadn't been asleep long, then. In her defence, though, it was kind of hard, what with the events that took place previously that day. She glanced around at the group sleepily, yawning.

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