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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

"When she wakes up I'm going to have to leave the room. I already know I'll burst out laughing at it." Zori said, laughing a bit.

Solana couldn't help the giggles that escaped her, pressing the blanket to her mouth to muffle the sound. "You all are so mean... Terrible people. Shame on you all."
"We're not being mean Solana. We're just having fun" Regan said with a smile as she watched Aric draw on Syo's face. "We won't say anything" Regan said, stifling her laughter so Syo didn't wake up. "Oh God, this is going to be good when she wakes up."
"Oh I hope she doesn't get too upset. I don't like the gloomy Syo. I like my upbeat, sweetheart Syo." Solana said, deciding it'd be best not to go to sleep around the group. She stood, walking into the kitchen to get one of the many snacks.
Aric went through what he'd seen of Syo so far, and somehow couldn't picture her acting gloomy. Just..overly hyper and very, very childish. ''Nah, I think she'll be fine.'' Rin tore open a packet of crisps, munching on them loudly. ''This street has been weirdly quiet. Is it just too boring for these masked people to destroy?''
" Eh... I'll be alright. Shits just been crazy lately. Haven't had time to actually 'be a kid' ya know? It's ridiculous... I'm sure you feel the same, us kinda being in the same situation and all. "

Butches voice was a little raspy, but he tried to sound normal. He was trying to keep 'getting shot in the head' 'out of his head' for a little. He was seeing evil foxes, killing people. He had enough. He looked Kasha in the eyes. Slightly smiling.

" No matter what though... Just remember you're human. Everyone makes mistakes and stupid judgements. I don't know why you're like me, but maybe we should talk about it? I'm not a talker... Much anymore. But I really need someone to talk to right now... "
''It's past ridiculous.'' Kasha sighed, turning to look at him. ''I thought highschoolers were supposed to be, I don't know.. Worrying about tests and stuff. Not worrying about hell week, or whatever they're calling it..''

She didn't mind talking, although she was wondering how Butch was going to manage it when his voice sounded like it could go at any moment. ''I can talk'', Kasha nodded, ''But if it's about, y'know..my habit of moving around a lot? It's not a very..'' She searched around for the word. ''..Cheerful story?''
Kordana raised an eyebrow, "Oh. I knew you owned it. I just believed it was a hotel because I thought you rented it out to people. And I think I'm going to take a quick power nap and then do some shopping." Kordana looked around and asked, "By the way, which way is my room? I could stand a change of clothes." @Ellarya
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“I’d much rather it be too boring for them to come storm in.” Zori said with a shrug. “I’m not in the mood to get blood on my shirt again. That was annoying."
''Not sure if 'annoying' is really the right word for that kind of situation..But, yes. I'd prefer this over masked people.'' Aric nodded, and Rin shrugged.

''Wasn't complaining.. it's just odd.''
"It's very odd. Maybe they've moved to a different town?" Solana asked, looking up at them as she munched on her cookies.

"Who knows." Zori said with a shrug. "As long as they're not here. I wonder how long it'll be before they force us to go back to school..."

Solana snorted. "Why do you care? We all skip anyway."
( I'm going to at least try to join in, I guess. Not sure what time of day it is in roleplay, or quite the setting or the like... I'll try to pick a starter that's neutral to any such facts.)

Tazi was in her room, back at her own home... She had an encyclopedia on animals open, and was rapidly sketching away on some paper. Music, without any words, probably just soundtrack from some video game or movie she liked, played from her computer. She hadn't actually heard any of the recent masked marauders, but that was because she didn't get out much and all... Not enough to hear about that kind of thing. On her green-painted walls, pictures of her pets -There were cats, dogs, and many chickens, also a hamster...- were tacked up, art and craft supplies filled her shelves... (Short because I do not have much to work with, apologies.)
Butch frowned, he kinda didn't want her to know about his past either; so he somewhat understood. He really did want to know more about her, to understand her a little.

" ... I understand if you don't want to talk about it. I just felt like getting to know you. "
''It's not that I don't mind talking about it - well, I do, but only to people I don't trust that well. You're not one of those people, so I feel like I can tell you, but..'' She paused. ''..It's not really going to lighten the mood any. That said..What exactly do you want to know?''
" Why not just... Put it all out on the table? Where you're from, what happened to your family, stuff like that... "

He figured since they were in such a fucked up situation anyway, talking about 'family matters' would probably be the equivalent to talking about what they ate for dinner last night.
uh like

dunno if this bothers anyone, but if you don't like reading about abuse and stuuuuuff

you might want to steer away from this post

''Alright. Well, let's see..'' Kasha was quiet for a bit, trying to think of where to start. ''Well, I guess the first thing you need to know is that I lived with my brother. I don't know about my dad, but I know that my mum was just.. Not ready to handle another child. And, to be honest.. I don't really resent her for that. It'd be worse if I'd had to live with someone who couldn't care for me.'' She shrugged, before continuing. ''Anyway, my brother, he was kind of.. that person everyone liked? You know, the charismatic type who could make you laugh without even trying. And I liked him, too. Of course I did. But, he was the kind of person who got stressed easily, and my brother wasn't the best person at handling it. So sometimes, he'd, like..'' She shifted uncomfortably. ''..He'd get violent. It was never, you know, that bad, at the start. Sometimes he didn't even touch me, he'd just yell for a bit and then run to his room for about an hour. And, because it hadn't got really bad, I didn't...want to do anything about it. I knew he got stressed, I knew he was bad at dealing with it, and I kind of thought as long as I was there, he'd have someone to project it on to. I was helping him. I hated it, but it was for his good, so..'' Kasha went silent, tracing patterns on her arms again, before resuming.

''..Besides, I thought..y'know..He's a friendly, easy going person. He looked after me, he made me laugh, he did the things normal brothers do - He wasn't like, a real 'bad person'. It was only when he got angry, and I just thought, well..I'm the instigator in most of these moments. I couldn't complain, if it had been me who forgot to get the food, or broke something, or said something I shouldn't have, or annoyed him. Because I started it. I was in the wrong. Even when he realized he could get away with more and more, even when it worsened, I refused to believe it was his fault. I just rationalized it all away, you know?'' Kasha stopped again, not sure if she should continue or not.
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Butch stood there, shocked. He was also 'abused' in a sense, but it was always worse when it was a sibling. He wanted to kill her brother with fire.

" What made you decide to leave...? If I ever see this guy, he's done... "

Butch lit a cigaret, trying his best not to just leave Washington right now and deal with Kasha's brother. Butch had to remind himself on current events, all that stuff would be dealt with in future time.
''Well.'' Kasha pulled up the sleeve of her shirt. There were the markings again, faded but still visible, following the pattern that she traced into her arms when she was nervous. Kasha knew Butch had probably seen them before, since she'd worn short-sleeved tshirts on occasion, but it wasn't something that people liked to ask about. ''They're not just on my arms, but that's here he did most of them. When I did stuff wrong, he'd try to teach me, you know.. not to do it again. But he flew off the handle so easily that I didn't manage to completely avoid it.'' She sighed. ''I started to realize just how dangerous he was, but I couldn't convince myself he was in the wrong, not at the start. So I didn't leave. But it just got worse and worse, and..'' Kasha's voice wobbled slightly. ''And then he started - you know - to touch me and stuff, and I felt like I really couldn't go to police, not now. Now they'd think I was just a really disgusting person..So I let it get even more worse, even more, until I couldn't take it. I think it was about two years after he started leaving the scars that I ran off.'' She was silent for a bit. ''At first, I just wanted to get away. But it became apparent that living like this was hard..and I couldn't go back, and I began to finally resent him. It's been building up for a while, so I've been trying to track him down, but..I don't know what I'll do when I find him. If I'll even do anything.''

(i have to go again for tea but i wanted to post before i left, its kind of rushed)
Butch grabbed her hand and held it, she had been through a lot.

" We'll take care of him... Together. I'm not about to let someone that hurt you like that still walk around with no punishment. I was also 'beat up' by my old man, but it did make me a little stronger... "

Butch started looking toward the sky; it looking almost red from the constant fire around the city. It's almost mesmerizing how this one neighborhood hasn't seen much chaos. Maybe it did at first, but they moved on?
Kasha turned to smile at him - a genuine one, that managed to reach her eyes for once. She didn't think they'd ever find him, of course - she'd been looking for ages, but of course, he'd moved away somewhere. That said.. ''Thanks.. seriously.'' She was silent for a bit, before thinking over the last part of his sentence. ''You, er..'' Kasha tried to think of a way to put it, ''..Didn't.. 'get along with' your old man, then?''
" Na... When I turned 13, my 'birthday present' was an ass whooping my my dad. He pretty much punk'd me out saying shit like 'How the hell you gonna survive these streets if I don't hit you harder than they do?!' It was never to toughen me up though... He only did it because he was drunk and pissed off. "

Butch started coughing violently. He had to cut his story a little short.

" I ended up killing him when I turned 15... Couldn't take the hits no more, they fucking hurt man... "
''That's.. Messed up, what your dad did..'' Kasha squeezed his hand slightly, ''No one should treat their kids like that..'' She couldn't imagine how Butch had killed anyone at that age, either. It had to have been a horrific experience, if it had pushed him to do something like that..She didn't exactly know how she felt about the fact he'd killed a member of his family, either. It wasn't something she was entirely comfortable with, but it hadn't been anyone 'innocent', it had been an abusive dad who hit his own child.
" It's all good now though... Killing him made me feel better about the whole thing. It was like; I redeemed myself somehow. Like it was okay. "

Butch smiled a little sadistically, then started rubbing his throat.

" Guess we should go inside now... It's a tad bit chilly out here. And it looks like it could rain... "

Butch felt a lot better talking with Kasha about this shit, made him finally feel less... Alone.
Kasha didn't respond to his first sentence - she wasn't exactly sure what to say to that - but agreed with his second. ''Yeah..Hopefully Syo hasn't accidentally injured anyone with that scalpel, heh.''

She'd initially been very cautious around Butch - with a lot of people, really - but it had been easier than she'd expected to tell him about her 'background'. Maybe because he'd been through something similar? Although, she hadn't known that initially. Kasha concluded it meant she was getting better at actually forming bonds with people, generally she'd found it hard to find anyone who wanted her as a friend, although that was her fault for pushing them away, she supposed.

''Hi, guy- What did you do to the pillows?''

''Syo and Solana built a fort.'' Rin mumbled from the staircase, staring down at a book she'd pulled from her bag.

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