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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Regan watched as Solana brought down the pillows, a huge smile on her face. "Oh yay pillows. Thanks Solana!" She took one and hugged it with a sigh, suddenly longing for own bed. "I wonder if my house is still even standing" she thought out loud. Her eyes widened. "I wonder how my parents are doing..." She hugged the pillow tighter to her chest then turned around. "Carlos?" she said a bit confused. "How did you know we were here?"
Solana looked at Regan and bit her lip, looking down. She thought about her parents too...

Of course they weren't speaking with her. They hadn't spoken to her for almost a month in a half now. It'd been too long. She prayed they were alright. As for Carlos...

"I'm guilty of that." Solana spoke up, sending Regan a sheepish smile. "I told him. Sorry."
"What is he doing here?" Regan asked in a whisper, eyeing Carlos suspiciously. She was glad that he was alive but didn't exactly trust him either since she saw him shoot a woman in the face. "Doesn't Butch want him dead or something?" she asked, unsure. She talked to Solana as if Carlos wasn't right there in front of them.
"He's here to get himself killed." Solana answered, shrugging. "That's exactly who he's looking for. I shouldn't have given him the address but low and behold I did." She said. "I would suggest we keep a good distance when Butch and the others get back."
Syo peeked over from the top of the stairs, pillows in hand, listening to the conversation, staring at Carlos nervously. She moved the pillows so it hid her face slightly, after what she heard about what Carlos had done, he wasn't someone she wanted to hang around with.
Butch kicked open the door and slammed Carlos' face into the ground. Carlos didn't fight back.

" So... Here you are. Ran out of options? The man of 1,000 plans failed already?! "

Butch was losing his mind. He wanted Carlos to fight back, it wasn't fair. Carlos shrugged.

" Look amigo, everyone makes mistakes. Yeah, trying to kill you was fucked up; but it was to prevent this... You did this man, this is your fault. You made entirely too much noise here... Put a shit ton of lives in danger because of selfless gain. Yeah; I'm trackin that I'm a no good fucking pimp. But I never hurt anyone that didn't deserve it... You came here with a devil inside you man, you brought him here! Your fucking ruckus brought the fucking squad here. "

Carlos was ranting, he figured Butch wouldn't hear it. But he did, and Butch let him go. Butch didn't say a word, there was unlimited grief in his face. Maybe he did draw Hell Week here. Carlos sat upward.

" Look man... The time for sneaking around and being completely fucking evil is over. I'm done with! I'm a nobody now... So if you're gonna kill me just do it... "

Carlos looked toward the ground. He was indeed ready to die today, but he wasn't ready for the punch in the face that knocked him out cold. Butch stood up, walking outside and lighting a cigaret. He was confused greatly; was he the bad guy? Was Carlos just spitting his charismatic words at him at a chance Butch wouldn't kill him? Butch looked toward the night sky, he just wanted a cabin in some tropical island somewhere... He couldn't stand people, people were so complicated. People always judged Butch, always thought he was a bully, or a monster. He sat there; unsure of how he was going to handle this situation.
Solana jumped in surprise when Butch kicked the door open. Quickly taking a hold of Regan she moved back, watching as Butch slammed Carlos to the ground. She wanted to yell at Butch to stop but decided against it, knowing it wouldn't help at all.

She listened silently at their conversation, wondering what the hell the two had been through. She winced when she watched Butch knock Carlos out and sighed. Watching Butch walk out, she waited a few seconds before making her way over to him. Kneeling she took his face in her hands and made a small noise at the bruise that was forming.

"... The idiot. You are such an idiot." She mumbled, pushing him closer to the couch so he'd be out of the way of everyone else. She then grabbed a pillow, putting it under his head and sitting back with a sigh.

She looked at the others. "So... That just happened."

Zori was completely confused when Butch suddenly left them at the house. He turned, looking at the others with a questioning look but didn't bother really voicing that. He turned, grabbing up his things and walked leisurely out the house to see Butch now sitting outside.

He walked over to the guy, tilting his head in curiosity before deciding it'd probably be best if Kasha talked to him. She seemed to be the one to get to him the most.

"We're on a rollercoaster man. You'll go back up soon enough." He said with a small shrug and smile, hoping that'd make the teen feel a bit better. It probably didn't but Zori didn't necessarily care. It was the thought that counted.
Syo slowly made her way down the stairs, moving the pillow away from her face. ''Yeah..That just happened.'' She echoed Solana's words, looking slightly awkward. ''..At least he didn't..Y'know. I dunno how I'd react if he actually tried t' kill him..''

Kasha, equally confused, followed Zori. She stood behind him watching Butch, before glancing in through the window to see if she could get anyone's attention - She didn't know what had happened, but she saw Carlos lying on the floor, and immediately looked back over at Butch, raising an eyebrow.

(i dooon't think she knows he shot butch yet but she's still like ''wait when did he get here and why is he passed out'')
Solana glanced up at Syo and shrugged before going back to looking at Carlos.

"Well..." She mumbled, standing up slowly. She turned back to Syo and smiled, deciding she wouldn't let that bother her. "How about we get to making that pillow fort?" She asked, lightly waking Syo with a pillow.

Zori looked back at Kasha and smiled. "All yours." He said, turning around and walking back into the house.
Syo nodded, with a slight grin. ''Pillow fort.'' She immediately began searching for a space to build a decent pillow fort. In her mind, she imagined a giant, towering castle, and god damn, she was going to make it a reality.

''M-me?'' She looked doubtful, ''Hold up, I don't even know what's going on-'' She watched as Zori went back into the house, before turning back to Butch. ''So..''
Solana laughed at her and began grabbing up a few pillows and blankets as she followed Syo around.

"Did you find a spot captain?" Solana asked her, looking around.

Zori walked inside and made a small noise. "The hell are you two doing?"
''Yeeep!'' She pointed to the left corner of the room, moving the lampshade out of the way. ''Oh, hey, Zori. We're building..wait for it..'' Syo scooped up one of the pillows, throwing it and hitting Zori square in the face. ''A PILLOW FOOOOOOORT~~!!''
Zori hadn't been ready and made a gurgling noise when he got hit with the pillow, stumbling backwards in surprise as the food he'd been holding dropped to the floor.

"Dammit Syo!" Zori yelped, grabbing onto the pillow as he glared at the girl. "You're going down for that!" He threw the pillow back at her.

Solana laughed at the two as she went over to the corner, getting it set up before going to go get the other pillows and blankets.
''GO, MINIONS!'' She picked up another pillow, running forward and throwing them simultaneously. ''PROTECT YOUR CASTLE! PROTECT.. YOUR.. HONORRRRRRRR!'' Syo grinned, before going, ''..And now, we build.''
Zori dodged one of the pillows but still got hit. "Syo you brat!" Zori exclaimed, laughing at her as he went and grabbed the rest of the food. He made his way into the kitchen as Solana got to work.

"Let's get this fort built!"
''Alright!'' She nodded, beginning to build it up. She was, surprisingly, putting a lot of thought into where she put the pillows, which was weird 'cause.. you know, it was just a pillow fort. ''If we put this heeere.. Then..'' She placed another pillow. ''The pillows stand up without falling easily!''
Solana looked over at Syo and nodded, smiling.

"I like it! Here, let's place the blankets on top just like this..." Solana said, cautiously putting it on.
'Okay, Lorenz, thanks for your help!' Joe said, ushering them through.

'Do you want me to come in?' Mr. Lorenz said as the men lifted the dog out of his crate to be reunited with his owner.

'No thanks!' Joe smiled, and slammed the door as the men left with the crate. 'Creep'

Joe walked into the white marble hallway with a plush cream carpet, and silver hooks on the wall. 'Darling, I'll fix your makeup later, after we get showered and things. My mum probably has something you can wear in her room. She has most of Vera Wang's last year's summer collection here if I remember correctly. The bathroom is through there.' He said, smiling. 'Just take Kiel to mum's room, would you Gerald? I'll share with him I guess. You can take mine and Kory will have Olivia's. That's settled then. And don't forget to dress warmly, New York's Decembers aren't very forgiving.' @Kordxna .

(We did decide that it was December when we were going to the Christmas ball, right @SpookySneeze ?)
(I.. think so?)

Syo watched anxiously, but the fort didn't collapse, causing her to sigh in relief. ''Alright..NOW BOW DOWN, PEASANTS! Syo-time now has a castle to reside in!''
Solana grinned. "All hail queen Syo- time." She said grinning.

"All hail her until I come over there and destroy it." Zori said, walking over and plopping down on the couch.
''Don't you even dare, Zori!'' Syo span around and stood in front of the fort, arms outstretched. ''I will defend it to the death! ..Sort of.''

cant use Kasha cause she's kind of stuck there
"Watch me!" Zori shouted back, poking his head out the doorway. He grinned evilly at Syo. "It'll happen when you least expect it!"
Kordana chuckled when he offered to fix her makeup. "I appreciate the offer, I honestly do, but I like to do it myself. It's just a personal preference, I enjoy it. I'll let you do it some other time though! Besides, I plan on buying some more makeup once we leave the hotel to shop. I'm only fixing the waterline for right now. The wings are completely gone but I'll get them later. I was hoping to buy that liquid lipstick Jeffree Star released. I adore that matte black shade. I think it's called 'Weirdo'. You can use the lipsticks for eyeliner as well since it's a liquid lipstick. And I've been wanting to try it. I saw it on Instagram and I died! But I promise I'll let you do it some other time. It's just as fun to have someone do your makeup for you." She looked over to Kiel and looked slightly irked, "Is he.... Okay...?" She sounded generally concerned but also there was a light tone of humor in her voice. She then turned back to Joe and her eyes lit up, "Oh I love Vera Wang! I had to throw out all my purses from her though it was such a shame. My basement flooded and everything was ruined. Now that I'm here I'll buy some replacements!" @Ellarya @Melanie Teresa
"Never!" Zori mimicked her, sending her a grin as Solana crawled into the pillow fort. "Go to sleep then." Zori said, throwing a blanket at her. "We've had a crazy ass day anyway. Naps would do us all good."

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