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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

''Yeah.'' Syo took the blanket, curling up slightly. ''I kinda feel hesitant to, though. Like, what if those masked people come in while we're asleep? I'm a heavy sleeper, I wouldn't notice..''
"I'm not going to sleep anytime soon." Zori said with a shrug as he pulled his pistol out from before. "I've got it covered. Plus if you don't wake up to the sound of gun shots then I honestly don't know what's wrong with you." He said with a chuckle as Solana crawled out and shuffled over to get a blanket and pillow.

"You be careful too Zori." Solana said, giving him a concerned look.
''Yeah. We don't want any more people getting hurt than we can help..'' Syo nodded, arranging her blankets and pillows.

Rin and Aric entered the house, Rin still on Aric's shoulders, before she leapt off and onto one of the stairs. ''Hey. It was getting dark out, so we left..We brought stuff, too.'' Aric held up one of the bags, smiling. ''It's got food, drink, any medicines we could find, and like.. 3 toothbrushes. No toothpaste, though. Sorry.'' He added, apologetically.
'Darling, I don't think you were quite paying attention. This isn't a hotel. We own this apartment. This room alone is worth over a million.' Joe smiled. 'My mum let me do most of the interior design myself. We had fitters and painters come all the way from paris.' Joe said absent mindedly. 'And if you like we don't have to go out tonight, it's just that one of the directors I worked for last summer on broadway is holding a party ever so slightly further in than this'

Regan smiled as Syo and Solana made the pillow fort. "Guys, this fort is pretty amazing" she said as she grabbed her pillow and blanket. "I'm not tired yet so I think I'll stay up for a bit." She turned her head towards Rin and Aric then smiled. "Thanks guys. I think that should be good for now. As long as we have food and drinks." She settled down on a couch and wrapped herself up in the blanket.
Solana sent Regan a smile. "Thank you for the compliment! Queen captain Syo-time here was the one who made most of it. I just put on the blanket." She said with a laugh.

"Don't compliment their fort. I'm taking it down soon." Zori said, pulling Regan into his arms.

"You guys are awesome." Solana said to Rin and Aric. "Thanks for that!"
Butch didn't want to tell Kasha the truth, because he didn't know how she would react.

" ... Don't trust Carlos. Me and him have beef now, but... He's going to stay with us and help the group. Always keep an eye on him... Alright? "

Butch rested his head on his hands, he was exhausted.
''Not if I can help it!'' Syo grinned, pretty adamant that she wasn't going to let her fort fall down. ''Thanks, guys.'' She gave Rin and Aric a thumbs up, watching as Rin hopped from the staircase to a nearby table. ''Do you just not.. like touching the floor?''

''Hm? I don't know what you're talking about.'' Rin blinked, emotionless.

''You keep avoiding touching the ground..''

''No..? I'm not sure what you're on about.''

''Er.. Okay.'' Syo raised an eyebrow, but didn't push further. Freaaaaking weirdos.

Kasha nodded, taking a seat next to him. ''Alright.'' She paused, hesitating. ''So, are you..Okay?'' Kasha knew he wasn't, but she wasn't exactly how else to ask.
"She is right, I don't think I've seen you touch the ground yet." Zori said with a chuckle. "Don't like being so low to the ground or something?"

"Shut it Zori." Solana mumbled, wrapping a blanket around herself. "Don't be rude."

"It's a valid question!" Zori exclaimed. "Even Syo asked it and you're not yelling at her!"
''Cause you aren't Syo-time, the ruler of the great fort..Pillow. Fort Pillow. What's 'Pillow' in French? I think that'd make it sound cooler.'' Syo thought aloud. She.. barely knew any French. In fact, for some reason, she knew more Chinese than she did French. Although, it was mostly food names, so..
"Oh shut up Syo." Zori said, picking up a pillow and throwing it at her face. "You are just plain old Syo to me. Not queen. Nor captain."

"Don't worry Syo," Solana voiced for her spot. "You'll always be a captain in my heart."
Regan laughed then gently elbowed Zori in the side. "Hey, you can't talk to the captain that way" she joked as she leaned against him. "That's unacceptable."
''Yeah!'' Syo sat up, grinning proudly. ''This is my land now! Any complaints and you'll..'' She paused, trying to think of something. ''..You'll.. Be in trouble. Yeh.''
"Oh my goodness, don't join their idiotic ways." Zori whined, tapping Regan's head with his fist as he wrapped an arm around her. "I need someone on my side!" He then glanced over at Syo and stuck his tongue out. "You won't do anything!"
''Heh! Looks like you're outnumbered.'' Syo folded her arms, grinning from ear to ear. Aric snorted.

''Eh, I don't think the kid who nearly smacked someone in the face with a sword is a suitable captain.'' Rin nodded, being the person who'd nearly been hit.
"BOOM! That's two people on my side Syo. How ya like that?" He taunted, sticking his tongue out at her with a smirk. "Not everyone is on your side! Maybe they'll help me destroy your pillow fort.

"Don't do it." Solana called from under her blanket.
''Dammit! I'm not irritated because you have people on your side, more because I was gonna do a little victory song, and it mentioned the fact you had no one on your side, and-'' Syo pouted. ''Basically, you ruined it. And I thought it was pretty good..''
"I'm happy to be ruining your happiness."Zori replied with a grin. "All I want to see is death and destruction of your pillow fort and happiness. Not much I'm asking for."
''Too bad you have impossible-'' Syo stopped to yawn. ''-Dreams! Meh..'' Syo flopped down again, sleepy. ''I'm gonna have a nap. And I swear, if you knock this down while I'm sleeping in it..''
Zori grinned evilly. "No promises Syo... You have a wonderful sleep over there." He said, his voice growing deeper before he laughed.

"That's just weird." Solana mumbled.
''Really, really weird.'' Syo nodded, before curling up to sleep. Within about 5 minutes, she was asleep. Aric got up to his feet, approaching her. ''That didn't take long. Let's test this 'I'm a heavy sleeper' theory..'' He prodded her in the face a few times. No reaction. ''Rin..'' He turned to his friend, who nodded knowingly. ''You know what you must do.''

Rin produced a marker pen from the bag she'd brought, throwing it to Aric, who pulled the cap off with a grin. ''Now the question is.. A beard, or a moustache?''
Regan sat up with interest, a smile plastered on her face. "How about both?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. "That would be really funny."
''Yes. And a unibrow.'' He began to gently draw a moustache, trying not to wake her just in case, followed by a scribbly beard and a unibrow. ''How long till she notices?''
Zori began laughing.

"Aw man! You guys seriously did do that to her?" He chuckled, shaking his head. "She's in for it."

"Don't be mean guys." Solana said, looking over at them. "Make sure it isn't a permanent marker."

"Dude make it permanent." Zori said with a snicker.
''I dunno what kind of marker it is, but it smells gross. it's making me feel kinda dizzy. Eugh..'' He put the cap back on, grimacing. ''When she wakes up, no one say anything. Okay?''

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