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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Solana nodded at Syo as she dropped some blankets onto the couch and sent the her a smile. "Sure! Let's go." She said, pulling Syo up as Zori walked over to the others with a grin.

"Let's go find some food. I'm starving. Donuts only hold for so long."
Kasha nodded, pulling the door open and heading outside, followed by Rin and Aric. ''So, where do we start searching?''

''So basically, we just need to find blankets n' pillows for everyone?'' Syo asked. ''That'll be a lot of pillows..''
Demi fell asleep. She would have been embarrassed; but her troops understood. It was a fucking medical magic trick that she was still even able to breath, Amora even more so. Demi still had work to do however, and licked her lips. She cleared the blood from her throat, ready to make another announcement.

" Oh Washington High~ don't think I have forgotten about you! Miss DeLouche... When you called me a slut to my face, did you think that was cute? Hiring that hitman was a punk ass move bitch! I've got hitmans of my own now!~ This songs dedicated just for you doll, hope satan rips that smirk from your face and fucks it!!! "


"Anywhere really." Zori said with a shrug as he looked around. "How about the house on the left?"

Solana nodded. "Blankets and pillows and whatever else you think we need." She said with a shrug. "And yeah, it will be a lot of pillows. We could even have make a fort." She teased, wincing slightly.
''Oh. My. God.'' Syo's eyes widened. ''..PILLOW. FORT. YES!''

''That one? Sure, why not.'' Kasha nodded, making her way over there. Aric looked behind him every few seconds, on the lookout for anyone who looked like they might be a threat. Strangely enough, this street was fairly.. empty. It was kinda eerie, considering the chaos he'd seen everywhere else. Shivering, he turned his attention to following the group.
Tyrone and his boys were on their way to bomb Washington High; he very much enjoyed bombing schools. He drove on the passenger seat of the up-armored Humvee. The guy on the gunners seat was extremely happy, underwear on his face and all.

" Boss boss! I see it! The school! Let's fuck it up! "

The group in the Humvee eagerly awaited his order, the anticipation almost killing them.


Tears of happiness rolled down the faces of his goons, the gunner readied the AT4 rocket launcher; aiming it at the school.
Solana smiled at Syo and nodded her head. "Pillow fort it is! Let's see how many pillows we can get." She teased the girl, smiling widely.

Zori followed after Kasha and entered the house. He walked over to the kitchen and began opening the counters and drawers, looking for food.
Kasha began searching the house for food and anything else they might need, piling them into a plastic bag she found in one of the cupboards. Rin decided to use her position to their advantage, taking the stuff up on the higher shelves.

Kasha frowned slightly, turning to stare out of the window. ''Did you guys hear something?''

''Huh? No.'' Rin and Aric said in unison, blinking.
((Spooookkkkkssssss. Festi needs a recap! xD ))

Zori had found a few cans of food and some boxes of cookies and cereal. He glanced back at Kasha and shook his head.

"What are you hearing?" He asked with a grin.

not much really lol

everyone was just kinda settling down at the house

kasha sees butch and is like ''oh hi butch.



and then they have this hug moment

thus making everyone else have a hug moment

everyone gets to know eachother a bit and then they're like ''we should go food hunting'' and then some people stay and some people go to get food to bring back))

Kasha shook her head. ''I don't know. It sounded kinda faint..'' She concluded it was probably due to all the chaos going on. Thankfully, it sounded pretty faraway, so maybe they were fine. ''
Zori chuckled at Kasha's statement.

"No one is fine Kasha. Absolutely no one." He mumbled, grinning to himself as he counted what he'd gotten.
(They've already left, but if you want you can pretend she was there the whole time and went with them. Solana, Syo, Tyler and Chad are staying behind, the rest left)
(Oh yeah and Kiel and this new girl Kory and Joe have all taken a helicopter to get the fuck out of town to go to New York and they are kinda just flying over the town (If you want to try and signal us you can) and this guy called Tyrone is trying to blow up the school and Demi is fucking pissed at the head teacher for trying to kill her and is probably trying to help Tyrone and it's all very confusing but yes, Regan is safe and sound, in some house somewhere that I don't really know where along with practically everybody except those who have been stated above. P.S. I made a relationship board on the Overview tab, and if you want any updates to it, post in the out of character chat with @Ellarya ) @FestiFries
Kordana looked down at the burning town. "Holy fucking shit. I haven't even had my first day at school yet. This is fucking crazy. Where's the government? Why aren't they doing anything about it? This is fucking insane." she said it in an upset tone and turned around to think of her dog. "Wait, no one's gonna like, shoot us down, right? That can't happen right? Can they see us?" She looked over the edge and peered out at all the burning buildings and ruins. She saw humvees and pointed. "Maybe that's like, the military or the National Guard! Oh my gosh maybe they're finally here to help!" She turned toward Joe and Kiel and she looked a bit happier than before. She didn't know for sure, she was just assuming. She rubbed her eyes and leaned back against her chair. She was exhausted. @Ellarya
Joe's head spun as he looked over at Gerald.

'We're nigh thir ser' Gerald said, propelling the machine forward with his fist. Joe looked back at Kory and Kiel who'd fallen asleep in the back. Joe had tried, but had had too much adrenaline buzzing through his system from the hight, and also from the thought of getting to New York. They'd managed to get into Manhatten now and Gerald was making calls to the ground team who would be waiting. The skyline of skyscraper after skyscraper bristling against the night sky, illuminating everything with their yellow glow excited Joe so much that he could help but smile, despite the circumstances.

'Alright, ladies, wakey wakey!' Joe called softly into the headset, bringing the two to stirring. 'We're almost there!' Joe said as he spotted their skyscraper, classily lit up in colours that slowly faded from blues to purples to violets.

The Helepad had been lit up, ready for arrival, And as they slowly decended, Joe looked back to observe their expressions. @Kordxna @Melanie Teresa
((I won't blow up the school unless y'all say it's cool lol. I'll say they messed up or something otherwise. ))

Butch took guard, he wasn't about to let some weirdo's sneak into the house and try to kill em as they looted. He really needed a gun however, he was in no shape to be fighting physically.


Carlos was almost there. He loaded up Butches bike with multiple weapons, and coke. The coke was for Butch though, he figured he at least owed him that much. Butches white bandana was tied to the bike; it swaying in the wind as Carlos drove it trough the night. National Guard units have withdrawn for the time being; the masked thugs managed to hold em back the whole day. It was like Vietnam over here. Carlos drove up to the house Solana gave the info for and walked inside. Butch overheard the familiar noise of his old bike.
Kordana jumped up and looked startled. "We're here?! We didn't get shot down?! Yes! Thank god!" she looked around and smiled as she saw New York City all around her. She knew it would be safer here. Nothing bad could happen to her now. At least she hoped. She looked behind her and saw that Kinny had fallen asleep in his crate. "He's a heavy sleeper. I hope I don't have to carry him." she smiled and looked over at Kiel and Joe. She couldn't believe she had gotten out of there alive. She was so relieved and happy that she started to cry. She quickly wiped her eyes on her arm and looked back out over the city. @Ellarya
(I'd prefer if you didn't blow up everything whilst I'm gone, especially not the manor house, but if you feel we should blow up the school then that's your choice, It's not really for me to decide)

Joe sat back and waited till they landed, and the rotor blades started slowing. 'Gerald, if you wouldn't mind, Kiel hasn't woken up. Could you carry him downstairs? I'll deal with Mr. Lorenz' Joe said sighing, looking out the window to where the little man could be seen, grinning ecstatically.

'Kory, I hope you don't mind, but I'll get the receptionists to carry Kinny down one floor to the apartment' Joe smiled. He opened the doors with the press of a button and everyone got out.

'Ah, Mr Jones, what a pleasure to see you again! Oh, and I see you have finally brought home a lovely lady! Well aren't you gorgeous!' Mr. Lorenz said a tad creepily as Kory unfastened her seatbelt.

Joe yawned without even trying to cover it up. 'Yes, Lorenz, her name's Kory. Kory, this is the man my mum pays to find guests to stay in our apartment for a holidays and such things.' He said as young men ran out to grab the crate and the empty cases. Joe walked over to help Kory down.

'Ignore everything he says. He's one of the creepiest fucks I know, but sadly very, very good at his job. He's the reason we earn hundreds of thousands from this apartment alone annually. Just ignore everything he says, and don't accept any sweets or rides in his white van that he offers you' Joe whispered urgently before looking up and smiling quickly at Mr Lorenz who had been licking his lips. 'Follow me' Joe said quickly, hurrying through a door in a little hut on the roof, and down a flight of steel stairs, to a steal door with a bronze plaque on it that said 'Jones'. Gerald waited with Kiel in his arms, as Joe rummaged in his pocket for a key ring, which he promptly extracted and turned in the door. 'Welcome to my humble abode' He said, turning to face her.

@Kordxna @Melanie Teresa
((*pops back in not really knowing what to do xD ))

Solana had gathered as many pillows as she could, wondering if it would be enough to satisfy Syo's craving to make the pillow fort. A smile came to her face at the thought of Syo. That girl knew how to make Solana happy despite not necessarily knowing that she did it.

"Syo! I got as many as I could from upstairs. I think that's enough." She said, slowly making her way downstairs since she couldn't see much. Once she hit the ground level she walked over to the couch and dropped them on the couch, smiling with a nod before turning.

Her smile dropped into one of surprise when she saw Carlos.

"...So you did come." She said after a while. "Do you really want to kill yourself?"

Zori looked at his filled up bag, a triumphant smile on his face. "Alright! We've got some food! Woo!" He cheered to himself, picking the heavy bag up. "I think we did an A-okay job here." He said, more to himself than the others before hearing the motorcycle.

"Looks like we have another masked one... Wonder how they found us..." He mumbled, walking over to the others before looking at Butch.

"...You alright man?" He asked Butch curiously when he saw the look on Butch's face.
Kory looked over at Lorenz and made a disgusted face. She rolled her eyes and followed Joe. She chuckled and waited for him to open the door. She looked over at the crate as well to make sure they were handling her dog properly. "Kiel must be a heavy sleeper to not have woken up from the helicopter, but I suppose eventually it just all fades out." she said in a quiet voice, as she didn't want to wake him up. "So what do you think will happen now? How long are we going to stay out here? I hope everyone back home is okay. I wonder if my maid actually left town or not. I hope so. Wanda is such a sweet woman when this whole mess blows over you HAVE to meet her. She bakes amazing too." she said as she looked at herself on her phone to make sure she looked okay. Her makeup was runny from crying but other than that she looked okay. She wiped her cheeks and her eyes and rummaged in her purse for her eyeliner and mascara. She started to put makeup on but noticed in her front camera that Lorenz was staring at her. She turned around and shot him a venomous glare, then went back to applying makeup. @Ellarya

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