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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Syo typed something into her phone, before tucking it back into her pocket. ''I kinda wonder who's house this is.. oh, well.''
Regan stopped and looked at the blood on the shirt. "What happened? Did you do something to him or...?" she questioned, glancing up at him.
"Probably some dead person's house..." Solana mumbled, wincing as she sat up. "There's a lot of blood in that room over there..." She pulled out her phone, sending Carlos a text that she wouldn't tell Butch. She huffed, throwing her phone on the couch beside her before resting her head on the arm piece. "You think this 'Hell Weel' is dying down out there?" She asked Syo with a small frown.

Zori glanced down at the blood on his shirt and bit his lip. Should he tell Regan that none of it was his? That he'd actually killed people today? That he found that he enjoyed killing those people?

'No way', He thought to himself. 'It's not that I enjoyed it... I did it to protect them. To protect Regan... But she doesn't have to know.'

"It's not mine." He mumbled, looking away. "I got a splatter of it when I punched a few but it's from some other guy who was pretty fucked up when I got around to him. The was bleeding profusely and holding onto me as we fought... Nothing serious." He lied, sending her a small smile and a nod.
Syo sighed. ''I want to say yes, but..I reckon it won't start calming down until at least tommorow morning. Even then, it'll take a while.

Muffled voices could be heard in the doorway. ''Are you kidding me? I leave for five minutes..'' It sounded like a guy. Another, slightly hushed voice replied with,

''Shh, shh..' The door creaked as it was slowly pushed open, and a figure slipped into the room cautiously. The light in the porch was turned off, so their features couldn't be seen, but it didn't look like a human..Way too tall and unnaturally shaped.


A light flickered on, and the strange shape was revealed to be, in fact, two people, one being carried on the back of the other.

''..'' The two stared at the people in front of them for a while, before the guy piped up with, ''Who're you guys..?''

Kasha, after a while, spoke up. ''Alright, I got the address.'' She recited it to him, anxious to get to somewhere safe.
Butch slowly walked out of the bathroom with a smirk on his face. He was in a much better mood, despite his raspy voice.

" Calm down jitterbug... It's called 'Hell Week', but they haven't been able to make it last a full week since 1992... Detroit. The National Guard has been getting better with fucking them up, it'll probably be over in like 2-3 days max... "

Butch sat on the couch, feeling like a million bucks. He removed his head wrap, exposing his stitches. It looked like he had a small but deep cut on his forehead; but that was it.

Butch gave the two weirdo's a dim look, almost not giving a shit who walked through that door. Unless they had a mask on.

" School children... "

Butch laughed.
"Good, good..."

Tyler quickly put the address into Google Maps and began driving to the house. He made sure to draw the hammer back on his pistol, still clenched in his right hand. "Hopefully I won't have to use this twice in one night. Better safe than sorry though..."
Regan nodded her head, believing what Zori said, then threw the paper towels away. "Well, you should change your shirt. It's pretty disgusting to walk around wearing some other guy's blood" she said with a smile. Her head turned towards the door and looked at the two people on the porch. "Um...hi?" She wasn't too worried about them coming in since they looked harmless. She wondered if they lived here or something.
Solana rolled her eyes at Butch but said nothing, her eyes flickering over to the two new people who'd just arrived.

"Who are you?" She asked, her hand moving behind her where her pistol rested.

Zori nodded his head. "I will change it." He said, pulling it off and standing up. He walked to the door, seeing the people and tilted his head to the side. "New comers? Are they friendly aliens?" He asked before turning around and running up the steps to find a shirt.
The guy groaned, muttering something under his breath. He didn't exactly have a right to complain, after all, this wasn't technically his house either. If he had to guess, they were doing exactly what he and his companion had been doing - which, according to the law, was called trespassing, but he thought that, considering the circumstances, it was kind of justified. ''They don't have masks, Aric.'' The smaller figure who'd been clinging to him pointed out. They had a very dull, deadpan voice, and looked to be female. ''You guys aren't with those Hell Week people, are you?''

''As for us..'' The guy continued, in response to Solana, ''I'm Aric. That one -'' He jerked his head toward the person on his back.

''-Is Rin.'' The girl finished.

A few minutes later, Kasha spoke up with, ''I think that's it, there.. '' She'd spotted a sign telling them they were on the right street, they just needed the right house.

Tyler slowed the car to a crawl, creeping up the streets, looking for any signage on the houses. Anything to give him some sort of indication that it was the right house. It would kind of suck to be a family trying to eat dinner and then getting barged in on by some guy with a gun. Especially on a day like today.
Carlos was going crazy, unloading round after round into the intruders. This wasn't a normal skat... It was a coordinated raid. He dashed back into his main room and opened his weapons locker, taking out a 240B with a large box of chained 7.62. He readied the ammo belt into the high powered machine gun. His girls were already dead; he couldn't save them. He kicked open his office door and started unloading rounds at the enemy making their way up the stairs. Most of them didn't have guns. Were they fucking psychopaths? The ones with guns would occasionally shoot straight, having a couple bullets buzz past Carlos' head. He decided to speak in his native tongue for the first time in a while.

" Get the fuck out of my town!!! "
Solana stared at them and slowly nodded her head, glancing at the others as Zori came back down the steps with a fresh shirt on.

"If you had to ask about us being with the Hell Week people then I'm guessing you two aren't either." He said with a nod. "Nice to meet you. Name's Zori."

"I'm Solana. You should come inside all the way just incase some more are out there." Solana said, as Zori walked over to the window, seeing a car.

"Syo is that Kasha?" Zori asked, squinting his eyes.
Kasha scanned the street. There was only one with lights on..Wasn't it kind of stupid to do that? That was a pretty big indicator that there was someone in there, making it a bigger target. ''We could try that one..'' As they got closer, she could definitely see one or two familiar faces. ''Yeah.. that's them, I think.''

Aric moved towards the couch, allowing Rin to slide down onto it, before flopping down onto the empty space next to her. ''Nice to meet you guys, too. Seriously. Everyone else I talked to today tried to murder us at some point.''

''It wasn't a pleasant experience, for both parties. Mainly the masked ones, but I didn't appreciate when they tried to strangle me, I have to admit.'' Rin nodded solemly.

Syo turned her attention to the car, squinting. ''Looks like her..Oyy, Kasha!'' She waved.
Butch slowly made his way outside; his heart pumping a little faster than usual, and it wasn't because of the coke. He quickly lit up a cigaret to calm down a little, actually seeing Kasha in the car.

" ... Hell yeah. "
"Oh cool I'm a vegan! And I agree, even though I am an American. Well, barely. Dad's a Cuban and my mom's an African-American. I'm more in tune with my Cuban culture though. Besides, you know, the whole communism thing. Well we should probably get these sandwiches made so we can get out of here as fast as possible." She seemed to say it almost cheerfully until she mentioned leaving. She became more serious and focused on making the sandwiches. After a while she texted her mom to make sure she was okay. After she texted her mom she checked Twitter but nothing interesting was up so she went back to making sandwiches. @Ellarya
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Kasha climbed out of the car cautiously, scanning the street for any signs of masked people. She spotted someone exiting the house she was heading towards.. From a distance, she couldn't see them clearly, but they looked familiar.

Then she froze.

''Butch.'' Kasha stared forwards, like she was trying to figure something out. ''Butch.'' There was another pause. ''..Butch?!'' That wasn't possible, right? She'd been told he was shot. Not only that, she'd seen his corpse, hadn't she?
Solana nodded her head at the two newcomers. "That's completely understandable." She glanced over at the door and couldn't help but smile over the fact that Butch had went out to see Kasha.

Zori snickered, "Reunited and it feels so good.~"
Butch flung his cigaret and walked over towards her. He couldn't help but give her a hug, she looked like she needed it; even though hugs were almost out of the question for Butch.

" ... Sorry. I didn't make it out, something... Caught me off guard. "

Thoughts went toward Carlos, the damn snake. He wanted to strangle the life out of him.
Tyler exited his car, quickly slipping his handgun into the waistband of his pants before covering it with his hoodie. He filled the hood over his head, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He walks slowly towards the house.

"And she told me she had no living friends."

"Hope this place is safe."

"God, I need a shower. Gotta get this gunshot residue off me."

"This place had better have a shower."
Solana smiled widely at the sight of the two hugging. "Now I want a hug, Zori- Come hug me." She said with a small teasing grin as Zori complied, hugging her with a chuckle. He then made his way over to Regan, pulling her into his embrace and smiling when he noticed Kasha's friend. "Another new comer..."
Regan laughed and hugged Zori back, turning her head to look at the new person who was joining them. "Hey, look it's that guy who had that box of donuts." Regan remembered seeing him in the parking lot of the park and waved at him. "Hi there" she said. "I see you're still alive too, which is a good thing."
''Everyone said- I got the text, and it- There- And I thought you died, and- '' Her voice was kind of muffled, so it was hard to tell for sure, but she almost sounded like she was going to cry, which was.. really weird for someone like Kasha. ''I was so fucking worried!''
" I was worried about you too... When I woke up you were the only thing on my mind... Then it shifted toward bad stuff, then back on you when they mentioned your name. I'm just glad your ass managed to survive... "

He said jokingly, he was still hugging her however, very uncommon for him. Might have been his longest recorded hug in history. A slight tear rolled down his face, but he quickly wiped it away before anyone noticed.
''I still don't get how you managed to survive..'' Kasha chuckled weakly, ''..They said you got shot in the head..'' She tried to discreetly rub her eyes without anyone noticing she'd been crying.

''The two people least likely to hug ever are hugging. Is no one else finding this weird?'' Syo watched from the window, turning back to look at the others.

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