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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

''Alright!'' Syo grinned, not even caring about the situation at hand. ''It's like, I'm in whats-it-called..Kill Bill!'' She swung the sword around clumsily a few times, giggling, before inspecting his face. ''Maybe the donuts were, like.. radioactive.''

(so er this

fox thing

are butch and chad the only ones who can see it

i think so but

Zori raised an eyebrow as he watched Butch knock Chad unconscious.

"Or... You can do that..." He muttered, snickering as he stretched.

"Well what's the plan now?" Solana asked, glancing at them all. "What the hell do we do now? We've got Zori back and even an added bonus of Butch. Where do we go? Syo, where's my phone?"

Zori muttered a few things to himself as his eyes flickered around them. "...I don't like being out here in the open. We need to move."
Regan turned around to look at Syo and backed up slightly with a small smile as she swung the sword. Regan watched Butch and furrowed her eyebrows. "We can't just leave him here. What if someone..." Her voice faltered as she noticed Butch staring at...nothing. "Butch, you okay there?" She turned to the others. "What the hell is he staring at?"
''Oh? It's here~!!'' She tossed the phone to her, seemingly more cheerful now that she had a sword. ''Yeah, we should probably go..Butch? You, er..you okay?'' She blinked.
Kordana followed Joe, happy to be of any help. "Sure I'll help! Where's all your bread and ingredients. You and Kiel aren't allergic to anything right? I don't wanna put anything in that someone can't eat." She seems to have calmed down a little bit, this was more her style. Luxurious houses and butlers. Not gunfire or car chases or murders or anything crazy like that. She was going to have to learn to adjust quickly. Kinny followed at her side silently. Kory glanced down at him every now and then to make sure he was okay. "You don't think New York is like this too, right? I mean this is just a town-wide thing? I haven't heard about it on the news or anything. And it's not trending on Twitter." She checked her phone just for the time and looked at her reflection. She took her hair out of the ponytail it was in and let her curls breathe for a little bit. @Ellarya
Carlos realized she was in the middle of something; he simply hung up and texted her instead.

" Tell Butch I'm home. "

He stood up, drugs making him feel on the level. One of his girls bursted in; sounding extremely scared,

" Daddy! They here!!! Help us!!!! "

Carlos quickly grabbed his MP5 and sprinted toward the grand living room.


Kordxna said:
Kordana followed Joe, happy to be of any help. "Sure I'll help! Where's all your bread and ingredients. You and Kiel aren't allergic to anything right? I don't wanna put anything in that someone can't eat." She seems to have calmed down a little bit, this was more her style. Luxurious houses and butlers. Not gunfire or car chases or murders or anything crazy like that. She was going to have to learn to adjust quickly. Kinny followed at her side silently. Kory glanced down at him every now and then to make sure he was okay. "You don't think New York is like this too, right? I mean this is just a town-wide thing? I haven't heard about it on the news or anything. And it's not trending on Twitter." She checked her phone just for the time and looked at her reflection. She took her hair out of the ponytail it was in and let her curls breathe for a little bit. @Ellarya
((It's a town only thing that's actually being blasted on Facebook, it's happened before in different towns in the US; but usually only in the ghetto. ))
"Maybe we should leave him here too." Zori chuckled, finding his small joke funnier than it should have been.

"Now is not the time for jokes Zo..." Solana muttered, taking her phone and pulling Zori away from Butch.

She glanced at her phone and bit her lip. She didn't want to tell Butch. It would guarantee his death. There had to be some other way to make sure Butch left Carlos alone.

"Hey Butch?" She called out to him as she pushed Zori over to Regan.

Zori stumbled, grinning sheepishly at Regan, "Sorry about that... That's a lot of blood. Whoops..." He mumbled.

"I have a message you might like to hear." Solana said, smiling at him.
[QUOTE="Kai Ghoul]Carlos realized she was in the middle of something; he simply hung up and texted her instead.
" Tell Butch I'm home. "

He stood up, drugs making him feel on the level. One of his girls bursted in; sounding extremely scared,

" Daddy! They here!!! Help us!!!! "

Carlos quickly grabbed his MP5 and sprinted toward the grand living room.


((It's a town only thing that's actually being blasted on Facebook, it's happened before in different towns in the US; but usually only in the ghetto. ))

((My character is just a very spoiled, privileged girl who's never had anything like this happen to her before so she's baffled and reacting to it in the only way she knows how, checking Twitter.))
Tyler didn't respond for a while, nervously looking out of the windows of his car.

"Hmm? Uh, yea. Sure. Look, you've got to have someone you can call who we can go to. I highly doubt you are completely without friends or someone caring about where the hell you are, especially right now."
'I think it is just this shithole. Sometimes I don't understand americans. They're so extreme? Can't we all just sit down for a cup of tea?' Joe said, looking up as he got the bread out. 'I'm vegetarian. I'll just have cheese I think...' Joe said slowly. @Kordxna

(btw I added a character sheet for Gerald if anyone is interested?)
Natas gave Butch a death glare; Butch ignored the fox and looked at Solana.

" ... What? "

He spit on the ground and walked toward her, his head pounding rapidly. Natas continued to scream at him.
Kasha sighed, sliding down in her seat. ''There was, what, one person? And they're dead.'' She sighed, before remembering something. ''Well, I guess there's one person..'' The silver haired girl - Syo? - She'd given her her number on the way out of the police station yesterday. Kasha didn't really think she'd ever use it, Syo was kind of annoying, but..Now would be a good time. She dialled the number.

Syo fished her phone out of her pocket. ''Hi. Biel window cleaning service, how can I help you? ..Oh, hey! What? No, no, this is Syo, I was kidding.'' She pauses, glancing back at Butch. ''Uh huh? That's cool. Listen, you need to get over here. There's something that might cheer you up a little.''
"Woah" Regan muttered, backing up slightly as Zori was pushed towards her. "It's fine. Are you okay?" she asked as she raised her eyebrows in worry. Regan looked down at Zori's shirt and had to quickly look back up before she could feel sick. "We were worried about you."
Solana frowned in disgust when he spit on the ground, looking up at him.

"Um..." She mumbled, looking around at the others. She didn't want to tell him.

"You don't look so good. Neither does Zori. How about we take you inside one of these houses and get you fixed up? Syo can fix you up even." Solana said with a nod, quickly putting her phone in her back pocket. She cursed at herself for prolonging it but wouldn't go back on it now. At least not yet.

Zori smiled widely at Regan, nodding his head. "I'm fine!" He exclaimed with a laugh. "Just a bit bruised and battered but fine! All good in the hood!"
''I can fix them up?'' Syo said, doubtfully. ''Well, I can.. try? But I do agree, we should find somewhere that's.. not here. Standing around in the streets at a time like this is not a good idea.''
"Well you don't have to fix both of them up. Just Butch. I'm pretty sure you're like the only one he actually trusts out of us." Solana said with a shrug as she began walking to one of the houses to see if it was empty. "Zori knows how to handle himself."

"I want to be pampered!" Zori whined, frowning.
"I agree also" Regan said, looking around to make sure no one was around to attack them. They had to get out of the streets as soon as possible. She followed Solana to a random house then looked back at Zori. "How about I fix you up Zori?" she offered with a small laugh.
Butch was confused, but his head hurt entirely too much to think. He walked around and looted the body of the guy he spine-snapped. Finding a small bag of coke and a pack of cigarets. He had great love for this man already. He lit the cigaret and stashed the baggy in his pocket. He reluctantly looked towards the group.

" Whatever... Let's just go. "
"Well?" Tyler asks, slowing the car slightly.

Outwardly, he appeared to be simply waiting for a response. Inwardly, he was contemplating his past. "Having people you cared about and who cared about you die? Oh, I know the feeling. Oh, how I know..."
Syo followed, swinging the sword around recklessly. ''Guys..'' She mouthed, ''..This is so cool..'' As they entered the house, she made a beeline for the nearest place to sit down. ''Oh, and Kasha called. She sounded kinda annoyed. It's okay if I tell her where we are, right?''

''Well.'' Kasha looked up from her screen. ''She said she's going to send me a text with the address of where she is right now. Apparently she's there with a group of people, so if it gets targeted, we'll be.. safer.''
Zori nodded happily, following after Regan. "I would also like a new shirt and some alcohol. Now seems like a wonderful time to drink."

Solana found herself a couch and collapsed onto it, screaming into the pillows before sighing with a smile.

Zori looked around the house before looking at Regan. "Pamper me?"
"Yeah, come on." Regan walked into the kitchen to get some paper towels and wet them so she could clean up some of the blood on Zori. "God, what did you do while you were by yourself?" she mumbled to him, making sure not to hurt him. "Maybe you could find a new shirt upstairs in a room or something."
Butch quickly went into the bathroom, taking out the baggy and using a scalpel to cut the chunks of coke into a straight line. Nothing was better for a headache than a nice ol line of cocaine after all... It always made his face numb regardless.
"This isn't really my blood if that's what you're thinking." Zori said, shrugging his shoulders. "It's mostly the guys I ran into when I was trying to find you all. That's it."

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