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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

A rage filled in his eyes.

" That's because he's a fucking rat! "

Butch started coughing uncontrollably, he shouldn't be raising his voice; he just got it back. He knew he could trust Syo; she wasn't someone who would be callously charmed by Carlos. He went up and whispered into her ear.

" Wanna know who shot me...? "
''Woah, woah-'' Syo held up her hands. ''You don't gotta yell. One 'cause it's kinda scary, and two 'cause it sounds like it hurts..'' From how raspy it sounded, she concluded it probably hurt anyway, whether he yelled or not. ''Who shot you?'' She repeated quietly, before adding, ''Hang on. You don't mean..''
" And he'd do the same to you... Don't trust that fucking pig. "

He quickly cracked his back, spitting toward the side once more.

" What about Kasha... Zori? Where the hell are they at? I thought Zori would always tag with you guys... "

He wasn't ready to hear of their deaths, he wasn't too close to Zori, but Kasha was another story. He knew Zori would never leave these girls alone without a good reason.
Syo shivered slightly. Sure, Carlos did kinda look intimidating at times, but she hadn't put him down as someone who could do..that. ''We were with Zori a little while ago..It got kinda chaotic, I think he's still back there..'' She bit her lip, looking guilty. ''..Hopefully he's still okay..As for Kasha, she was at the park with us, but..I dunno where she went.''
Solana looked at the two before biting her lip as she looked around. His questions were very valid. Where the hell were those two?

"I would like to go look for them but I doubt that's a good idea..." Solana said, looking around once more. "He was fighting two guys and shot them." Solana sighed, glancing over at Regan. She was sure the poor thing was panicking over where Zori had gone. She'd panicked when he'd first left them.
Chad was tired as shit, these masked guys were everywhere, and there was no end to them in sight. He sighed and collapsed on the side of the road, taking off his mask to breath. He figured they would mistake him for a dead body anyways; a little break never hurt anyone.


Carlos was geared and ready to go. After the Hell Week in Oakland; he constantly kept a small arsenal in his mini-mansion at all times. He knew the masked guys would come for him eventually. He took the libirty of snagging Solana's number from the school directory, just incase he ever needed to call her. They were somewhat 'friends' after all, right? He called her and eagerly awaited an answer, hoping she was still alive.
Solana had walked a few feet away when she felt her phone vibrate. She pulled it out, eyes widening when she saw it was Carlos. She had saved his number but had never called him. How did he have hers?

She quickly moved away from the others as she answered it.

"Hello?" She said, dropping her voice to a whisper after. "Carlos?"
Regan was freaking out big time and wanted to just cry from everything that was happening. First from all the running she had to do then from the masked men attacking them. Now from seeing Butch alive and talking. She thought he was dead and didn't even know how in the hell he survived that. She was surprised and honestly glad he didn't die.

Regan wasn't even worried about where Carlos was when Butch asked. Her mind was focused on Zori and where he was at the moment. If he was doing okay. She kept glancing back, half expecting him to walk up behind them or something.
Carlos rested his feet on his desk, which was piled on with loose cash and weapons.

" Sup chica! Glad to hear you still alive and kickin... You guys need help? "

He decided not to bring up her rudeness when he tried to give her a ride the other day, he knew she was probably in shock.


Butch looked at the group in confusion, wondering why the hell they would go along with running away.

" So you just 'left' him there... After he killed two people? Probably for the first time?? Fuck no, you jokers stay here and don't move. "

Butch got back on his bike and rode toward the direction they said Zori was. Leaving a man alone out here was suicide.
Syo fiddled with her hair, looking guilty. She definitely regretted leaving him behind, that was for sure. Glancing over at Solana, intrigued, she asked, ''Who's that? Is it Zori?'' She wasn't sure who'd be calling her, with all this chaos going on.
"What the hell did you do?" Solana said, completely disregarding his questions. She looked over at Syo and bit her lip, wondering if it'd be okay to tell Syo it was Carlos. Instead she gave a shrug before walking farther off.

"Look, I don't know where you are but we're all about to die. But you should probably stay where you are. Butch is alive and he's looking for you. So I'll ask you one last time- what did you do?"

Zori whistled, continuing his walk down the street.

"Syo!" He called out. "Regan! Solana! Elyana! Where the fuck did you guys go?" He asked, snickering. "Come on out darlings!" Zori wasn't sure how he felt at that moment. He was scared yet the power of offing those two men... This was foreign to him and he had no idea whether he liked it or not.

((That joy you feel when you're finally home.))
((I'm back! I'll read through then work on replies))

((Actually can someone fill me in super quick))

NVM I got it lol
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((rrrrroleplay recap

uh, i think


people kind of got split up running away

regan, solana and syo leave zori

so zori is by himself

butch comes along

everyones like ''???" but then hes like

''you fuckers left zori by himself im gonna find him''

and then carlos called solana))
Carlos went completely pale. It was at this moment, Carlos knew; He fucked up. He quickly thought of ways to twist it toward his side, but couldn't come up with anything. He simply sighed deeply and accepted his fate. City's turned to shit anyway. Out of the 60 girls in his employ, only 20 survived. He took and a joint, lighting it and taking multiple quick hits to calm himself down. If only he didn't use a weak ass 9mm... It would take a freakin 45 to take Butch out.

" I shot Butch... "
Zori's tone sounded somewhat sadistic as he called for Elyana and the rest of the group. Frankly, she was absolutely terrified to go find him, but instead she looked to the rest of the group. "Are we going to go find him?!" She asked frantically. The group had separated and Zori was wandering alone, which definitely wasn't the best idea. Elyana bit her nails as she waited for someone to say something


Sonny's embrace shook Olivia out of her haze, "I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me." Olivia whispered hoarsely, trying to choke back tears. She had never felt that side of such anger and it honestly scared her that those words had come out of her mouth.

Still in Sonny's embrace, Olivia kissed him, this time more passionately. He had cared for her all of these years and had always had her back through thick and thin. "Damn, I needed to get that out of my system, now let's go kick some ass." Olivia said, sounding like her normal self once again.
((Alright I'm back sorry!))

Kordana yelped as the boy jumped into her Jeep. She responded in a nervous, shaky matter, "Hi, I-I'm Kory. This is my dog Kinny. We have to stop at my house really quick. I have to warn my mom." She pressed on the gas and drove towards her house. She drifted around the stop sign and swerved into her driveway. She got out quickly and ran inside the house. Inside, she wrote a quick note and texted her mom as well, just to be safe. She ran back into the car and looked at the two boys. "I don't care where we go as long as it's away from here." @Melanie Teresa @Ellarya
Kiel nodded as Kory stepped on the gas, he appreciated that she was so caring of her family. "Alright, make it quick hun." Kiel replied as they stopped. Kory was back out of the house in a matter of moments and Kiel looked over to Joe, "That's a far ride from here. How about we skip to the next two towns over, maybe we'll be safe there." He said to Joe's suggestion as Kory got back into the car.

@Kordxna @Ellarya
Solana froze up at his confession. “…You shot him. So he has a valid reason… Because you shot him. You did it after we left right? You know, when you decided it’d be okay to kill that woman?” Solana spat, feeling disgusted with herself for having even thought of him as a friend. She sighed,d dropping down onto the curb and groaned. “I knew you were bad news but I still went along with it. Dammit… You’re just like Alex.” She muttered.

Zori continued walking as he looked around curiously. He stopped at a crosswalk and looked some more before being attacked by three men.

“You killed our friends!” One of them shouted angrily as Zori hit the ground, coughing up blood.

“They deserved it!” Zori grunted back, trying to fight them off but with no victory in sight.
Syo flinched at Solana's words, turning back to her slowly. ''..Wait, what?'' She stepped up to her, wide eyed. ''Seriously, who's that? Who are you talking to?''
She dropped next to Solana and looked concerned as did Syo. "Uhm- why do I have a feeling that its...." Elyana started as she looked at Syo, "Carlos..." she whispered
Solana realized she'd been talking a bit too loud and sighed, glancing over at Elyana and Syo before nodding her head.

"It's Carlos..." She said, holding a hand to the phone. She looked up again. "What? You heard him?"
"What the hell, he went off to fight off some masked people I think....uhm should we go find him? We're risking being killed here guys." Elyana warned them.
''No, but..From what Butch told me, and what I'm hearing here? It's not hard to put it all together.'' Syo folded her arms. ''Man..I didn't think he was fucked up, but what do you know?'' She turned to Elyana. ''Butch said he was going to go find him, but.. Maybe we should go too? Zori's only one person, and Sunglasses is tough, but he got shot in the head, so he's probably not doing his best..''
Regan heard their names being called also. "I...I think it's Zori." Regan called out for him then turned towards Elyana and Syo. "Why are we contemplating if we should find him or not? What if he gets hurt? We have to go!"

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