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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Solana and Zori quickly followed after Regan and Elyana, coughing as they did.

"Those damn-" Zori growled, sticking the pistol he'd gotten earlier into the back of his pants. "I swear, the first one that truly comes after one of you I'll have no hesitation in shooting them because I'm fucking done." He growled, looking around. "We need to get out of here but for now let's keep low and keep moving. Elyana lead us, I've got the back." He said, pointing in a direction for her to go.
As Sonny and Olivia made their way towards an abandoned ally, they sighed in relief. This was definitely the first time he felt safe in one. He noticed his phone had 55 missed messages.

" Of fucking course... "

Multiple of them were from his buddies in the military wondering how he was doing. The last few however... He quickly called back the doctor.

" ... Please tell me I just fucking miss read that text? "

The doctor started laughing. He was eating chips while talking.

" Nah man! The kids alive! Apparently when you get punched in the face as much as he had, your skull gets a little stronger. "

He said in a sarcastic voice, he had a minor tone of worry however.

" He's gone though... He made quite a fuss in the ER. Saying shit like: Carlos is fucking dead, fucking dickhead. Stuff like that. I thought he lost his voice honestly! But yeah man, he got away. Busted out the window on the second floor! Freakin stealing scalpels n shit. "

Sonny almost dropped his phone; he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sure, it was semi common to survive a bullet wound to the head. But the person taking the injury would at least be asleep for a good 4 days due to concussion.

" ... Tough Irish Prick.... "
Kordana quickly squealed out of the parking lot, her Jeep was not a very stealthy vehicle. She screamed as she heard the gunshots and Kinny whined and put his head down. "Holy shit!" she yelled as she drove towards her house.

((Sorry if I double posted. My wifi is REALLY glitchy right now. Not sure what's going on))
" Fuck you!!! "

Chad used a knife to stab one assailant, him dropping to the floor. Chad had the bright idea to use the masks to infiltrate the crews, attacking them from behind with a swift knife stab. He managed to get a decent sword off one though, it making his job a whole lot easier. Chad was a busy bee, never stopping until he would eventually link back up with the group; hopefully.

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Butch sped through the streets on a looted motocross bike; also wearing a mask. He wielded a black baseball bat, and was busting heads in as he sped through the streets. He was out for blood, and nobody was going to stop him. He'd occasionally see things however, dragons flying in the sky, animals walking on their hind legs. He knew very well of where he needed to go; the radio station. It was either going to be a duel with his previous lover/partner in crime, or a partnership against a common enemy. His head was splitting with pain, it truly was a miracle that he was even able to stand.



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Zori was wired. Dark eyes flickered this way and that as he followed after the girls. He was completely done with this bullshit. Just, done.

He jumped when he heard gunshots over one of the fences and grit his teeth when he heard screaming. Heartless bastards. All of them. They needed to die.

Solana continued to look around, biting her lip as her stomach churned with nervousness.

"Just let this fucking end..." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around herself. She screamed in surprise when a masked man jumped out of the bushes at her. She jumped out of the way and Zori growled, running forward only to be knocked down by two other men.

"Zori!" Solana yelled, turning around and kicking the man from before in his head as he tried to get up.

Zori struggled, getting punched repeatedly. With a grunt he managed to get his gun and two loud pops were heard as the men on top of him slumped, screaming as they held their wounds.

Zori pushed them off, looking at the blood on his shirt with disgust. He glanced over at the girls and pointed. "Go! Run!"
(I just realized that Syo should probably be with Solana, Regan, Zori, Elyana, ect.)

''So..'' Kasha turned away from the window slowly, ''Where exactly are we going, then? Are we going back for him?''


Syo (eh just pretend she was there) hesitated, not wanting to leave him there, but nodded. ''We gotta go, guys..''
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Elyana nodded and continued to fun. A man with a mask ran out of nowhere and tackled her to the ground. He began ripping off her clothes with a knife and Elyana screamed for help. "Please--don't do this." Elyana pleaded as she somehow managed to kick the guy off of her. He tackled her once again and began punching her repeatedly in the face and chest. He took his knife out and ran it down her throat. "You're lucky this time you fucking whore." The man then jumped off of her and ran away towards a group of masked people.

She lay there frozen in fear, crying.


Butch was still alive? What the fuck. Olivia turned to Sonny, her eyes widened in surprise. "There is no fucking way that he's alive, and if he is, we better find him." She urged as she reloaded her pistols. They were in a safe place for now and Olivia checked her phone. "They're shooting up the grocery store."
Solana bit her lip and nodded with Syo, running off with the rest of them.

Zori watched them go before turning around, a sadistic smile on his face. "Messed with the wrong one you little fucks..." He mumbled.


Solana screamed when the man came running out at them and cried out for Elyana.

"Get off of her!" She screamed, kicking and hitting at the man until he finally got off and ran. She turned, pulling out a gun she'd taken when Alex was busy with the others. Lifting it up, she aimed it at the running man and bit her lip. With a squeak she pulled the trigger watching as the man went down.

She turned, looking over at Elyana and helping her up.

"Are you okay? Your clothes!" She said, pulling her jacket off and putting it on over Elyana.

"We need to get out of here."
Butch skirted toward a group of masked individuals ready to smash, when he heard a gunshot. The group split off and dispersed. He saw what looked to be familiar faces, including Syo. He blitzed in; forgetting to take off his mask.


Sonny sighed and reloaded his rifle. He was overwhelmed by all the bullshit happening at once.

" Let's... Just catch our breath for a minute. I'm sure he'll be fine. "

He plopped down and started performing minor rifle maintenance. It was still an M4 after all, and was prone to jam with no lube.
(sorry guys imma have to jump right in, if that's okay?)

Joe had just managed to get out of the house. He'd been having major panic attacks all week after his friends had been taken away with the police. Then this Hell Week shit had happened, and his mother had had the gate locked, the steel blinds down and the security system booted up. Joe's mum had taken his phone away, so that he couldn't talk to his friends and be tempted outside.

This had simply made Joe angrier and angrier until he had eventually stolen his phone back and figured out, along with the help of the internet, how to deactivate the system. He had immediately gone looking for Kiel and Elyana. He'd managed to track Kiel down with location services, before packing some food, some money, and one of the butler's handguns into an adidas bag. You can never be too careful during what seemed to be the apocalypse.

He'd been walking down the street, constantly checking behind himself to make sure he wasn't being followed. He had managed to get to the grocery store as he heard shooting, and saw masked men entering the carpark.

'Shit, shit, shit' he whispered, under his breath, throwing himself behind a car that had been parked across the street. Then out of nowhere he saw a girl, Kiel, and a dog running out and jumping into a Jeep. They swerved around people who were having their heads smashed in until they reach the road. Joe jumped out into the road, flagging them down just as the masked men started shooting at himself and the Jeep.

'Kiel!' Joe screamed, slamming his hands down on the bonnet as it screeched to a halt. @Kordxna
"Th-thank you so much Solana." Elyana wept pathetically as Solana covered her with her jacket. She stepped up and tried to re-group with everyone else, letting Solana guide her there. She was completely shaken, if Solana hadn't come to her rescue, that man would've hurt her and even killed her she shuttered as the thought.


The chaos continued to reign down at the grocery store as Lenny began bashing in the heads of innocents with his boots and a tire iron. He looked up and saw a boy who appeared to be armed, he would get him next.

"Wait! Kory, let him in!" Kiel pleaded as he saw Joe stand in front of the car. He was carrying a bag and seemed like he had some stuff in there that could help them out.

"He's not bad, I promise." He added. @Kordxna @Ellarya


For once Olivia didn't want to take a breather.She was out for blood. Her mind had gone into predatory mode which rarely happened. Angrily she waited for Sonny to preform maintenance on his weapon. She reached into the goodie bag and pulled out a large, sharp machete.

"I'm going for their heads." She said to Sonny in an oddly chilling tone.
Joe grabbed the handle to the back seat of the car and swung the door open, diving inside. he slammed the door shut behind himself and threw the bag down.

'Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you!' Joe gasped. He turned to look the the back window as a man pointed a gun straight at the car. 'Fuck! Get the fuck out of here!' Joe screamed as they propelled them forward onto the road, and kept driving.

'Fuck Kiel, I'm so fucking glad to see you' Joe said, trying to resume the stereotypical British gentleman's composure, and failing miserably. He leaned forward in the car and buried one hand in Kiel's hair and gently placed the other on Kiel's chest. He leant in and kissed Kiel quickly. 'I'm sorry, I never got to do that on the night of the ball and kinda owed you' he said, his faces inches away from Kiel's. @Kordxna
Solana nodded, holding onto Elyana tightly in her grasp as she helped her over to the others. Her eyes flickered up and she shrieked when she saw the masked figure coming at them on the motor cycle.

She whipped out the pistol and pulled the trigger, shooting whoever it was in the shoulder with no hesitation.
Butch finally made it to the group with the obviously shaken female. He knew Solana vaguely though, and wanted answers. He removed his mask, the bandages still wrapped around his head.

" Where. The. Fuck. Is. Carlos "
Elyana was shocked to see another masked man approaching them. She jumped at the sight of Butch. "Ohmygod. Please don't hurt me..." She whimpered, still shaken up by the events that had just taken place.

Seeing that he didn't have the intent of hurting them she quickly calmed down and looked to the rest of the group.

"I-I don't know." She answered solemnly.
Solana watched the one go down and yelped when she turned around to see another one. Her eyes widened as he removed his helmet.

"B-Butch?" She exclaimed in surprise. "No way! You... You're supposed to be dead!"

She bit her lip when he demanded to know where Carlos was and shook her head.

"I don't know." She repeated Elyana. "None of us do. We haven't seen him since last night..."

Solana made a mental note to call Carlos as soon as Butch left. Butch seemed to be out for blood- Carlos's blood.
'I'm sorry, I was just so worry that I couldn't help myself' Joe blushed. 'We can head to the airport and go to my uncle's chateu in the south of france?' Joe suggested. 'I mean I have a couple thousand on me right now, along with my debit card?' Joe said. 'Or we could just head up to New York? My mum has an apartment there which she uses for business trips. It's in manhatten, just a small top-floor three bedroom penthouse?' Joe looked from the driver to Kiel. 'It's 24 stories up though so if you guys are scared of hights it might not be a good idea, but it is the furthest and yet most accessible thing I have available, as my sister is in the house in L.A.' Joe smiled at the driver. 'Hi, I'm Joe by the way' @Kordxna
Butch spit off to the side; he figured they were lying to him. He slightly chuckled and answered her in an incredibly raspy voice.

" I got better... "

Butch twirled his baseball bat a little. This whole thing was bringing back memories of his first Hell Week. How innocent of bloodshed he was. He wanted this madness to end however, and knew Demi was an acting Captain of some of the raids; as well as an active speaker. He cleared his throat and attempted to talk again.

" The hell you guys going...? "
Syo managed to catch up with Solana, panting. ''Jesus, you run fa..Aa?'' Syo stopped mid sentence as she spotted Butch. ''..Butch? What?'' She tilted her head slightly, not exactly sure of what she was looking at. ''Shouldn't you, like.. not be on this plane of existence right now?'' Then it fully hit her. ''Fuuuucking hell, you're still alive?''
Butch gave Syo a small smile, it was pretty rare to see.

" Glad you're still alive too... "

He was very glad actually, usually people like her would be held up in a bunker somewhere; not walking the streets. Maybe Syo wouldn't lie to him.

" ... Where's Carlos. "


Sonny quickly jolted up and snatched the machete from her hands, throwing it on the ground. He needed to talk her out of this mode; it was fairly normal for people to get riled up during combat, but it was never a good thing to like it. Especially his beloved partner.

" What the hell is wrong with you? You like this shit? Wanna go put on a damn mask? We have done this before... C'mon girly, don't lose your head yet. "

He quickly embraced her, hoping she would snap out if it. He wanted his partner back.
''Carlos, Carlos..'' Syo mumbled, thinking hard. ''I saw him..yesterday? At the police station. And-'' She clicked her fingers, like she'd remembered something. ''He had a police badge! I didn't think he was the type who'd work with the police..''
Solana glanced back at Syo when she finally arrived.

"That's what I thought. I swear, he's a zombie or either someone who is just immortal." She mumbled before looking back at him when he asked Syo.

She listened silently to them, watching them both closely before looking around. She would at least make sure they were safe as the two talked.


"Father forgive me for my childish ways..."

Zori walked casually down the street, eyes flickering this way and that.

"I look outside and all the clouds are gray. I need your hands to take me, miles away."

Blood soaked the front of his shirt and he glanced down at it, grimacing in disgust. He needed to change his shirt. He certainly hadn't known what he would do would be that... Bloody.

He stepped over what he could only assume was a dead or unconscious man, continuing his walk. He wondered where the others were. They had certainly listened when he told them to go and he hoped they were okay.

He hoped Regan was okay...

"Your wish is my command, my command, my command..." He mumbled under his breath.
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