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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

((Um... Okay? Sorry Festi if Regan was calling Zori. She can always still call and he can put the other one on hold xD ))

Zori's eyebrows furrowed at the voice. Who was this girl? Someone named Alex? He raked his brain for any memory of the girl before making a noise of realization. "Oh Alex!" He said, jumping over a few things before crossing the street when he saw a group was about to set something on fire.

"What is it? I'm trying to find someone..." He said, eyes flickering this way and that. He hoped Kasha was alright. He didn't want to be killed like that police officer Carlos had shot the night before.
"Well what would you say if a few masked man were attacking the house?" alex asked her and Alexis had just come from the store yeah they had just bought weapons but there was to many of them "Please come over we're running out of time,"
"I would say there are most certainly enough of you there. You all should be able to handle yourself. Spread out the weapons so everyone but Solana has one. Don't trust her with one. I'm going to keep looking for Kasha and hopefully I'll be back soon." He said, dropping to the ground when there was an explosion behind him. He looked back, his eyes widening. "Holy shit..."
JujuBee said:
"I would say there are most certainly enough of you there. You all should be able to handle yourself. Spread out the weapons so everyone but Solana has one. Don't trust her with one. I'm going to keep looking for Kasha and hopefully I'll be back soon." He said, dropping to the ground when there was an explosion behind him. He looked back, his eyes widening. "Holy shit..."
"Okay I hope this works," Alex muttered under her breath and hung up the phone she managed to have enough weapons for everyone including herself just like Zori had told her she didn't give Solana when she saw one she stabbed him she saw Alexis handling most of them
Tyler gunned the car through the streets, running red lights more often than not.

"Pass me that case." Tyler said, gesturing to the plastic guncase in the passenger seat. "There should be another magazine in there. I need that."

He ejected the now empty magazine of his gun, which was still clenched in his right hand, onto the floor of the car.

"Do y'all have another hangout spot, other than the park? I cant exactly take you to my house."
Kordana glanced over at the boy who knocked over the cucumbers. She noticed he was absolutely blasting Lana and wondered how he hadn't gone deaf yet. She decided she would walk over and help him. "Here let me help with that. I heard Lana and looked over here and saw this. Which album is it?" she said. She had been a hardcore fan of Lana for a while.
Chad noticed her tracing small patterns into her arm and grabbed it softly, it was probably a coping mechanism. He quickly tossed the kid driving the car a magazine.

" I dunno man.. Just, anywhere but that fucking park. "

Explosions can be seen in front of them; a hospital? They were blowing up the hospital? Fucking bastards.
"Shit. Shit, shit, shit..."

Tyler yanks the wheel once again, forcing the car into a hard right turn, almost sideswiping a car and running over another pedestrian. He puts the magazine inside of the gun, once again putting one into the chamber.

"Don't you guys have friends, close family, associates, a safehouse? Anything like that? Someone's gotta be looking for you."
Kasha glanced up from her arm, about to say something, before she was cut off by the explosion. ''Was- Was that a fucking explosion?!'' She sat up in her seat, before registering what Tyler had said. Friends? Associates? Close family? Kasha didn't think she could help in any of those departments, but.. ''We could go to where-'' Kasha paused, thinking of how to word it. ''Where I'm staying right now. A motel. Uh..Provided it hasn't already been targeted. It's not an ideal place but it's the only one I know, unless you have a better idea..''
((Omg the motel... Butch, why???))

" Is it close?! "

Chad said watching the hospital tower collide down. He wanted no part of this whole charade. He then saw extremely odd looking masks as they drove up. They blocked the road, them holding AK47's. It would be foolish to try and shoot one, since they were automatic weapons; and their triggers could easily be pulled while getting shot anywhere.


Demi cleared her throat, saying 'Lalala' into the mic a couple if times for cute effect.

Hello my evil spawns of death... It's your slutty lovable anarchist Demi here. It seems we have some people that still aren't dead yet... Awe, wouldn't want them to miss out on the fun! BURN EVERYTHING DOWN.

Her voice went from sexy; to extremely psychotic bitch. It slowly went back to sexy again.

" Hah... No house will be left un burned; houses first. And for all my little wallflowers out there too scared to get your hands dirty, too scared to face your fucking fate. All those people out there that believe they deserve 'peace and quiet?' FUCK YOU; NOT EVERYONE GETS THAT.

Demi attempted to calm herself down; the drugs were getting out of control.

" This songs for you... You goodie two shoe bitches... "


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Kasha nodded. ''Yeah, pretty close..'' She then recited the directions, watching the chaos unfold around her, and couldn't help but mutter, ''God damn..''

She watched the masked people as they blocked the roads, groaning. ''Are you serious?''
" I want you to listen real quickly... I'm gonna step out of the car. When I say drive, you drive. "

Without giving him a chance to answer; Chad stepped out. He walked a little closer toward them, then quickly dashed towards them; grabbing the one dudes weapon. The other guy didn't want to shoot his buddy, so he didn't fire his weapon.

" Drive!! "
Regan turned to Alex and saw that she had just gotten off the phone. "Was that Zori? Is he okay? He's not hurt right?" she asked her, sounding worried. "What is he doing outside?" Regan took out her phone and decided to call him again.
"Fuck all of those privellaged kids. They're the first to get the worst of it." Amora chanted, the other masked goons cheered in agreement, some smashing bottles over each other's heads.

"Death to them all." She growled, extremely high from all of the drugs. She leaned over and kissed Demi long and aggressively.

"You're the fucking queen babe."
"Wait, you don't have to-... Goddammit!"

Tyler stepped on the pedal, quickly sending the car rocketing forward once again. He made the a hard left at the first intersection he came to, and didn't look back.
Zori honestly regretted going to look for Kasha. This obviously hadn't been a good idea. The people out here were getting even more riled up and the two girls he realized as Amora and Demi were screaming at them to continue their violence over the radio. He needed to get back home and now.

His phone vibrated and he looked at the screen this time before answering. "Hello? Reggie?"
''Wait, hold on-'' Kasha turned to look at him, but he'd already gotten out of the car. ''Are you insa-'' Again, she didn't get a chance to finish her sentence, as Tyler sent the car flying forwards. She scrambled about in her seat, trying to turn herself around so she could look out of the back window and see what had happened, but Tyler had already driven away by the time she got a chance. ''He's insane!''
"Zori, you're such an idiot, you know that?" she said into the phone, pacing back and forth. "What are you even doing out there? You know what I don't care. Are you okay?" She said all this in one breath quickly. She finally inhaled again and stayed quiet so that she gave Zori a chance to answer.
Zori yelped, dodging out of the way of some people who were running. He stumbled onto the street and shouted in surprise when he saw a car coming at him. He managed to get out of the way just in time. He stared at the speeding car, his eyes wide in surprise.

"You know... I'm going to agree with you on being an idiot." He said, turning around and sprinting back to the neighborhood the house was in.

"I was looking for Kasha. Carlos wanted me to keep her safe and I'd rather not get shot in the face. I'm on my way home though." He said. "I'm... Okay. Let's just say that."
(fuck, I missed so much! Ummmmm can anyone fill me in on what has happened after the police took away half the kids from my house?

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