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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles


So I saw that Chad and Kasha ran off with someone

but i have no idea where syo is meant to be so

give me a minute while I make my post lol))
((Probably, lol))

Kasha just nodded. She knew that no matter where they went, it was going to be unsafe, but going with the guy who had a gun seemed like a better idea than just standing around.
Tyrone was on the warpath, blowing shit up periodically. His gang following suit.

" What we gonna kill today Tyrone! Let's fuck shit up! "

They eagerly awaited his orders, some drinking booze and smoking Angel dust. Tyrone simply turned around and raised his arms.


Everybody clapped and started smashing their empty bottles. They were a gang of willy nilly kids that traveled from state to state initiating Hell Week wherever they were. Them and hundred's of others to be sure. One guy was even wearing underpants as a mask he was so fucked up.


Demi took out her bandana and wrapped it around her head; it would take her at least one more day till she was able to fight like she could before.

" We stay and rest for tomorrow. The warfight continues until then, let these boys have their fun for now. "

Her voice was back to it's seductive self. She would continue her broadcasts until tomorrow.
Regan yelled after Zori when he ran out of the house. What was he doing? she asked herself. He's going to get himself killed. Even though they weren't completely safe in the house, they were a lot safer inside than out. She sighed then looked at Elyana and Solana. "Why is he such an idiot?" she asked them, taking out her phone to call Zori. She stayed by the window and looked outside, hoping that he was alright.
(( I was kinda waiting for the other guy to lead, guess I can. ))

Chad took his shirt off and wrapped his arm, his tank top still on. He was a little shell shocked from the whole experience. How did he not die? Him and Kasha were completely outnumbered. There was no way in hell they had a chance. As they rode in the car toward their unknown destination, he looked over toward her and smiled; a coy attempt to probably calm her down.

" Guess we some bad Mofo's... Fuckers will think twice huh... "

He was entirely too jittery, he needed to calm down himself; but he didn't know how.
Kenny nodded at Demi and Amora before pulling out two sleek custom made pistols for his lady friends. "Engraved with each of your initials ladies," Kenny started as he looked appreciatively at the work on the pistols. Amora grabbed one with a small A engraved on the trigger. "Fucking wonderful." Amora said in appreciation as Kenny handed Demi hers.
Demi held the pistol; it's been ages since she had her own. And even longer since Butch taught her how to shoot. Even though she taught him how to fight; he was such a better shot than her. A small tear rolled down her face, her quickly wiping it and giving her contact a quick but sexily slap on the ass; something she never did for boys.

" You have earned my trust... Lt... Go fuck shit up. Me and my Bae are gonna stay here and coordinate our share of troops until the rest get in line. "

She stashed the pistol in the waist band of her brand new skin tight jeans.
Kasha dragged a hand through her hair, as it hit her just how screwed they were. She was stupid for thinking she was ever going to get a moment of peace. Chad seemed to be pretty on edge; she didn't blame him, this was fucking crazy. First the dance, now this..

''How's your arm?'' Kasha had her doubts that she could calm him down, especially seeing as she couldn't calm herself down, but maybe if she avoided talking about the situation at hand (and how screwed they were) she could at least make a start.
Sonny and Olivia were running down the street, shooting random gun totting masked men as they sprinted. Olivia was a stunner with that shotgun, and it kind of made Sonny proud in a weird way. Bullets flew past their heads, Sonny motioning for the two to duck behind a car. He quickly reloaded his rifle and started moving forward, shooting one round per second toward the direction of gunfire.

" Cover me while I move! I'll get you next! "

He wanted her to remain in her position to fire at the enemy; hopefully keeping their heads down while Sonny moved closer for a better shot.


Chad looked at his arm once more; it wasn't bleeding too badly, and probably wouldn't need stitches.

" It's fine... They didn't hurt you did they? Did you really make it out if there without a scratch?? "

He looked upon her in awe; they just got jumped by 10 people with knives, and they managed to leave only 2-3 alive. With the gunmans help of course.
Caught off guard by Demi's slap, Kenny just chuckled. He was glad that he had earned their trust and now it was time for him to find Tyrone and proceed to fuck shit up. He pulled out his phone and shot him a quick message.

Where r u - i'm ready 2 kill sum muthafuckas.

He slipped his phone back into his flannel pocket and strolled out of the station. "See you soon ladies." He said his good bye before he had walked out. He kept a weapon on his person, but left the sack of stuff for them to use.


"That Kenny boy is a good addition to our fucked up family." Amora smirked to Demi, as they started to plot things out. It was all like some sort of fucked up chess game, they were the queens and everyone else their pawns.


She jumped to Sonny's command, shooting at people who were trying to get them from behind. Her shot gun was still slung around her shoulder as she used dual pistols to shoot out the enemy. As if killing them wasn't enough, more and more of the fuckers started appearing. "You better be getting real close Sonny." Olivia shouted to his as she kicked someone in the chest before gunning them down.
She tugged at the sleeve of her jacket, wincing slightly as she rolled it up her arm. ''Not without a scratch. But I'm not badly injured, either.'' There were fresh cut marks on her arms from the fight, but nothing too serious. There seemed to be other, fainter marks too, but these were different from the others - unlike the other marks, they made patterns, faded but definitely there, deliberately neat, forming curved lines and what appeared to be elaborate flower patterns.
Kory took Kinny back inside and sat down. She got on her computer and began to scroll through Twitter and occasionally start an argument with someone. She took a few selfies and saved them for later. She seemed to be clueless as to what was going on around her. She went up to the kitchen and made some lunch for her and Kinny. When she finished she went up to her room and took a nap. ((could someone update me with what's going on? I thought this was a high school roleplay and I can adjust I'm just very confused))
(( @Melanie Teresa Sure, we can figure something out I'm sure lol))

Kory woke up from her nap a little bit later and decided that she was gonna do her mom a favor and buy the groceries that way her mom didn't have to go out of her way and buy them. She grabbed Kinny's leash and she walked over to her car. She secured Kinny in the passenger seat and put her seatbelt on. She started the car and began driving to the nearest grocery store.
Alex and Lexi rode on Lexi's motorcycle to the store even though they knew what was going on they went to go get some more weapons Lexi had suggested it
Kory quickly stopped at a Dairy Queen and got her and Kinny some ice cream. She didn't finish hers so she gave the rest to her dog since it was vanilla. She finally arrived at the grocery store and had Kinny jump into a shopping cart. Some people gave her a strange look but she didn't seem to care. She flipped her thick curly hair behind her and kept walking. She grabbed the basic groceries and decided to grab some extra dog food as well because Kinny eats so much.
((I'll have em be at the grocery store and knock over the cucumbers like an idiot next to Kory xD ))

He held his purse in the crook of his arm as he searched for fresh veggies. Kiel knew that Elyana was safe, and was unaware of the stuff going on outside of his head. His headphones were blasting some Lana Del Rey. He sang along as his bag accidentally knocked over some cucumbers. Kiel sheepishly dropped to the ground to pick them up hoping that no one had noticed.
Solana sent Elyana a small smile and nodded her head before glancing at Regan. "He's an idiot because he's Zori." She answered with a small shrug and sympathetic smile. "Don't fret okay?"


Zori forced himself to keep going and growled in annoyance when he realized that they weren't at the park. He huffed and began to make his way back home, pulling his phone out of his pocket when he felt it vibrating.

"Hello?" He asked, jumping out of the way of two fighting people and wincing when he watched someone else get hit with a trash can.

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