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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Elyana saw Zori and Solana begin to run and decided to get feeling back into her legs, she ran in the same direction as them. Running in heels was something she wanted to avoid. "Guys?! Where are we going?!" Elyana gasped to them, almost out of breath.
Regan heard Zori yell for them to run so she whipped her head around and cursed under her breath when she saw the group of people with masks on, charging after them. She ran after them as fast as she could, stumbling a bit as she tried to catch up. "Who the hell are they?!"
Sonny was already having a debate with the head chief. He quickly turned toward Olivia and grabbed her shoulders.

" Look... Remember Oakland? The first fucking week there? The riots? It's going to happen again... I saw the same fucking masks from before. Nobody's believing me, they won't hear it. It's like my fucking credibility means nothing in this fucking place. "

The chief wouldn't believe a word, 'Hell Week' sounded preposterous. Carlos was also there, looking actually pissed off.

" I've seen it too! Fucking monsters will burn down buildings and kill anyone! "


Chad had punched the girl back. He wasn't a bad fighter persay, but he damn well knew he was going to get beat down today. Three more guys hammered down on him, kicking him as he was down. He managed to get a few words out.

" Get the fuck out of here Kasha! "
"We're currently getting away from those damned people chasing after us!" Zori responded to Syo, glancing back at them.

"Hey, didn't you have a car?" Solana asked the boy they'd gotten donuts from. "Now's a good time to become the cool guy and let us use your car!"

"I would rather not find out who they are..." Zori mumbled.
She knew it was a terrible idea, but she wasn't going to run. Kasha had only a vague idea of how to defend herself, but..she didn't want to just leave someone there getting beaten up. If the events of yesterday hadn't happened? Maybe she would have. But she knew these people were dangerous, and she wasn't ready to let more people get injured. She ran at the group of masked people, pulling the knife out from her back pocket, and aiming to slash at whoever she came across first.

(i gtg)
"My cars at the shop, if we run there and hop in, sorry we'll have to squeeze in." Elyana suggested as they continued to run, she didn't look back. She looked to Alex, "YES where is your car?! We have to get out FAST!" She shouted frantically.


Hell Week. Fuck she knew she didn't properly read the text. "You know, on the way here I saw kids in masks by the park. FUCK!" Olivia screamed, becoming extremely frustrated and worried. "FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCKING SHIT!!" Olivia began screaming profanities at the chief. He usually gave in to her because he seemed to have a creepy-work harassment type thing for her. His face contorted and he sighed. "You two get on it. And you...." He pointed at Carlos. "Go with them. NOW." He commanded. "Hurry and get out before I change my mind!"
"Over there," Alex ran and unlocked the doors "Everybody in!" Alex yelled as everyone loaded in the car Alex started the engine "Okay so where am I going?" She asked
Carlos crossed his arms, chuckling at the chief.

" I don't work for you esse, I'm only an informant! I got other things to attend to, chao! "

Carlos sped off; he felt he needed to warn the correct people of the incoming danger. Sonny sighed and agreed.

" We'll cover more ground separate regardless, we gotta go... Now. "

Sonny sped out of the office and saw Carlos ride off on a motorcycle.
"I'll have to agree on that." Olivia said as she ran out after Sonny. "We need an action plan, Sonny." She said, her eyebrows furrowed together. Her stomach grumbled slightly, she still hadn't eaten lunch and now she had to go fight riots? Perfect day.
Zori ran towards Alex's car and opened the door, helping everyone get in.

"Come on, let's go. Keep moving!" He ordered before getting in himself.

"Just get us out of here!" Solana said, squished up against somebody though she wasn't worried about that. She just wanted to live. Being in an uncomfortable position was the last of her worries.

"Just drive!" Zori shouted when he saw that a few were really close.

((G'night Spooks!))
Elyana piled into the girl known as Alex's car. The masked kids were catching up to the car and Elyana prayed that this madness would all be over. She turned to the others in the car. "Do you think Demi and Amora have something to do with this?!" She asked, still in a state of shock. She thought those two had died, but maybe they were controlling minions from inside prison. She had seen a documentary about serial killers who did that.
JujuBee said:
Zori ran towards Alex's car and opened the door, helping everyone get in.
"Come on, let's go. Keep moving!" He ordered before getting in himself.

"Just get us out of here!" Solana said, squished up against somebody though she wasn't worried about that. She just wanted to live. Being in an uncomfortable position was the last of her worries.

"Just drive!" Zori shouted when he saw that a few were really close.

((G'night Spooks!))
((Still Awake))

Alex smiled "Hang on everyone," she stepped on the gas and sped away to the nearest place she could think of it was her house of course "We should be safe here," Alex said getting out of the car it would take a whole lot to try to get into her house after all her dad worked for the government so they had great protection Alex opened the door to her house she still had no idea what was going on so once they were all inside she set the alarm and demanded someone to tell her what was going on
Elyana shook her head in awe as they walked into this somewhat fortress of a house. Last time someone said they would be safe at their house, a man with a tattooed face died on their lawn. She grabbed a pill bottle from her purse and swallowed down three Xanax. "Okay, who wants to tell her the story, I still can't wrap my head around it all."
As he was getting beat down; he noticed the masked chick had a knife in her hand. He wasn't about to die today. Chad grabbed the foot of one of the men kicking him and twisted it, breaking it.

" Fuckkkk!$:&&: "

The other thugs backed up, ready to fight for real. Chad jolted up and attempted to grab the knife from the masked girl, thrusting it into her stomach. He quickly punched her in the face and pulled it out. He looked toward the other thugs and screamed out in annoyance.

" C'mon! You fucking animals!!! "

The thugs pulled out their own knives and quickly bolted toward him and Kasha; them laughing maniacally.

(( Guess him and Kasha will fight the good fight until Spooky gets back lmao ))
Alex looked at Elyana popping pills "You'll be fine trust me my dad works for the government nothing bad will happen," she assured her Alex knew that nothing bad was going to happen or at least she hoped nothing would
Regan quickly got inside the car and ended up squished against a window. "Wait they're alive?" Regan asked, her eyes widening in surprise. She was pretty sure they died but she didn't stay long enough to see what actually happened to them.

When she got to Alex's house, she got out of the car, finally able to breathe properly. She followed Alex inside. "Well, a group of masked people apparently want to kill us. I'm not even sure why but I don't think this has anything to do with Butch."
Solana followed after the group, sitting down in a chair as she tried to calm down. She tried to take deep breaths, closing her eyes as she muttered to herself. She'd be fine.

Zori sprawled out on the floor, listening to the other girls talk about what had happened.
"Okay thanks for letting me know somebody trying to kill you all I'm going to need back up," Reyna pulled out her phone and called her best friend a while later there was a knock at the door

"Okay thanks for letting me know somebody trying to kill you all I'm going to need back up," Reyna pulled out her phone and called her best friend a while later there was a knock at the door
As Sonny looked around; he knew shit was already going down. He saw smoke in the distance.

" Fuck... "

He looked at his phone; getting at least 100 Facebook messages. All about Hell Week in Washington.

" We... We fucking stay alive. You have anyone you need to save?! Because I fucking doubt this retarded police force is going to react fast enough. "
Her face turned pale, Alex's empty promises were anything but comforting to her after everything that had happened lately. "Alex, you don't understand. There are bad people in this town. They will kill whoever gets in their way, or severely injure them." Elyana said with a straight face. Not understanding how everyone else seemed so calm about this stuff going down. Even if they weren't cool about it, they sure did a good job of hiding it. Elyana took a seat on the floor next to the seat that Solana had sat in. She wasn't very close with her but reached out and rubbed her thigh in an attempt to soothe her because she was the only one who gave off tense energy.

"Hey girl, do you want a Xanax?" Elyana offered.

Olivia winced, "Those kids we picked up last night. They seemed like good kids with information. We need them alive." She quickly said. A look of panic spreading across her face. If the thugs knew that those kids knew anything, they would be done for. Olivia turned to Sonny, "If I don't make it." She planted a big kiss on her partner. She wanted to cross that off of her bucket list, that was for sure. "Now let's go find Hugo. He has the heavy stuff that we need for this." She demanded.
Alex sighed and went to go open the door there stood a girl with blown out hair and a leather jacket "Guys this Alexis or Lexi she's the baddest girl I know," even though she had just met the group Alex was doing the best she could to keep everyone safe she hoped that calling Alexis was a good choice she had no idea she was still caught up in he masked people are trying to kill us thing
Elyana jumped to her feet when she heard the door being opened. "We can trust her, right?" Elyana asked Alex before looking to the extremely attractive biker chick. She was hot and looked tough, but Elyana's real interest was in Syo.

"Sorry for sounding rude, I'm Elyana by the way." She muttered to Lexi apologetically.
"It's whatever and I can be trusted," Lexi said pulling out a knife "As long as you don't get on my bad side," she stuck the knife back in her boot "What's the problem Alex?" Alex hesitated "Well masked people are trying to kill us," Alex smiled sweetly at her friend as if telling her she'd gotten a new puppy
At this point, Elyana wasn't even surprised that this girl carried a knife, She seemed to fit the bill of the group that Demi and Amora had hung around. "Don't worry about that." Elyana said, slowly easing off and sitting back down next to Solana. Elyana had the feeling that some sort of war was going down. First it consisted of Regan having Butch's bike, to Butch ending up dead and now all of this shit. It somehow had to be linked and Elyana tried to piece it together in her mind which was slowly starting to ease from the Xanax. The look on her face was one of someone who was brain dead. She bit her lip and twirled a strand of her hair before speaking up to the group.

"These series of events have to all be connected somehow!" Elyana shrieked, she knew how to get the attention of a group. "Think about it, the second Butch came back,, this town became chaotic." She started, she knew some of these people were somewhat friends with Butch and didn't want to offend them, "These people are or were after him? Now they're after anyone associated!" As if she had a eureka moment. Elyana's eyes widened. Hopefully she hadn't freaked anyone out.

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