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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Tyler's brain began paying attention at the words "lot of doughnuts" and interest was piqued at the word "share". He glanced up, about to say something, when some random guy bumped into him, jostling him and almost making him drop the box.


"It's alright. I've been eating them like this for about...eleven years?" Tyler said, pocketing his phone and shrugging his shoulders. "In my opinion, if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

"This guy," Tyler thought to himself. "Seems to be a bit of a fuckwad."
Regan shoved the rest of her donut in her mouth and got up with everyone else to walk to the park. She laughed at Syo and Zori's chanting then shoved her hands in her pockets. "Yeah I agree with Solana. Quiet you two. And I call going on the swings after Zori" she added.
''I swear Zori, I will fight you for the swings,'' Syo pointed at him, grinning, ''And I will win!'' She added, before continuing her chanting. ''PA~RK! PA~RK!''

''That's..nice.'' Kasha said, somewhat awkwardly. She didn't often get approached by total strangers..From the distance, she could hear chanting, and as she turned to see the source of the yelling, she felt her stomach drop. Those guys again?

She wasn't sure if she wanted them to see her again. After all, what happened yesterday..

Hadn't she been technically responsible for that guys death? After all, she pushed him..He wouldn't have fell onto his knife if she hadn't.
Elyana giggled at Syo's enthusiasm as the group walked to the park. "I call dibs on the swings!" Elyana said with a wide grin, everyone else was already arguing over it. "Dibs overalls all, kiddos." she joked.


"Sounds so much better when you say it darlin'" Olivia purred as she followed Sonny out to his car. She heard a faint vibration and figured that it was either her phone or Sonny's. She got in the car and looked to Sonny. "Your phone?"
" Hell yeah! "

Chad fist bumped the dude and pointed towards the park.

" Donut fans unite... The park holds the secrets of everything. "

Chad said in a jokingly tone. He wasn't sure if this dude was cool or not, but him liking donuts almost as much as he did was enough for an invite.

" I'm honestly not even sure why the hell I'm going to the park myself; but cool shit usually happens around here if you hang with the right peeps, may as well just go with the flow... Ya know? "

Chad noticed everyone was way ahead of him, he decided to walk quickly out if the store and catch up.
''Hey, guys?'' Syo stopped suddenly, turning to face them with a solemn expression. There was silence.

''My swings now!'' She span around on the spot, charging towards the park and throwing herself over the fence, cackling maniacally. She threw herself onto one of the swings, not even noticing the two next to her.

Kasha simply answered with, ''I've.. had a few encounters with them.''
Carlos almost threw up at the sight; dead co-workers. He noticed he was missing an envelope, so he figured he would just walk into the apartment. Bad decision, seeing as he walked into a graveyard full of dead prostitutes. He gave Sonny a quick text and picture before dipping out, he was curious as to who would think it be a good idea to 'fuck with Carlos'. He looked outside to find a group of at least 10 people wearing masks. They didn't look too happy.

" Don't even tell me it's this time of year again... "


Sonny reluctantly reached into the pocket of his jeans for his phone. Seeing that the text was from Carlos didn't make shit any better. He opened it and couldn't stop himself from saying the next few words.

" What the fuck?! "

He continued to read; stuff not making any sort of sense. What was Carlos even doing there? He looked toward Olivia with sad eyes.

" I... Gotta be somewhere right now. It's not too far from here if you want to drive my car back to my place to store the shit. I'll just walk... "
"Wait, but that's not fair" Regan whined to Elyana. Regan watched in surprise as Syo ran to the swings. "Damn it" she muttered under her breath. Then she saw Kasha and the guy from the donut shop. "Guys look, Kasha's over there" she said to the group.
Elyana didn't bother to run, running in heels was an awful hassle. "You win this time." She said, exasperated as she walked around to the gate and walked into the park through the actual entrance.


Olvia's eyes widened at Sonny's reaction to his text. "Do you need back up or is this something you need to deal with on your own?" She asked thoughtfully, putting her hand on his shoulder trying to ease him.
Zori had been arguing with them all before looking at Syo in confusion. He gasped when she ran. "NO!" He shouted, running after her and expertly jumping over the fence. He hopped onto the last swing, laughing in triumph. "HA HA HA!"

Solana shook her head. "Idiots. Pure idiocy." She looked over at Regan and glanced at the girl with the guy beside her. "That's Kasha?"
Syo tripped and smacked into the floor, pulling herself up as quickly as possible, but Zori had already taken the swing. ''N..'' She grabbed her face dramatically, staring up at the sky. ''..NOOOOOoOooOOOOOooo! ..Oh, hey, Kasha.'' Kasha stared at the two in disbelief, speechless. ''..Hi.''
Regan laughed as Zori ran after Syo before looking at Solana. "Yep" she said, popping the 'p'. "That's her, the girl with green hair. And I don't know who that guy is with her." Regan walked around the fence and slowly walked towards the swings. "Whenever you get off I'm getting on" she told Zori.
Sonny thought about it; but then figured he wouldn't ruin her day off. After all, he knew he could just call her for backup later if needed.

" Nah... Wouldn't want the meat to go bad. I'll give ya a call if anything happens. "

Sonny opened his glovebox and took out two more magazines, stashing them in his pockets. He then promptly got out of the car and started walking toward the location. It was fairly close to the park, so it wouldn't be too hard to find.


Chad finally caught up with the group that was now fighting over swing sets. He figured they were all stoned or something. He was almost tempted to ask for some of whatever they were taking until he saw masked men in the distance. He had a problem with people wearing masks, so he quickly averted his eyes. Screw that shit. As he walked into the park he saw a girl with green hair; she was definitely his type, but he wasn't just going to go up and start flirting for no reason. Only weirdo's did that.
Zori stuck his tongue out at Syo before glancing at the two beside him. "Oh hey there! What's up?" He asked, sending them a grin before looking at Regan. "You can get on now if you want! Syo can't though. She's the only one."
''You will pay for this. In blood.'' Syo grumbled from the floor, dusting herself off slightly. Kasha shook her head slightly, laughing a little. ''I'm not doing my best.'' She said in response to Zori, shrugging slightly. ''You probably could figure that out, though.''
Regan waved at the other two then glanced back at Syo. She laughed then pushed Zori off the swing before getting on herself. She started to move her legs back and forth happily, smiling innocently at Zori.
Zori’s eyes widened at Syo. “Don’t be all evil like that!” He whined, pouting at her before looking at Kasha with a smile. His smile faltered a bit before it turned into a frown. “Yeah… Yeah I know what you’re talking about… He will be missed.”

He yelped when he was pushed up, hitting the ground with a surprised face. “Geez Reggie!”

Solana smiled at her friends before turning around to go walk to the playground. She climbed up onto it, plopping down and looking around with a grin.
Elyana giggled, highly amused at the scene that was going on. She just climbed the small metal pole and slid down the bigger of the two slides. She sat there for a bit before quickly getting up and fixing her skirt. "Do you ever think kids like, pee on these slides?!" She asked with a laugh, with somewhat concern.


Olivia nodded to Sonny, knowing that he would call her if needed. He grabbed something from the glove compartment before getting out and making his way towards his business. She climbed into the drivers seat, being used to driving this car when her and Sonny had gone drinking and he was too sloshed to drive. She chuckled to herself at the thought as she drove back to his house and unlocked the door with her spare key, bringing the ingredients inside.
"The secrets of everything? "Cool" shit? Doubt it. Ah, fuck it. It'll be interesting to see if this park lives up to what this guy says, anyway."

Tyler exits the shop and hops into his car, tossing his box of doughnuts in the passenger seat. He starts it and quickly speeds out of the parking lot, in the general direction of the "mythical" park.
''Euuugh..'' Syo considered it. ''..They probably do. I'm never gonna go on a slide again.''

Kasha nodded, and found herself staring back down at her arms again, tracing patterns on them the same way she had the day before. ''I don't even know who did it..'' She sighed, ''..Apparently that knife guy wasn't the..you know.. killer.''
"You said I could get on!" Regan said to Zori as she was enjoying herself on the swing. "Sorry." She couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. Regan heard Elyana's question and made a face of disgust. "Okay, well now I don't want go on slides anymore."
" Okay, seriously. What the hell are you guys on? Y'all are having wayyyy to much fun here. "

Chad said jokingly as he reached for another donut from his box. He noticed that Kasha was pretty sad, so he walked towards her and motioned her to grab a donut; something he would never do, ever.


After a few minutes of walking, Sonny made his way toward Carlos; who was hiding behind a couple of dumpsters next to the apartments.

" The hell you hiding like that? Get your shit together kid. "

Carlos jolted toward Sonny, grabbing him and bringing him behind the dumpsters. He then pointed toward the group wearing the masks. Sonny reached into his coat pocket and lit up a cigaret.

" Guess I picked the wrong day to quit smoking... "
Zori frowned. “That’s disgusting. Solana, get down from that pee filled playground!”

Solana made a noise, climbing down instead of going down the slide.

Zori looked over at Kasha and his eyes widened in surprise. “Whoa seriously? That guy didn’t kill him? Then who killed Butch?” He asked as Solana walked back over to the group.

“We don’t know who killed Butch?” She asked in surprise as Zori nodded. His eyes fixed onto the car that had pulled into the parking lot of the park and nodded his head. “I’m liking that ride…”

Solana looked over at Chad. “What are we on?”

“Dude we get high off of life man… Off of the happiness.” Zori interjected.
((I'm new here))

Alexandria ((shown in my profile picture)) walked to the park by herself she was new to Washington high school she only knew was Solana when she saw her friend she smiled "Hey Solana over here," she called

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